] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
977 lines
34 KiB
977 lines
34 KiB
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#ifndef FLT_MAX
#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347E+38
#endif /* FLT_MAX */
#define MAX_MAPS 30 /* maximum maps can be displayed for
map menu */
* Private functions
#ifdef Linux
void _quitNwxOK_cb ( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer ) __attribute__((noreturn));
void _quitNwxOK_cb ( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer );
int _fnd_closestn ( float*, float* );
void mapw_dataCb ( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer );
void mapw_exitCb ( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer );
void mapw_mapCb ( Widget, long, XtPointer );
int mapw_rgstr_pfc ( Widget mapwin ); /* NOT used?! */
void mapw_zoomCb ( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer );
Widget mapCanvW;
mapbnd_t mapBnd;
* mapw.c *
* *
* This module creates the map selection window and defines its *
* callbacks. *
* *
* mapw_create() creates the map selection window. *
* mapw_rgstr() register the map selection window to GEMPAK *
* mapw_pickstnCb()callback for the selection in drawing area. *
* mapw_exposeCb() callback for the map drawing area expose event. *
* mapw_resizeCb() callback for the map drawing area resize event. *
* mapw_dataCb() callback for the data button on menubar. *
* mapw_mapCb() callback for the map menu on menubar. *
* mapw_zoomCb() callback for the zoom button on menubar. *
* mapw_exitCb() callback for the exit button on menubar. *
* _quitNwxOK_cb() internal callback used in mapw_exitCb(). *
Widget mapw_create ( Widget parent )
* mapw_create *
* *
* This function creates the map window. *
* *
* mapw_create ( parent ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* parent Widget The top level widget *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *
* Return parameters: *
* Widget The map window widget *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* C. Lin/EAI 8/95 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 02/04 Removed Motif 1.1 check *
* T. Piper/SAIC 02/04 Changed location of nwx help file *
Widget shell, form, menubar, button;
Pixel background;
int i, nmap;
Arg args[10];
Cardinal argcnt;
char *def_dir;
static char helpfile[128];
static _NXMmenuItem mapmenu[MAX_MAPS];
* Create the map selection window.
shell = XtCreatePopupShell( "mapobs",
parent, NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues(shell, XmNtitle, "nwx", NULL);
/* NxmMcloseReset(shell, mapw_exitCb, NULL); */
* create a form widget as the container widget
form = XtVaCreateWidget("mapform",
xmFormWidgetClass, shell,
XtVaGetValues(form, XmNbackground, &background, NULL);
* create the menubar
argcnt = 0;
XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
XtSetArg(args[argcnt],XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); argcnt++;
menubar = XmCreateMenuBar(form, "topmenubar", args, argcnt);
XtVaSetValues(menubar, XmNbackground, background, NULL);
* create Data pulldown menu
button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Data", NULL, 0);
XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_dataCb, NULL);
* Create Map pulldown menu
* Set the items for the menu bar for the map areas.
nmap = nwxTable->nmap;
for ( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) {
mapmenu[i].label = (char *)
strcpy ( mapmenu[i].label, nwxTable->map_info[i].name );
mapmenu[i].class = &xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass;
mapmenu[i].mnemonic = 0;
mapmenu[i].accelerator = NULL;
mapmenu[i].accel_text = NULL;
mapmenu[i].callback = (XtCallbackProc)mapw_mapCb;
mapmenu[i].which_widget = (long)i;
mapmenu[i].subitems = NULL;
mapmenu[i].sub_buttons = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].label = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].class = &xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass;
mapmenu[nmap].mnemonic = 0;
mapmenu[nmap].accelerator = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].accel_text = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].callback = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].which_widget = (long)nmap;
mapmenu[nmap].subitems = NULL;
mapmenu[nmap].sub_buttons = NULL;
NxmMenuPulldownBuild(menubar, NULL, "Map", 0, mapmenu);
* Create Zoom pulldown menu
button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Zoom", NULL, 0);
XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_zoomCb, NULL);
* Create Exit button
button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Exit", NULL, 0);
XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, mapw_exitCb, NULL);
* Create Help button
button = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Help", NULL, 0);
def_dir = getenv("GEMHLP");
sprintf(helpfile, "%s/hlp/nwx.hlp", def_dir);
XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)NxmHelp_helpBtnCb,
* put the help cascade button at the right most side of
* the menu bar
if ( (button = XtNameToWidget(menubar, "Help")) )
XtVaSetValues(menubar, XmNmenuHelpWidget, button, NULL);
* Create the map drawing area
mapCanvW = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "mapcanv",
xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, form,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, menubar,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNresizable, TRUE,
* Add the expose and resize callbacks.
XtAddCallback( mapCanvW, XmNexposeCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)mapw_exposeCb, NULL );
XtAddCallback( mapCanvW, XmNresizeCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)mapw_resizeCb, NULL );
* Add the station/state selection event.
XtAddEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask, FALSE,
(XtEventHandler)mapw_pickstnCb, NULL );
XtManageChild( form );
XtRealizeWidget( shell );
* create the product selection popup
return( shell );
int nsharp_mapw_rgstr ( Widget mapwin, char *xwinname )
* mapw_rgstr *
* *
* This routine will initiliaze the GEMPAK display variables and *
* register the map drawing area into a GEMPAK window. *
* *
* mapw_rgstr ( mapwin ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* mapwin Widget The map drawing area widget *
* xwinname *char name of window *
* *
* Return code: *
* 0 -- Successful. *
* -1 -- Error. *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 7/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 3/95 use new color bank structure *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
* S. Chiswell/Unidata 11/02 renamed from mapw_rgstr *
* T. Piper/SAIC 07/03 replaced gemdisplay with XtDisplay() *
XColor cred;
Dimension wdth, hght;
Window gwin;
GC gemgc;
Cursor curs;
int xwdth, xhght, xdpth;
int ier, iret;
* Get the map window geometry.
XmNwidth, &wdth,
XmNheight, &hght,
xwdth = (int)wdth;
xhght = (int)hght;
xdpth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(mapwin));
* Set the window and graphics context.
gwin = XtWindow(mapwin);
gemgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(mapwin), gwin, 0, 0);
* Create a red arrow for the cursor.
curs = XCreateFontCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), XC_top_left_arrow);
XDefineCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), gwin, curs);
| = 65535;
| = 0;
| = 0;
cred.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen;
XRecolorCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), curs, &cred, &cred);
* Set the fill rule.
XSetFillRule(XtDisplay(mapwin), gemgc, WindingRule);
* Register the map window
xmotifw( gwin, xwinname, gemgc, xwdth, xhght, xdpth, &iret);
gg_motf( xwinname, &ier, strlen(xwinname) );
return( iret );
void nsharp_draw_map ( char *map_winname, mapstruct *mod_map, int *ier)
* nsharp_draw_map *
* *
* nsharp_draw_map( map_winname, mod_map, ier ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* T. Piper/SAIC 07/03 removed map_init *
draw_map(mod_map->mapindx, nwxTable->map_info, mod_map->zoomflg,
&mod_map->mapb, ier);
void mapw_pickstnCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
Boolean *continue_to_dispatch )
* mapw_pickstnCb *
* *
* This function will select a station/stations based on the position *
* of left mouse button. *
* *
* mapw_pickstnCb ( w, clnt, event ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* event XEvent The registered event *
** *
* C. Lin/EAI 6/95 modify from rband_start *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
int ifound, iret;
int jcolr, imrk;
float xloc, yloc;
* Check if it is ploting the values
if ( plotData.mode != STNSELECT )
* Check if it is a left mouse button.
if ( event->xbutton.button == 1 ) {
* set the search flag indicating it is new data
srchInfo.sflag = 0;
* If there were selected stations, clear the selected
* station markers.
if ( plotData.plt_mark.nstn ) {
jcolr = RES_COL;
imrk = SEL_MRK;
draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn,
jcolr, imrk, &iret);
* redraw all station markers
jcolr = ALL_COL;
imrk = ALL_MRK;
draw_stnmark(stnList.nstn,, stnList.lon,
jcolr, imrk, &iret);
* Get the x and y values for the button press.
xloc = (float) event->xbutton.x;
yloc = (float) event->xbutton.y;
* Find the closest station to the press location.
ifound = _fnd_closestn( &xloc, &yloc );
if ( ifound == -1 ) return;
* Set the selected lat-lon for a single station.
|[0] =[ifound];
plotData.plt_mark.lon[0] = stnList.lon[ifound];
plotData.plt_mark.nstn = 1;
* Plot the selected station markers.
jcolr = SEL_COL;
imrk = SEL_MRK;
draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn,,
plotData.plt_mark.lon, jcolr, imrk, &iret );
} /* end of checking xbutton=1 */
int _fnd_closestn ( float *xin, float *yin )
* int _fnd_closestn *
* *
* This routine finds the closest station marker on the map window *
* *
* int _fnd_closestn ( xin, yin ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *
** *
* L. Williams/EAI 10/95 *
char sys1[2];
char sys2[2];
int found=-1, nstn;
int i, ier=0;
float dist1, dist2;
float *rx, *ry;
double x, y;
strcpy (sys1, "M");
strcpy (sys2, "D");
if ( srchInfo.smethod == STANDARD ) {
nstn = stnList.nstn;
rx = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * (size_t)nstn);
ry = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * (size_t)nstn);
* Transform from map coordinates to plot coordinates.
