-Updated Dockerfile filenames to include -20.3.2 -added/removed a few dependencies -added a yum update to the devel -updated version -Had to locally add the RPM's to the ade docker since they aren't publically on a server -Had to update the el7-dev.repo to point to the local RPMs directory -Updated version in buildEnvironment.sh -Added a few new paths to rsync.dirs: -awips2-core/ignite/* -awips2-nws/common/* -awips2-nws/features/* -awips2-nws/viz/* -Removed *pdf from rsync.dirs -rpms/build/x86_86/build.sh - updated this file to use the groups to install the rpms -removed umlauts from schrodinger in GridUpdater.java To Do/Change before initial public push: -Change the dockerhub organization from tiffanym13 to unidata -Change the el7-dev.repo file to point to our repo on nexus -Remove the RPM's directory -Change imgvers in setup.sh to not have the -1 -Change the Dockerfile names back to the original without the version (and just tag it with the version) -Need to add back in awips2-unidata repo to rsync.dirs, build_rpms.sh, and build/repos -Figure out how to merge in the awips-ade directory and Unidata build scripts so we can keep the history -Uncomment the #TM# comments in setup.sh to copy files to fserv -Take out propriety data (specific to warnings and binlightning) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: new file: build/awips-ade/Dockerfile.awips-ade-20.3.2-1.el7 new file: build/awips-ade/Dockerfile.awips-devel-20.3.2-1.el7 new file: build/awips-ade/awips-ade.sh new file: build/awips-ade/awips-devel.sh new file: build/awips-ade/el7-dev.repo new file: build/build.sh new file: build/buildEnvironment.sh new file: build/build_rpms.sh new file: build/cibuild.sh new file: build/excludes new file: build/repos new file: build/rsync.cave new file: build/rsync.dirs new file: build/setup.sh modified: cave/com.raytheon.viz.grid/src/com/raytheon/viz/grid/inv/GridUpdater.java modified: rpms/build/x86_64/build.sh
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702 B
FROM centos:7
ENV VERSION 20.3.2-1
MAINTAINER Tiffany Meyer<tiffanym@ucar.edu>
USER root
RUN yum update yum -y
RUN yum groupinstall "Development tools" -y
RUN yum install epel-release -y
RUN yum clean all -y
ENV systemDeps="wget rsync git net-tools gzip libtool"
ENV rpmDeps="gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran rpm-build createrepo expat-devel lua-devel cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-md5 nss-devel nspr-devel libxml2-devel openldap-devel cmake"
ENV pythonDeps="tk-devel tcl-devel readline-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel compat-libf2c-34"
ENV awipsDeps="netcdf netcdf-devel"
RUN yum install $systemDeps $rpmDeps $pythonDeps $awipsDeps -y
RUN yum update -y
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]