2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

337 lines
13 KiB

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# CopyProposedTropWindWW
# This procedure reads the JSON files and crate a Hazard-like grid for viewing.
# The displayed hazards are clipped to these areas for display.
# Author: lefebvre
# March 18 2020 21020 tlefebvr Initial version.
# March 29 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added ETNs to hazard keys.
# April 6 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed ETN issue and added code to read
# JSON file from a the text db.
# April 9 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added GUI to prompt for bulletins and strip
# AFOS header off of text product.
# April 13 2020 21020 tlefebvr Added EastPac button and more error messaging
# when failing to get or decode text product.
# April 16, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed filterKeys for calcDiffGrid and call
# calcDiffGrid. Added removal of Prop grids.
# April 22, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Fixed ETNs so it works in all basins.
# May 6, 2020 21020 tlefebvr Ported to HPA domain and code clean-up.
# May 12, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Changed TimeRange for Diff grid to 48 hours.
# May 13, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Limited diff grid to CWA area if it's a WFO.
# May 15, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Fixed issue with empty JSON (no W/Ws).
# May 21, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Addressed code review comments.
# May 25, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Fixed a small bug introduced with previous version.
# May 26, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Using subprocess to fetch text from textdb.
# June 3, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Fixed SiteID comparision to lists.
# June 3, 2020 22033 tlefebvr Removed explicit call to get text in PRACTICE mode.
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
import AbsTime, TimeRange
import TropicalUtility
import WindWWUtils
import numpy as np
import ProcessVariableList
import functools
import json
import operator
class Procedure (TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility):
def __init__(self, dbss):
TropicalUtility.TropicalUtility.__init__(self, dbss)
self._dbss = dbss
self._WindWWUtils = WindWWUtils.WindWWUtils(self._dbss)
def getZoneList(self, bulletin, hazard):
Fetches the list of zones for the specified bulletin and hazard.
zoneList = []
if "zoneDict" in self._stormInfoDict[bulletin]:
if hazard in self._stormInfoDict[bulletin]["zoneDict"]:
zoneList = self._stormInfoDict[bulletin]["zoneDict"][hazard]
return zoneList
def getStormNumber(self, bulletin):
Fetches the storm number from the specified bulletin.
stormNumber = None
if bulletin in self._stormInfoDict:
stormNumber = self._stormInfoDict[bulletin]["stormNumber"]
return stormNumber
def addETNToHazardKey(self, hazKey, etnStr):
Adds the ETN string to the specified hazKey
hazList = hazKey.split("^")
hazList = [hazKey + ":" + etnStr for hazKey in hazList]
newHaz = "^".join(hazList)
return newHaz
# Updates the GFE spatial display based on the specified list of BP names
def updateDisplay(self):
Updates the spatial GFE display based on the current state of the
stormInfo data.
hazKeys = ["<None>"]
etnDict = self._WindWWUtils.etnDict()
grid = self.empty(np.int8)
# Assign the values to the grid for the CONUS breakpoints`
for bulletin in self._bulletinList:
stormNumber = self.getStormNumber(bulletin)
if stormNumber is None:
for hazard in self._fullHazList:
if hazard == "<None>":
hazMask = self.empty(np.bool)
eaList = self.getZoneList(bulletin, hazard)
for eaName in eaList:
ea = self.getEditArea(eaName)
hazMask |= self.encodeEditArea(ea) & self._cwaMask
except AttributeError:
self.statusBarMsg(eaName + " edit area was was not found.", "S")
etnValue = etnDict[bulletin[0:2]]
etnStr = str(etnValue + stormNumber)
hazardKey = self.addETNToHazardKey(hazard, etnStr)
hazIndex = self.getIndex(hazardKey, hazKeys)
grid[hazMask] = hazIndex
# Create the grid showing the breakpoint areas
weName = "ProposedTropWindWW"
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), weName, "DISCRETE", (grid, hazKeys), self._timeRange,
defaultColorTable="Hazards", discreteKeys=hazKeys,
discreteOverlap=1, discreteAuxDataLength=5)
# This is commented out for now as it causes a crash from time to time
# self.setActiveElement(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", self._timeRange)
return grid, hazKeys
# Calculates a difference grid (added versus removed)
def calcDiffGrid(self, initialGrid, proposedGrid, diffName, timeRange,
filterKeys=["HU.W", "HU.A", "TR.W", "TR.A", "TR.W^HU.A", "HU.A^TR.W"],
Calculate a temporary grid that shows the difference between the initial discrete
grid and the the proposedGrid. -1=hazard removed, 0=no change, 1=hazard added,
2=hazard changed.
