379 lines
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379 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Aviation_CloudBaseFromRH - Version 20181114
# Author: Matthew H. Belk Created: 01/22/2010
# WFO Taunton MA
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modified to work in both A1 and A2 environments by Tom LeFebvre - 6/20/14
# Converted to use new weather element names - 6/14/15 - Tom LeFebvre
# Renamed to Aviation_ and removed A1 any code. - 2/29/16 - Tom LeFebvre
# Minor clean up and moved to new aviation tools. - 3/03/17 - Tom LeFebvre
# Minor changes from code review. - 11/14/18 - Tom LeFebvre
# Configuration section.
# Configure the ModelList to include models available at your office.
# These are the options for the background grids.
ModelList=["NAM12", "GFS", "RAP13"]
# Configure number of hours to adjust selected time range before and after
AdjustTR = 0
# Define how often there should be a sounding
# (will interpolate if needed)
InterpHours = 1
# Define a maximum cloud base height in 100s of feet
MaxCloudBase = 250
# Define a toggle to create some debug grids - can also be used for
# training purposes
CreateDebugGrids = False # False = No, True = Yes
# End configuration section.
# Set up variables to be solicited from the user
# Start with an empty dialog
VariableList = []
# Make a global list to hold all the names we add to the dialog
dialogNames = []
# Add a control to alter RH thresholds
VariableList.append(("Use AGL cloud heights:", "Yes", "radio", ["Yes", "No"]))
# Add a control to alter RH thresholds
VariableList.append(("Populate:", "CloudBasePrimary", "radio", ["CloudBasePrimary",
"CloudBaseSecondary", "CloudBaseConditional"]))
# For each model we have configured
for model in ModelList:
# Add a slider bar to handle the last two versions this model
VariableList.append((model, 0, "scale", [0,10], 1))
VariableList.append(("Previous %s" % (model), 0, "scale", [0,10], 1))
# Add these names to the dialog list so we can get their data later on
dialogNames.append("Previous %s" % (model))
# Add a label to explain the following option
VariableList.append(("Adjusting the slider bar below to the\n" +
"right will make it tougher to detect a\n" +
"cloud, which should raise cloud heights.\n" +
"Moving the slider bar to the left,\n" +
"will make it easier to detect a cloud.", "", "label"))
# Add a control to alter RH thresholds
VariableList.append(("Alter RH thresholds for clouds by (%):", 0, "scale",
[-20,20], 1))
# Import Python modules we will need
import time
import numpy as np
import Aviation_Utils
import GridManipulation
MenuItems = ["Populate"]
class Procedure (GridManipulation.GridManipulation):
def __init__(self, dbss):
GridManipulation.GridManipulation.__init__(self, dbss)
self._aviationUtils = Aviation_Utils.Aviation_Utils(dbss, None)
def _processVariableList(self, varDict):
# Set flag for using AGL heights
self.useAglHeights = varDict["Use AGL cloud heights:"] == "Yes"
# Determine which cloud field to populate
self._populateHeight = varDict["Populate:"]
# Make an empty list of models we can use
self._models, self._modelWeights = self._aviationUtils.getModelWeights(dialogNames,
# Determine model levels and RH threshold which will result in a cloud
# at each. Levels must be listed in order of ascending height.
self._levels = ["MB1000","MB975", "MB950", "MB925", "MB900",
"MB875", "MB850", "MB825", "MB800", "MB775",
"MB750", "MB725", "MB700", "MB675", "MB650",
"MB625", "MB600", "MB575", "MB550", "MB525",
"MB500", "MB450", "MB400", "MB350", "MB300"
# Define RH threshold which indicates a cloud for each level
# We need to go from the top of the cube down since numpy requires
# increasing x-values (pressure) in order to compute 1-D splines
# key = pressure level, value = RH threshold
self._cloudRH = {1000:98.0, 975:96.0, 950:94.0, 925:92.0, 900:90.0,
875:88.0, 850:85.0, 825:83.0, 800:80.0, 775:78.0,
750:75.0, 725:73.0, 700:70.0, 675:68.0, 650:65.0,
625:63.0, 600:60.0, 575:58.0, 550:55.0, 525:53.0,
500:50.0, 450:45.0, 400:40.0, 350:35.0, 300:30.0
# See if these thresholds are to be altered
alterRHthresholds = varDict["Alter RH thresholds for clouds by (%):"]
# Create a 1-D spline to determine cloud bases
# Sort dictionary keys and values so we can compute a 1-D spline
# pKnots = np.array(sorted(self._cloudRH.keys()))
rhKnots = []
# presCube = []
# Construct the pressure cube we need, plus the RH knots for the spline
# function. These must be in ascending order to satisfy scipy.
# Physically, this is opposite order we need.
for key in sorted(list(self._cloudRH.keys()), reverse=True):
rhKnots.append(self.newGrid(self._cloudRH[key] + alterRHthresholds))
# presCube.append(self.newGrid(key))
# Finish construction of the numpy cubes
self._rhThreshold = np.array(rhKnots)
