Richard Peter 86c28e6e16 Merge branch 'omaha_13.5.3' (13.5.2-7) into development

Change-Id: Ie8cbc10d06805616c05a5d5b52cd725a56f9cf50

Former-commit-id: 75b0f19d87 [formerly bb9488bb92] [formerly 75b0f19d87 [formerly bb9488bb92] [formerly f4e71b65d3 [formerly 724a8c87ab8aa880dab45a0a743c3b9d6ace4e2e]]]
Former-commit-id: f4e71b65d3
Former-commit-id: 3514194d3b [formerly 39ae6d437d]
Former-commit-id: ddf07f8030
2013-10-01 15:06:34 -05:00

207 lines
17 KiB

<!-- Severe Thunderstorm Warning configuration -->
EVAN BOOKBINDER WFO EAX 3-23-2011 Initial re-write
4-13-2011 Merge in OB11.4 Coding Changes
9-17-2011 Merge in OB11.8.0-8 NEW XML SYNTAX CHANGES
Mike Dangelo WFO CTP 9-22-2011 to add in remarks and lines which will allow Zone-based products (Alaska TIM)
Phil Kurimski WFO DTX 2-28-2012 to fix parse string issues
Qinglu Lin 04-04-2012 DR 14691. Added <feAreaField> tag.
Evan Bookbinder 09-11-2012 Added settings for locations shapefile
Create new areaSource objects
Mike Dangelo 2-4-2013 Added commented bullet for METS DETECTED
Phil Kurimski 09-16-2013 Fixed some spelling errors
Phil Kurimski 09-19-2013 added geospatialConfig.xml
ANY pointSource/areaSource/pathcastConfig OVERRIDES TO THAT FILE CAN BE
<include file="geospatialConfig_COUNTY.xml"/>
<!-- Include Various geospatial XML files to create their objects. These are *NOT*
turned on unless the corresponding .vm file is turned on in a given template's .vm file
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure mileMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<include file="pointMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure pointMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<map>County Names</map>
<map>County Warning Areas</map>
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected -->
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- Included watches: If a tornado watch or severe thunderstorm watch is to be
included with the warning product include torWatches and/or svrWatches,
respectively. Please refer to 'includedWatchAreaBuffer' in <areaConfig/>. -->
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<!-- bullets: User specified text generation options
- bulletName: an id that is passed to the template when a bullet
is selected. This should be unique
- bulletText: the text presented to the user in the selection list
- bulletType: "title" makes the bullet unselectable
"basin" correlates the item to a Geometry in the customlocations table
- bulletGroup: Only one bullet can be selected per bulletGroup
- parseString: this string must MATCH a unique phrase in the associated bulletText.
This will be used to highlight the appropriate bullet on a follow up-->
<bulletActionGroup action="NEW" phen="SV" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- <bullet bulletName="meteorologists" bulletText="NWS Meteorologists detected" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="METEOROLOGISTS DETECTED"/> -->
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law Enforcement Reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyMgmt" bulletText="Emergency Management Reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******* THREAT (CHOOSE UP TO 1 EACH WIND/HAIL) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="60mphWind" bulletText="60 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="60 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="70mphWind" bulletText="70 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="70 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="80mphWind" bulletText="80 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="80 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="90mphWind" bulletText="90 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="90 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="100mphWind" bulletText="100 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="100 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="pennyHail" bulletText="Penny size hail (3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="PENNY SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="nickelHail" bulletText="Nickel size hail (7/8&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="NICKEL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="quarterHail" bulletText="Quarter size hail (1&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="QUARTER SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="halfdollarHail" bulletText="Half dollar size hail (1 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="HALF DOLLAR SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="pingpongHail" bulletText="Ping pong ball size hail (1 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="PING PONG BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="golfballHail" bulletText="Golf ball size hail (1 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="GOLF BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="twoinchHail" bulletText="Two Inch hail (2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="TWO INCHES IN DIAMETER"/>
