595 lines
28 KiB
595 lines
28 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# ERQCcheck
# Authors: Matthew H. Belk WFO Taunton, MA Created: 04/25/03
# Thomas R. Mazza WFO Charleston, WV Last Modified: 3/29/06
# Some of the modules used by this procedure were edited from modules
# originally written by Bob Stauber, Steve Nelson, Jim Hayes, Paul
# Jendrowski and Tom LeFebvre.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
import time
import AbsTime
import LogStream
import SmartScript
MenuItems = ["Consistency"]
ToolList = []
# Control the weather element groups available:
availableElementGroups = ["Public", "Fire Weather"]
#availableElementGroups = ["Public", "Fire Weather", "Marine"]
# Marine can be eliminated for inland sites.
VariableList = []
# get time range to check
VariableList.append(("Use Selected Time Range from the Grid Manager ?", "Y", "radio",
["N", "Y"]))
VariableList.append(("If not, Pick period to start with here:", "Today", "radio",
["Today (00Z Cycle Only)", "Tonight", "Tomorrow", "Tomorrow Night", "Next Day", "Next Day Night",
"Day3 day", "Day3 night", "Day4", "Day5", "Day6", "Day7"]))
VariableList.append(("...and to end with here:", "Day7", "radio",
["Today (00Z Cycle Only)", "Tonight", "Tomorrow", "Tomorrow Night", "Next Day", "Next Day Night",
"Day3 day", "Day3 night", "Day4", "Day5", "Day6", "Day7"]))
VariableList.append(("00Z or 12Z cycle (don't use Today if 12Z) ?", "Auto", "radio",
["Auto", "00Z cycle", "12Z cycle"]))
VariableList.append(("", "", "label"))
# get elements to check
VariableList.append(("All (Overrides other choices if not No)", "No", "radio",
["No", "Highlight only", "Fix All"]))
VariableList.append(("NDFD Grid Check (Checks all elements all 7 days)", "No", "radio",
["No", "Yes"]))
VariableList.append(("Which element group(s)?" ,
["Public"], "check",
VariableList.append(("For each element, choose No not to check, Highlight only to highlight inconsistencies, \
and Fix to actually fix inconsistencies.", "", "label"))
##VariableList.append(("Checks for Temperatures and Wind Gusts (Checks all 7 days)..." , "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("Checks for Temperatures and Wind Gusts (Checks all 7 days), and for Sky, PoP, Wx, QPF and SnowAmt :", "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("Temperatures", "No", "radio",
["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
VariableList.append(("Wind Gusts", "No", "radio",
["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("Zero out wind gusts not in excess of sustained wind by more than:" , "5", "numeric"))
##VariableList.append(("Minimum wind gust to report:" , "15", "numeric"))
##VariableList.append(("Checks for Sky, PoP, Wx, QPF and SnowAmt...", "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("CheckSkyWithPoP", "No", "radio",
["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
VariableList.append(("Sky vs PoP Relationship:", "add", "radio",
["add", "multiply", "Sky Limit"]))
##VariableList.append(("CheckPoPwithSky", "No", "radio",
## ["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("CheckPoPwithWx", "No", "radio",
## ["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("CheckWxWithPoP", "No", "radio",
## ["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("NoPoPNoQPF", "No", "radio",
## ["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("NoPoPNoSnowAmt", "No", "radio",
## ["No", "Highlight only", "Fix"]))
##VariableList.append(("Run PPI", "Yes", "radio", ## For offices doing Precipitation Probability Index images for the web
## ["No", "Yes"])) ## (Also uncomment the two PPI sections near the bottom)
VariableList.append(("For wind gusts :", "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("Limit wind gusts in excess of sustained wind by:", "12", "numeric"))
VariableList.append(("Make wind gusts in excess of sustained wind by factor of at least:", "1.0", "numeric"))
VariableList.append(("For Sky and PoP :", "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("For add, multiply (smaller factor), by how much ?" , "20", "numeric"))
VariableList.append(("For Sky Limit, only Sky less than Limit affected; it is raised to the Limit:", "", "label"))
VariableList.append(("Enter Sky Limit: the minimum Sky cover needed to support Wx:" , 60, "numeric"))
##VariableList.append(("Enter minimum PoP for measurable precip:", 15, "numeric"))
VariableList.append(("Enter Sky cover for 5% PoP:" , 30, "numeric"))
VariableList.append(('For checks between QPF, SnowAmt, PoP and Wx, if "Cleanup" is selected, then\nonly cleanup actions will run. No checks will be made, regardless of the above settings.', '', 'label'))
VariableList.append(('Check_Cleanup', 'Check', 'radio', ['Check', 'Cleanup']))
VariableList.append(('Run SnowAmt/QPF Check?', ['Yes'], 'check', ['Yes']))
VariableList.append(('Run SnowAmt/Wx Check?', ['Yes'], 'check', ['Yes']))
VariableList.append(('Run QPF/PoP Check?', ['Yes'], 'check', ['Yes']))
VariableList.append(('Run QPF/Wx Check?', ['Yes'], 'check', ['Yes']))
