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355 lines
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# Autoregressive Model for stochastic processes
# Written by Konrad Hinsen <>
# last revision: 2006-11-24
Auto-regressive model for stochastic processes
from Scientific.Functions.Interpolation import InterpolatingFunction
from Scientific.Functions.Polynomial import Polynomial
from Scientific.Functions.Rational import RationalFunction
from Scientific import N
import copy
class AutoRegressiveModel:
"""Auto-regressive model for stochastic process
This implementation uses the Burg algorithm to obtain the
coefficients of the AR model.
def __init__(self, order, data, delta_t=1):
@param order: the order of the model
@type order: C{int}
@param data: the time series
@type data: sequence of C{float} or C{complex}
@param delta_t: the sampling interval for the time series
@type delta_t: C{float}
self.order = order
self.delta_t = delta_t
self._poles = None
def _findCoefficients(self, data):
e = data
b = data
a = N.array([1.])
parcor = []
sigsq = N.add.reduce(abs(data)**2)/len(data)
self.variance = sigsq
for r in range(self.order):
er = e[1:]
br = b[:-1]
g = 2.*N.add.reduce(er*N.conjugate(br)) / \
e = er-g*br
b = br-N.conjugate(g)*er
a = N.concatenate((a, [0.]))
a = a - g*N.conjugate(a[::-1])
sigsq = sigsq*(1-abs(g)**2)
self.coeff = -a[self.order:0:-1]
self.parcor = N.array(parcor)
self.sigsq = sigsq
self.sigma = N.sqrt(sigsq)
def _setTrajectory(self, data):
self.trajectory = copy.copy(data[-self.order:])
def predictStep(self):
Calculates the linear prediction of the next step in the series.
This step is appended internally to the current
trajectory, making it possible to call this method repeatedly
in order to obtain a sequence of predicted steps.
@returns: the predicted step
@rtype: C{float} or C{complex}
next = N.add.reduce(self.coeff*self.trajectory)
self.trajectory[:-1] = self.trajectory[1:]
self.trajectory[-1] = next
return next
def spectrum(self, omega):
@param omega: the angular frequencies at which the spectrum
is to be evaluated
@type omega: C{Numeric.array} of C{float}
@returns: the frequency spectrum of the process
@rtype: C{Numeric.array} of C{float}
sum = 1.
for i in range(1, len(self.coeff)+1):
sum = sum - self.coeff[-i]*N.exp(-1j*i*self.delta_t*omega)
s = 0.5*self.delta_t*self.sigsq/(sum*N.conjugate(sum)).real
return InterpolatingFunction((omega,), s)
def poles(self):
@returns: the poles of the model in the complex M{z}-plane
@rtype: C{Numeric.array} of C{complex}
if self._poles is None:
from Scientific.LA import eigenvalues
n = len(self.coeff)
if n == 1:
self._poles = self.coeff
a = N.zeros_st((n, n), self.coeff)
a[1:, :-1] = N.identity(n-1)
a[:, -1] = self.coeff
self._poles = eigenvalues(a)
return self._poles
def correlation(self, nsteps):
@param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the autocorrelation
function is to be evaluated
@type nsteps: C{int}
@returns: the autocorrelation function of the process as estimated
from the AR model
@rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
poles = self.poles()
cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
x = 0.
exponents = N.arange(self.order-1, nsteps+self.order-1)
for i in range(len(poles)):
pole = poles[i]
factor = N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) * \
N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) * \
x = x + pole**exponents / factor
except OverflowError:
# happens with some Python versions on some systems
power = N.zeros(exponents.shape, N.Complex)
for i in range(len(exponents)):
power[i] = pole**exponents[i]
except ValueError:
x = x + power/factor
cf = -self.sigsq*x/N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
cf = _realPart(cf)
return InterpolatingFunction((self.delta_t*N.arange(nsteps),), cf)
def memoryFunctionZ(self):
@returns: the M{z}-transform of the process' memory function
@rtype: L{Scientific.Function.Rational.RationalFunction}
poles = self.poles()
cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
coeff0 = N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
beta = N.zeros((self.order,), N.Complex)
for i in range(self.order):
pole = poles[i]
beta[i] = -(self.sigsq*pole**(self.order-1)/coeff0) / \
(N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) *
N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) *
N.multiply.reduce(pole-1./cpoles) *
beta = beta/N.sum(beta)
sum = 0.
for i in range(self.order):
sum = sum + RationalFunction([beta[i]], [-poles[i], 1.])
mz = (1./sum+Polynomial([1., -1.]))/self.delta_t**2
if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
mz.numerator.coeff = _realPart(mz.numerator.coeff)
mz.denominator.coeff = _realPart(mz.denominator.coeff)
return mz
def memoryFunctionZapprox(self, den_order):
@param den_order:
@type den_order: C{int}
@returns: an approximation to the M{z}-transform of the process'
memory function that correponds to an expansion of the
denominator up to order den_order
@rtype: L{Scientific.Function.Rational.RationalFunction}
poles = self.poles()
cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
coeff0 = N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
beta = N.zeros((self.order,), N.Complex)
for i in range(self.order):
pole = poles[i]
beta[i] = -(self.sigsq*pole**(self.order-1)/coeff0) / \
(N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) *
N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) *
N.multiply.reduce(pole-1./cpoles) *
beta = beta/N.sum(beta)
den_coeff = []
for i in range(den_order):
sum = 0.
