] [formerly9f19e3f712
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:8e80217e59
331 lines
8.1 KiB
331 lines
8.1 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "gui.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#define map_draw map_draw_
#define mapmark mapmark_
#define gscolr gscolr_
#define gsline gsline_
#define geplot geplot_
#define gtext gtext_
#define gline gline_
#endif /* UNDERSCORE */
void drawmap();
void draw_stnmark();
void draw_value();
void draw_cntr();
* draw.c *
* *
* This module contains the drawing functions. *
* *
* draw_map() set the map attributes and draw the map. *
* draw_stnmark() draw station marker at station location. *
* draw_value() plot values at station location . *
* draw_cntr() plot contouring lines. *
void drawmap ( num, map_info, zoomflg, mapb, iret )
int num;
struct maptype_list *map_info;
int zoomflg;
mapbnd_t *mapb;
int *iret;
* draw_map *
* *
* This routine will set the map attributes and draw the map. *
* *
* draw_map ( num, map_info, zoomflg, mapb, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* num int Index to map info array *
* *map_info struct Map projection info *
* zoomflg int Zoom box flag *
* *
* Input/Output parameters: *
* *mapb mapbnd_t Map boundary coordinates *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 7/94 *
* C. Lin/EAI 8/95 add compute xin, yin from garea *
* C. Lin/EAI 8/95 modified from nwx2.1 *
char map[25];
char garea[73], tmpgarea[73], *ptr;
char proj[25];
char latlon[25];
char panel[13];
char text[13];
char shrttl[9];
char title[73];
int ititl;
int linttl;
int clear;
int np;
float cx, cy, dx, dy;
static char savprj[25]; /* save the previous projection info */
*iret = G_NORMAL;
* Set the map attributes.
strcpy( map, "8" );
/* strcpy( map, "32=g60" ); */
strcpy( latlon, "0" );
strcpy( panel, "0" );
strcpy( text, "1/22//hw" );
strcpy( shrttl, " " );
strcpy( title, " " );
ititl = 1;
linttl = -2;
clear = G_TRUE;
* Check for a menu selection or a zoom box for garea.
if ( zoomflg ) {
sprintf( garea, "%f;%f;%f;%f",
mapb->x[0], mapb->y[0], mapb->x[1], mapb->y[1] );
strcpy( proj, savprj );
else {
strcpy( garea, map_info[num].garea );
strcpy( proj, map_info[num].proj );
* set xin, yin based on garea
strcpy( tmpgarea, garea );
ptr = &tmpgarea[0];
if ( tmpgarea[0] == '#' ) {
ptr ++;
* use center+delta format
cx = atof(strtok(ptr, ";"));
cy = atof(strtok(NULL,";"));
dx = atof(strtok(NULL,";"));
dy = atof(strtok(NULL," "));
mapb->x[0] = cx - dx;
mapb->x[1] = cx + dx;
mapb->y[0] = cy - dy;
mapb->y[1] = cy + dy;
else {
* use boundary format
mapb->x[0] = atof(strtok(ptr, ";"));
mapb->y[0] = atof(strtok(NULL, ";"));
mapb->x[1] = atof(strtok(NULL, ";"));
mapb->y[1] = atof(strtok(NULL, " "));
* Draw the map.
map_draw( map, garea, proj, latlon, panel, text, title, &ititl,
&linttl, shrttl, &clear, iret,
strlen(map), strlen(garea), strlen(proj),
strlen(latlon), strlen(panel), strlen(text),
strlen(title), strlen(shrttl) );
strcpy( savprj, proj );
void draw_stnmark ( numpts, slat, slon, jcolr, imrk, iret )
int numpts;
float *slat;
float *slon;
int jcolr;
int imrk;
int *iret;
* draw_stnmark *
* *
* This routine will set the marker attributes and plot the markers *
* at the station locations. *
* *
* draw_stnmark ( numpts, slat, slon, jcolr, imrk, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* numpts int Number of stations *
* *slat float Array of latitudes *
* *slon float Array of longitudes *
* jcolr int Requested marker color *
* imrk int Requested marker type *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NMC 7/94 *
float sizmrk;
int ncolor, mrktyp, mrkwid, pltval, iposn;
*iret = G_NORMAL;
* Set the marker attributes.
ncolor = 1;
mrktyp = imrk;
sizmrk = .5;
mrkwid = 2;
pltval = G_FALSE;
iposn = 0;
* Draw the markers.
mapmark( &numpts, slat, slon, NULL, &ncolor, NULL, &jcolr,
&mrktyp, &sizmrk, &mrkwid, &pltval, &iposn, &iret );
void draw_value( markdata )
struct mrkv *markdata;
* draw_value *
* *
* This routine will plot the markers based on the input data. *
* *
* draw_value ( markdata ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *markdata struct structure for marker data *
* *
* Output parameters: *
** *
* Log: *
* C. Lin/EAI 9/95 *
int iret;
mapmark( &(markdata->nstn), markdata->lat, markdata->lon,
markdata->dvalues, &(markdata->ncolor),
markdata->breaks, markdata->icolrs,
&(markdata->marktype), &(markdata->marksize),
&(markdata->markwdth), &(markdata->pltflag),
&iret );
void draw_cntr(contours)
struct contour *contours;
* draw_cntr *
* *
* This routine plots the contour lines. *
* *
* draw_cntr(contours) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *contours struct struct of contour data *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* L. Williams/EAI 01/95 *
* C. Lin/EAI 09/95 *
int ltyhw, ltype, lwidth;
int j, offset;
float rotat;
char sys[2];
int iret;
if ( contours->nc == 0 )
ltyhw = 0;
ltype = 1;
lwidth = 1;
rotat = 0.;
offset = 0;
strcpy (sys, "M");
* set the line type, width... attributes
gsline(<ype, <yhw, &lwidth, <yhw, &iret);
for ( j=0; j < contours->nc; ++j ) {
* set line color
gscolr(&(contours->line[j].color), &iret);
* draw the line
gline(sys, &(contours->line[j].npt),
&iret, strlen(sys));
* plot contour label
gtext(sys, &(contours->line[j].lat[0]),
&rotat, &offset, &offset, &iret,
strlen(sys), strlen(contours->line[j].label));
* flush the buffer
geplot(&iret );