] [formerly9f19e3f712
] [formerly133dc97f67
] [formerly9f19e3f712
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] [formerly377dcd10b9
]] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
582 lines
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Executable file
582 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
Constants (:mod:`scipy.constants`)
.. module:: scipy.constants
Physical and mathematical constants and units.
Mathematical constants
============ =================================================================
``pi`` Pi
``golden`` Golden ratio
============ =================================================================
Physical constants
============= =================================================================
``c`` speed of light in vacuum
``mu_0`` the magnetic constant :math:`\mu_0`
``epsilon_0`` the electric constant (vacuum permittivity), :math:`\epsilon_0`
``h`` the Planck constant :math:`h`
``hbar`` :math:`\hbar = h/(2\pi)`
``G`` Newtonian constant of gravitation
``g`` standard acceleration of gravity
``e`` elementary charge
``R`` molar gas constant
``alpha`` fine-structure constant
``N_A`` Avogadro constant
``k`` Boltzmann constant
``sigma`` Stefan-Boltzmann constant :math:`\sigma`
``Wien`` Wien displacement law constant
``Rydberg`` Rydberg constant
``m_e`` electron mass
``m_p`` proton mass
``m_n`` neutron mass
============= =================================================================
Constants database
In addition to the above variables containing physical constants,
:mod:`scipy.constants` also contains a database of additional physical
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
.. data:: physical_constants
Dictionary of physical constants, of the format
``physical_constants[name] = (value, unit, uncertainty)``.
Available constants:
====================================================================== ====
``alpha particle mass``
``alpha particle mass energy equivalent``
``alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``alpha particle mass in u``
``alpha particle molar mass``
``alpha particle-electron mass ratio``
``alpha particle-proton mass ratio``
``Angstrom star``
``atomic mass constant``
``atomic mass constant energy equivalent``
``atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV``
``atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship``
``atomic mass unit-hartree relationship``
``atomic mass unit-hertz relationship``
``atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship``
``atomic mass unit-joule relationship``
``atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship``
``atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship``
``atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizablity``
``atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizablity``
``atomic unit of action``
``atomic unit of charge``
``atomic unit of charge density``
``atomic unit of current``
``atomic unit of electric dipole moment``
``atomic unit of electric field``
``atomic unit of electric field gradient``
``atomic unit of electric polarizablity``
``atomic unit of electric potential``
``atomic unit of electric quadrupole moment``
``atomic unit of energy``
``atomic unit of force``
``atomic unit of length``
``atomic unit of magnetic dipole moment``
``atomic unit of magnetic flux density``
``atomic unit of magnetizability``
``atomic unit of mass``
``atomic unit of momentum``
``atomic unit of permittivity``
``atomic unit of time``
``atomic unit of velocity``
``Avogadro constant``
``Bohr magneton``
``Bohr magneton in eV/T``
``Bohr magneton in Hz/T``
``Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla``
``Bohr magneton in K/T``
``Bohr radius``
``Boltzmann constant``
``Boltzmann constant in eV/K``
``Boltzmann constant in Hz/K``
``Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin``
``characteristic impedance of vacuum``
``classical electron radius``
``Compton wavelength``
``Compton wavelength over 2 pi``
``conductance quantum``
``conventional value of Josephson constant``
``conventional value of von Klitzing constant``
``Cu x unit``
``deuteron magnetic moment``
``deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``deuteron mass``
``deuteron mass energy equivalent``
``deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``deuteron mass in u``
``deuteron molar mass``
``deuteron rms charge radius``
``deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio``
``deuteron-electron mass ratio``
``deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio``
``deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio``
``deuteron-proton mass ratio``
``electric constant``
``electron charge to mass quotient``
``electron g factor``
``electron gyromagnetic ratio``
``electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi``
``electron magnetic moment``
``electron magnetic moment anomaly``
``electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``electron mass``
``electron mass energy equivalent``
``electron mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``electron mass in u``
``electron molar mass``
``electron to alpha particle mass ratio``
``electron to shielded helion magnetic moment ratio``
``electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio``
``electron volt``
``electron volt-atomic mass unit relationship``
``electron volt-hartree relationship``
``electron volt-hertz relationship``
``electron volt-inverse meter relationship``
``electron volt-joule relationship``
``electron volt-kelvin relationship``
``electron volt-kilogram relationship``
``electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio``
``electron-deuteron mass ratio``
``electron-muon magnetic moment ratio``
``electron-muon mass ratio``
``electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio``
``electron-neutron mass ratio``
``electron-proton magnetic moment ratio``
``electron-proton mass ratio``
``electron-tau mass ratio``
``elementary charge``
``elementary charge over h``
``Faraday constant``
``Faraday constant for conventional electric current``
