227 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# CheckWindGust
# Author: Tom Mazza, based on Tom LeFebvre's CheckTandTd
# Version Date: 6 Oct 2006
# Version: 1.0
# Modified by Tom Mazza 6 Jun 2005 to use local ISC_Send_Area
# and to redo RH, and, if loaded in GE at the ttime, HeatIndex and WindChill,
# on "Force: TMin<=T<=TMax\n and Td<=T" option anytime T and / or Td are
# changed (change on Td only does not affect WindChill).
# 7/27/2015 yteng Use the time range selected in the Grid Manager if any,
# and retrived teh necessary grids for improved efficiency
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# The MenuItems list defines the GFE menu item(s) under which the
# Procedure is to appear.
# Possible items are: Populate, Edit, Consistency, Verify
MenuItems = ["Consistency"]
VariableList = [("Check or Force:" , "Check Only", "radio",
["Check Only", "Force: WindGust>=Wind"])]
import SmartScript
import time
import TimeRange
from JUtil import JavaWrapperClass
from numpy import *
MODEL = "Fcst"
DAY_IN_SECS = 24 * 3600
class Procedure (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def getWEInventory(self, WEName, timeRange=None):
if timeRange is None:
yesterday = self._gmtime() - (2 * DAY_IN_SECS) # two days ago
later = self._gmtime() + 10 * DAY_IN_SECS # 10 days from now
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(yesterday, later)
if isinstance(timeRange, JavaWrapperClass):
timeRange = timeRange.toJavaObj()
parm = self.getParm(MODEL, WEName, LEVEL)
inv = parm.getGridInventory(timeRange)
trList = []
for gd in inv:
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(gd.getGridTime())
return trList
def getLocksByOthers(self, weName):
# returns list of time ranges locked by others for this weather element
parm = self.getParm(self.mutableID(), weName, LEVEL)
if parm is None:
return []
lt = parm.getLockTable()
jlok = lt.lockedByOther()
lbo = []
for i in range(jlok.size()):
tr = jlok.get(i)
tr = TimeRange.TimeRange(tr)
lbo.append( tr )
return lbo
def overlappingTRs(self, timeRange, trList):
newTRList = []
for tr in trList:
if timeRange.overlaps(tr):
return newTRList
def combineInventoryLists(self, minTRList, maxTRList):
bigList = minTRList + maxTRList
bigList.sort(key=lambda x: x.startTime())
return bigList
def execute(self, timeRange, varDict):
checkOnly = varDict["Check or Force:"] == "Check Only"
startWindChill = 10 ## First month to report wind chill
endWindChill = 4 ## Last month to report wind chill
# Get local edit area simply by using the baseline edit area
eaList = self.editAreaList()
siteID = self.getSiteID()
if siteID in eaList: # make sure the edit area is there
siteEA = self.getEditArea(siteID) # get the edit area
siteMask = self.encodeEditArea(siteEA) # make a mask with siteEA
siteMask = siteMask.astype(bool8)
topo = self.getGridShape()
siteMask = ones(topo, bool8)
print(siteID, "edit area not found. Using entire GFE domain.")
errorsFound = "no" # To keep track of any errors found for
# status bar message at the end.
# remove any temporary WEs we created
weList = ["WindGustLessThanWindSpeed"]
for we in weList:
parm = self.getParm(MODEL, we, LEVEL)
if parm is not None:
self.unloadWE(MODEL, we, LEVEL)
# if no timeRange selected then make a big timeRange
if timeRange is None or not timeRange.isValid():
start = self._gmtime() - (2 * DAY_IN_SECS) # two days ago
end = self._gmtime() + (10 * DAY_IN_SECS) # 10 days from now
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(start, end)
# get all the grids for all elements upfront and update as we modify
# any grids. We need to do this because the GFE caches the original
# version of all grids and there's no way yet to turn this off.
WindDirDict = {}
WindSpeedDict = {}
WindGustDict = {}
WindTRList = self.getWEInventory("Wind", timeRange)
for tr in WindTRList:
grid = self.getGrids(MODEL, "Wind", LEVEL, tr, mode = "First")
WindDirDict[tr] = grid[1]
WindSpeedDict[tr] = grid[0]
WindGustTRList = self.getWEInventory("WindGust", timeRange)
WindGustDict = self.getGrids(MODEL, "WindGust", LEVEL, WindGustTRList, mode = "First")
# get the all locks by other users, so we can detect they are locked
# before attempting to modify them
WindGustLocks = self.getLocksByOthers("WindGust")
nowZ = time.gmtime(time.time())
curMon = nowZ[1]
WindChangeTools = []
if curMon >= startWindChill or curMon <= endWindChill:
WindChangeTools.append(("WindChillTool", "WindChill"))
WindGustOnlyChangeTools = []
databaseID = self.findDatabase(MODEL)
# Now check WindGust >= WindSpeed # was T < Td
for tr in WindTRList:
# make sure there's a matching WindGust grid
if not tr in WindGustTRList:
WindSpeedGrid = WindSpeedDict[tr]
WindGustGrid = WindGustDict[tr]
# find points in the siteMask where WindGust < Wind
mask = (WindGustGrid < WindSpeedGrid) & siteMask
if not sometrue(mask): # make sure some points are set
errorsFound = "yes"
if checkOnly: # just make a grid
self.createGrid(MODEL, "WindGustLessThanWindSpeed", "SCALAR", mask.astype(float32), tr, minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue= 1.0)
else: # force WindGust >= WindSpeed
if tr in WindGustLocks:
msg = "Can't modify WindGust grid at " + str(tInv[i]) + \
" locked by another user."
self.statusBarMsg(msg, "S")
editArea = self.decodeEditArea(mask.astype(float32))
WindGustGrid = where(mask, WindSpeedGrid, WindGustGrid)
self.createGrid(MODEL, "WindGust", "SCALAR", WindGustGrid, tr)
WindGustDict[tr] = WindGustGrid # update the tdDict
for toolName, elementName in WindChangeTools:
parm = (elementName, LEVEL, databaseID)
if (toolName in WindGustOnlyChangeTools) and (parm in self.loadedParms()):
gridInfo = self.getGridInfo(MODEL, elementName, LEVEL, tr)
if gridInfo == []:
self.createFromScratchCmd([elementName], tr,
repeat=1, duration=1)
error = self.callSmartTool(toolName, elementName,
editArea, tr)
if error is not None:
# Send a message to the status bar
if errorsFound == "yes":
self.statusBarMsg('CheckWindGust completed - One or more Flags on the play.', 'R')
self.statusBarMsg('CheckWindGust completed - No Flags!', 'R')