# Procedures and Tools used in QCcheck with credits
# In this table, Procedures and Tools used by a Procedure
# are indented once (4 spaces), Procedures and Tools used
# by a Procedure used by a Procedure indented again, etc.
# Tools with two pound signs (##) at the beginning of the
# are baseline tools used by ERQCcheck, and are listed
# here for reference only.
# Procedure or Tool Procedure Tool (Wx Credit
# Element
# Edited)
# ERQCcheck Procedure Nelson/Mazza
# NDFDgridCheck Procedure Hayes, James
# CheckTemepratues Procedure LeFebvre, Tom
## RHTool RH
## WindChillTool WindChill
## HeatIndexTool HeatIndex
# CheckWindGust Procedure LeFebvre/Mazza
# CheckSkyWithPoP Sky Nelson, Steve
# CheckPoPwithWx PoP Nelson
# CheckWx Wx Nelson
# CheckQPF QPF
# CheckSnowAmt SnowAmt
# EnufCloudForPoP Sky Mazza
# ForcePoPtoWx PoP
# PoP12hrFmMaxPoP PoP12hr Mazza
# NoPoPNoQPF QPF Mazza
# NoPoPNoSnowAmt SnowAmt Mazza
# The following tools and procedures are no longer used by
# ERQCcheck since Tom LeFebvre's CheckTandTd. This reduces
# the total number of Procedures and Tools involved from 31 to 14.
# These Tools and Procedures can safely be removed from your local GFE.
# CheckMaxTvsMinTvsMaxT Procedure Stauber/Mazza
# MakeTemporaryMinT MinT Stauber, Bob
# TempMinTfmMinT MinT Stauber/Mazza
# CheckMinTagainstMaxT TempMinT Stauber/Mazza
# CheckMaxTagainstMinT MaxT Stauber
# CheckTagainstMaxTandMinT Procedure Stauber/Mazza
# CheckTagainstMinT T Stauber
# CheckTd Td Stauber
# CheckTagainstMaxT T Stauber
# MaxTvsMinTvsMaxT Procedure Stauber/Mazza
## MakeTemporaryMinT MinT Stauber
## TempMinTfmMinT MinT Stauber
# MinTaobMaxT TempMinT Stauber
# MinTfrTempMinT MinT Stauber
# MaxTaoaMinT MaxT Stauber
# ForceTbetweenMaxTandMinT Procedure Stauber/Mazza
# MakeTaoaMinT T Stauber
# MakeTaobMaxT T Stauber
# TdLessTbyUsrAmt Td Mazza, Thomas
# CheckTd Td
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, editArea, timeRange, varDict):
# Checks chosen dependent elements in GFE against appropriate independent elements
self.logProcUse("Procedure execution")
# Configuration Section
# Zulu time threshold for procedure to begin using 12Z as the cycle
# (periods are pushed one day ahead, thereby adding a new day to the forecast)
start12Zcycle = 12
# Zulu time for beginning of daytime period, e.g., at what zulu hour do periods
# like "Today", "Tomorrow" and "Day5" begin
startDayPeriod = 12
# Difference in hours between zulu time and local standard time (zulu - local)
localStandardOffset = 5
# Zulu time for beginning of MaxT grid
maxTstartTimeZ = 12
# Duration of MaxT grid
maxTdur = 12
# Zulu time for beginning of MinT grid
minTstartTimeZ = 0
# Duration of MinT grid
minTdur = 13
QCarea = self.getEditArea("ISC_Send_Area")
GustLessSusMin = 5 # Zero out wind gusts not in excess of sustained wind by more than
minGust = 15 # Minimum wind gust to report
TemperatureProc = "CheckTandTd"
# I set this up so that if we chnage the name of CheckTandTd.Procedure, we could
# just chnage it here instead of every opccurence within this procedure.
#TemperatureProc = "CheckTemperatures"
WindGustProc = "CheckWindGust"
startHeatIndex = 4 ## First month to report heat index
endHeatIndex = 10 ## Last month to report heat index
startWindChill = 10 ## First month to report wind chill
endWindChill = 4 ## Last month to report wind chill
# End Configuration Section
Allareas = editArea ## Hold all areas when procedure invoked w/o wedit area selected.
