Change-Id: I9f3cd8bc28047b1da295dcc6da5d91a2d3583848 Former-commit-id:642f05a651
] [formerlyb8b3b9eb8e
] [formerly309bb97356
[formerly db7f966c43292a321793655fe283cc3feacfd9f1]]] Former-commit-id:309bb97356
Former-commit-id: 7aa943a76481061b458201ef5aef45697e58047f [formerlye03d319eaf
] Former-commit-id:ce5363105b
259 lines
12 KiB
259 lines
12 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
This file is the A2 NDM replacement for redbookHPCMenus.txt.
Dropping RedbookHPCMenus.xml into the /awips2/edex/data/ndm directory
will generate an override of the HPC menu.
RedbookHPCMenus.xml as written here will generate the base version
of the HPC menus.
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Precipitation"
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Instantaneous Precip" id="instantaneousPrecip">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5048 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEIC61, PEIE62, PEIG63, PEII64" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 1 Excessive Rainfall" id="day1ExcessiveRainfall">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5046 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEI745" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
file="bundles/ncepHydro/hpc/HPCqpfNDFD-PPFFG.xml" text="1-3 Day Excessive Rainfall (Grid)"
<!-- Redbook Key: 3313821600 -->
<menuEntry type="productButton" file="bundles/Redbook_customLegend.xml"
text="Precip Accum - 6 hr" id="precipAccum6hr">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5047 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo"
value="PEIB40, PEIC43, PEID44, PEIE40, PEIF40, PEBF98, PEBG98, PEBH98, PEBI88, PEBI98, PEBJ88, PEBJ98, PEBK98" />
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="customLegend" value="Precip Fcst - 6hr accum" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Precip Accum - 24 hr" id="precipAccum24hr">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5050 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEIE41, PEII42, PEIK98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Sig River Flood Outlook" id="sigRiverFloodOutlook">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5389 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PENJ88" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Mesoscale Precip Discussion" id="mesoPrecipDisc">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5438 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PENA01" />
<menuEntry type="separator" id="separator1" />
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Day 1-3 Prob 4+ Inches Snow">
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 1 Prob 4+" Snow" id="day1Prob4InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5391 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBB04" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 2 Prob 4+" Snow" id="day2Prob4InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5395 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBC04" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3 Prob 4+" Snow" id="day3Prob4InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5399 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBD04" />
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Day 1-3 Prob 8+ Inches Snow">
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 1 Prob 8+" Snow" id="day1Prob8InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5392 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBB08" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 2 Prob 8+" Snow" id="day2Prob8InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5396 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBC08" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3 Prob 8+" Snow" id="day3Prob8InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5400 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBD08" />
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Day 1-3 Prob 12+ Inches Snow">
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 1 Prob 12+" Snow" id="day1Prob12InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5393 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBB12" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 2 Prob 12+" Snow" id="day2Prob12InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5397 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBC12" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3 Prob 12+" Snow" id="day3Prob12InchesSnow">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5401 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBD12" />
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Day 1-3 Prob .25 Inches Ice">
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 1 Prob .25+" Ice" id="day1Prob025InchesIce">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5394 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBB25" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 2 Prob .25+" Ice" id="day2Prob025InchesIce">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5398 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBC25" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3 Prob .25+" Ice" id="day3Prob025InchesIce">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5402 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSBD25" />
<menuEntry type="separator" id="separator2" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="1-5 Day Total Precip" id="oneToFiveDayTotalPrecip">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5055 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEIO46" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="6-10, 8-14 Day Precip Anom" id="sixToTen8to14DayPrecipAnom">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5164 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEIY47, PETT00" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="30 Day Precip Anom" id="thirtyDayPrecipAnom">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5342 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PEIV98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="90 Day Seasonal Precip Outlook" id="ninetyDaySeasonalPrecipOutlook">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5343 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo"
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="0.5 Mo (15-105 day) 50% POE Precip Outlook" id="fiftyPercentPOEPrecipOutlook2">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5404 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo"
<menuEntry type="separator" id="separator3" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
file="bundles/ncepHydro/hpc/HPCqpfNDFD6hr.xml" text="1-3 Day HPC QPF (6-Hourly Grid)"
<!-- Redbook Key: 3313819760 -->
<menuEntry type="productButton"
file="bundles/ncepHydro/hpc/HPCqpfNDFD48hr.xml" text="4-5 Day HPC QPF (Grid)"
<!-- Redbook Key: 3313821000 -->
<menuEntry type="productButton"
file="bundles/ncepHydro/hpc/HPCqpfNDFD120hr.xml" text="1-5 Day HPC QPF Total (Grid)"
<!-- Redbook Key: 3313821592 -->
<menuEntry type="submenu" text="Temps && Weather"
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="1-5 Day Max Temp Anomaly" id="fiveDayMaxTempAnomaly">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5138 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTIO52" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="1-5 Day Min Temp Anomaly" id="fiveDayMinTempAnomaly">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5139 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTIO53" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3-7 Max/Min/PoP" id="day3To7MaxMinPoP">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5159 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PYWK43, PYWM44, PYWO45, PYWQ46, PYWS98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3 Heat Index Probabilities" id="day3HeatIndex">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5381 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTNK98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 4 Heat Index Probabilities" id="day4HeatIndex">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5386 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTNM98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 5 Heat Index Probabilities" id="day5HeatIndex">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5387 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTNO98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 6 Heat Index Probabilities" id="day6HeatIndex">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5382 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTNQ98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 7 Heat Index Probabilities" id="day7HeatIndex">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5388 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTNS98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="6-10, 8-14 Day Temp Anomaly" id="TempAnomaly6to108to14">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5169 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTTU98, PTIY51" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="30 Day Temp Anomaly" id="thirtyDayTempAnomaly">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5356 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PTIV98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="90 Day Seasonal Temp Outlook" id="ninetyDaySeasonalTempOutlook">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5357 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo"
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="0.5 Mo (15-105 day) 50% POE Temp Outlook" id="fiftyPercentPOEPrecipOutlook2">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5417 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo"
<menuEntry type="separator" id="separator4" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="MSL Pressure Analysis" id="MSLPressureAnalysis">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5115 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PPAA89" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Surface Fronts Analysis" id="surfaceFrontsAnalysis">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5204 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PYAA98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="12-48 hr Fronts/Press" id="frontsPress12to48">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5111 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PPIC01, PPIE01, PPIG01, PPII01" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="Day 3-7 Fronts/Press" id="day3to7FrontsPress">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5108 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PPHK01, PPHM01, PPHO01, PPTG98, PPTR98" />
<menuEntry type="productButton"
text="3-Day Sig Winter Low Tracks" id="threeDaySigWinterLowTracks">
<!-- Redbook Key: 5403 -->
<menuEntry type="substitute" key="wmo" value="PSAO72" />
</redbookMenu> |