gtrans( sys1, sys2, &nstn,, stnList.lon,
rx, ry, &ier, strlen(sys1), strlen(sys2) );
else if ( srchInfo.smethod == WATCHWARN ) {
nstn = stnList.nrptstn;
if ( nstn == 0 ) {
return ( -1 ) ;
else {
rx = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * (size_t)nstn);
ry = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * (size_t)nstn);
* Transform from map coordinates to plot coordinates.
gtrans( sys1, sys2, &nstn, stnList.rptstnlat, stnList.rptstnlon,
rx, ry, &ier, strlen(sys1), strlen(sys2) );
* Find the closest data point.
dist1 = FLT_MAX;
for (i=0; i < nstn; i++) {
x = (double)(rx[i] - *xin);
y = (double)(ry[i] - *yin);
dist2 = (float)(pow( x, 2.0 ) + pow( y, 2.0 ));
if ( dist2 < dist1 ) {
dist1 = dist2;
found = i;
return (found);
void mapw_exposeCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt,
XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *call)
* mapw_exposeCb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for expose window. *
* *
* mapw_exposeCb ( w, clnt, call ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer Not used *
* *call XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct call_data *
** *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 12/04 Added check on count *
int raise, iret;
XEvent *event;
event = call->event;
* Flush the graphics buffer.
if ( event->xexpose.count == 0 ) {
raise = G_TRUE;
xxflsh ( &raise, &iret );
void mapw_resizeCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer cbs )
* mapw_resizeCb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for resize window. *
* *
* mapw_resizeCb ( w, clnt, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* cbs XtPointer callback structure *
** *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 add check for valflg *
* C. Lin/EAI 10/95 *
int iret;
* Clear the screen.
gclear( &iret );
void mapw_zoomCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer cbs )
* mapw_zoomCb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for the zoom button in the top menubar. *
* *
* mapw_zoomCb ( w, clnt, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* cbs XtPointer callback structure *
** *
* C. Lin/EAI 6/95 based on the obsolete function rband_end(). *
* C. Lin/EAI 10/95 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 05/03 replaced XAllocNamedColor w/xsncolr *
static int org_flg = 0;
static Pixel org_zoombc, zoombc;
static int zflag = G_FALSE; /* flag for the zoom toggle button */
int i, ityp, np, iret;
float xpts[2], ypts[2], xdev[2], ydev[2];
char sysin[2], sysout[2];
* Toggle the Zoom Button
if (zflag == G_TRUE) { /* zoom off */
zflag = G_FALSE;
* Restore the button color
XtVaSetValues(w, XmNforeground, org_zoombc, NULL);
* Restore the cursor
/*NuiDefaultCursor( mapCanvW );*/
NxmCursor_setCursor(mapCanvW, CURS_DEFAULT);
* Restore mouse to be selection status
XSelectInput( XtDisplay(mapCanvW), XtWindow(mapCanvW),
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
ExposureMask );
XtAddEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask, FALSE,
(XtEventHandler)mapw_pickstnCb, NULL );
else { /* zoom on */
zflag = G_TRUE;
* Change mouse event handling for zooming
XtRemoveEventHandler( mapCanvW, ButtonPressMask, FALSE,
(XtEventHandler)mapw_pickstnCb, NULL);
usrSelect.zoomflg = ZOOM;
* get the original zoom button color and
* the color in zoom status when needed.
if ( !org_flg ) {
XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &org_zoombc, NULL);
xsncolr("red", &zoombc, &iret);
org_flg = 1;
* change to the zoom cursor
/*NxmCursorChange( mapCanvW, XC_crosshair, "white");*/
NxmCursor_setCursor(mapCanvW, XC_crosshair);
* change zoom button color
XtVaSetValues( w, XmNforeground, zoombc, NULL);
XmUpdateDisplay( w );
* get two corner points
ityp = 3;
np = 2;
strcpy ( sysin, "D" );
for ( i = 0; i < np; i++)
xpts[i] = ypts[i] = 0.0F;
ggtpnt( sysin, &ityp, xdev, ydev, &iret, strlen(sysin));
* check if the box is big enough
if ( fabs((double)(xdev[0] - xdev[1])) > 20.0 &&
fabs((double)(ydev[0] - ydev[1])) > 20.0 ) {
strcpy ( sysout, "M" );
gtrans(sysin, sysout, &np, xdev, ydev, xpts, ypts,
&iret, strlen(sysin), strlen(sysout));
if ( iret == 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < np; i++) {
mapBnd.x[i] = xpts[i];
mapBnd.y[i] = ypts[i];
* Reset the zoom button
mapw_zoomCb( w, NULL, NULL);
void mapw_exitCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer cbs )
* mapw_exitCb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for the exit button. *
* *
* mapw_exitCb ( w, clnt, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* cbs XtPointer callback structure *
** *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 10/95 restructure *
* Set the exit message and display the exit dialog box.
