Nathan Bowler d68602eadd Omaha #3393 Add request/response for RadarDataRecord. Remove broken RadarDao override. Convert a2_rad scripts.
Change-Id: Ie3ea761920c1ecec233e1fc586f3cbcd5914f1c6

Former-commit-id: f70776903c [formerly 2fcc25bb9b] [formerly f70776903c [formerly 2fcc25bb9b] [formerly 8fdc47855e [formerly 44ca6fb8a26cc9af7267ce635a200eb3c26ce9f8]]]
Former-commit-id: 8fdc47855e
Former-commit-id: b1fbb4e678 [formerly f2be9c044e]
Former-commit-id: d398fdca21
2014-08-21 10:55:28 -04:00

267 lines
6.8 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Gets data for a single radar product from the A-II database. The result is
# output to stdout as ASCII. This uses a data-specific Request/Response instead
# of the DataAccessLayer in order to preserve data-genericness of the interface.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
# 08/11/2014 3393 nabowle Initial modification. Replaces UEngine
# with a custom Request/Response.
import argparse
import a2radcommon
def get_args():
parser = a2radcommon.get_args_parser()
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
user_args = get_args()
records = a2radcommon.send_request(user_args)
if not records:
# print "Data not available"
description = user_args.description
if not description:
print >> sys.stderr, "Description not provided"
print_record(records[0], description)
def print_record(record, description):
idra = record.getHdf5Data()
rdat,azdat,depVals,prodVals,recVals,stormVals,symVals,symData,threshVals = get_hdf5_data(idra)
if not rdat:
# Graphic, XY
# print "Unsupported radar format"
dim = rdat.getDimension()
if dim != 2:
# print "Data not available"
yLen = rdat.getSizes()[0]
xLen = rdat.getSizes()[1]
# byte[] -- the raw data
array = rdat.getByteData()
arraySize = len(array)
if xLen * yLen != arraySize:
# print "Data not available"
# get data for azimuth angles if we have them.
if azdat :
azVals = azdat.getFloatData()
azValsLen = len(azVals)
if yLen != azValsLen:
# print "Data not available"
msg = get_header(record, xLen, yLen, azdat, description)
msg += encode_dep_vals(depVals)
msg += encode_prod_vals(prodVals)
msg += encode_rec_vals(recVals)
msg += encode_storm_vals(stormVals)
msg += encode_sym_vals(symVals)
msg += encode_sym_data(symData)
msg += encode_thresh_vals(threshVals)
if azdat :
msg += a2radcommon.encode_radial(azVals)
msg += encode_data(yLen, xLen, array)
print msg
def get_hdf5_data(idra):
rdat = []
azdat = []
depVals = []
prodVals = []
recVals = []
stormVals = []
symVals = []
symData = []
threshVals = []
if len(idra) > 0:
for ii in range(len(idra)):
if idra[ii].getName() == "Data":
rdat = idra[ii]
elif idra[ii].getName() == "Angles":
azdat = idra[ii]
dattyp = "radial"
elif idra[ii].getName() == "DependentValues":
depVals = idra[ii].getShortData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "ProductVals":
prodVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "RecordVals":
recVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "StormIds":
stormVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "Symbology":
symVals = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "SymbologyData":
symData = idra[ii].getByteData()
elif idra[ii].getName() == "Thresholds":
threshVals = idra[ii].getShortData()
return rdat,azdat,depVals,prodVals,recVals,stormVals,symVals,symData,threshVals
def get_header(record, xLen, yLen, azdat, description):
# Encode dimensions, time, mapping, description, tilt, and VCP
mytime = a2radcommon.get_datetime_str(record)
dattyp = a2radcommon.get_data_type(azdat)
msg = str(xLen) + " " + str(yLen) + " " + mytime + " " + dattyp + \
" " + description + "\n" + \
str(record.getTrueElevationAngle()) + " " + \
str(record.getVolumeCoveragePattern()) + "\n"
return msg
def encode_dep_vals(depVals):
nnn = len(depVals)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if depVals[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%4.4X"%(65536+depVals[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%4.4X"%depVals[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_prod_vals(prodVals):
nnn = len(prodVals)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if prodVals[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%(255+prodVals[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%prodVals[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_rec_vals(recVals):
nnn = len(recVals)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if recVals[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%(255+recVals[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%recVals[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_storm_vals(stormVals):
nnn = len(stormVals)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if stormVals[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%(255+stormVals[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%stormVals[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_sym_vals(symVals):
nnn = len(symVals)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if symVals[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%(255+symVals[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%symVals[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_sym_data(symData):
nnn = len(symData)
msg = str(nnn)
j = 0
while j<nnn :
if symData[j]<0 :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%(255+symData[j])
else :
msg += " " + "%2.2X"%symData[j]
j += 1
msg += "\n"
return msg
def encode_thresh_vals(threshVals):
msg = str(len(threshVals)) + a2radcommon.encode_thresh_vals(threshVals)
return msg
def encode_data(yLen, xLen, array):
msg = ""
nxy = yLen*xLen
j = 0
while j<nxy :
i = 0
while i<xLen :
if array[i+j]<0 :
msg += str(256+array[i+j]) + " "
else :
msg += str(array[i+j]) + " "
i += 1
msg += "\n"
j += xLen
return msg[0:-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':