root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

776 lines
24 KiB
Executable file

# This module provides classes that represent VRML objects for use
# in data visualization applications.
# Written by: Konrad Hinsen <>
# Last revision: 2006-6-9
Definitions of simple 3D graphics objects and VRML scenes containing them
The objects are appropriate for data visualization, not for virtual
reality modelling. Scenes can be written to VRML files or visualized
immediately using a VRML browser, whose name is taken from the
environment variable VRMLVIEWER (under Unix).
This module used the original VRML definition, version 1.0. For the
newer VRML 2 or VRML97, use the module VRML2, which uses exactly the
same interface.
>>> from Scientific.Visualization.VRML import *
>>> scene = Scene([])
>>> scale = ColorScale(10.)
>>> for x in range(11):
>>> color = scale(x)
>>> scene.addObject(Cube(Vector(x, 0., 0.), 0.2,
>>> material=Material(diffuse_color = color)))
>>> scene.view()
from Scientific.IO.TextFile import TextFile
from Scientific.Geometry import Transformation, Vector, ex, ey, ez
from Scientific import N
import os, string, tempfile
from Color import *
# VRML file
class SceneFile:
def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r'):
if mode == 'r':
raise TypeError('Not yet implemented.')
self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
self.file.write('#VRML V1.0 ascii\n')
self.file.write('Separator {\n')
self.memo = {}
self.name_counter = 0
def __del__(self):
def writeString(self, data):
def close(self):
if self.file is not None:
self.file = None
def write(self, object):
def uniqueName(self):
self.name_counter = self.name_counter + 1
return 'i' + `self.name_counter`
VRMLFile = SceneFile
# Scene
class Scene:
VRML scene
A VRML scene is a collection of graphics objects that can be
written to a VRML file or fed directly to a VRML browser.
def __init__(self, objects = None, cameras = None, **options):
@param objects: a list of graphics objects, or C{None} for
an empty scene
@type objects: C{list} or C{NoneType}
@param cameras: a list of cameras, or C{None} for no cameras
B{(not yet implemented)}
@param options: options as keyword arguments (none defined)
if objects is None:
self.objects = []
elif type(objects) == type([]):
self.objects = objects
self.objects = [objects]
if cameras is None:
self.cameras = []
self.cameras = cameras
def __len__(self):
@returns: the number of graphics objects in the scene
@rtype: C{int}
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, item):
@param item: an index
@type item: C{int}
@returns: the graphics object at the index position
@rtype: L{VRMLObject}
return self.object[item]
def addObject(self, object):
@param object: a graphics object to be added to the scene
@type object: L{VRMLObject}
def addCamera(self, camera):
Add a camera to the list of cameras
@param camera: the camera to be adde
def writeToFile(self, filename):
Write the scene to a VRML file
@param filename: the name of the script
@type filename: C{str}
file = VRMLFile(filename, 'w')
if self.cameras:
for o in self.objects:
def view(self, *args):
Start a VRML browser and load the scene
@param args: not used, for compatibility only
import sys
filename = tempfile.mktemp()+'.wrl'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import win32api
win32api.ShellExecute(0, "open", filename, None, "", 1)
elif os.environ.has_key('VRMLVIEWER'):
if os.fork() == 0:
os.system(os.environ['VRMLVIEWER'] + ' ' + filename +
' 1> /dev/null 2>&1')
print 'No VRML viewer defined'
# Base class for everything that produces nodes
class VRMLObject:
Graphics object for VRML
This is an abstract base class. Use one of the subclasses to generate
def __init__(self, attr):
@param attr: graphics attributes specified by keywords
@keyword material: color and surface properties
@type material: L{Material}
@keyword comment: a comment that is written to the script file
@type comment: C{str}
@keyword reuse: a flag defaulting to C{False}. If set to C{True},
the object may share its VRML definition with other
objects. This reduces the size of the VRML file, but
can yield surprising side effects in some cases.
