[formerly dd6304e82206bb46b0c0442d15ab5d9312d9f19f]] Former-commit-id:4c6ff79e71
222 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file
222 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file
#! /bin/ksh
# purge_files
# This script purges WHFS UNIX files
# revised: 10/24/2001
# revised: 05/29/2002 - added purging of GAFF_MOSAIC_DIR
# revised: 08/15/2002 - added purging of DPA_ARCH_DIR
# revised: 09/12/2003 - replaced wc | cut -f 1 d " " with wc -l (6 places)
# - latter version works on both HP and Linux
# - former version does not work on Linux
# revised: 02/18/2004 - removed delete of stage2 log files
# revised: 08/06/2004 - Added the purging of the GAGE_PP_LOG directory.
# revised: 12/29/2004 - Added the purging of the VACUUM_LOG_DIR dir.
# - Removed purge of siipp logs
# revised: 8/19/2005 - Added purge of metar_input dir.
# - removed purge of vacuum logs
# (vacuum now done via postgres cron and log files
# purged with scour)
# revised: 9/7/2006 - added purge of gage pp input directory
# revised: 5/9/2007 - commented out purge from DAILY_QC_LOG dir
# - added "-type f" to all find commands
# revised 1/15/08 - added purging of PrecipMonitor log files by changing RiverMonitor.* to
# *Monitor.*
# This allows you to run this script from outside of ./standard/bin
RUN_FROM_DIR=`dirname $0`
# set up SOME environment variables for WHFS applications
. $RUN_FROM_DIR/../../set_hydro_env
. $RUN_FROM_DIR/../../check_app_context
export GAGE_PP_DATA=$(get_apps_defaults gage_pp_data)
export GAGE_PP_LOG=$(get_apps_defaults gage_pp_log)
export SSHP_INGEST_XML_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults sshp_ingest_xml_dir)
export SSHP_OFS_EXTRACT_XML_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults sshp_ofs_extract_xml_dir)
export SSHP_OFS_EXTRACT_TEXT_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults sshp_ofs_extract_text_dir)
export GAFF_MOSAIC_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults gaff_mosaic_dir)
export DPA_ARCH_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults dpa_arch_dir)
export DPA_ERROR_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults dpa_error_dir)
export DPA_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults dpa_log_dir)
export SHEF_ERROR_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults shef_error_dir)
export SHEFDECODE_LOG=$(get_apps_defaults shefdecode_log)
export QCALARM_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults qcalarm_log_dir)
export FLOODSEQ_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults floodseq_log_dir)
export DB_PURGE_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults db_purge_log_dir)
export WHFS_UTIL_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults whfs_util_log_dir)
export OBSFCSTMONITOR_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults obsfcstmonitor_log_dir)
export RIVERMON_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults rivermon_log_dir)
export RPF_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults rpf_log_dir)
export METAR_LOG_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults metar_log_dir)
export WHFS_PRODUCT_DIR=$(get_apps_defaults whfs_product_dir)
Dte=`date -u`
# Setup file names
echo `basename $0` log location: $fnm
if [ -e "${fnm}" ]
tail -1200 $fnm > $tmp
mv $tmp $fnm
# Log a header line to the output file
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> $fnm
echo "Begin purge_files at: " $Dte >> $fnm
# Purge SHEF Decoder product log files older than 1 day
echo " Purging SHEF Decoder product log files..." >> $fnm
Num=`ls $SHEF_ERROR_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files before purge: " $Num >> $fnm
find $SHEF_ERROR_DIR -name '*.*.*' -type f -mtime +0 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
Num=`ls $SHEF_ERROR_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files after purge: " $Num >> $fnm
# Purge SHEF Decoder daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging SHEF Decoder daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $SHEFDECODE_LOG -name 'shef_decode_log_*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge Gage PP daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging Gage Precipitation Processor daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $GAGE_PP_LOG -name 'gage_pp_log_*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge obsfcst monitor daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging ObsFcst Monitor daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $OBSFCSTMONITOR_LOG_DIR -name 'obsfcst_monitor_log_*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge river monitor daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging RiverMonitor and PrecipMonitor daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $RIVERMON_LOG_DIR -name '*Monitor.*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge build hourly daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging build hourly daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $GAGE_PP_LOG -name 'build_hourly_*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge any undecoded metar input file. They would only be there
