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`paper-radio-group` allows user to select only one radio button from a set.
Checking one radio button that belongs to a radio group unchecks any
previously checked radio button within the same group. Use
`selected` to get or set the selected radio button.
<paper-radio-group selected="small">
<paper-radio-button name="small" label="Small"></paper-radio-button>
<paper-radio-button name="medium" label="Medium"></paper-radio-button>
<paper-radio-button name="large" label="Large"></paper-radio-button>
See <a href="paper-radio-button.html">paper-radio-button</a> for more
information about `paper-radio-button`.
@group Paper Elements
@element paper-radio-group
@extends core-selector
@homepage github.io
<link rel="import" href="../core-a11y-keys/core-a11y-keys.html">
<link rel="import" href="../core-selector/core-selector.html">
<link rel="import" href="../paper-radio-button/paper-radio-button.html">
<polymer-element name="paper-radio-group" extends="core-selector" role="radiogroup">
<core-a11y-keys target="{{}}" keys="up left" on-keys-pressed="{{selectPrevious}}"></core-a11y-keys>
<core-a11y-keys target="{{}}" keys="down right" on-keys-pressed="{{selectNext}}"></core-a11y-keys>
:host {
display: inline-block;
polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host > *'; }
::content > * {
padding: 12px;
Polymer('paper-radio-group', {
nextIndex: function(index) {
var items = this.items;
var newIndex = index;
do {
newIndex = (newIndex + 1) % items.length;
if (newIndex === index) {
} while (items[newIndex].disabled);
return newIndex;
previousIndex: function(index) {
var items = this.items;
var newIndex = index;
do {
newIndex = (newIndex || items.length) - 1;
if (newIndex === index) {
} while (items[newIndex].disabled);
return newIndex;
selectNext: function() {
var node = this.selectIndex(this.nextIndex(this.selectedIndex));
selectPrevious: function() {
var node = this.selectIndex(this.previousIndex(this.selectedIndex));
* Specifies the attribute to set on the selected element to indicate
* its active state.
* @attribute selectedAttribute
* @type string
* @default 'checked'
selectedAttribute: 'checked',
* The event that would be fired from the item element to indicate
* it is being selected.
* @attribute activateEvent
* @type string
* @default 'change'
activateEvent: 'change'