root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

198 lines
11 KiB

To serve as include file for warning, error, and
fatal messages for the RiverPro program
A message is treated as warning if the first character is "w";
as error if not "w" or "f", and as fatal if "f".
#ifndef RPF_ERR_DEFS_H
#define RPF_ERR_DEFS_H
/* misc warnings --------------------------------------------------*/
#define PREV_ISSNUM_NOTFOUND "wCould not find previous issuance of product at"
#define SPECIAL_CATVALS "wRecord value treated as missing since < cat value for"
#define INVALID_CATVALS "wNon-increasing order of categories for"
#define NO_PREVPRODS "wNo log of previous products found in database"
#define MISSING_IMPACT "wNo impact statements for"
#define MISSING_HISTCREST "wNo historical crests for"
#define MISSING_CATNAME "wMissing data for category name for"
#define MISSING_TIMVAL "wMissing time data for "
#define MISSING_INTVAL "wMissing integer data for"
#define MISSING_FLTVAL "wMissing float data for"
#define MISSING_TABULAR_FP "wTabular template missing FP_ID keyword for"
#define MISSING_STAGEFLOW_DATA "wNo river data for"
#define MISSING_REFCREST "wNo crest reference valuee for"
#define MISSING_REFIMP "wNo impact reference value for"
#define MISSING_CARRYOVER "wNo prev prod info for"
#define MULT_TS_FOUND "wMultiple type-source codes found for"
#define NO_ASSIGNED_TOWER "wNo NWR tower is associated with"
#define OTHER_WFO_TOWER "wOther WFO programs NWR tower asociated with"
#define SKIP_TAB_LINE "wSkipping line because data missing"
#define RATING_MISSING "wRating table value unavailable"
#define ZDATUM_MISSING "wZero datum value unavailable"
/* misc errors --------------------------------------------------*/
#define PRODUCT_SAVEFAIL "Failed to save product to database"
#define FPPREVPROD_SAVEFAIL "Failed to save forecast point product info to database for "
#define VTECEVENT_SAVEFAIL "Failed to save VTEC event info to database for "
#define FILE_OPENWARN "Could not open file"
#define FILE_CLOSEWARN "Could not close file"
#define WRITERR_PRODUCT "Error writing to output product"
#define QUEST_FP_IN_PROD "Non-flood obs/max fcst category in FLS/FLW for "
#define INCOMPLETE_OFFICE_FILES "Missing template and/or pcc files for"
#define EXCEED_LINELIMIT "Exceeded length for tabular section line"
#define EXCEED_LINE_NOBLANK "Exceeded line length limit and no blanks present"
#define INVALID_CATINDEX "Invalid category index value"
#define INVALID_CATNAME "Invalid category name; assumed NONFLOOD"
#define NO_CTA_TEMPLATES "No Call-to-action templates specified"
#define NO_ZONENUM "No zone numbers defined for "
#define NO_COUNTYNUM "No county numbers defined for "
#define NO_TOWERS_HSA "No towers associated for forecast points"
#define EXCEED_UGCSTATES "Exceeded number of states supported for UGC list"
#define INVALID_ZONENUM "Invalid zone number for forecast point "
#define INVALID_COUNTYNUM "Invalid county number for forecast point "
#define BADPRODINDEX "Invalid product index value"
#define BADPRODID "Invalid product category"
#define BADPRODCNX "Invalid product id (must be 9 chars), using default id"
#define BADPRODREASON "Invalid reason for issuing product, assumed RVS"
#define BADNWRFLAG "Invalid NWR switch, assumed not-for-NWR"
#define BADNWRALERT "Invalid NWR alert string, assuming no alert/tone"
#define BADSEGMODE "Segment mode invalid, assuming NONE"
#define BADSEGMODEINDEX "Segment mode index invalid, assuming 0 (NONE)"
#define BADSECTIONNAME_INDEX "Section name index invalid"
#define BADSUBSECTIONNAME_INDEX "Subsection name index invalid"
#define BADVTECFLAG "Invalid VTEC switch, assuming not-for-VTEC"
#define BAD_OTE_MODE "Invalid VTEC product mode"
#define BAD_PHENOM_CODE "Invalid two-character VTEC phenomena code"
#define BAD_SIGNIF_CODE "Invalid one-character VTEC significane code"
#define MISSING_REFVTEC "No match found for referenced VTEC event"
#define MISSING_VTEC_ETN "VTEC Event Tracking Number undefined for "
#define BADTIMEZONEFLAG "Invalid Time Zone switch, will use default TZ"
#define BAD_UGC_MODE "Invalid UGC mode "
#define BAD_EXPTIME "Invalid product expiration look-foward time in hours"
#define TOWERCODE_NOT_FOUND "No towers defined for specified product code "
#define DUP_NWR_PRODCODES "Duplicate products codes for multiple towers"
#define NO_TABULAR_IN_NWR "Tabular section not permitted for NWR products."
