Matt Nash 82300ccdcf Moving 12.1.1 into ss_sync
Former-commit-id: 580e2938d7 [formerly 66be3bec40] [formerly c83e5ff474 [formerly 2a9569942c48542cf708b6c0b9189146fd954c11]]
Former-commit-id: c83e5ff474
Former-commit-id: 1faae42484
2012-01-19 11:53:12 -06:00

188 lines
7 KiB

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSDate - time series date class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes: (1) Although a date class could be made generic, for now
// associate it with the TS++ library.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// History:
// May 96 Steven A. Malers, RTi Start developing the class based on the
// HMData HMTimeData structure.
// 24 Jan 97 Matthew J. Rutherford, Added TSDATE_STRICT, and TSDATE_FAST
// RTi. to help with speed issues brought
// about by the reset function.
// 11 Mar 97 MJR, RTi Put in cast to char* for use in print
// statements. Couldn't figure out how
// the syntax for defining the operator
// so I had to inline it.
// 21 May 1997 MJR, RTi Put in operator= (char*) to handle
// string to date conversions.
// 16 Jun 1997 MJR, RTi Added string as private member to
// be used on (char*) cast.
// 23 Sep 1997 SAM, RTi Move some stand-alone functions into
// the class. Also move the defines into
// the class as static data members.
// Add a constructor that converts the
// time zone. Add a void contructor and
// don't use the C++ default argument
// feature.
// 20 Feb 1998 MJR, RTi Added a ! operator so that we can
// test a date versus a null date.
// 10 Mar 2004 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added a getWeekday function.
// 14 Feb 2006 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added a toNoYearJulianDouble function.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef TSDate_INCLUDED
#define TSDate_INCLUDED
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ResJ.h"
class TSDate
// Static data members...
static const unsigned int DATE_STRICT; // Controls how the
static const unsigned int DATE_FAST; // date operations
// (mainly for iteration)
static const unsigned int DATE_ZERO; // Initialize the date to zero
// (default is current date).
// Flags used in equalsTo...
static const unsigned int YEAR;
static const unsigned int MONTH;
static const unsigned int DAY;
static const unsigned int HOUR;
static const unsigned int MINUTE;
static const unsigned int SECOND;
static const unsigned int HSECOND;
static const unsigned int TIME_ZONE;
// Static functions...
static TSDate getDateFromIndex ( TSDate, int, int, int );
// Get a date relative
// to another given an
// index offset.
static int getNumIntervals ( TSDate, TSDate, int, int );
// Get the number of
// intervals between
// two dates.
// The basic member functions...
TSDate ( void ); // Default constructor.
TSDate ( unsigned int ); // Constructor using flag.
TSDate ( const TSDate& ); // Copy constructor.
TSDate ( const TSDate&, unsigned int ); // Copy constructor using flag.
TSDate ( const TSDate&, char * ); // Constructor to take a time
// zone abbreviation..
~TSDate ( ); // Destructor.
TSDate& operator= ( const TSDate& ); // Overload =.
int operator= ( char* ); // Overload =.
int operator! ( void ); // Overload !.
int compareTo ( const TSDate& ); // Same as ==
int equals ( const TSDate& ); // Same as ==.
int equals ( const TSDate&, unsigned int );
// Same as ==. The second
// argument allows a check only
// to part of the date.
int operator== ( const TSDate& ); // Overload ==.
int notEquals ( const TSDate& ); // Same as !=
int operator!= ( const TSDate& ); // Overload !=.
int lessThanOrEqualTo ( const TSDate& );// Same as <=
int operator<= (const TSDate&); // overload <=.
int greaterThanOrEqualTo ( const TSDate& );// Same as >=
int operator>= (const TSDate&); // overload >=.
int lessThan ( const TSDate& ); // Same as <
int operator < (const TSDate&); // overload <.
int greaterThan ( const TSDate& ); // Same as >
int operator > (const TSDate&); // overload >.
char *toString (); // Same as (char *) cast.
operator char *(); // a (char*) cast.
// Member functions more specific to this class...
int addInterval ( int, int ); // Add interval (interval, mult)
int addHSecond ( int ); // Add 1/100 second to date.
int addSecond ( int ); // Add second to date.
int addMinute ( int ); // Add minute to date.
int addDay ( int ); // Add day to date.
int addHour ( int ); // Add hour to date.
int addMonth ( int ); // Add month to date.
int addYear ( int ); // Add year to date.
char *formatTimeString (void); // Format the date as a string
char *formatTimeString ( char * );
int setHSecond ( int ); // Set 1/100 second.
int setSecond ( int ); // Set second.
int setMinute ( int ); // Set the minute.
int setHour ( int ); // Set the hour.
int setDay ( int ); // Set the day.
int setMonth ( int ); // Set the month.
int setYear ( int ); // Set the year.
int setTimeZone ( int, int ); // Set the time zone by number.
int setTimeZone ( char * ); // Set the time zone by string.
int setWeekday( int ); // Set the weekday.
int setWeekday( ); // Set the weekday based on day, month, year.
int getAbsMonth( ); // Get the absolute month.
int getHSecond ( ); // Get 1/100 second.
int getSecond ( ); // Get second.
int getMinute ( ); // Get the minute.
int getHour ( ); // Get the hour.
int getDay ( ); // Get the day.
int getMonth ( ); // Get the month.
int getYear ( ); // Get the year.
int getTimeZone ( ); // Get the time zone by number.
char *getTimeZoneAbbr ( ); // Get the time zone by string.
int getWeekday( int ); // Get the weekday.
int getYearDay(); // Get the Year Day.
int shiftTimeZone ( char * ); // Shift the date to a new time zone.
double toDouble ( void ); // Return a floating-point
// representation of the date.
double toNoYearJulianDouble ( void ); // Return a floating-point
// representation of the Julian day
// without year consideration.
int init (); // Initialize an instance to the current
// date - use this in the constructors.
int init0 (); // Initialize to zero date.
int setAbsMonth(); // Sets the _abs_month data member.
int setYearDay(); // Sets the _yearday data member.
int reset ( ); // Reset the secondary data such as
// leap year based on the primary data.
int _hsecond, // Hundredths of a second (0-99).
_second, // Seconds (0-59).
_minute, // Minutes past hour (0-59).
_hour, // Hours past midnight (0-23).
_day, // Day of month (1-31).
_month, // Month (1-12).
_year, // Year (4 digit)
_isleap, // Is the year a leap year (1) or not
// (0)?
_weekday, // Day of week (0=Sunday).
_yearday; // Day of year (0-365).
long int _abs_month; // Absolute month (year*12 + month).
int _itz, // Time zone number for standard
// time (0=GMT).
_dsflag; // Daylight savings flag (1 if DS).
char _date_string[256],
// String version of date.
*_tz; // Time zone.
unsigned int _behavior_flag; // Flag for special behavior of dates.