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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# WxMethods
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
# Although methods are provided (below) for working with Wx values,
# they are prohibitively slow and we recommend working directly with
# the "ugly" Wx string. See the SmartTools User Guide for more
# information as well as the examples/smartTools directory.
def WxParts(wxValue):
# Return a list of the components of the wxValue
# For example: "
wxKeys = wxValue.split("^")
parts = []
for wxKey in wxKeys:
tokens = wxKey.split(":")
for token in tokens:
return parts
# To create a weather string use this method:
# WxString(description)
# where description is a text string with the parts of a weather
# value in order:
# coverage,
# types(can be single or a list),
# intensity,
# visibility,
# attr
# the parts are separated by spaces
# Example:
# Wx = WxString("Sct RW")
# Wx = WxString("Sct RW -")
# If you want to append multiple weather strings together you must
# put a "^" in between them.
# Example:
# Wx = WxString("Sct RW") + "^" + WxString("Ocnl S")
# WARNING: If you recieve an error indicating there was an invalid weather
# string, make sure you have requested a valid combination of weather
# coverages, types, intensities, etc. For example, only certain intensities
# are allowed with certain types and the system will not accept invalid
# combinations. This information is specified in the Configuration for
# Weather (serverConfig.py).
def WxString(description):
# Return a string with the designated arguments
#print "WxString desc ", description
coverage, wxType, inten, vis, attr = \
#print "WxString convert ", coverages, wxTypes, intens, vis, attrs
# Handle wildcards
if coverage == "*":
coverage = "<NoCov>"
if wxType == "*":
wxType = "<NoWx>"
if inten == "*":
inten = "<NoInten>"
if vis == "*":
vis = "<NoVis>"
if attr == '*':
attr = ""
# Create weather string
# Handle special case of TRW
if wxType == "TRW":
t = coverage +":T:<NoInten>:"+vis+":"+attr
rw = coverage +":RW:"+inten+":"+vis+":"+attr
return t + "^" + rw
return coverage +":"+wxType+":"+inten+":"+vis+":"+attr
# To examine a Weather value, use the methods
# WxContains(WeatherValue, description)
# Returns true if the weather value contains the arguments of
# of the description which is a textstring with arguments
# separated by spaces and can contain wildcards (*) and lists
# Examples:
# WxContains(Wx, "Sct RW")
# true if Wx contains Sct RW somewhere with any
# intensity, visibility or attributes
# WxContains(Wx, "* RW")
# true if Wx contains RW with any coverage, intensity, visibility,
# or attributes
# WxContainsExact(WeatherValue, exactComponent)
# This is a less powerful, but faster method if you are only
# looking for one certain coverage, type, intensity, attribute,
# or visibility
# Examples:
# WxContainsExact(Wx, "Sct")
# WxContainsExact(Wx, "RW")
def WxContains(Wx, description):
# Return 1 if any combination of the arguments are found
# in the given Weather String
if Wx is None:
return 0
#print "WxContains Wx, desc ", Wx, description
coverage, wxType, inten, vis, attr = convertWxDescription(description)
#print "WxContains convert ", coverage, wxType, inten, vis, attr
subkeys = Wx.split("^")
#print "WxContains ", subkeys
for subkey in subkeys:
# Check all permutations of args
tokens = subkey.split(":")
coverageFound = wxTypeFound = intenFound = 0
visFound = attrFound = 0
if coverage == "*" or coverage in tokens:
coverageFound = 1
if wxType == "*" or wxType in tokens:
wxTypeFound = 1
if inten == "*" or inten in tokens:
intenFound = 1
if vis == "*" or vis in tokens:
visFound = 1
if attr == "*" or attr in tokens:
attrFound = 1
if coverageFound and wxTypeFound and intenFound \
and visFound and attrFound:
return 1
return 0
def WxContainsExact(Wx, str):
subkeys = Wx.split("^")
for subkey in subkeys:
tokens = subkey.split(":")
if str in tokens:
return 1
return 0
# Use this method to modify an existing string by replacing one value
# with another
# Example:
# Wx = WxModify(Wx, "RW", "S")
# This would change rain to snow in the designated weather string
# You can use argument designations such as: "type", "cov", "inten"
# Wx = WxModify(Wx, "type", "S")
# This would change the type to S regardless of its current value
def WxModify(Wx, part, value):
