] [formerly4bfbdad17d
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
] Former-commit-id:e5543a0e86
481 lines
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481 lines
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<title>Smart Script Class - Utilities</title>
<h1><a name="Util"></a>Utilities</h1>
<a href="#findDatabase">findDatabase</a>
<a href="#getDatabase">getDatabase</a>
<a href="#getTimeRange">getTimeRange</a>
<a href="#createTimeRange">createTimeRange</a>
<a href="#getSamplePoints">getSamplePoints</a>
<a href="#dayTime">dayTime</a>
<a href="#determineTimeShift">determineTimeShift</a>
<a href="#getEditArea">getEditArea</a>
<a href="#saveEditArea">saveEditArea</a>
<a href="#setActiveEditArea">setActiveEditArea</a>
<a href="#clearActiveEditArea">clearActiveEditArea</a>
<a href="#setActiveElement">setActiveElement</a>
<a href="#getActiveElement">getActiveElement</a>
<a href="#getGridCellSwath">getGridCellSwath</a>
<a href="#getLatLon">getLatLon</a>
<a href="#getLatLonGrids">getLatLonGrids</a>
<a href="#getGridCell">getGridCell</a>
<a href="#getGrid2DBit">getGrid2DBit</a>
<a href="#getGridTimes">getGridTimes</a>
<a href="#getExprName">getExprName</a>
<a href="#getModelName">getModelName</a>
<a href="#getD2Dmodel">getD2Dmodel</a>
<a href="#getParm">getParm</a>
<a href="#getParmByExpr">getParmByExpr</a>
<a href="#cacheElements">cacheElements</a>
<a href="#unCacheElements">unCacheElements</a>
<a href="#loadWEGroup">loadWEGroup</a>
<a href="#unloadWE">unloadWE</a>
<a href="#saveElements">saveElements</a>
<a href="#publishElements">publishElements</a>
<a href="#combineMode_">combineMode</a>
<a href="#setCombineMode">setCombineMode</a>
<a href="#getVectorEditMode">getVectorEditMode</a>
<a href="#setVectorEditMode">setVectorEditMode</a>
<a href="#getConfigItem">getConfigItem</a>
<a href="#esat">esat</a>
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<hr width="100%">
<a name="findDatabase"></a>findDatabase</h2>
def findDatabase(self, databaseName, version=0):
# Return a database id.
# databaseName can have the appended
type. E.g. "NAM" or "D2D_NAM"
# version is 0 (most recent), -1
-2, etc.
# E.g.
# databaseID =
# returns most recent NAM model
<h2><a name="getDatabase"></a>getDatabase</h2>
def getDatabase(self, databaseString):
# Return a database id.
# databaseString is the result of a
VariableList entry of type
# "model" or "D2D_model"
<h2><a name="getTimeRange"></a>getTimeRange</h2>
def getTimeRange(self, timeRangeName):
# Returns TimeRange given
a time range name
# as defined in the GFE
# E.g.
# timeRange = self.getTimeRange("Today")
<h2><a name="createTimeRange"></a>createTimeRange</h2>
def createTimeRange(self, startHour, endHour, mode="LT", dbID=None):
# Returns TimeRange given
# startHour, endHour
# (range is startHour up to and not
including endHour)
# startHour and endHour are relative
to midnight of the
# current day either in Local or Zulu
time (see below)
# mode can be:
# "LT" : the startHour and endHour are
relative to local time
# "Zulu": relative to Zulu time,
# "Database": relative to a database
(e.g. model time.
# In this case, the databaseID for the
model must
# be supplied (see findDatabase)
# E.g.
# timeRange =
# databaseID = self.findDatabase("NAM")
# timeRange =
<h2><a name="getSamplePoints"></a>getSamplePoints</h2>
def getSamplePoints(self, sampleSetName=None):
# Return a list of x,y tuples
sample points
# sampleSet is the name of a saved
# if sampleSet is None, the sample
will be
# those currently displayed on the GFE
<h2><a name="dayTime"></a>dayTime</h2>
def dayTime(self, timeRange, startHour=6, endHour=18):
# Return 1 if start of timeRange is
between the
# startHour and endHour, Return 0
# Assume timeRange is GMT and convert
to local time.
<h2><a name="determineTimeShift"></a>determineTimeShift</h2>
def determineTimeShift(self):
# Returns the difference: Local time
- GMT in seconds
<h2><a name="getEditArea"></a>getEditArea</h2>
def getEditArea(self, editAreaName):
# Returns a ReferenceData object
given an edit area name
# as defined in the GFE
<h2><a name="saveEditArea"></a>saveEditArea</h2>
def saveEditArea(self, editAreaName, refData):
# Saves the ReferenceData object
with the given name
<h2><a name="setActiveEditArea"></a>setActiveEditArea</h2>
def setActiveEditArea(self, area):
# Set the ReferenceData area to
be the active one in the GFE
# Note: This will not take effect until
AFTER the smart tool or
# procedure is finished executing.
<h2><a name="clearActiveEditArea"></a>clearActiveEditArea</h2>
def clearActiveEditArea(self):
# Clear the active edit area in the
<h2><a name="setActiveElement"></a>setActiveElement</h2>
def setActiveElement(self, model, element, level, timeRange,
minMax=None, fitToData=0):
# Set the given element to the active
one in the GFE
# A colorTable name may be given.
# A min/max range for the colorTable
may be given.
