127 lines
6.8 KiB
127 lines
6.8 KiB
# Unidata AWIPS LDM Default Pattern Actions
# USPLN1EX and LIGHTNING feeds are disabled in ldmd.conf by default
# Regional grids are disabled (AK, HI, GU, PR, Pacific, etc.)
# 20160521 16.1.5 ESRL/GSD exp. HRRR added (HRRRX)
# 20160801 16.2.2 "GFS" is now 0.25deg global (previously 0.5deg which is now named "GFS0p5")
# 20170322 16.4.1 GOES-16(R) Experimental/Provisional Products on NOTHER
# 20171010 17.1.1 Split files by feedtype, rm gridsi retired from NOAAport (DGEX-AK,GFS201,GFS80)
# 20190109 18.1.1 GOES17 from NIMAGE feed
# 20210505 18.2.1 GFS is now 1.00deg global (previously 0.25deg)
# MRMS entries are now from Unidata's IDD NCO feed instead of NOAAPort
# GOES16/17 CMI are coming from Unidata IDD
# GOES16 Derived products coming from NOAAPort
# GOES16 GLM data coming from Unidata's IDD via Texas Tech
# CIRA RGB GOES Satellite products added
# GOES Satellite Products
# GOES 16/17 Single Channel (ABI) via NOAAPort/SBN - (not using)
#NOTHER ^(TI[RSU]...) (KNES) (..)(..)(..) (...)
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3/\4/CMI-SBN/\1_\2_\3\4\5_\6_(seq)
# GOES 16/17 Single Channel (ABI) via Unidata IDD -(using)
NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/CloudAndMoistureImagery/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/CMI-IDD/\5\6\7\8.nc4
# GOES 16/17 derived products + derived motion wind via SBN - (using)
HDS ^(IXT.[8-9]9) (KNES) (..)(..)(..)
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3/\4/derived-SBN/\1_KNES_\2\3\4\5-(seq)
NOTHER ^(IXT[WXY]01) (KNES) (..)(..)(..)
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3/\4/derived-SBN/\1_KNES_\2\3\4\5-(seq)
# GOES 16/17 derived products via Unidata IDD - (not using)
#NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{7})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/derived-IDD/\5\6\7\8.nc4
# GOES 16/17 derived motion wind products via Unidata IDD - (not using - getting from SBN derived products)
#NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/DerivedMotionWinds/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/derived-IDD/\5\6\7\8.nc4
# GOES 16 GLM gridded products via Texas Tech-->Unidata IDD (depricated)
#NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/GeostationaryLightningMapper/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\3/\6/GLM-IDD/\4\5\6\7.nc4
# GOES GLM Raw data - don't use, AWIPS does not display the raw GLM data (not using)
#DIFAX ^/data/cspp-geo/(EAST|WEST|GRB-R)/OR_GLM-L2-([^/]*).nc
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/GLM/\1_OR_GLM-L2-\2.nc
#GOES GLM gridded products via ISatSS (not using)
#EXP (OR_GLM-L2-GLMF-M6_G(..)_T[0-9]{2}_e(........)(..).*)
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\3/\4/GLMISatSS/\1
#EXP (OR_GLM-L3-GLMF-M6_G(..)_T[0-9]{2}_e(........)(..).*)
# FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\3/\4/GLMISatSS/\1
#GOES GLM Stitched gridded products via ISatSS (using)
SPARE|NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/GLMISatSS/Level[23]/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/(OR_GLM-L[23]-GLMF-M6_G(..)_s(.......)(..).*)
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\3/\7/GLMISatSS-Stitched/\4
# GOES CIRA derived products
NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/GeoColor/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/CIRA/GeoColor/\5\6\7\8.nc4
NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/DebraDust/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/CIRA/DebraDust/\5\6\7\8.nc4
NIMAGE ^/data/ldm/pub/native/satellite/GOES/([^/]*)/Products/CloudSnow/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([0-9]{8})/([^/]*)(c[0-9]{7})(..)(.....).nc
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/GOES/\4/\7/CIRA/CloudSnow/\5\6\7\8.nc4
# Polar products
NOTHER ^(TI[A-Q]...) (KNES) (......)
FILE -close -edex /awips2/data_store/viirs/\1_\2_\3
# GOES East Derived Products WMO Header Regions
# --------------- ---------- -------
# Aerosol Detection (Smoke+Dust) IXTA99 KNES F,C,M
# Aerosol Optical Depth IXTB99 KNES F,C
# Cloud Cover Layers IXTC99 KNES F,C,M
# Cloud Top Phase IXTD99 KNES F,C,M
# Fog and Low Stratus IXTE99 KNES C
# Rainfall Rate/QPE IXTF99 KNES F
# Cloud Top Height IXTG99 KNES F,C,M
# Clear Sky Mask IXTH99 KNES F,C,M
# Cloud Top Temperature IXTI99 KNES F,M
# Fire/Hot Spot Characterization IXTJ99 KNES F,C,M
# Land Surface (Skin) Temperature IXTK99 KNES F,C,M
# Fractional Snow Cover IXTL99 KNES F
# Sea Surface (Skin) Temperature IXTM99 KNES F
# Derived Stability Indices IXTN99 KNES F,C,M
# Total Precipitable Water IXTO99 KNES F,C,M
# Vertical Moisture Profile IXTP99 KNES C
# Vertical Temperature Profile IXTQ99 KNES C
# Ice Concentration and Extent IXTR99 KNES F
# Ice Thickness and Age IXTT99 KNES F
# Derived Motion Winds IXTU99 KNES C,M
# Cloud Particle Size Dist IXTW01 KNES F,C,M
# Cloud Top Pressure IXTX01 KNES F,C
# Cloud Optical Depth IXTY01 KNES F,C
# GOES West Derived Products WMO Header Regions
# --------------- ---------- -------
# Aerosol Detection IXTA89 KNES F,C,M
# Aerosol Optical Depth IXTB89 KNES F,C
# Cloud Cover Layers IXTC89 KNES F,C,M
# Cloud Top Phase IXTD89 KNES F,C,M
# Rainfall Rate/QPE IXTF89 KNES F
# Cloud Top Height IXTG89 KNES F,C,M
# Clear Sky Masks IXTH89 KNES F,C,M
# Cloud Top Temperature IXTI89 KNES F,M
# Fire/Hot Spot Characterization IXTJ89 KNES F,C,M
# Land Sfc (Skin) Temp IXTK89 KNES F,C,M
# Fractional Snow Cover IXTL89 KNES F
# Sea Surface (Skin) Temperature IXTM99 KNES F
# Sea Sfc Temp (skin) IXTM89 KNES F
# Derived Stability Indices IXTN89 KNES F,C,M
# Total Precip Water IXTO89 KNES F,C,M
# Vertical Moisture Profile IXTP89 KNES C
# Vertical Temperature Profile IXTQ89 KNES C
# Ice Concentration and Extent IXTR89 KNES F
# Ice Thickness and Age IXTT89 KNES F
# Derived Motion Winds IXTU89 KNES C