## This is necessary for grids created from scratch
## areaFmProc = self.getEditArea(varDict["savedEditArea"])
## procAreaMask = self.encodeEditArea(areaFmProc)
# Get user chosen time range
deltaStartDay = startDayPeriod - 12
varDict["Start 12Z cycle at zulu time"] = start12Zcycle
varDict["Hours past 12Z to start day periods"] = deltaStartDay
varDict["Local standard offset"] = localStandardOffset
varDict["MaxT start time"] = maxTstartTimeZ
varDict["MaxT duration"] = maxTdur
varDict["MinT start time"] = minTstartTimeZ
varDict["MinT duration"] = minTdur
now = time.localtime(time.time())
nowZ = time.gmtime(time.time())
if now[8] == 1:
edton = 1 ## Lying on an eiderdown
edton = 0
cycle = varDict["00Z or 12Z cycle (don't use Today if 12Z) ?"]
if cycle == "Auto":
if now[3] >= start12Zcycle:
## if now[3] > 12 and now[3] - edton < 19:
cycle = "12Z cycle"
cycle = "00Z cycle"
if varDict["Use Selected Time Range from the Grid Manager ?"] == "Y":
self.p_timeHeader = time.strftime("%Z", time.localtime(time.time()))
timeHeader = time.strftime("%Z", time.localtime(time.time()))
present = AbsTime.current()
timeHeader = self.p_timeHeader
today = AbsTime.absTimeYMD(present.year, present.month, present.day)
startTimeOffset = (timeRange.startTime() - today) // 3600
endTimeOffset = (timeRange.endTime() - today) // 3600
## print startTimeOffset, endTimeOffset
SubtractADay = 0
## if now[3] - edton > 23 - localStandardOffset:
## SubtractADay = 24
starth = startTimeOffset - SubtractADay
endh = endTimeOffset - SubtractADay
## print "ERQC: now[3], starth, endh:", now[3], starth, endh
startPeriod = varDict["If not, Pick period to start with here:"]
endPeriod = varDict["...and to end with here:"]
startEnd = [("Today (00Z Cycle Only)", 12, 24), ("Tonight", 24, 36), ("Tomorrow", 36, 48), ("Tomorrow Night", 48, 60),
("Next Day", 60, 72), ("Next Day Night", 72, 84), ("Day3 day", 84, 96), ("Day3 night", 96, 108),
("Day4", 108, 132), ("Day5", 132, 156), ("Day6", 156, 180), ("Day7", 180, 205)
for i in range(len(startEnd)):
period, startHour, endHour = startEnd[i]
# Now determine the time period chosen
if period == startPeriod:
starth = startHour
h = starth
if period == endPeriod:
endh = endHour
#### if starth < firsth:
#### firsth = starth
#### if endh > finalh:
#### finalh = endh
# Handle exceptions
if endPeriod == "Day6" and cycle == "00Z cycle":
endh = 181
finalNight = 1
if endPeriod == "Day7" or endPeriod == "Day8":
finalNight = 1
if now[3] - edton > 23 - localStandardOffset:
starth -= 24
if starth < 0:
starth = 0
endh -= 24
if endh < 0:
endh = 11
starth -= deltaStartDay
endh -= deltaStartDay
timeRange = self.createTimeRange(starth, endh, "Zulu")
