416 lines
15 KiB
416 lines
15 KiB
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# CreateNatlTCVZoneGroups - Version 3.0
# Author: Matthew Belk (BOX)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Apr 12, 2016 cleanup code and refactor to use
# GridManipulation and TropicalUtility
# Apr 29, 2016 added a popup banner with instructions to run the
# specific text formatter, for a particular storm
# Sep 19, 2016 19293 randerso Initial baseline check in
# Feb 15, 2021 8361 randerso Fix error in constructStormHazardMask when
# curETN is ""
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
MenuItems = ["None"]
import re
import time
import numpy as np
import LogStream
import ProcessVariableList
import TropicalUtility
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
# Define the UGC zone code prefix for each state in the domain. The
# keys are the edit area name for each state in the domain we want.
self.searchUGCdict = {
"Alabama":"ALZ", "Arkansas":"ARZ", "Connecticut":"CTZ",
"Delaware":"DEZ", "DistrictofColumbia":"DCZ", "Florida":"FLZ",
"Georgia":"GAZ", "Louisiana":"LAZ", "Maine":"MEZ", "Maryland":"MDZ",
"Massachusetts":"MAZ", "Mississippi":"MSZ", "Missouri":"MOZ",
"NewHampshire":"NHZ", "NewJersey":"NJZ", "NewMexico":"NMZ",
"NewYork":"NYZ", "NorthCarolina":"NCZ", "Oklahoma":"OKZ",
"Pennsylvania":"PAZ", "PuertoRico":"PRZ", "RhodeIsland":"RIZ",
"SouthCarolina":"SCZ", "Tennessee":"TNZ", "Texas":"TXZ",
"VirginIslands":"VIZ", "Virginia":"VAZ", "WestVirginia":"WVZ",
# Define a method to construct a mask which identifies all areas impacted
# by hazards associated with a particular storm
def constructStormHazardMask(self, searchEtn):
# Get ready to store the composite mask
finalStormHazardMask = self.empty(np.bool)
# Examine entire inventory of the Hazards grids
for tr in self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards"):
hazards = self.getGrids("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", tr)
# Split the Hazards data into its component parts
hazardBytes, hazardKeys = hazards
# Look at each of the hazards keys
for hazIndex, key in enumerate(hazardKeys):
print("key =", key)
# Ignore the default hazard keys which do not have ETN's
if key in ["<None>", "<Invalid>"]:
# Get the ETN for this hazard
curETN = self.getETN(key)
print("curETN =", curETN, "\tsearchEtn =", searchEtn)
# If this ETN does not match the storm we are interested in
if not curETN.strip() or not searchEtn or \
int(curETN) != int(searchEtn):
continue # move on
# If we made it this far, mask where this hazard exists
hazMask = hazardBytes == hazIndex
finalStormHazardMask[hazMask] = True
# Return the completed hazard mask for this storm
return finalStormHazardMask
# Define a method to search breakpoint segment edit areas for hazards
# associated with a specific storm
def searchHazardsBySegment(self, hazardMask):
# Get ready to track our results
results = set()
# Make a regular expression to look for breakpoint segment areas
segmentPattern = re.compile(
"^(LN\d\d\d\d|ISL\d\d\d|KEY\d\d\d|WT[A-Z][A-Z]\d\d|" +
# Now examine every search area
for searchArea in self.editAreaList():
# If this is not a breakpoint segment area we care about
if segmentPattern.search(searchArea) is None:
continue # Move on
# print searchArea
# Get the edit area as a mask
searchMask = self.encodeEditArea(searchArea)
LogStream.logEvent("Could not encode a mask for %s" %
# See if these areas overlap
overlap = hazardMask & searchMask
# If these areas do overlap
if overlap.any():
# Add this search area to the results list, if it is not
# already included
# Return the results we found
return results
# Define a method to search state edit areas for hazards associated with a
# specific storm
def searchHazardsByState(self, hazardMask):
# Get ready to track our results
results = set()
# print "-"*60
# print "Start state search"
# Now examine every search area
for searchArea in self.searchUGCdict:
# print "State searchArea =", searchArea
# Get the edit area as a mask
searchMask = self.encodeEditArea(searchArea)
LogStream.logEvent("Could not encode a mask for %s" %
# See if these areas overlap
overlap = hazardMask & searchMask
# If these areas do overlap
if overlap.any():
# Add this search area to the results list, if it is not
# already included
# Return the results we found
return results
# Define a method to search state forecast zone edit areas for hazards
# associated with a specific storm
def findZones(self, hazardMask, allEditAreaNames, results, keep=True):
print("\nI'm starting with %d edit areas" % (len(allEditAreaNames)))
# Now look for all zones associated with this state
for (index, searchArea) in enumerate(allEditAreaNames):
# print "Zone searchArea =", searchArea, index
# Get this edit area as a mask
searchMask = self.encodeEditArea(searchArea)
LogStream.logEvent("Could not encode a mask for %s" %
# See if these areas overlap
overlap = hazardMask & searchMask
# If these areas do overlap
if overlap.any():
# Add this search area to the results list, if it is not
# already included
if keep:
# print "Kept Zone searchArea =", searchArea, index
# else:
# print "Removing Zone searchArea =", searchArea, index
# # Since we already found this zone, do not look for it
# # with future hazard searches
# allEditAreaNames.remove(searchArea)
# else:
# print "Ignoring Zone searchArea ->", searchArea, index
print("I now have %d edit areas" % (len(allEditAreaNames)))
print("with %d results" % (len(results)))
# Return the results we determined
return (results, allEditAreaNames)
# Define a method to search state forecast zone edit areas for hazards
# associated with a specific storm
def searchHazardsByZone(self, hazardMask, stateList):
# Get ready to track our results
stateZones = set()
results = set()
# Make a list of all know edit area names
print("Getting all edit area names")
allEditAreaNames = self.editAreaList()
print("I have %d edit areas, to start" % (len(allEditAreaNames)))
# Make a set of zone codes prefixes we need to search further
for state in stateList:
# Get the string expression to look for UGC zone codes
# associated with this state
except KeyError:
LogStream.logEvent("Could not find this state %s" % (state))
print("\tExamining zones in ->", stateZones)
# Make a copy of all edit area names, so we can remove some without
# crashing the following loop
copyEditAreaNames = allEditAreaNames[:]
