root 8e80217e59 Initial revision of AWIPS2 11.9.0-7p5
Former-commit-id: a02aeb236c [formerly 9f19e3f712] [formerly 06a8b51d6d [formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]
Former-commit-id: 06a8b51d6d
Former-commit-id: 3360eb6c5f
2012-01-06 08:55:05 -06:00

487 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

# This module provides interpolation for functions defined on a grid.
# Written by Konrad Hinsen <>
# last revision: 2008-8-18
Interpolation of functions defined on a grid
from Scientific import N
import Polynomial
from Scientific.indexing import index_expression
from Scientific_interpolation import _interpolate
import operator
# General interpolating functions.
class InterpolatingFunction:
"""X{Function} defined by values on a X{grid} using X{interpolation}
An interpolating function of M{n} variables with M{m}-dimensional values
is defined by an M{(n+m)}-dimensional array of values and M{n}
one-dimensional arrays that define the variables values
corresponding to the grid points. The grid does not have to be
An InterpolatingFunction object has attributes C{real} and C{imag}
like a complex function (even if its values are real).
def __init__(self, axes, values, default = None, period = None):
@param axes: a sequence of one-dimensional arrays, one for each
variable, specifying the values of the variables at
the grid points
@type axes: sequence of N.array
@param values: the function values on the grid
@type values: N.array
@param default: the value of the function outside the grid. A value
of C{None} means that the function is undefined outside
the grid and that any attempt to evaluate it there
raises an exception.
@type default: number or C{None}
@param period: the period for each of the variables, or C{None} for
variables in which the function is not periodic.
@type period: sequence of numbers or C{None}
if len(axes) > len(values.shape):
raise ValueError('Inconsistent arguments')
self.axes = list(axes)
self.shape = sum([axis.shape for axis in self.axes], ())
self.values = values
self.default = default
if period is None:
period = len(self.axes)*[None]
self.period = period
if len(self.period) != len(self.axes):
raise ValueError('Inconsistent arguments')
for a, p in zip(self.axes, self.period):
if p is not None and a[0]+p <= a[-1]:
raise ValueError('Period too short')
def __call__(self, *points):
@returns: the function value obtained by linear interpolation
@rtype: number
@raise TypeError: if the number of arguments (C{len(points)})
does not match the number of variables of the function
@raise ValueError: if the evaluation point is outside of the
domain of definition and no default value is defined
if len(points) != len(self.axes):
raise TypeError('Wrong number of arguments')
if len(points) == 1:
# Fast Pyrex implementation for the important special case
# of a function of one variable with all arrays of type double.
period = self.period[0]
if period is None: period = 0.
return _interpolate(points[0], self.axes[0],
self.values, period)
# Run the Python version if anything goes wrong
neighbours = map(_lookup, points, self.axes, self.period)
except ValueError, text:
if self.default is not None:
return self.default
raise ValueError(text)
slices = sum([item[0] for item in neighbours], ())
values = self.values[slices]
for item in neighbours:
weight = item[1]
values = (1.-weight)*values[0]+weight*values[1]
return values
def __len__(self):
@returns: number of variables
@rtype: C{int}
return len(self.axes[0])
def __getitem__(self, i):
@param i: any indexing expression possible for C{N.array}
that does not use C{N.NewAxis}
@type i: indexing expression
@returns: an InterpolatingFunction whose number of variables
is reduced, or a number if no variable is left
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction} or number
@raise TypeError: if i is not an allowed index expression
if isinstance(i, int):
if len(self.axes) == 1:
return (self.axes[0][i], self.values[i])
return self._constructor(self.axes[1:], self.values[i])
elif isinstance(i, slice):
axes = [self.axes[0][i]] + self.axes[1:]
return self._constructor(axes, self.values[i])
elif isinstance(i, tuple):
axes = []
rest = self.axes[:]
for item in i:
if not isinstance(item, int):
del rest[0]
axes = axes + rest
return self._constructor(axes, self.values[i])
raise TypeError("illegal index type")
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
@param i: lower slice index
@type i: C{int}
@param j: upper slice index
@type j: C{int}