<bullet bulletName="tennisBallHail" bulletText="Tennis ball hail (2 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="TENNIS BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseballHail" bulletText="Baseball size hail (2 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="BASEBALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="threeinchHail" bulletText="Three inch hail (3&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="THREE INCHES IN DIAMETER"/>
<bullet bulletName="grapefruitHail" bulletText="Grapefruit size hail (4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="GRAPEFRUIT SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="softballHail" bulletText="Softball size hail (4 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="SOFTBALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************ LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletDefault="true" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast"/>
<bullet bulletName="specialEvent" bulletText="Special heads-up for large event/venue" parseString="THOSE ATTENDING"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** CALLS TO ACTION (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) *********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torWatchCTA" bulletText="TOR SAFETY INFO Mandatory if SVR issued in TOR Watch" parseString="TORNADO WATCH IN EFFECT"/>
<bullet bulletName="genericCTA" bulletText="Generic threat - standard CTA" bulletDefault="true" parseString="SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS PRODUCE"/>
<bullet bulletName="canProduceTornadoesCTA" bulletText="Svr t-storms can produce tornadoes (no TOR watch in effect)" parseString="SOME WEAK ROTATION"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeHailCTA" bulletText="Large Hail and Deadly Lightning" parseString="PREPARE IMMEDIATELY FOR LARGE HAIL AND DEADLY"/>
<bullet bulletName="veryLargeHailCTA" bulletText="Large DESTRUCTIVE Hail" parseString="LARGE DESTRUCTIVE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeHailWindCTA" bulletText="Large Hail and Damaging Wind" parseString="LARGE HAIL AND DAMAGING WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyHailCTA" bulletText="History of Producing Large Hail" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING LARGE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyWindCTA" bulletText="History of Producing Wind Damage" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyWindHailCTA" bulletText="History of Dmgg Winds and Large Hail" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING DESTRUCTIVE WINDS AND LARGE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcementCTA" bulletText="Report Svr Wx to Law Enforcement Agency" parseString="CONTACT YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** SPECIAL CASE CALLS TO ACTION **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="squallLineCTA" bulletText="Thunderstorm lines can produce tornadoes (no TOR watch)" parseString="TORNADOES AND WIDESPREAD SIGNIFICANT WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="superCellsCTA" bulletText="Supercells can product all types of svr...includes tornado" parseString="SUPERCELL THUNDERSTORM"/>
<bullet bulletName="gustFrontOutflowCTA" bulletText="Preceding svr gust front/ rain/thunder expected" parseString="WILL OCCUR WELL AHEAD"/>
<bullet bulletName="extremeWindsCTA" bulletText="Extreme damaging winds expected" parseString="TORNADO LIKE WIND SPEEDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="lightningCTA" bulletText="Lightning in addition to hail/winds" parseString="CONTINUOUS CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING IS OCCURRING"/>
<bullet bulletName="boatersCTA" bulletText="Over Lake - Boaters seek shelter" parseString="GET OUT OF THE WATER AND MOVE INDOORS"/>
<bullet bulletName="torrentialRainfallCTA" bulletText="Torrential rainfall" parseString="TORRENTIAL RAINFALL IS ALSO OCCURRING"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="SV" sig="W">
<bullet bulletText="*********** BASIS FOR WARNING (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- <bullet bulletName="meteorologists" bulletText="NWS Meteorologists detected" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="METEOROLOGISTS DETECTED"/> -->
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="warnBasis" bulletDefault="true" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Law Enforcement Reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyMgmt" bulletText="Emergency Management Reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="warnBasis" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******* THREAT (CHOOSE UP TO 1 EACH WIND/HAIL) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="60mphWind" bulletText="60 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="60 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="70mphWind" bulletText="70 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="70 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="80mphWind" bulletText="80 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="80 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="90mphWind" bulletText="90 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="90 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="100mphWind" bulletText="100 mph wind" bulletGroup="windThreat" parseString="100 MPH"/>