# Let's eliminate edit areas which do not match the pattern of UGC
# zone code names. All other edit area names will be removed.
for editArea in copyEditAreaNames:
if len(editArea) != 6 or editArea[:3] not in stateZones:
# print "Removing ->", editArea
# Now that we've removed the areas we know we will not need, take a
# closer look at the areas still left
(results, allEditAreaNames) = self.findZones(hazardMask,
allEditAreaNames, results)
# Return the results we found
return results
def execute(self, varDict):
if varDict is None:
# Let's start timing this
print("*" *80)
t0 = time.time()
print(time.gmtime(t0), "CreateNatlTCVZoneGroups Starting")
stormList = self.extractStormInfo()
stormNames = []
for sDict in stormList:
# Make the variableList dynamically based on the storm info
bogusStormName = "xyz"
variableList = []
variableList.append(("StormName", bogusStormName, "radio", stormNames))
# Display the GUI
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList(
"Create Text Formatter Sampling Combinations", variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
print("varDict =", varDict)
# Create a new time range
now = int(self._gmtime().unixTime() / 3600) * 3600
# Get the name of our selected storm
stormName = varDict["StormName"]
if stormName == bogusStormName:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select a storm name.", "U")
# Extract storm number for selected storm
for sDict in stormList:
if sDict["stormName"] == stormName:
stormNum = int(sDict["stormNumber"])
lastModified = sDict["lastModified"]
pil = sDict["pil"]
# Get the segment number and filter for valid characters
if stormNum is None:
self.abort("You must supply the storm number!")
# Ensure this is a national VTEC number
if stormNum < 1000:
stormNum = stormNum + 1000
# Make sure that the storm info has been updated within the last 7 hours
if self._gmtime().unixTime() - lastModified > 7 * 3600:
self.statusBarMsg("StormInfo for " + stormName + " is old. " + \
"Please update StormInfo first.", "U")
# LogStream.logEvent("Got this data\n\tpil = %s\tnumber = %s\n" %
# (pil, stormNum))
# print "Got this data\n\tpil = %s\tnumber = %s\n" % (pil, stormNum)
# Get ready to make a list of all states which need to be examined
# more closely
closerLookStates = []
# finalResults = set()
# Find all areas with hazards associated with this storm
hazardMask = self.constructStormHazardMask(stormNum)
# Look for breakpoint segments
# segments = self.searchHazardsBySegment(hazardMask)
# print "segments = ", segments
# for segment in segments:
# if segment not in finalResults:
# finalResults.add(segment)
# If there are any areas still impacted by this storm
if hazardMask.any():
# Make a list of states we need to examine more closely
closerLookStates = self.searchHazardsByState(hazardMask)
print("CloserLookStates = ", closerLookStates)
# If there are any states we need to look more closely at
results = self.searchHazardsByZone(hazardMask, closerLookStates)
results = set()
print("results =", results)
# Make a filename for this output
name = "Combinations_%s_%s" % (pil, "NHA")
# Get the previous version of this combinations file
prevCombo = None
prevCombo = self.loadCombinationsFile("prev" + name)
LogStream.logProblem("Error loading previous combinations file: %s\n" % name, LogStream.exc())
# if prevCombo is None or empty
if not prevCombo:
prevCombo = [[]]
# Add back any cancelled zones
finalSet = results | set(prevCombo[0])
print("finalSet =", finalSet)
# Now make the final combinations file
self.saveCombinationsFile(name, [list(finalSet)])
t1 = time.time()
print("\n\n%f milliseconds to update combinations file" % ((t1 - t0)*1000.0))
# Notify user which formatter to run if there were any zones left
if (len(finalSet) > 0):
msg = "You may now create the national TCV for %s " % (stormName) +\
"through the GFE Formatter Launcher (In GFE, Products->" +\
"Formatter Launcher). In the Formatter Launcher, Products->" +\
"Hazard->Hazard_TCV%s." % (pil) + "Click on the gear icon " +\
"(second from the right). Transmit the product when " +\
"satisfied it is correct."
self.statusBarMsg(msg, "A")
# Let's see how long this took
t3 = time.time()
print("\n\n%f milliseconds for total process" % ((t3 - t0) * 1000.0))
print(self._gmtime().timetuple(), "CreateNatlTCVZoneGroups Done") |