@returns: an InterpolatingFunction whose number of variables
is reduced by one, or a number if no variable is left
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction} or number
axes = [self.axes[0][i:j]] + self.axes[1:]
return self._constructor(axes, self.values[i:j])
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'real':
values = self.values
values = values.real
except ValueError:
default = self.default
default = default.real
return self._constructor(self.axes, values, default. self.period)
elif attr == 'imag':
values = self.values.imag
except ValueError:
values = 0*self.values
default = self.default
default = self.default.imag
default = 0*self.default
default = None
return self._constructor(self.axes, values, default, self.period)
raise AttributeError(attr)
def selectInterval(self, first, last, variable=0):
@param first: lower limit of an axis interval
@type first: C{float}
@param last: upper limit of an axis interval
@type last: C{float}
@param variable: the index of the variable of the function
along which the interval restriction is applied
@type variable: C{int}
@returns: a new InterpolatingFunction whose grid is restricted
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction}
x = self.axes[variable]
c = N.logical_and(N.greater_equal(x, first),
N.less_equal(x, last))
i_axes = self.axes[:variable] + [N.compress(c, x)] + \
i_values = N.compress(c, self.values, variable)
return self._constructor(i_axes, i_values, None, None)
def derivative(self, variable = 0):
@param variable: the index of the variable of the function
with respect to which the X{derivative} is taken
@type variable: C{int}
@returns: a new InterpolatingFunction containing the numerical
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction}
diffaxis = self.axes[variable]
ai = index_expression[::] + \
(len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * index_expression[N.NewAxis]
period = self.period[variable]
if period is None:
ui = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[1::] + index_expression[...]
li = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[:-1:] + index_expression[...]
d_values = (self.values[ui]-self.values[li]) / \
diffaxis = 0.5*(diffaxis[1:]+diffaxis[:-1])
u = N.take(self.values, range(1, len(diffaxis))+[0], axis=variable)
l = self.values
ua = N.concatenate((diffaxis[1:], period+diffaxis[0:1]))
la = diffaxis
d_values = (u-l)/(ua-la)[ai]
diffaxis = 0.5*(ua+la)
d_axes = self.axes[:variable]+[diffaxis]+self.axes[variable+1:]
d_default = None
if self.default is not None:
d_default = 0.
return self._constructor(d_axes, d_values, d_default, self.period)
def integral(self, variable = 0):
@param variable: the index of the variable of the function
with respect to which the X{integration} is performed
@type variable: C{int}
@returns: a new InterpolatingFunction containing the numerical
X{integral}. The integration constant is defined such that
the integral at the first grid point is zero.
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction}
if self.period[variable] is not None:
raise ValueError('Integration over periodic variables not defined')
intaxis = self.axes[variable]
ui = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[1::] + index_expression[...]
li = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[:-1:] + index_expression[...]
uai = index_expression[1::] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
lai = index_expression[:-1:] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
i_values = 0.5*N.add.accumulate((self.values[ui]
+self.values[li])* \
s = list(self.values.shape)
s[variable] = 1
z = N.zeros(tuple(s))
return self._constructor(self.axes,
N.concatenate((z, i_values), variable),
def definiteIntegral(self, variable = 0):
@param variable: the index of the variable of the function
with respect to which the X{integration} is performed
@type variable: C{int}
@returns: a new InterpolatingFunction containing the numerical
X{integral}. The integration constant is defined such that
the integral at the first grid point is zero. If the original
function has only one free variable, the definite integral
is a number
@rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction} or number
if self.period[variable] is not None:
raise ValueError('Integration over periodic variables not defined')
intaxis = self.axes[variable]
ui = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[1::] + index_expression[...]
li = variable*index_expression[::] + \
index_expression[:-1:] + index_expression[...]
