2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- ---------------------------------------------
# Feb 10, 2016 5283 nabowle Remove NGM support.
# Apr 19, 2018 7271 randerso Renamed and/or removed models
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# B O I V E R I F Y C O N F I G U R A T I O N
# VERDIR = top directory where verification data will be stored
# EDITAREAS = filename with list of edit areas (must be in VERDIR
# directory)
# PERCENT_COLOR = Color table name to use for percentage displays
# GRIDDAYS = number of days to keep grids in database
# STATDAYS = number of days to keep stats in database
# These can be changed - but they have serious implications for the
# size of the files that are created. Once you have large netCDF
# datafiles, making these numbers smaller will have no effect.
# Eventually we'll have a program that will change of a grid database
# for more or less days.
GRIDDAYS=200 # number of days of grids to keep
STATDAYS=500 # number of days to keep stats
# OBSMODELS = Name of databases that can be used for "truth"
# VERCONFIG = configuration info for each parms to verify.
# For each parm, specify a tuple of:
# parmType = 0=SCALAR, 1=VECTOR (we don't do weather yet)
# verType = 0=value, 1=probability
# SaveInt = 0=save all grids, 3= save 0,3,6,9 UTC grids, etc.
# Thresholds = a tuple with 5 threshold values
# BinWidth = width of bins in histograms
# MaxErr = max error to show in displays
# ColorCurve = color curve to use for error displays
# obsParm = observed Parm name. For probability type parms
# this is a tuple with 3 entries:
# observed Parm Name
# threshold type string (">" ">=" "<" ",=")
# threshold value
# If parm is a vector, then each of the config values from Thresholds on
# are tuples with the first for 'magnitude' and the second for 'direction'
VERCONFIG["T"] =(0,0,3, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change1","T")
VERCONFIG["MaxT"] =(0,0,0, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change1","MaxT")
VERCONFIG["MinT"] =(0,0,0, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change1","MinT")
VERCONFIG["Td"] =(0,0,3, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change2","Td")
VERCONFIG["TdAft"] =(0,0,0, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change2","TdAft")
VERCONFIG["TdMrn"] =(0,0,0, (1,3,5,7,10), 0.5, 20, "BV_Change2","TdMrn")
VERCONFIG["RH"] =(0,0,3,(2,4,8,15,30), 1.0, 40, "BV_Change2","RH")
VERCONFIG["MaxRH"] =(0,0,0,(2,4,8,15,30), 1.0, 40, "BV_Change2","MaxRH")
VERCONFIG["MinRH"] =(0,0,0,(2,4,8,15,30), 1.0, 40, "BV_Change2","MinRH")
VERCONFIG["Wind"] =(1,0,3,((1,3,5,7,10),(10,30,50,70,90)),
VERCONFIG["PoP"] =(0,1,0,(5,10,20,30,50), 2.5, 100, "BV_Change2",("QPE06",">=",0.01))
VERCONFIG["QPF"] =(0,0,0,(0.05,0.10,0.25,0.50,1.00),0.05,1.0,"BV_Change2","QPE06")
# SAVE_MODELS = Names of GFE databases to archive in BOIVerifySave
# Possible Model Cycles - as strings. The hours
# for these cycles, relative to 00 UTC are taken as
# the int() of these strings.
# Rounding used in scale entries
# Maximum number of hours in any forecast from any model
# (you can set it higher than needed - but it will slow things down
# during the saving of data, and also when searching for data)
# If FORECASTER_LIST_TRIMMING is set to 1, then they can only
# calculate stats for the username that they logged into GFE as
# (or the entire office). If set to 0, then they can calculate
# for anyone in the office
# Even if FORECASTER_LIST_TRIMMING is turned on, if you list a
# username in the ADMINISTRATORS list, that user will be able to
# calculate data for any individual in the office
# The format of the forecaster list can be "number" "id","name",
# "number-name", or "number-id","
# Sorting of the forecaster list can be done by "number","id", or "name"
# Resolution of Accumulation periods (i.e., if this is set to 3, then
# verification can only be done on periods 3, 6, 9, 12 hours long, etc.
# whereas, if this is 6, then verification can only be done on periods
# 6, 12, 18, 24 hours long, etc.
# This is the default length of Accumulation periods. It must be an
# interval of ACCUM_RESOLUTION above.
# This is the default frequency of Accumulation periods. It must be
# greater than 1, but should NOT be greater than 24.
# When looking for grids that are "in" a particular day, we need to
# be careful about 'long' grids, like MaxT or MinT. For example, in
# some timezones, a "UTC day" will have the end of one MaxT grid, then
# a blank time, and then the start of another MaxT grid. Which one is
# the "one" for that particular day? The OFFSET hours are added to the
# start and end of a UTC day - and then grids are checked to see if they
# intersect this new 'time period' for the day.
# For example, in the mountain timezone, a MaxT grid starts at 14Z and
# lasts through 02Z the next UTC day. When looking at grids for, say,
# Oct 3rd, we don't want to consider the one that crosses over the first
# 2 hours of the UTC day - we want only the one that intersects the "end"
# of the day. So...we set the START_OFFSET_HOURS for "MaxT" to 12. Only
# grids that cross over the 12Z to 00Z 'end' of the day will be considered
# for 'that day'.
# Likewise, some definitions of MaxRH in the mountain timezone go from
# 22Z on one day, through 16Z on the next day (although there is no
# 'standard' for period definitions for MaxRH/MinRH). We want the MaxRH
# for a particular day, to be the one that covers the period from 00Z to
# 16Z, not the 2 hours of the next one that starts at 22Z late in the day.
# So...we set the END_OFFSET_HOURS for MaxRH to -12. The 'end' of the day
# is now 12Z, so only grids that intersect the 00Z to 12Z period are
# considered for that day.
# For parms NOT listed here - the offset is zero - which is the normal
# situation for parms that don't cover a time period.
# BASE_OFFSET is used when figuring out common cases. For any model
# listed here, we add the specified number of hours to it's real basetime
# to get it's "effective" basetime, and compare that to other models
# when finding common cases. For example, if we have "SREF":-3, here
# then for a 15Z run of the SREF model - we will add -3 hours to that,
# getting 12Z - and check for other 12Z models when finding common cases.
# When parms are listed in the BOIVerifyInfo - they will be in this order
# with any other parms added alphabetically after those listed here.
# SAVE_MAXVERSIONS is the maximum number of old GFE databases to scan
# to see if there is any data that has not yet been moved to the
# BOIVerify databases. I suppose you could save some time by setting
# this smaller - but it takes just a second or two to scan a GFE
# database to see if any of it's grids need to be I
# wouldn't change this from 10
# AUTOCALC_DAYS is the normal number of recent days observations to
# scan for new data - when pre-calculating scores in BOIVerifyAutoCalc
# AUTOCALC_TOO_RECENT is in hours. Used by BOIVerifyAutoCalc.
# If an observation grid has been stored within this many hours - it
# won't calculate scores yet - figuring that this observation grid
# might get revised later and we don't want to waste time calculating
# these scores again.
# BIASCORR_DAYS is the normal number of recent days forecasts to use
# for the Bias Correction regression in BOIVerifyBiasCorr
# BIASCORR_MINDAYS is the minimum number of recent days that have to exist
# before performing a Bias Correction regression in BOIVerifyBiasCorr