strcpy( message, "OK to Exit from NWX?" );
NxmExitDialog( w, "Exit Confirmation", message,
void _quitNwxOK_cb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer cbs )
* _quitNwxOK_cb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for OK button in ExitDialog. *
* *
* _quitNwxOK_cb ( w, clnt, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* cbs XtPointer callback structure *
** *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 *
* Quit the program.
void mapw_mapCb ( Widget w, long which, XtPointer cbs )
* mapw_mapCb *
* *
* This routine is the callback for the map area menu. *
* *
* mapw_mapCb ( w, which, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* which long The item number for the menu *
* cbs XtPointer callback structure for widget *
** *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 8/94 *
* L. Williams/EAI 12/94 add check for valflg *
* C. Lin/EAI 10/95 *
* Set the global variable for the map menu selection.
usrSelect.mapindx = (int)which;
* Draw the map window.
usrSelect.zoomflg = NO_ZOOM;
void mapw_dataCb ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer call )
* mapw_dataCb *
* *
* This function will pop up the data selection shell widget *
* *
* void mapw_dataCb(w, clnt, call) *
* *
* Input Parameters: *
* w Widget *
* clnt Widget *
* call Widget *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* L. Williams 06/95 *
/* XtManageChild(dataSelectW);*/
void mapw_pickstnCb_pfc ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
Boolean *continue_to_dispatch )
* mapw_pickstnCb_pfc *
* *
* This function will select a station/stations based on the position *
* of left mouse button. *
* *
* mapw_pickstnCb_pfc ( w, clnt, event ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* w Widget The input widget *
* clnt XtPointer The input data for the widget *
* event XEvent The registered event *
** *
* C. Lin/EAI 6/95 modify from rband_start *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
int ifound, iret;
int jcolr, imrk;
float xloc, yloc;
* Check if it is ploting the values
if ( plotData.mode != STNSELECT )
* Check if it is a left mouse button.
if ( event->xbutton.button == 1 ) {
* set the search flag indicating it is new data
srchInfo.sflag = 0;
* If there were selected stations, clear the selected
* station markers.
if ( plotData.plt_mark.nstn ) {
jcolr = RES_COL;
imrk = SEL_MRK;
draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn,
jcolr, imrk, &iret);
* redraw all station markers
jcolr = ALL_COL;
imrk = ALL_MRK;
draw_stnmark(stnList.nstn,, stnList.lon,
jcolr, imrk, &iret);
* Get the x and y values for the button press.
xloc = (float) event->xbutton.x;
yloc = (float) event->xbutton.y;
* Find the closest station to the press location.
ifound = _fnd_closestn( &xloc, &yloc );
if ( ifound == -1 ) return;
* Set the selected lat-lon for a single station.
|[0] =[ifound];
plotData.plt_mark.lon[0] = stnList.lon[ifound];
plotData.plt_mark.nstn = 1;
* Plot the selected station markers.
jcolr = SEL_COL;
imrk = SEL_MRK;
draw_stnmark( plotData.plt_mark.nstn,,
plotData.plt_mark.lon, jcolr, imrk, &iret );
} /* end of checking xbutton=1 */
int mapw_rgstr_pfc ( Widget mapwin )
* mapw_rgstr_pfc *
* *
* This routine will initiliaze the GEMPAK display variables and *
* register the map drawing area into a GEMPAK window. *
* *
* mapw_rgstr_pfc ( mapwin ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* mapwin Widget The map drawing area widget *
* *
* Return code: *
* 0 -- Successful. *
* -1 -- Error. *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 7/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 3/95 use new color bank structure *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
* S. Chiswell/Unidata 11/02 Added mapindex parameter to call sequence *
* T. Piper/SAIC 07/03 replaced gemdisplay with XtDisplay() *
XColor cred;
Dimension wdth, hght;
Window gwin;
GC gemgc;
Cursor curs;
int xwdth, xhght, xdpth;
int ier, iret;
char wname[8] = "maptop2";
* Get the map window geometry.
XmNwidth, &wdth,
XmNheight, &hght,
xwdth = (int)wdth;
xhght = (int)hght;
xdpth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(mapwin));
* Set the window and graphics context.
gwin = XtWindow(mapwin);
gemgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(mapwin), gwin, 0, 0);
* Create a red arrow for the cursor.
curs = XCreateFontCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), XC_top_left_arrow);
XDefineCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), gwin, curs);
| = 65535;
| = 0;
| = 0;
cred.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen;
XRecolorCursor(XtDisplay(mapwin), curs, &cred, &cred);
* Set the fill rule.
XSetFillRule(XtDisplay(mapwin), gemgc, WindingRule);
* Register the map window
xmotifw(gwin, wname, gemgc, xwdth, xhght, xdpth, &iret);
gg_motf( wname, &ier, strlen(wname) );
return( iret );