@type reuse: C{bool}
self.attr = {}
for key, value in attr.items():
if key in self.attribute_names:
self.attr[key] = value
raise AttributeError('illegal attribute: ' + str(key))
attribute_names = ['comment']
def __getitem__(self, attr):
@param attr: the name of a graphics attribute
@type attr: C{str}
@returns: the value of the attribute, or C{None} if the attribute
is undefined
return self.attr[attr]
except KeyError:
return None
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
@param attr: the name of a graphics attribute
@type attr: C{str}
@param value: a new value for the attribute
self.attr[attr] = value
def __copy__(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def writeToFile(self, file):
raise AttributeError('Class ' + self.__class__.__name__ +
' does not implement file output.')
# Shapes
class ShapeObject(VRMLObject):
Graphics objects representing geometrical shapes
This is an abstract base class. Use one of the subclasses to generate
def __init__(self, attr, rotation, translation, reference_point):
VRMLObject.__init__(self, attr)
if rotation is None:
rotation = Transformation.Rotation(ez, 0.)
rotation = apply(Transformation.Rotation, rotation)
if translation is None:
translation = Transformation.Translation(Vector(0.,0.,0.))
translation = Transformation.Translation(translation)
self.transformation = translation*rotation
self.reference_point = reference_point
attribute_names = VRMLObject.attribute_names + ['material', 'reuse']
def __add__(self, other):
return Group([self]) + Group([other])
def writeToFile(self, file):
comment = self['comment']
if comment is not None:
file.writeString('# ' + comment + '\n')
file.writeString('TransformSeparator {\n')
vector = self.transformation.translation().displacement()
axis, angle = self.transformation.rotation().axisAndAngle()
trans_flag = vector.length() > 1.e-4
rot_flag = abs(angle) > 1.e-4
if trans_flag and rot_flag:
file.writeString('Transform{translation ' + `vector[0]` + ' ' + \
`vector[1]` + ' ' + `vector[2]` + \
' rotation ' + `axis[0]` + ' ' + `axis[1]` +
' ' + `axis[2]` + ' ' + `angle` + '}\n')
elif trans_flag:
file.writeString('Translation{translation ' + `vector[0]` + ' ' + \
`vector[1]` + ' ' + `vector[2]` + '}\n')
elif rot_flag:
file.writeString('Rotation{rotation ' + `axis[0]` + ' ' + \
`axis[1]` + ' ' + `axis[2]` + ' ' + \
`angle` + '}\n')
material = self['material']
reuse = self['reuse']
if reuse:
key = self.memoKey() + (material, self.__class__)
if file.memo.has_key(key):
file.writeString('USE ' + file.memo[key] + '\n')
if material is not None:
name = file.uniqueName()
file.memo[key] = name
file.writeString('DEF ' + name + ' Group{\n')
if material is not None:
if material is not None:
def use(self, file):
class Sphere(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, center, radius, **attr):
@param center: the center of the sphere
@type center: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the sphere radius
@type radius: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.radius = radius
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, center, center)
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Sphere{radius ' + `self.radius` + '}\n')
def memoKey(self):
return (self.radius, )
class Cube(ShapeObject):
The edges of a cube are always parallel to the coordinate axes.