# What follows here is a little louie that involves calling other
# procedures, namely CheckTagainstMaxTandMinT and
# ForceTbetweenMaxTandMinT. These procedures repeat the timeRange
# logic above, so they could be run independently. But this means, for
# using the selected time range, where subtracting one from the end time
# is necessary to effect the proper time range, this hour needs added
# again before calling one of these procedures, to avoid the duplicate
# subtraction.
timeRangePlusOneHr = self.createTimeRange(starth, endh + 1, "Zulu")
# Period Today Tonight Tomorrow Tomorrow Next Day Next Day
# Night Night
# starth 12 24 36 48 60 72
# endH 23 35 47 59 71 83
# Period Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7
# starth 84 108 132 156
# endH 107 131 155 181
# Define variables for wind gust check:
## varDict["Wind Gust QC:"] = ["Ensure gusts where >=10kts Sustained", "Zero out where minimal difference"]
## varDict["Zero out wind gusts not in excess of sustained wind by more than:"] = GustLessSusMin
## varDict["Minimum wind gust to report:"] = minGust
# Define a list of elements for which to create grids if necessary
## makeList = ['RH', 'HeatIndex', 'WindChill', 'PPI']
## makeList = ['RH''PPI']
makeList = []
curMon = nowZ[1]
if curMon >= startWindChill or curMon <= endWindChill:
if curMon >= startHeatIndex and curMon <= endHeatIndex:
# Get list of SmartTools to run
all = varDict["All (Overrides other choices if not No)"]
if all == "Highlight only":
## varDict["Which element group(s)?"] = ["Public", "Fire Weather", "Marine"],
timeRange=timeRange, varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Check Only"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
## ToolList.append(("WindGustQC", "WindGust"))
ToolList.append(("CheckSkyWithPoP", "PoP"))
## ToolList.append(("CheckPoPwithSky", "PoP"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckPoPwithWx", "PoP"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckWx", "Wx"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF6hr"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF12hr"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt6hr"))
# ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt12hr"))
elif all == "Fix All":
## elif all == "Fix All (Force Sky to PoP)" or all == "Fix All (Force PoP to Sky)":
## varDict["Which element group(s)?"] = ["Public", "Fire Weather", "Marine"],
timeRange=timeRange, varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Force: TMin<=T<=TMax\n and Td<=T"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Force: WindGust>=Wind"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
## ToolList.append(("WindGustQC", "WindGust"))
ToolList.append(("EnufCloudForPoP", "Sky"))
## if all == "Fix All (Force Sky to PoP)":
## ToolList.append(("EnufCloudForPoP", "Sky"))
## elif all == "Fix All (Force PoP to Sky)":
## ToolList.append(("ForcePoPtoSky", "PoP"))
# ToolList.append(("ForcePoPtoWx", "PoP"))
# ToolList.append(("WxCovMatchPoP", "Wx"))
# ToolList.append(("PoP12hrFmMaxPoP", "PoP12hr"))
# ToolList.append(("NoPoPNoQPF", "QPF"))
# ToolList.append(("QPF6hrFmQPFsum", "QPF6hr"))
# ToolList.append(("QPF12hrFmQPFsum", "QPF12hr"))
# ToolList.append(("NoPoPNoSnowAmt", "SnowAmt"))
## self.createFromScratchCmd(["PPI"], timeRange, # (Also uncomment out Variablelist.append lines at top)
## repeat=1, duration=1)
## ToolList.append(("PPIfmPoP", "PPI")) # For offices doing Precipitation Probability Index images for the web
# ToolList.append(("SnowAmt6hrFmSnowAmt", "SnowAmt6hr"))
# ToolList.append(("SnowAmt12hr", "SnowAmt12hr"))
if varDict["NDFD Grid Check (Checks all elements all 7 days)"] == "Yes":
## varDict["Which element group(s)?"] = ["Public", "Fire Weather", "Marine"],
timeRange=timeRange, varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
if varDict["Temperatures"] == "Highlight only":
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Check Only"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
elif varDict["Temperatures"] == "Fix":
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Force: TMin<=T<=TMax\n and Td<=T"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