uai = index_expression[1::] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
lai = index_expression[:-1:] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
i_values = 0.5*N.add.reduce((self.values[ui]+self.values[li]) * \
(intaxis[uai]-intaxis[lai]), variable)
if len(self.axes) == 1:
return i_values
i_axes = self.axes[:variable] + self.axes[variable+1:]
return self._constructor(i_axes, i_values, None)
def fitPolynomial(self, order):
@param order: the order of the X{polynomial} to be fitted
@type order: C{int}
@returns: a polynomial whose coefficients have been obtained
by a X{least-squares} fit to the grid values
@rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Polynomial}
for p in self.period:
if p is not None:
raise ValueError('Polynomial fit not possible ' +
'for periodic function')
points = _combinations(self.axes)
return Polynomial._fitPolynomial(order, points,
def __abs__(self):
values = abs(self.values)
default = abs(self.default)
default = self.default
return self._constructor(self.axes, values, default)
def _mathfunc(self, function):
if self.default is None:
default = None
default = function(self.default)
return self._constructor(self.axes, function(self.values), default)
def exp(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.exp)
def log(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.log)
def sqrt(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.sqrt)
def sin(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.sin)
def cos(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.cos)
def tan(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.tan)
def sinh(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.sinh)
def cosh(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.cosh)
def tanh(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.tanh)
def arcsin(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.arcsin)
def arccos(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.arccos)
def arctan(self):
return self._mathfunc(N.arctan)
InterpolatingFunction._constructor = InterpolatingFunction
# Interpolating function on data in netCDF file
class NetCDFInterpolatingFunction(InterpolatingFunction):
"""Function defined by values on a grid in a X{netCDF} file
A subclass of L{InterpolatingFunction}.
def __init__(self, filename, axesnames, variablename, default = None,
period = None):
@param filename: the name of the netCDF file
@type filename: C{str}
@param axesnames: the names of the netCDF variables that contain the
axes information
@type axesnames: sequence of C{str}
@param variablename: the name of the netCDF variable that contains
the data values
@type variablename: C{str}
@param default: the value of the function outside the grid. A value
of C{None} means that the function is undefined outside
the grid and that any attempt to evaluate it there
raises an exception.
@type default: number or C{None}
@param period: the period for each of the variables, or C{None} for
variables in which the function is not periodic.
@type period: sequence of numbers or C{None}
from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile
self.file = NetCDFFile(filename, 'r')
self.axes = map(lambda n, f=self.file: f.variables[n], axesnames)
self.values = self.file.variables[variablename]
self.default = default
self.shape = ()
for axis in self.axes:
self.shape = self.shape + axis.shape
if period is None:
period = len(self.axes)*[None]
self.period = period
if len(self.period) != len(self.axes):
raise ValueError('Inconsistent arguments')
for a, p in zip(self.axes, self.period):
if p is not None and a[0]+p <= a[-1]:
raise ValueError('Period too short')
NetCDFInterpolatingFunction._constructor = InterpolatingFunction
# Helper functions
def _lookup(point, axis, period):
if period is None:
j = N.int_sum(N.less_equal(axis, point))
if j == len(axis):
if N.fabs(point - axis[j-1]) < 1.e-9:
return index_expression[j-2:j:1], 1.
j = 0
if j == 0:
raise ValueError('Point outside grid of values')
i = j-1
weight = (point-axis[i])/(axis[j]-axis[i])
return index_expression[i:j+1:1], weight
point = axis[0] + (point-axis[0]) % period
j = N.int_sum(N.less_equal(axis, point))
i = j-1
if j == len(axis):
weight = (point-axis[i])/(axis[0]+period-axis[i])
return index_expression[0:i+1:i], 1.-weight
weight = (point-axis[i])/(axis[j]-axis[i])
return index_expression[i:j+1:1], weight
def _combinations(axes):
if len(axes) == 1:
return map(lambda x: (x,), axes[0])
rest = _combinations(axes[1:])
l = []
for x in axes[0]:
for y in rest:
return l
# Test code
if __name__ == '__main__':
## axis = N.arange(0,1.1,0.1)
## values = N.sqrt(axis)
## s = InterpolatingFunction((axis,), values)
## print s(0.22), N.sqrt(0.22)
## sd = s.derivative()
## print sd(0.35), 0.5/N.sqrt(0.35)
## si = s.integral()
## print si(0.42), (0.42**1.5)/1.5
## print s.definiteIntegral()
## values = N.sin(axis[:,N.NewAxis])*N.cos(axis)
## sc = InterpolatingFunction((axis,axis),values)
## print sc(0.23, 0.77), N.sin(0.23)*N.cos(0.77)
axis = N.arange(20)*(2.*N.pi)/20.
values = N.sin(axis)
s = InterpolatingFunction((axis,), values, period=(2.*N.pi,))
c = s.derivative()
for x in N.arange(0., 15., 1.):
print x
print N.sin(x), s(x)
print N.cos(x), c(x)