# Identify the rows and columns of a single grid.
# It's important to remember that numpy defines "rows", "columns" and
# "depth" differently from how they are used in GFE. Thus we need to
# reverse the order here in constructing the meshgrid. We'll use them
# in the GFE-proper order later on.
empty = self.empty()
self.BI_col, self.BI_row = np.meshgrid(np.arange(empty.shape[1]),
# Run this procedure
def execute(self, timeRange, varDict):
t0 = time.time()
executeTR = timeRange
print("ExecuteTR:", executeTR)
# Log the use of this procedure
self.statusBarMsg("Aviation_CloudBaseFromRH started...", "R")
# Process the VariableList
# If we don't have any selected models we can use
if len(list(self._modelWeights.keys())) == 0:
self.statusBarMsg("No available data for model soundings!\n" +
"Be sure to select at least one model.", "S")
# Get the topography of our domain in feet
topo = self.getTopo()
# Display these data if debugging
if CreateDebugGrids:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "topo", "SCALAR", topo, timeRange,
minAllowedValue=-3000.0, maxAllowedValue=25000.0)
# Make a list of all CloudBasePrimary or ClloudBaseSecondary grids locked by other
# users, so we can detect the locks before trying to modify the grids
predHgtLocks = self.GM_getParmLocksByOthers(self._populateHeight)
# Delete all the grids in the adjusted time range
self.deleteCmd([self._populateHeight], executeTR)
# Now that we have the sounding data, cycle through each time
predHgtTRList = self.GM_makeTimeRangeList(executeTR, InterpHours)
for tr in predHgtTRList:
# Check the tr in various ways to see if it's worth going on
# Make sure we overlap the executeTR
if not tr.overlaps(executeTR):
print("\tdoesn't overlap")
# Make sure the tr is not locked
if tr in predHgtLocks:
self.statusBarMsg("%s grid is locked at:" %
(self._populateHeight) + str(tr), "S")
# Restrict based on hour of the day
# Shouldn't need to do this if the wind grids are also defined
# at this resolution.
start = time.gmtime(tr.startTime().unixTime())
if not start.tm_hour in range(0, 24, InterpHours):
# Get ready to compute weighted-average height and RH cubes, as
# well as cloud base height
avgHgtCube = 0.0
avgRhCube = 0.0
totalWeight = 0.0
cloudBaseHgt = self.newGrid(MaxCloudBase)
# Construct a list of all model data we have for this time
# Look through all of the chosen models
# t1 = time.time()
for model in self._models:
modelInventory = self.GM_getWEInventory("rh", model,
#Fetch the cubes
if tr not in modelInventory:
sounding = self.GM_interpolateSounding(model, "rh",
self._levels, tr, modelInventory)
sounding = self.makeNumericSounding(model, "rh",
self._levels, tr, noDataError=0)
if sounding is None:
self.statusBarMsg(model + " sounding is missing at: " +
str(tr), "A")
# Extract the height and RH cubes
ghCube, rhCube = sounding
# Adjust these data by the chosen model weight
ghCube *= float(self._modelWeights[model])
rhCube *= float(self._modelWeights[model])
# Add up the weight for this model
totalWeight += float(self._modelWeights[model])
# Add this data to the existing model cubes
avgHgtCube += ghCube
avgRhCube += rhCube
if totalWeight == 0.0:
# Compute the weighted-average values we need to compute the
# mixing height for this time
# t2 = time.time()
avgHgtCube /= totalWeight
avgRhCube /= totalWeight
# Convert the height cube from meters to feet
avgHgtCube /= 0.3048
# If we need cloud bases in AGL, convert all heights to AGL
if self.useAglHeights:
avgHgtCube -= topo
# Convert the heights into hundreds of feet
avgHgtCube /= 100.0
# Display these data if debugging
if CreateDebugGrids:
for level in range(avgRhCube.shape[0]):
self.createGrid("Fcst", "rh%02d" % (level), "SCALAR",
avgRhCube[level], timeRange,
minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=100.0)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "gh%02d" % (level), "SCALAR",
avgHgtCube[level], timeRange,
minAllowedValue=-100.0, maxAllowedValue=500.0)
# Compute the cloud base for each point
mask = (avgRhCube >= self._rhThreshold)
# Find the lowest level in the cube where cloud is indicated
# Remember, "masked" data in number is "bad". So we need to
# reverse the logic in determining which index to use.
index = mask.argmax(axis=0) #+ 1
# Now collapse the 3-D mask to a 2-D mask
mask2D = np.any(mask, axis=0)
# Display these data if debugging
if CreateDebugGrids:
self.createGrid("Fcst", "mask2D", "SCALAR", mask2D, timeRange,
minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0)
self.createGrid("Fcst", "index", "SCALAR", index, timeRange,
minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=50.0)
for level in range(mask.shape[0]):
self.createGrid("Fcst", "mask%02d" % (level), "SCALAR",
mask[level], timeRange,
minAllowedValue=0.0, maxAllowedValue=1.0)
# Now assign the lowest cloud base we found
cloudBaseHgt[mask2D] = avgHgtCube[index, self.BI_row, self.BI_col][mask2D]
# Place these grids in the database
cloudBaseHgt = cloudBaseHgt.clip(1, 250)
self.createGrid("Fcst", self._populateHeight, "SCALAR",
cloudBaseHgt, tr)
self.GM_logToolUse("%f ms to complete Aviation_CloudBaseFromRH2" %
((time.time() - t0) * 100.0))
self.statusBarMsg("Aviation_CloudBaseFromRH completed...", "R")