for j in range(self.order):
sum += beta[j]*poles[j]**i
mz = (RationalFunction(den_order*[0.] + [1.], den_coeff)
+ Polynomial([1., -1.]))/self.delta_t**2
if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
mz.numerator.coeff = _realPart(mz.numerator.coeff)
mz.denominator.coeff = _realPart(mz.denominator.coeff)
return mz
def memoryFunction(self, nsteps):
@param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the memory
function is to be evaluated
@type nsteps: C{int}
@returns: the memory function of the process as estimated
from the AR model
@rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
mz = self.memoryFunctionZapprox(nsteps+self.order)
mem = mz.divide(nsteps-1)[0].coeff[::-1]
if len(mem) == nsteps+1:
mem = mem[1:]
mem[0] = 2.*_realPart(mem[0])
time = self.delta_t*N.arange(nsteps)
return InterpolatingFunction((time,), mem)
def frictionConstant(self):
@returns: the friction constant of the process, i.e. the
integral over the memory function
poles = self.poles()
cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
coeff0 = N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
beta = N.zeros((self.order,), N.Complex)
for i in range(self.order):
pole = poles[i]
beta[i] = -(self.sigsq*pole**(self.order-1)/coeff0) / \
(N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) *
N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) *
N.multiply.reduce(pole-1./cpoles) *
beta = beta/N.sum(beta)
sum = 0.
for i in range(self.order):
sum = sum + beta[i]/(1.-poles[i])
if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
sum = _realPart(sum)
return 1./(sum*self.delta_t)
class AveragedAutoRegressiveModel(AutoRegressiveModel):
"""Averaged auto-regressive model for stochastic process
An averaged model is constructed by averaging the model
coefficients of several auto-regressive models of the same
order. An averaged model is created empty, then individual
models are added.
def __init__(self, order, delta_t):
@param order: the order of the model
@type order: C{int}
@param delta_t: the sampling interval for the time series
@type delta_t: C{float}
self.order = order
self.delta_t = delta_t
self.weight = 0.
self.coeff = N.zeros((order,), N.Float)
self.sigsq = 0.
self.variance = 0.
self.sigma = 0.
self._poles = None
def add(self, model, weight=1):
Adds the coefficients of an autoregressive model to the average.
@param model: an autoregressive model
@type model: L{AutoRegressiveModel}
@param weight: the weight of the model in the average
@type weight: C{float}
@raise ValueError: if the order of the model does not match the
order of the average model
if self.order != model.order:
raise ValueError("model orders not equal")
nw = self.weight + weight
self.coeff = (self.weight*self.coeff + weight*model.coeff)/nw
self.sigsq = (self.weight*self.sigsq + weight*model.sigsq)/nw
self.sigma = N.sqrt(self.sigsq)
self.variance = (self.weight*self.variance + weight*model.variance)/nw
self.weight = nw
self._poles = None
# Check if data is complex
def _isComplex(x):
return 1
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
return 0
# Return real part
def _realPart(x):
return x.real
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
import FFT
def AutoCorrelationFunction(series):
n = 2*len(series)
FFTSeries = FFT.fft(series,n,0)
FFTSeries = FFTSeries*N.conjugate(FFTSeries)
FFTSeries = FFT.inverse_fft(FFTSeries,len(FFTSeries),0)
return FFTSeries[:len(series)]/(len(series)-N.arange(len(series)))
from MMTK.Random import gaussian
from Scientific.Statistics import mean
from Scientific.IO.ArrayIO import readArray
from Gnuplot import plot
from RandomArray import random
dt = 1.
t = dt*N.arange(500)
if 1:
data = N.sin(t) + N.cos(3.*t) + 0.1*(random(len(t))-0.5)
data = data + 0.1j*(random(len(t))-0.5)
if 0:
data = [0.]
for i in range(500+len(t)-1):
data.append(mean(data[-500:]) + gaussian(0., 0.1))
data = N.exp(1j*N.array(data[500:]))
if 0:
#data = readArray('~/scientific/Test/data')
string = open('/users1/hinsen/scientific/Test/data').read()[4:]
data = N.array(eval(string))
data = data[:,0]
model = AutoRegressiveModel(20, data, dt)
print model.coeff
print model.poles()
c = model.correlation(200)
cref = InterpolatingFunction((t,), AutoCorrelationFunction(data))[:200]
m = model.memoryFunction(200)
s = model.spectrum(N.arange(0., 5., 0.01))
#plot(c.real, cref.real); plot(c.imag, cref.imag)
print model.frictionConstant(), model.memoryFunctionZ()(1.), m.definiteIntegral()
#plot(m.real, m.imag)