# If fitToData = 1, the color table
is fit to the data
# Example:
# self.setActiveElement("ISCDisc",
"SFC", GridTimeRange,
# colorTable="Discrepancy",
# fitToData=1)
<h2><a name="getActiveElement"></a>getActiveElement</h2>
def getActiveElement(self):
# Return the parm for the current active
<h2><a name="getGridCellSwath"></a>getGridCellSwath</h2>
def getGridCellSwath(self, editArea, cells):
# Returns a ReferenceData swath
of the given
# number of cells around the given an
edit area.
# The edit area must not be a query.
<h2><a name="getLatLon"></a>getLatLon</h2>
def getLatLon(self, x, y):
# Get the latitude/longitude values
for the given grid point<br>
coords = Coordinate(float(x), float(y))<br>
cc2D = self.getGridLoc().latLonCenter(coords)<br>
return cc2D.y, cc2D.x
<h2><a name="getLatLonGrids"></a>getLatLonGrids</h2>
def getLatLonGrids(self):
# Get the latitude/longitude grids<br>
gridLoc = self.getGridLoc()<br>
latLonGrid = gridLoc.getLatLonGrid().__numpy__[0];<br>
latLonGrid = numpy.reshape(latLonGrid, (2,gridLoc.getNy().intValue(),<br>
gridLoc.getNx().intValue()), order='F')<br>
return latLonGrid[1], latLonGrid[0]
<h2><a name="getGridCell"></a>getGridCell</h2>
def getGridCell(self, lat, lon):
# Get the corresponding x,y values for
the given lat/lon
# Return None, None if the lat/lon is
outside the grid domain
<h2><a name="getGrid2DBit"></a>getGrid2DBit</h2>
def getGrid2DBit(self, editArea):
# Returns a Grid of on/off values
# or not the grid point is in the given
edit area.
# This could be used as follows in a
Smart Tool:
# def preProcessGrid(self):
# editArea = self.getEditArea("Area1")
# self.__area1Bits =
# editArea = self.getEditArea("Area2")
# self.__area2Bits =
# def execute(self, x, y):
# if self.__area1Bits.get(x,y) == 1:
# <process a="" point="" in=""
# elif self.__area2Bits.get(x,y) ==
# <process a="" point="" in=""
# </process></process>
<h2><a name="getGridTimes"></a>getGridTimes</h2>
def getGridTimes(self, model, element, level, startTime, hours):
# Return the timeRange and gridTimes
for the number of hours
# FOLLOWING the given startTime
<h2><a name="getExprName"></a>getExprName</h2>
def getExprName(self, model, element, level="SFC", mostRecent=0):
# Return an expressionName for the
# This method is complicated because
it is handling all the
# variations for the "model" argument.
For a description
# of the variations, see the "getValue"
documentation above.
<h2><a name="getModelName"></a>getModelName</h2>
def getModelName(self, databaseString):
# Return the model name.
# databaseString is the result of a
VariableList entry of type
# "model" or "D2D_model"
<h2><a name="getD2Dmodel"></a>getD2Dmodel</h2>
def getD2Dmodel(self, model):
# Given a GFE Surface model, return
the corresponding D2D model
<h2><a name="getParm"></a>getParm</h2>
def getParm(self, model, element, level, timeRange=None, mostRecent=0):
# Returns the parm object for the given
model, element, and level
<h2><a name="getParmByExpr"></a>getParmByExpr</h2>
def getParmByExpr(self, exprName):
# Returns the parm object for the given expression
<h2><a name="cacheElements"></a>cacheElements</h2>
def cacheElements(self, elementNames):
# This routine is deprecated - caching is controlled by the system.
<h2><a name="unCacheElements"></a>unCacheElements</h2>
def unCacheElements(self, elementNames):
# This routine is deprecated<br>
# Users may still call this method<br>
# to delete temporary parms in the parm manager.
<h2><a name="loadWEGroup"></a>loadWEGroup</h2>
def loadWEGroup(self, groupName):
# Load the given weather element group
into the GFE
<h2><a name="unloadWE"></a>unloadWE</h2>
def unloadWE(self, model, element, level, mostRecent=0):
# Unload the given weather element from GFE
<h2><a name="saveElements"></a>saveElements</h2>
def saveElements(self, elementList):
# Save the given Fcst elements to the
# Example:
# self.saveElements(["T","Td"])
<h2><a name="publishElements"></a>publishElements</h2>
def publishElements(self, elementList, timeRange):
# Publish the given Fcst elements to
the server
# over the given time range
# Example:
# self.publishElements(["T","Td"],
<h2><a name="combineMode_"></a><a name="combineMode"></a>combineMode</h2>
def combineMode(self):
# returns 1 if we are in COMBINE mode
and 0 if not
<h2><a name="setCombineMode"></a>setCombineMode</h2>
def setCombineMode(self):
# call it like this
<p> #or
<p> self.setCombineMode("Combine")
<h2><a name="getVectorEditMode"></a>getVectorEditMode</h2>
def getVectorEditMode(self):
# Returns Vector Edit mode in
the GFE
# mode:
# "Vector
# "Both"
<h2><a name="setVectorEditMode"></a>setVectorEditMode</h2>
def setVectorEditMode(self, mode):
# Sets the Vector Edit mode in
the GFE
# mode:
# "Vector
# "Both"
<h2><a name="getConfigItem"></a>getConfigItem</h2>
def getConfigItem(elf, itemName, default=None):
# Return the configuration file value for "itemName"<br>
# If not found, return the default given
<h2><a name="esat"></a>esat</h2>
def esat(self, temp):