Steve Harris 40aa780b3d 12.4.1-10 baseline
Former-commit-id: 7fa9dbd5fb [formerly 4bfbdad17d] [formerly 9f8cb727a5] [formerly 8485b90ff8 [formerly 9f8cb727a5 [formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]]
Former-commit-id: 8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: 73930fb29d0c1e91204e76e6ebfdbe757414f319 [formerly a28d70b5c5]
Former-commit-id: 33a67cdd82
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00

104 lines
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<title>Edit Area Actions</title>
<b><u><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+4>Edit Area Actions</font></font></u></b>
<p><a NAME="DrawFreehandEditArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Draw
a Freehand Edit Area</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Use the Select Points tool to define an Edit Area
by hand.&nbsp; For more information see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#DefineEditAreabyHand">Define
an EditArea by Hand</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectFourZones"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes four different forecast&nbsp; zones of your
<p><font color="#000000">There are several way to accomplish this, but
the easiest is to select it from one of the cascading menus found in the
Main Menu bar, </font><font color="#FF0000">EditAreas->Zones->[zone name]</font><font color="#000000">.&nbsp;
Note that to accumulate the edit areas, you will need to put the Spatial
Editor into UNION mode by selecting the "+" from the button labelled "=".&nbsp;
For more detailed information, see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#LoadingNamedEditAreas">Loading
Named Edit Areas</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectElevationArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area based on a given elevation.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Unless your site manager has already set up edit
areas based on elevation, you will need to do this from the Edit Area Query
Dialog.&nbsp; Select the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">"
on the tool bar.&nbsp; The Edit Area Query Dialog will appear. Next enter
your query using the buttons such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Topo
> 4000</font><font color="#000000">" (adjust the value based on your topography).&nbsp;&nbsp;
Once you have defined the query select "Submit".&nbsp; The query will execute
and a new edit area will be selected that matches the query you entered.&nbsp;
For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnDewpoint"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes locations where the dew point is above a value
that you specifiy.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This task is similar to the one above except that
this time you are using a different element to define the area.</font>
<br><font color="#000000">Make sure that the dew point weather element
is loaded into the GFE.&nbsp; Open the query dialog (by selecting the button
labelled "?") and define your query such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Td
> 45</font><font color="#000000">".&nbsp; Then select "Submit".&nbsp; You
should see a new edit area displayed in the Spatial Editor that corresponds
to your query.&nbsp; Note that when you animate or step frames the query
is re-run so that the edit area always reflects the currently displayed
grid. For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnWeather"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that covers locations with a certain type of weather</font>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task, load the "Wx" weather element and
open the query dialog by selecting the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">".
Next define your query such as </font><font color="#FF0000">mask(Wx, ":RW:")</font><font color="#000000">
and click the submit button.&nbsp; The new edit area should match your
query.&nbsp; For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Another way to select areas of the same weather
is to use the option available from the MB3 pop-up menu, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Select
Homogeneous Area</font><font color="#000000">".&nbsp; Selecting this option
will create a new edit area defined by the type, coverage and intensity
of whatever weather value the cursor is over when you execute "Select Homogeneous
Area".&nbsp; For more information, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SelectHomogeneousAreabasedonValue">Select
Homogeneous Area based on Value</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="MakeNewQucikset"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Save
an Edit Area in a Quick Set button, clear the Edit Area and restore it
with the same Quick Set button.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task you use the Quickset buttons located
in the far right section of the button bar.&nbsp; Create an edit area either
by hand, from the Main Menu or a query.&nbsp; Then select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Q</font><font color="#000000">"
followed by any one of the numbers.&nbsp; Now clear the edit area by pressing
the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">C</font><font color="#000000">"
and then select the same number button that you did earlier.&nbsp; Note
that the edit area that you just cleared has been redisplayed.&nbsp; This
operation works for edit area queries as well.&nbsp; Saving a query under
a QuickSet entry returns as a query when it is recalled.&nbsp; When an
edit area query is loaded and executed it always runs on the currently
displayed grid.&nbsp; See the section in the GFE Training Guide, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SavingEditAreasasQuickSets">Saving
Edit Areas as QuickSets</a> for more information</font>
<p><a NAME="ZoomSpatialEditor"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Zoom
the Spatial Editor so that only a portion of your CWA is displayed.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">There are two different ways to zoom the Spatial
Editor display.&nbsp; One is to MB3 press and select the "</font><font color="#FF0000">Zoom
to</font><font color="#000000">" cascade menu and select one of the numbered
options.&nbsp; These numbers represent the final width of the display (in
kilometers) after the display zooms.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">A short cut allows you to zoom in and out using
the mouse buttons.&nbsp; Press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard and
click MB2 anywhere in the Spatial Editor display.&nbsp; Note that the display
zooms in one level.&nbsp; Zoom in further by clicking MB2 a few more times.&nbsp;
Now zoom back ou by again holding the SHIFT key and clicking MB1.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For more information on zooming the Spatial Editor
display see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#ZoomingtheSpatialDisplay">Zooming
(enlarging) the Spatial Display</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>