# Limit all changes to the areaMask
areaMask = self.newGrid(True, np.bool)
# If this is a WFO
if isWFO:
# Filter the Hazards to only keep the Wind hazards
initialGrid = self.filterHazardGrid(initialGrid, filterKeys)
proposedGrid = self.filterHazardGrid(proposedGrid, filterKeys)
areaMask = self._cwaMask
# Split these grids into their components
initGrid, initKeys = initialGrid
propGrid, propKeys = proposedGrid
# Identify where there are no hazards in both grids
initNone = self.getIndex("<None>", initKeys)
propNone = self.getIndex("<None>", propKeys)
# Mask of these areas
initNoneMask = (initGrid == initNone)
propNoneMask = (propGrid == propNone)
# Make an empty grid to hold difference indicator
diffGrid = self.empty(np.float32)
# Calculate hazards that were removed
diffGrid[propNoneMask & ~initNoneMask & areaMask] = -1
# Calculate hazards that were added
diffGrid[~propNoneMask & initNoneMask & areaMask] = 1
# Find areas that had some hazard and it changed to another hazard
for initKey in initKeys:
for propKey in propKeys:
if initKey == "<None>" or propKey == "<None>": # ignore any <None> cases
if initKey == propKey: # ignore cases where the keys are the same
# Now we know the keys are different and neither is <None>
initIndex = self.getIndex(initKey, initKeys)
propIndex = self.getIndex(propKey, propKeys)
initMask = (initGrid == initIndex)
propMask = (propGrid == propIndex)
# The intersection is where they changed
diffGrid[initMask & propMask & areaMask] = 2
# Add this temporary grid to the grid manager so it can be seen
self.createGrid(self.mutableID(), diffName, "SCALAR", diffGrid, timeRange,
descriptiveName="Diff Between NHC and WFO",
precision=0, minAllowedValue=-1.0, maxAllowedValue=2.0)
def extractJSONText(self, textList):
Strip the header text from the text product.
startStr = "{\n"
if startStr in textList:
startIndex = textList.index(startStr)
finalText = textList[startIndex:]
self.statusBarMsg("Error parsing JSON text from text product.", "S")
finalText = ""
return finalText
def fetchStormInfoFromTextProduct(self):
Fetch the text product from the text database,
convert the text to a dictionary and return in
a dictionary indexed by bulletin.
stormInfoDict = {}
for bulletin in self._bulletinList:
productID = "MIAJSN" + bulletin
text = self.getTextProductFromDB(productID)
if text:
# Make a single string out of lists of strings
text = functools.reduce(operator.concat, text)
text = self.extractJSONText(text)
jsonDict = json.loads(text)
if jsonDict is None:
stormInfoDict[bulletin] = jsonDict
return stormInfoDict
def removeOldPropGrids(self):
Removes all previous Proposed grids.
timeRange = TimeRange.allTimes()
weList = ["ProposedTropWWGuidance", "ProposedTropWindWW", "WindHazardsDiff"]
for weName in weList:
self.deleteGrid(self.mutableID(), weName, "SFC", timeRange)
def noHazardsFound(self, stormInfoDict, bulletinList):
Returns true if no hazards were found in list of bulletins.
for bulletin in bulletinList:
if bulletin in stormInfoDict:
if "Breakpoints" not in stormInfoDict[bulletin]:
return True
for phenSig in stormInfoDict[bulletin]["Breakpoints"]:
if "Breakpoints" in stormInfoDict[bulletin]:
if len(stormInfoDict[bulletin]["Breakpoints"]) > 0:
return False
return True
# Main method that sets up the GUI and enters the event loop
def execute(self, varDict):
self._fullHazList = ["<None>", "HU.A", "HU.W", "TR.A", "TR.W", "HU.A^TR.W"]
self._bpTypes = ["land", "island", "water",
basinDict = self._WindWWUtils._basinBins
siteID = self.getSiteID()
if siteID in ["HFO"]:
binInfo = [("Central Pacific Storm\nBin Number:", basinDict["Central Pacific"])]
elif siteID in ["GUM", "PQE", "PQW"]:
binInfo = [("Western Pacific Storm\nBin Number:", basinDict["Western Pacific"])]
binInfo = [("Atlantic Storm\nBin Number:", basinDict["Atlantic"]),
("Eastern Pacific Storm\nBin Number:", basinDict["Eastern Pacific"]),
variableList = []
# Build the GUI
for basinName, binList in binInfo:
variableList.append((basinName, [], "check", binList))
# Display the GUI
varDict = {}
processVarList = ProcessVariableList.ProcessVariableList("Select Bins", variableList, varDict)
status = processVarList.status()
if status.upper() != "OK":
#Extract the selections
self._bulletinList = []
for basinName, binList in binInfo:
self._bulletinList += varDict[basinName]
if not self._bulletinList:
self.statusBarMsg("Please select at least one bulletin.", "S")
# Get the WFO edit area and mask
cwaEA = self.getEditArea(siteID)
self._cwaMask = self.encodeEditArea(cwaEA)
# Make a timeRange used for displaying the grid, one day long starting now.
start = int((self._gmtime().unixTime()) / 3600) * 3600
end = start + 48 * 3600
self._timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(AbsTime.AbsTime(start),
self._stormInfoDict = self.fetchStormInfoFromTextProduct()
if self.noHazardsFound(self._stormInfoDict, self._bulletinList):
self.statusBarMsg("No Hazards found in the selected bulletin(s)", "S")
# Make the Proposed gird, display it and return it
propGrid, propKeys = self.updateDisplay()
# Fetch the Hazards grid
trList = self.GM_getWEInventory("Hazards", self.mutableID())
if trList:
hazTR = trList[-1]
else: # No hazard grid found
self.statusBarMsg("No Hazards grid was found. No difference grid made.", "S")
# Make the difference grid
hazGrid, hazKeys = self.getGrids(self.mutableID(), "Hazards", "SFC", hazTR)
self.calcDiffGrid((hazGrid, hazKeys), (propGrid, propKeys), "WindHazardsDiff", self._timeRange, self._fullHazList, isWFO=True)