``Fermi coupling constant``
``fine-structure constant``
``first radiation constant``
``first radiation constant for spectral radiance``
``Hartree energy``
``Hartree energy in eV``
``hartree-atomic mass unit relationship``
``hartree-electron volt relationship``
``hartree-hertz relationship``
``hartree-inverse meter relationship``
``hartree-joule relationship``
``hartree-kelvin relationship``
``hartree-kilogram relationship``
``helion mass``
``helion mass energy equivalent``
``helion mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``helion mass in u``
``helion molar mass``
``helion-electron mass ratio``
``helion-proton mass ratio``
``hertz-atomic mass unit relationship``
``hertz-electron volt relationship``
``hertz-hartree relationship``
``hertz-inverse meter relationship``
``hertz-joule relationship``
``hertz-kelvin relationship``
``hertz-kilogram relationship``
``inverse fine-structure constant``
``inverse meter-atomic mass unit relationship``
``inverse meter-electron volt relationship``
``inverse meter-hartree relationship``
``inverse meter-hertz relationship``
``inverse meter-joule relationship``
``inverse meter-kelvin relationship``
``inverse meter-kilogram relationship``
``inverse of conductance quantum``
``Josephson constant``
``joule-atomic mass unit relationship``
``joule-electron volt relationship``
``joule-hartree relationship``
``joule-hertz relationship``
``joule-inverse meter relationship``
``joule-kelvin relationship``
``joule-kilogram relationship``
``kelvin-atomic mass unit relationship``
``kelvin-electron volt relationship``
``kelvin-hartree relationship``
``kelvin-hertz relationship``
``kelvin-inverse meter relationship``
``kelvin-joule relationship``
``kelvin-kilogram relationship``
``kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship``
``kilogram-electron volt relationship``
``kilogram-hartree relationship``
``kilogram-hertz relationship``
``kilogram-inverse meter relationship``
``kilogram-joule relationship``
``kilogram-kelvin relationship``
``lattice parameter of silicon``
``Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa)``
``magnetic constant``
``magnetic flux quantum``
``Mo x unit``
``molar gas constant``
``molar mass constant``
``molar mass of carbon-12``
``molar Planck constant``
``molar Planck constant times c``
``molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 100 kPa)``
``molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa)``
``molar volume of silicon``
``muon Compton wavelength``
``muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi``
``muon g factor``
``muon magnetic moment``
``muon magnetic moment anomaly``
``muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``muon mass``
``muon mass energy equivalent``
``muon mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``muon mass in u``
``muon molar mass``
``muon-electron mass ratio``
``muon-neutron mass ratio``
``muon-proton magnetic moment ratio``
``muon-proton mass ratio``
``muon-tau mass ratio``
``natural unit of action``
``natural unit of action in eV s``
``natural unit of energy``
``natural unit of energy in MeV``
``natural unit of length``
``natural unit of mass``
``natural unit of momentum``
``natural unit of momentum in MeV/c``
``natural unit of time``
``natural unit of velocity``
``neutron Compton wavelength``
``neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi``
``neutron g factor``
``neutron gyromagnetic ratio``
``neutron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi``
``neutron magnetic moment``
``neutron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``neutron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``neutron mass``
``neutron mass energy equivalent``
``neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``neutron mass in u``
``neutron molar mass``
``neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio``
``neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio``
``neutron-electron mass ratio``
``neutron-muon mass ratio``
``neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio``
``neutron-proton mass ratio``
``neutron-tau mass ratio``
``Newtonian constant of gravitation``
``Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c``
``nuclear magneton``
``nuclear magneton in eV/T``
``nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla``
``nuclear magneton in K/T``
``nuclear magneton in MHz/T``
``Planck constant``
``Planck constant in eV s``
``Planck constant over 2 pi``
``Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s``
``Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm``
``Planck length``
``Planck mass``
``Planck temperature``
``Planck time``
``proton charge to mass quotient``
``proton Compton wavelength``
``proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi``
``proton g factor``
``proton gyromagnetic ratio``
``proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi``
``proton magnetic moment``
``proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``proton magnetic shielding correction``
``proton mass``
``proton mass energy equivalent``
``proton mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``proton mass in u``
``proton molar mass``
``proton rms charge radius``
``proton-electron mass ratio``
``proton-muon mass ratio``
``proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio``
``proton-neutron mass ratio``
``proton-tau mass ratio``
``quantum of circulation``
``quantum of circulation times 2``
``Rydberg constant``
``Rydberg constant times c in Hz``
``Rydberg constant times hc in eV``
``Rydberg constant times hc in J``
``Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 100 kPa)``
``Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 101.325 kPa)``
``second radiation constant``
``shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio``
``shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi``
``shielded helion magnetic moment``
``shielded helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``shielded helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio``
``shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio``
``shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio``
``shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi``
``shielded proton magnetic moment``
``shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio``
``shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio``
``speed of light in vacuum``
``standard acceleration of gravity``
``standard atmosphere``
``Stefan-Boltzmann constant``
``tau Compton wavelength``
``tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi``
``tau mass``
``tau mass energy equivalent``
``tau mass energy equivalent in MeV``
``tau mass in u``
``tau molar mass``
``tau-electron mass ratio``
``tau-muon mass ratio``
``tau-neutron mass ratio``
``tau-proton mass ratio``
``Thomson cross section``
``unified atomic mass unit``
``von Klitzing constant``
``weak mixing angle``
``Wien displacement law constant``
``{220} lattice spacing of silicon``
====================================================================== ====
Unit prefixes
============ =================================================================
``yotta`` :math:`10^{24}`
``zetta`` :math:`10^{21}`
``exa`` :math:`10^{18}`
``peta`` :math:`10^{15}`
``tera`` :math:`10^{12}`
``giga`` :math:`10^{9}`
``mega`` :math:`10^{6}`
``kilo`` :math:`10^{3}`
``hecto`` :math:`10^{2}`
``deka`` :math:`10^{1}`
``deci`` :math:`10^{-1}`
``centi`` :math:`10^{-2}`
``milli`` :math:`10^{-3}`
``micro`` :math:`10^{-6}`
``nano`` :math:`10^{-9}`
``pico`` :math:`10^{-12}`
``femto`` :math:`10^{-15}`
``atto`` :math:`10^{-18}`
``zepto`` :math:`10^{-21}`
============ =================================================================
============ =================================================================
``kibi`` :math:`2^{10}`
``mebi`` :math:`2^{20}`
``gibi`` :math:`2^{30}`
``tebi`` :math:`2^{40}`
``pebi`` :math:`2^{50}`
``exbi`` :math:`2^{60}`
``zebi`` :math:`2^{70}`
``yobi`` :math:`2^{80}`
============ =================================================================
================= ============================================================
``gram`` :math:`10^{-3}` kg
``metric_ton`` :math:`10^{3}` kg
``grain`` one grain in kg
``lb`` one pound (avoirdupous) in kg
``oz`` one ounce in kg
``stone`` one stone in kg
``grain`` one grain in kg
``long_ton`` one long ton in kg
``short_ton`` one short ton in kg
``troy_ounce`` one Troy ounce in kg
``troy_pound`` one Troy pound in kg
``carat`` one carat in kg
``m_u`` atomic mass constant (in kg)
================= ============================================================
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``degree`` degree in radians
``arcmin`` arc minute in radians
``arcsec`` arc second in radians
================= ============================================================
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``minute`` one minute in seconds
``hour`` one hour in seconds
``day`` one day in seconds
``week`` one week in seconds
``year`` one year (365 days) in seconds
``Julian_year`` one Julian year (365.25 days) in seconds
================= ============================================================
================= ============================================================
``inch`` one inch in meters
``foot`` one foot in meters
``yard`` one yard in meters
``mile`` one mile in meters
``mil`` one mil in meters
``pt`` one point in meters
``survey_foot`` one survey foot in meters
``survey_mile`` one survey mile in meters
``nautical_mile`` one nautical mile in meters
``fermi`` one Fermi in meters
``angstrom`` one Ångström in meters
``micron`` one micron in meters
``au`` one astronomical unit in meters
``light_year`` one light year in meters
``parsec`` one parsec in meters
================= ============================================================
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``atm`` standard atmosphere in pascals
``bar`` one bar in pascals
``torr`` one torr (mmHg) in pascals
``psi`` one psi in pascals
================= ============================================================
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``hectare`` one hectare in square meters
``acre`` one acre in square meters
================= ============================================================
=================== ========================================================
``liter`` one liter in cubic meters
``gallon`` one gallon (US) in cubic meters
``gallon_imp`` one gallon (UK) in cubic meters
``fluid_ounce`` one fluid ounce (US) in cubic meters
``fluid_ounce_imp`` one fluid ounce (UK) in cubic meters
``bbl`` one barrel in cubic meters
=================== ========================================================
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``kmh`` kilometers per hour in meters per second
``mph`` miles per hour in meters per second
``mach`` one Mach (approx., at 15 °C, 1 atm) in meters per second
``knot`` one knot in meters per second
================= ==========================================================
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``zero_Celsius`` zero of Celsius scale in Kelvin
``degree_Fahrenheit`` one Fahrenheit (only differences) in Kelvins
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.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
==================== =======================================================
``eV`` one electron volt in Joules
``calorie`` one calorie (thermochemical) in Joules
``calorie_IT`` one calorie (International Steam Table calorie, 1956) in Joules
``erg`` one erg in Joules
``Btu`` one British thermal unit (International Steam Table) in Joules
``Btu_th`` one British thermal unit (thermochemical) in Joules
``ton_TNT`` one ton of TNT in Joules
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``hp`` one horsepower in watts
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``dyn`` one dyne in newtons
``lbf`` one pound force in newtons
``kgf`` one kilogram force in newtons
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.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/