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<title>gfeConfig - Mutable Parameter and Viewable Database
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<h2 style="text-align: center;">GFESuite/ifpIMAGE Configuration File<br>
Mutable Database and
Viewable Database Configuration </h2>
This section of the configuration file defines entries that affect the
mutable database and viewable database configurations.
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<table nosave="" border="1" cols="4" width="100%">
<center><b>GFE Configuration Item</b></center>
<center><b>Applicable to GFE</b></center>
<center><b>Applicable to <a href="ifpIMAGE.html"><!--disable indexer-->ifpIMAGE</a></b></center>
<td><a href="#MutableDatabaseandViewableDatabase">Mutable Database</a></td>
<td>Doesn't affect output PNGs</td>
<td><a href="#ViewableDatabaseTypes">Viewable Database Types</a></td>
<td>Affect overall available set of types</td>
<td><a href="#FilteredDataMask">Filtered Data Mask</a></td>
<td>Normally only used for ifpIMAGE</td>
<blockquote> </blockquote>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
<h4><a name="MutableDatabaseandViewableDatabase"></a><font size="+1">Mutable
Database Name</font></h4>
The mutable database name is in a "type_model_time" format. There
are several permutations of this format:
Normally the mutable database name is set to "_Fcst" for the forecast
It is unusual, except for testing, to set this field to a different
<p>The "_model" format is used when the database does not have a
type and a specific model time does not matter. Be sure to
the underscore character for this format. The "type_model" format is
when the database to be edited has a specified type (e.g., D2D for D2D
The formats with the time are not normally used but are useful
when you want to edit a specific database that is not a
The format for the time string is yyyymmdd_hhmm. An example of
time string for November 8, 1999 at 1200z is 19991108_1200. </p>
<p><b><tt>mutableModel = "_Fcst"</tt></b> <br>
<h4><a name="ViewableDatabaseTypes"></a><font size="+1">Viewable
Database Types</font></h4>
The "dbTypes" entry defines the database types that will be
by the GFE. Database types are defined in for
database. Typically the databases derived from models, the
database, and the official database all share the same database
Other databases, such as the D2D viewable models, are assigned
different types.
<p>The standard databases have a database type of '' (no
This value must be included in the list of "dbTypes". D2D model
databases have a type of "D2D". Virtual databases, such as those
used for the Virtual ISC weather elements, have a type of "V". </p>
<p> You may want to adjust this list to always exclude certain
of databases from being displayed on the GFE. </p>
<p><b><tt>dbTypes = ['', 'D2D', 'V']</tt></b> <br>
<h4><a name="FilteredDataMask"></a><font size="+1">Filtered Data Mask</font></h4>
The GFE supports filtering of the displayed data by site identifier or
site plus weather element name. The main purpose of this to to
clipped graphical products (i.e., ifpIMAGE). For normal GFE
the entry should be commented out or non-existant. The displayed data
clipped by specifying an edit area, such as BOU_CWA. The GFE will
access the edit area and then clip all spatially displayed data to this
area. There are four formats of the entry, and the entries are
searched for in this order: <br>
<li><i>siteID</i>_<i>weatherElementName</i>_mask, where <i>siteID</i>
is the site identifier that is currently in use by the GFE, and
weatherElementname is for specific clipping for a weather element, </li>
<li><i>siteID</i>_mask, where <i>siteID</i>
is the site identifier that is currently in use by the GFE, </li>
<li><i>weatherElementName</i>_mask, where weatherElementname is for
specific clipping for a weather element,</li>
<p><b><tt>BOU_Wind_mask = "BOU"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>BOU_mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>Wind_mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
<b><tt>mask = "CWA"</tt></b> <br>
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