# if the decoder fails to run normally.
# This directory is hardcoded here as it is not centrally defined;
# it is expected to have the below value, as defined in the file:
# ${apps_dir}/whfs/local/data/app/metar2shef/metar.cfg
echo " Purging undecoded metar input files..." >> $fnm
echo " If any files are purged, check metar2shef processing..." >> $fnm
find $METAR_INPUT_DIR -name '*[A-Z]*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge undecodable DPA files older than 1 day
echo " Purging undecodable DPA files..." >> $fnm
find $DPA_ERROR_DIR -name '*[A-Z]*' -type f -mtime +0 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge DPA Decoder daily log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging DPA Decoder daily log files..." >> $fnm
find $DPA_LOG_DIR -name 'process_dpa_log_*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge DPA Archive files older than 1 day
echo " Purging DPA Archive files..." >> $fnm
find $DPA_ARCH_DIR -name '*[A-Z]*' -type f -mtime +0 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge METAR-to-SHEF Translator log files older than 1 day
echo " Purging METAR-to-SHEF Translator log files..." >> $fnm
Num=`ls $METAR_LOG_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files before purge: " $Num >> $fnm
find $METAR_LOG_DIR -type f \! -name '*.log' -type f -mtime +0 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
Num=`ls $METAR_LOG_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files after purge: " $Num >> $fnm
# Purge QC/Alert/Alarm log files older than 1 day
echo " Purging QC/Alert/Alarm log files..." >> $fnm
find $QCALARM_LOG_DIR -name '*.*.*' -type f -mtime +0 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge db_purge log files older than 4 days
echo " Purging db_purge log files..." >> $fnm
find $DB_PURGE_LOG_DIR -name '*.*.*' -type f -mtime +3 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge FloodSeq log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging FloodSeq log files..." >> $fnm
find $FLOODSEQ_LOG_DIR -name '*.*.*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge RiverPro log files older than 2 days
echo " Purging RiverPro log files..." >> $fnm
find $RPF_LOG_DIR -name '*.log.*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge RiverPro, SHEF Encoder, and Alarm output product files older than 2 days
echo " Purging RiverPro, SHEF Encoder, and Alarm output product files..." >> $fnm
Num=`ls $WHFS_PRODUCT_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files before purge: " $Num >> $fnm
find $WHFS_PRODUCT_DIR -name '*.*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
Num=`ls $WHFS_PRODUCT_DIR | wc -l`
echo " Number of files after purge: " $Num >> $fnm
# Purge DailyQC logs older than 1 day
#echo "Purging DailyQC logs older than 1 day..." >> $fnm
#find $DAILY_QC_LOG_DIR -name '*.*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
#Num=`ls $DAILY_QC_LOG_DIR | wc -l`
#echo " Number of files after purge: " $Num >> $fnm
# Purge GAFF mosaic ffg files older than 3 days
echo " Purging GAFF mosaic ffg files..." >> $fnm
find $GAFF_MOSAIC_DIR -name '*.ffg' -type f -mtime +2 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge GAFF log files older than 3 days
echo " Purging GAFF log files..." >> $fnm
find $DPA_LOG_DIR -name 'gen_areal_ffg_log_*' -type f -mtime +2 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge SSHP OFS extract text files older than 15 days
echo " Purging SSHP OFS extract text files..." >> $fnm
find $SSHP_OFS_EXTRACT_TEXT_DIR -name '*.txt' -type f -mtime +14 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge SSHP OFS extract text log files older than 15 days
echo " Purging SSHP OFS extract text log files..." >> $fnm
find $SSHP_OFS_EXTRACT_TEXT_DIR -name '*.log' -type f -mtime +14 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge SSHP OFS extract xml files older than 15 days
echo " Purging SSHP OFS extract XML files..." >> $fnm
find $SSHP_OFS_EXTRACT_XML_DIR -name '*.xml' -type f -mtime +14 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge SSHP ingest XML files older than 15 days
echo " Purging SSHP ingest XML files..." >> $fnm
find $SSHP_INGEST_XML_DIR -name '*.xml' -type f -mtime +14 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
# Purge the GagePP input directory of files older than 2 days.
echo " Purging GagePP input files..." >> $fnm
find $GAGE_PP_DATA -name '*[A-Z0-9]*' -type f -mtime +1 -print | xargs rm -f >> $fnm
Dte=`date -u`
echo "End purge_files at: " $Dte >> $fnm