<bullet bulletName="pennyHail" bulletText="Penny size hail (3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="PENNY SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="nickelHail" bulletText="Nickel size hail (7/8&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="NICKEL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="quarterHail" bulletText="Quarter size hail (1&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="QUARTER SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="halfdollarHail" bulletText="Half dollar size hail (1 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="HALF DOLLAR SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="pingpongHail" bulletText="Ping pong ball size hail (1 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="PING PONG BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="golfballHail" bulletText="Golf ball size hail (1 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="GOLF BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="twoinchHail" bulletText="Two Inch hail (2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="TWO INCHES IN DIAMETER"/>
<bullet bulletName="tennisBallHail" bulletText="Tennis ball hail (2 1/2&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="TENNIS BALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="baseballHail" bulletText="Baseball size hail (2 3/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="BASEBALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="threeinchHail" bulletText="Three inch hail (3&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="THREE INCHES IN DIAMETER"/>
<bullet bulletName="grapefruitHail" bulletText="Grapefruit size hail (4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="GRAPEFRUIT SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="softballHail" bulletText="Softball size hail (4 1/4&quot;)" bulletGroup="hailThreat" parseString="SOFTBALL SIZE"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="************ LOCATIONS IMPACTED **************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="pathcast" bulletText="Select for pathcast" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL BE NEAR..."/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="&quot;LOCATIONS&quot;,&quot;INCLUDE...&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletName="specialEvent" bulletText="Special heads-up for large event/venue" parseString="THOSE ATTENDING"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** CALLS TO ACTION (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) *********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="torWatchCTA" bulletText="TOR SAFETY INFO Mandatory if SVR issued in TOR Watch" parseString="TORNADO WATCH IN EFFECT"/>
<bullet bulletName="genericCTA" bulletText="Generic threat - standard CTA" bulletDefault="true" parseString="SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS PRODUCE"/>
<bullet bulletName="canProduceTornadoesCTA" bulletText="Svr t-storms can produce tornadoes (no TOR watch in effect)" parseString="SOME WEAK ROTATION"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeHailCTA" bulletText="Large Hail and Deadly Lightning" parseString="PREPARE IMMEDIATELY FOR LARGE HAIL AND DEADLY"/>
<bullet bulletName="veryLargeHailCTA" bulletText="Large DESTRUCTIVE Hail" parseString="LARGE DESTRUCTIVE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="largeHailWindCTA" bulletText="Large Hail and Damaging Wind" parseString="LARGE HAIL AND DAMAGING WINDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyHailCTA" bulletText="History of Large Hail" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING LARGE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyWindCTA" bulletText="History of Wind Damage" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="historyWindHailCTA" bulletText="History of Dmgg Winds and Large Hail" parseString="HISTORY OF PRODUCING DESTRUCTIVE WINDS AND LARGE HAIL"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcementCTA" bulletText="Report Svr Wx to Law Enforcement Agency" parseString="CONTACT YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletText="" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="******** SPECIAL CASE CALLS TO ACTION **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="squallLineCTA" bulletText="Thunderstorm lines can produce tornadoes (no TOR watch)" parseString="TORNADOES AND WIDESPREAD SIGNIFICANT WIND DAMAGE"/>
<bullet bulletName="superCellsCTA" bulletText="Supercells can product all types of svr...includes tornado" parseString="SUPERCELL THUNDERSTORM"/>
<bullet bulletName="gustFrontOutflowCTA" bulletText="Preceding svr gust front/ rain/thunder expected" parseString="WILL OCCUR WELL AHEAD"/>
<bullet bulletName="extremeWindsCTA" bulletText="Extreme damaging winds expected" parseString="TORNADO LIKE WIND SPEEDS"/>
<bullet bulletName="lightningCTA" bulletText="Lightning in addition to hail/winds" parseString="CONTINUOUS CLOUD TO GROUND LIGHTNING IS OCCURRING"/>
<bullet bulletName="boatersCTA" bulletText="Over Lake - Boaters seek shelter" parseString="GET OUT OF THE WATER AND MOVE INDOORS"/>
<bullet bulletName="torrentialRainfallCTA" bulletText="Torrential rainfall" parseString="TORRENTIAL RAINFALL IS ALSO OCCURRING"/>