#define INVALID_MISSINGLABEL "Invalid label specified for missing data, assumed MSG"
#define INVALID_TIMEPHRASE "Invalid time phrase specified"
#define INVALID_MKTIME "Time conversion failed (mktime); assumed time of 01/01/1970 00:00"
#define INVALID_TIME "Time conversion failed; assumed time of 01/01/1970 00:00"
#define INVALID_TESTDATE "Failure during read of date line in test data"
#define MISSING_CATVAL "Missing categorical value for"
#define MISSING_FS "Missing flood stage for"
#define MISSING_FQ "Missing flood flow for"
#define MISSING_BF "Missing bankfull stage for"
#define MISSING_WSTG "Missing warning stage for"
#define MISSING_WFLOW "Missing action flow for"
#define MISSING_CHGTHRESHOLD "Missing the change of threshold for"
#define MISSING_BACKHRS "Missing the look back hours for"
#define MISSING_FORWARDHRS "Missing the look forward hours for"
#define MISSING_ADJUSTENDHRS "Missing the adjusted end hours in PVTEC for"
#define UNDEFINED_LID "Undefined location identifier"
#define INVALID_MSGCONDITION "Invalid relational operator used with MISSING in condition"
#define INVALID_PE_VAR "Invalid item in PE variable;"
#define NO_RECORD_CONTENT "Missing content for"
/* read errors ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#define INVALID_IMPACTDATE "Invalid format for impact date"
#define INVALID_DATE "Invalid format for date"
#define INVALID_DATETIME "Invalid format for date or time"
#define BAD_GRP_ID "Invalid group id specified"
#define BAD_FP_ID "Invalid forecast point id specified"
/* read pcc file errors --------------------------------------------------*/
#define BADKEYWORD_VALUE "Invalid keyword value in pcc file"
#define SUMMARY_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded summary section since could not find template"
#define BASIS_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded basis section since could not find template"
#define HEADLINE_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded headline section since could not find template"
#define TABULAR_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded tabular section since could not find template"
#define ROUNDUP_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded roundup subsection since could not find template"
#define IMPACT_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded impact subsection since could not find template"
#define COMP_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded comparison subsection since could not find template"
#define CTA_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "Excluded call-to-action since could not find template"
#define EXCEED_MAXCTAS "Exceeded number of call-to-action permitted"
#define NO_PRODUCTTYPE "No PRODUCT_TYPE specified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_PRODUCTID "No PRODUCT_ID specified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_NWRFLAG "No NWR_FLAG specified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_VTECFLAG "No VTEC_FLAG specified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_VTECOTEFLAG "NO VTEC PRODUCT MODE-O,T or E spcified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_TIMEZONEFLAG "No TIMEZONE_FLAG specified - add to pcc file"
#define NO_UGCMODE "NO PRODUCT UGC MODE-COUNTY or ZONE specified - add to pcc file"
#define INVALID_PROLOGUE_TEMP "Prologue template names must include the phrase PROLOGUE; "
#define INVALID_SUMMARY_TEMP "Summary template names must not include the phrase PROLOGUE; "
#define INVALID_NWR_HEADERINFO "Invalid NWR header info specified"
/* read pcc info errors ----------------------------------------------------*/
#define BADPRIMARY_KEYWORD "Invalid pcc primary keyword: "
#define BADPRIMARYKEYWORD_VALUE "Invalid value for pcc primary keyword:"
#define ENDSECTION_KEYWORD_MISSING "No ENDSECTION keyword in pcc file"
#define BADKEYWORD "Invalid pcc keyword:"
#define BADREFSTAGE "Invalid reference type specified"
#define BADCRESTSEARCH "Invalid crest search type specified"
#define BADTEXTCASE "Invalid product text case specified"
#define INVALID_FPORDER "Invalid forecast point order specified"
#define EXCEED_TEMPLATENAME "Exceeded length of template name"
#define BADSECTIONNAME "Invalid product section name in pcc file"
#define BADSUBSECTIONNAME "Invalid product subsection name in pcc file"
#define BADQCFILTER "Invalid qc filter specified in pcc file"
#define BADFORECASTTS "Invalid forecast ts filter specified in pcc file"
/* read trend phrase file errors -------------------------------------------*/
#define INVALID_TRENDPHRASE "Invalid trend phrase:"
#define EXCEED_MAXNUM_OF_PHRASES "Exceeded the maximum number of phrases allowed in file:"
#define EXCEED_MAXNUM_OF_TRENDPHRASES "Exceeded the allowable number of trend phrases in file:"
/* critical errors from which it'll try to continue... */
#define EXCEED_UGCLIST "Exceeded length for UGC list - contact HRL"
#define FREE_NULL_MEMORY "Attempted to free null memory"
/*********************** FATAL ERRORS ****************************/
#define DB_OPENFAIL "fFailed to access database"
#define NO_GRPS "fNo forecast groups defined"
#define NO_FPS "fNo forecast points defined"
#define NO_PS_INCNTY "fNo forecast points defined"
#define MISMATCH_FPS "fMismatch with forecast points. Restart program"
#define NO_RPFPARAMS "fNo RiverPro parameters defined"
#define NO_ADMIN "fNo ADMIN table info defined"
#define FILE_OPENERR "fError opening file"
#define FAILED_MALLOC "fMemory allocation request failed"
#define HEADER_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND "fCould not find header template"
#define PCCFILELIST_ERR "fCould not access pcc definition files from "
#define PARAMFILEACCESS_ERR "fCould not access pcc and template files from "
#define NO_PCCINFO "fNo product definition sets available"
#define INVALID_SUFFIX "fInvalid file suffix on command-line"
#define INVALID_OFFICE "fInvalid office id on command-line"
#define MISSING_OFFICE_FILES "fMissing required template and/or pcc files for"
#define WKST_MODE_ERR "fNo work station mode defined-TEST, PRACTICE or OPERATIONAL"