def __init__(self, center, edge, **attr):
@param center: the center of the sphere
@type center: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param edge: the length of an edge
@type edge: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.edge = edge
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, center, center)
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Cube{width ' + `self.edge` + \
' height ' + `self.edge` + \
' depth ' + `self.edge` + '}\n')
def memoKey(self):
return (self.edge, )
class LinearOrientedObject(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, attr, point1, point2):
center = 0.5*(point1+point2)
axis = point2-point1
self.height = axis.length()
if self.height > 0:
axis = axis/self.height
rot_axis = ey.cross(axis)
sine = rot_axis.length()
cosine = ey*axis
angle = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sine, cosine)
if abs(angle) < 1.e-4 or abs(angle-2.*N.pi) < 1.e-4:
rotation = None
if abs(sine) < 1.e-4:
rot_axis = ex
rotation = (rot_axis, angle)
rotation = None
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, rotation, center, center)
class Cylinder(LinearOrientedObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, faces = (True, True, True),
@param point1: first end point of the cylinder axis
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: second end point of the cylinder axis
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the cylinder radius
@type radius: positive number
@param faces: a sequence of three boolean flags, corresponding to
the cylinder hull and the two circular end pieces,
specifying for each of these parts whether it is visible
or not
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.faces = faces
self.radius = radius
LinearOrientedObject.__init__(self, attr, point1, point2)
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Cylinder{parts ')
if self.faces == (1,1,1):
if self.faces[0]: plist.append('SIDES')
if self.faces[1]: plist.append('BOTTOM')
if self.faces[2]: plist.append('TOP')
if plist: file.writeString( '(' + string.join(plist,'|') + ')' )
file.writeString(' radius ' + `self.radius` + \
' height ' + `self.height` + '}\n')
def memoKey(self):
return (self.radius, self.height, self.faces)
class Cone(LinearOrientedObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, face = True, **attr):
@param point1: the tip of the cone
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: end point of the cone axis
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the radius at the base
@type radius: positive number
@param face: a boolean flag, specifying if the circular
bottom is visible
@type face: C{bool}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.face = face
self.radius = radius
LinearOrientedObject.__init__(self, attr, point2, point1)
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Cone{parts ')
if self.face:
file.writeString(' bottomRadius ' + `self.radius` + \
' height ' + `self.height` + '}\n')
def memoKey(self):
return (self.radius, self.height, self.face)
class Line(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, point1, point2, **attr):
@param point1: first end point
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: second end point
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.points = (point1, point2)
center = 0.5*(point1+point2)
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, None, center)
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Coordinate3{point [' + \
`self.points[0][0]` + ' ' + `self.points[0][1]` + \
' ' + `self.points[0][2]` + ',' + \
`self.points[1][0]` + ' ' + `self.points[1][1]` + \
' ' + `self.points[1][2]` + \
def memoKey(self):
return tuple(self.points[0]) + tuple(self.points[1])
class PolyLines(ShapeObject):
Multiple connected lines
def __init__(self, points, **attr):
@param points: a sequence of points to be connected by lines
@type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.points = points
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, None, Vector(0., 0., 0.))
def writeSpecification(self, file):
s = 'Coordinate3{point ['
for p in self.points:
s = s + `p[0]` + ' ' + `p[1]` + ' ' + `p[2]` + ','
file.writeString(s[:-1] + ']}IndexedLineSet{coordIndex')
file.writeString(`range(len(self.points))+[-1]` + '}\n')
def memoKey(self):
return tuple(map(tuple, self.points))
class Polygons(ShapeObject):
def __init__(self, points, index_lists, **attr):
@param points: a sequence of points
@type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param index_lists: a sequence of index lists, one for each polygon.
The index list for a polygon defines which points
are vertices of the polygon.
@type index_lists: sequence of C{list}
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
self.points = points
self.index_lists = index_lists
ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, None, Vector(0.,0.,0.))
def writeSpecification(self, file):
file.writeString('Coordinate3{point [')
for v in self.points[:-1]:
file.writeString(`v[0]` + ' ' + `v[1]` + ' ' + `v[2]` + ',')
v = self.points[-1]
file.writeString(`v[0]` + ' ' + `v[1]` + ' ' + `v[2]` + \
for polygon in self.index_lists:
for index in polygon:
def memoKey(self):
return (tuple(map(tuple, self.points)),
tuple(map(tuple, self.index_lists)))
# Groups
class Group:
Base class for composite objects
def __init__(self, objects, **attr):
self.objects = []
for o in objects:
if isGroup(o):
self.objects = self.objects + o.objects
for key, value in attr.items():
for o in self.objects:
o[key] = value
is_group = 1
def __len__(self):
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.object[item]
def __coerce__(self, other):
if not isGroup(other):
other = Group([other])
return (self, other)
def __add__(self, other):
return Group(self.objects + other.objects)
def writeToFile(self, file):
for o in self.objects:
def isGroup(x):
return hasattr(x, 'is_group')
# Composite Objects
class Arrow(Group):
An arrow consists of a cylinder and a cone.