# Return a modified weather string.
#print "WxModify part, value ", part, value
index = -1
if part == "cov":
if part == "type":
if part == "inten":
if part == "vis":
if part == "attr":
if index < 0:
# Simply replace using the given strings
return Wx.replace(part, value)
# Replace according to weather value part
subkeys = Wx.split("^")
#print "WxModify subkeys ", subkeys
first = 1
result = ""
for subkey in subkeys:
if not first:
result = result + "^"
first = 0
keyParts = subkey.split(":")
#print "WxModify keyParts, index ", keyParts, index
keyParts[index] = value
for keyPart in keyParts:
result = result + keyPart
if keyParts.index(keyPart) < len(keyParts)-1:
result = result + ":"
#print "WxModify result ", result
return result
def convertWxDescription(description):
parts = description.split()
totalParts = 5 # One list for each
for i in range(totalParts):
if len(parts) < totalParts:
return tuple(parts)
# The following methods have more functionality, but are much slower.
# This method is similar to WxString above, but allows multiple
# weather strings to be put together:
# Examples:
# Wx = ComplexWxString("Sct RW")
# Wx = ComplexWxString("Sct RW -")
# If two weather types have the same coverage, intensity, etc. you can
# separate the wxTypes with commas.
# Example:
# Wx = ComplexWxString("Sct RW,S -")
# This is equivalent to:
# Wx = WxString("Sct RW -") + "^" + WxString("Sct S -")
def ComplexWxString(description):
# Return a string with the designated arguments
#print "WxString desc ", description
coverages, wxTypes, intens, vis, attrs = \
#print "WxString convert ", coverages, wxTypes, intens, vis, attrs
# Handle special case of TRW
if "TRW" in wxTypes:
# Handle wildcards
if coverages[0] == "*":
coverages[0] = "<NoCov>"
if wxTypes[0] == "*":
wxTypes[0] = "<NoWx>"
if intens[0] == "*":
intens[0] = "<NoInten>"
if vis[0] == "*":
vis[0] = "<NoVis>"
# Create attr string
if attrs[0] == '*':
attrStr = ""
first = 1
attrStr = ""
for attr in attrs:
if not first:
attrStr = attrStr + ","
first = 0
attrStr = attrStr + attr
# Create weather string
Wx = ""
first = 1
for wxType in wxTypes:
if not first:
Wx = Wx + "^"
first = 0
intensity = intens[0]
if wxType == "T" and not intensity == "+":
intensity = "<NoInten>"
Wx = Wx + coverages[0]+":"+wxType+":"+intensity+":"+vis[0]+":"\
#print "WxString result ", Wx
return Wx
# This method is similar to the WxContains methods, but allows
# multiple
# ComplexWxContains(WeatherValue, description)
# Returns true if the weather value contains the arguments of
# of the description which is a textstring with arguments
# separated by spaces and can contain wildcards (*) and lists
# Examples:
# ComplexWxContains(Wx, "Sct RW")
# true if Wx contains Sct RW somewhere with any
# intensity, visibility or attributes
# ComplexWxContains(Wx, "Sct,WSct RW -"
# true if Wx contains Sct RW - or WSct RW - with any
# visibility or attributes
# ComplexWxContains(Wx, "* RW,R")
# true if Wx contains RW or R with any coverage, intensity,
# visibility, or attributes
def ComplexWxContains(Wx, description):
# Return 1 if any combination of the arguments are found
# in the given Weather String
if Wx is None:
return 0
#print "WxContains Wx, desc ", Wx, description
coverages, wxTypes, intens, visibilities, attrs = \
#print "WxContains convert ", coverages, wxTypes, intens, vis, attrs
subkeys = Wx.split("^")
#print "WxContains ", subkeys
for subkey in subkeys:
# Check all permutations of args
tokens = subkey.split(":")
for coverage in coverages:
for wxType in wxTypes:
for inten in intens:
for vis in visibilities:
for attr in attrs:
coverageFound = wxTypeFound = intenFound = 0
visFound = attrFound = 0
if coverage == "*" or coverage in tokens:
coverageFound = 1
if wxType == "*" or wxType in tokens:
wxTypeFound = 1
if inten == "*" or inten in tokens:
intenFound = 1
if vis == "*" or vis in tokens:
visFound = 1
if attr == "*" or attr in tokens:
attrFound = 1
if coverageFound and wxTypeFound and intenFound \
and visFound and attrFound:
return 1
return 0
def complexConvertWxDescription(description):
# Returns lists for each Weather Key part:
# coverages, types, etc.
# The description must be in order and each part separated by spaces
# Each part could be a * or a list
parts = description.split()
totalParts = 5 # One list for each
for i in range(totalParts):
if len(parts) < totalParts:
resultList = []
for part in parts:
# Convert to a list if necessary
if "," in part:
elements = part.split(",")
eleList = []
for element in elements:
element = element.strip()
return resultList[0], resultList[1], resultList[2], resultList[3],\