if varDict["Wind Gusts"] == "Highlight only":
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Check Only"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
elif varDict["Wind Gusts"] == "Fix":
varDict["Check or Force:"] = "Force: WindGust>=Wind"
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea)
## ToolList.append(("WindGustQC", "WindGust"))
if varDict["CheckSkyWithPoP"] == "Highlight only":
ToolList.append(("CheckSkyWithPoP", "PoP"))
elif varDict["CheckSkyWithPoP"] == "Fix":
ToolList.append(("EnufCloudForPoP", "Sky"))
## if varDict["CheckPoPwithSky"] == "Highlight only":
## ToolList.append(("CheckPoPwithSky", "PoP"))
## elif varDict["CheckPoPwithSky"] == "Fix":
## ToolList.append(("ForcePoPtoSky", "PoP"))
## ToolList.append(("PoP12hrFmMaxPoP", "PoP12hr"))
## if varDict["CheckPoPwithWx"] == "Highlight only":
## ToolList.append(("CheckPoPwithWx", "PoP"))
### ToolList.append(("CheckPoP", "PoP12hr"))
## elif varDict["CheckPoPwithWx"] == "Fix":
## ToolList.append(("ForcePoPtoWx", "PoP"))
### ToolList.append(("PoP12hrFmMaxPoP", "PoP12hr"))
## if varDict["CheckWxWithPoP"] == "Highlight only":
## ToolList.append(("CheckWx", "Wx"))
## if varDict["CheckWxWithPoP"] == "Fix":
## ToolList.append(("WxCovMatchPoP", "Wx"))
## if varDict["NoPoPNoQPF"] == "Highlight only":
## ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF"))
### ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF6hr"))
### ToolList.append(("CheckQPF", "QPF12hr"))
## elif varDict["NoPoPNoQPF"] == "Fix":
## ToolList.append(("NoPoPNoQPF", "QPF"))
### ToolList.append(("QPF6hrFmQPFsum", "QPF6hr"))
### ToolList.append(("QPF12hrFmQPFsum", "QPF12hr"))
## if varDict["NoPoPNoSnowAmt"] == "Highlight only":
## ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt"))
### ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt6hr"))
### ToolList.append(("CheckSnowAmt", "SnowAmt12hr"))
## elif varDict["NoPoPNoSnowAmt"] == "Fix":
## ToolList.append(("NoPoPNoSnowAmt", "SnowAmt"))
## if varDict["Run PPI"] == "Yes": # For offices doing Precipitation Probability Index images for the web
## self.createFromScratchCmd(["PPI"], timeRange, # (Also uncomment out Variablelist.append lines at top)
## repeat=1, duration=1)
## ToolList.append(("PPIfmPoP", "PPI"))
# elif varDict["NoPoPNoSnowAmt"] == "Re-run from QPF":
# ToolList.append(("SnowDog", "SnowAmt"))
# ToolList.append(("SnowAmt6hrFmSnowAmt", "SnowAmt6hr"))
# ToolList.append(("SnowAmt12hr", "SnowAmt12hr"))
QPFSnowWxPoPCheck = []
if 'Yes' in varDict['Run SnowAmt/QPF Check?']:
if 'Yes' in varDict['Run SnowAmt/Wx Check?']:
if 'Yes' in varDict['Run QPF/PoP Check?']:
if 'Yes' in varDict['Run QPF/Wx Check?']:
# print "QPFSnowWxPoPCheck and its length :", QPFSnowWxPoPCheck, len(QPFSnowWxPoPCheck)
if len(QPFSnowWxPoPCheck) > 0:
varDict=varDict, editArea=QCarea, timeRange=timeRange)
# For each SmartTool in the list
for toolName, elementName in ToolList:
# Send a message to the status bar
self.statusBarMsg('ER_QC_Check running -> %s' % (toolName), 'R')
# If this element is in the 'make grids' list
if elementName in makeList:
## makeList = ['RH', 'HeatIndex', 'WindChill', 'PPI'] ## defined above
# Ensure we have grids for this element
self.createFromScratchCmd([elementName], timeRange,
repeat=1, duration=1)
## these are all hourly so can create hourly and obviate
## the need for the fragment call below.
## # Fragment these fields
## self.fragmentCmd([elementName], timeRange)
editArea = Allareas
# Execute this SmartTool
error = self.callSmartTool(toolName, elementName,
editArea, timeRange, varDict,
editArea = QCarea
# Execute this SmartTool
if toolName == "WxCovMatchPoP":
error = self.callSmartTool(toolName, elementName,
editArea, timeRange,
error = self.callSmartTool(toolName, elementName,
editArea, timeRange, varDict,
if error is not None:
# Send a message to the status bar
self.statusBarMsg('ER_QC_Check completed!', 'R')
def logProcUse(self, string):
gtime = time.gmtime()
ts = "%4.4d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d" % (gtime[0], gtime[1], gtime[2],
gtime[3], gtime[4], gtime[5])
LogStream.logEvent("%s| %s" % (ts, string))