def __init__(self, point1, point2, radius, **attr):
@param point1: starting point of the arrow
@type point1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param point2: the tip of the arrow
@type point2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
@param radius: the radius of the shaft
@type radius: positive number
@param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
axis = point2-point1
height = axis.length()
axis = axis/height
cone_height = min(height, 4.*radius)
cylinder_height = height - cone_height
junction = point2-axis*cone_height
cone = apply(Cone, (point2, junction, 0.75*cone_height), attr)
objects = [cone]
if cylinder_height > 0.005*radius:
cylinder = apply(Cylinder, (point1, junction, radius), attr)
Group.__init__(self, objects)
# Materials
class Material(VRMLObject):
Material specification for graphics objects
A material defines the color and surface properties of an object.
def __init__(self, **attr):
@param attr: material attributes as keyword arguments
@keyword diffuse_color: the color of a diffusely reflecting surface
@type diffuse_color: L{Color}
@keyword emissive_color: the color of emitted light
@type emissive_color: L{Color}
@keyword ambient_color:
@type ambient_color: L{Color}
@keyword specular_color:
@type specular_color: L{Color}
@keyword shininess:
@type shininess: C{float}
@keyword transparency:
@type transparency: C{float}
VRMLObject.__init__(self, attr)
attribute_names = VRMLObject.attribute_names + \
['ambient_color', 'diffuse_color', 'specular_color',
'emissive_color', 'shininess', 'transparency']
attribute_conversion = {'ambient_color': 'ambientColor',
'diffuse_color': 'diffuseColor',
'specular_color': 'specularColor',
'emissive_color': 'emissiveColor',
'shininess': 'shininess',
'transparency': 'transparency'}
def writeToFile(self, file):
last = file.memo['material']
if last == self: return
except KeyError: pass
if file.memo.has_key(self):
file.writeString('USE ' + file.memo[self] + '\n')
name = file.uniqueName()
file.memo[self] = name
file.writeString('DEF ' + name + ' Material{\n')
for key, value in self.attr.items():
file.writeString(self.attribute_conversion[key] + ' ' + \
str(value) + '\n')
file.memo['material'] = self
def use(self, file):
file.memo['material'] = self
# Predefined materials
def DiffuseMaterial(color):
@param color: a color object or a predefined color name
@type color: L{Color} or C{str}
@returns: a material with the 'diffuse color' attribute set to color
@rtype: L{Material}
if type(color) is type(''):
color = ColorByName(color)
return _diffuse_material_dict[color]
except KeyError:
m = Material(diffuse_color = color)
_diffuse_material_dict[color] = m
return m
_diffuse_material_dict = {}
def EmissiveMaterial(color):
@param color: a color object or a predefined color name
@type color: L{Color} or C{str}
@returns: a material with the 'emissive color' attribute set to color
@rtype: L{Material}
if type(color) is type(''):
color = ColorByName(color)
return _emissive_material_dict[color]
except KeyError:
m = Material(emissive_color = color)
_emissive_material_dict[color] = m
return m
_emissive_material_dict = {}
# Test code
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 1:
from Scientific.Geometry import null, ex, ey, ez
spheres = DiffuseMaterial('brown')
links = DiffuseMaterial('orange')
s1 = Sphere(null, 0.05, material = spheres, reuse = 1)
s2 = Sphere(ex, 0.05, material = spheres, reuse = 1)
s3 = Sphere(ey, 0.05, material = spheres, reuse = 1)
s4 = Sphere(ez, 0.05, material = spheres, reuse = 1)
a1 = Arrow(null, ex, 0.01, material = links)
a2 = Arrow(null, ey, 0.01, material = links)
a3 = Arrow(null, ez, 0.01, material = links)
scene = Scene([s1, s2, s3, s4, a1, a2, a3])
if 0:
scene = Scene([])
scale = ColorScale(10.)
for x in range(11):
color = scale(x)
m = Material(diffuse_color = color)
scene.addObject(Cube(Vector(x,0.,0.), 0.2, material=m))
if 0:
points = [Vector(0., 0., 0.),
Vector(0., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 1.),
Vector(1., 1., 1.)]
indices = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], [3, 4, 5, 2, 3]]
scene = Scene(Polygons(points, indices,
if 0:
points = [Vector(0., 0., 0.),
Vector(0., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 1., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 0.),
Vector(1., 0., 1.),
Vector(1., 1., 1.)]
scene = Scene(PolyLines(points, material = DiffuseMaterial('black')))