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<a href="Scientific-module.html">Package Scientific</a> ::
<a href="Scientific.Physics-module.html">Package Physics</a> ::
Module PhysicalQuantities
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<!-- ==================== MODULE DESCRIPTION ==================== -->
<h1 class="epydoc">Module PhysicalQuantities</h1><p class="nomargin-top"></p>
<p>Physical quantities with units.</p>
<p>This module provides a data type that represents a physical quantity
together with its unit. It is possible to add and subtract these
quantities if the units are compatible, and a quantity can be converted
to another compatible unit. Multiplication, subtraction, and raising to
integer powers is allowed without restriction, and the result will have
the correct unit. A quantity can be raised to a non-integer power only if
the result can be represented by integer powers of the base units.</p>
<p>The values of physical constants are taken from the 1986 recommended
values from CODATA. Other conversion factors (e.g. for British units)
come from various sources. I can't guarantee for the correctness of all
entries in the unit table, so use this at your own risk.</p>
<p>SI derived units; these automatically get prefixes: Y (1E+24), Z
(1E+21), E (1E+18), P (1E+15), T (1E+12), G (1E+09), M (1E+06), k
(1E+03), h (1E+02), da (1E+01), d (1E-01), c (1E-02), m (1E-03), mu
(1E-06), n (1E-09), p (1E-12), f (1E-15), a (1E-18), z (1E-21), y
<p>Hz Hertz 1/s N Newton
m*kg/s**2 Pa Pascal N/m**2 J Joule
N*m W Watt J/s C Coulomb
s*A V Volt W/A F Farad
C/V ohm Ohm V/A S Siemens
A/V Wb Weber V*s T Tesla
Wb/m**2 H Henry Wb/A lm Lumen
cd*sr lx Lux lm/m**2 Bq Becquerel
1/s Gy Gray J/kg Sv Sievert
<p>Prefixed units for ohm:</p>
<p>Yohm, Zohm, Eohm, Pohm, Tohm, Gohm, Mohm, kohm, hohm, daohm, dohm,
cohm, mohm, muohm, nohm, pohm, fohm, aohm, zohm, yohm</p>
<p>Prefixed units for rad:</p>
<p>Yrad, Zrad, Erad, Prad, Trad, Grad, Mrad, krad, hrad, darad, drad,
crad, mrad, murad, nrad, prad, frad, arad, zrad, yrad</p>
<p>Prefixed units for mol:</p>
<p>Ymol, Zmol, Emol, Pmol, Tmol, Gmol, Mmol, kmol, hmol, damol, dmol,
cmol, mmol, mumol, nmol, pmol, fmol, amol, zmol, ymol</p>
<p>Prefixed units for cd:</p>
<p>Ycd, Zcd, Ecd, Pcd, Tcd, Gcd, Mcd, kcd, hcd, dacd, dcd, ccd, mcd,
mucd, ncd, pcd, fcd, acd, zcd, ycd</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Pa:</p>
<p>YPa, ZPa, EPa, PPa, TPa, GPa, MPa, kPa, hPa, daPa, dPa, cPa, mPa,
muPa, nPa, pPa, fPa, aPa, zPa, yPa</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Hz:</p>
<p>YHz, ZHz, EHz, PHz, THz, GHz, MHz, kHz, hHz, daHz, dHz, cHz, mHz,
muHz, nHz, pHz, fHz, aHz, zHz, yHz</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Wb:</p>
<p>YWb, ZWb, EWb, PWb, TWb, GWb, MWb, kWb, hWb, daWb, dWb, cWb, mWb,
muWb, nWb, pWb, fWb, aWb, zWb, yWb</p>
<p>Prefixed units for lm:</p>
<p>Ylm, Zlm, Elm, Plm, Tlm, Glm, Mlm, klm, hlm, dalm, dlm, clm, mlm,
mulm, nlm, plm, flm, alm, zlm, ylm</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Bq:</p>
<p>YBq, ZBq, EBq, PBq, TBq, GBq, MBq, kBq, hBq, daBq, dBq, cBq, mBq,
muBq, nBq, pBq, fBq, aBq, zBq, yBq</p>
<p>Prefixed units for lx:</p>
<p>Ylx, Zlx, Elx, Plx, Tlx, Glx, Mlx, klx, hlx, dalx, dlx, clx, mlx,
mulx, nlx, plx, flx, alx, zlx, ylx</p>
<p>Prefixed units for A:</p>
<p>YA, ZA, EA, PA, TA, GA, MA, kA, hA, daA, dA, cA, mA, muA, nA, pA, fA,
aA, zA, yA</p>
<p>Prefixed units for C:</p>
<p>YC, ZC, EC, PC, TC, GC, MC, kC, hC, daC, dC, cC, mC, muC, nC, pC, fC,
aC, zC, yC</p>
<p>Prefixed units for F:</p>
<p>YF, ZF, EF, PF, TF, GF, MF, kF, hF, daF, dF, cF, mF, muF, nF, pF, fF,
aF, zF, yF</p>
<p>Prefixed units for H:</p>
<p>YH, ZH, EH, PH, TH, GH, MH, kH, hH, daH, dH, cH, mH, muH, nH, pH, fH,
aH, zH, yH</p>
<p>Prefixed units for K:</p>
<p>YK, ZK, EK, PK, TK, GK, MK, kK, hK, daK, dK, cK, mK, muK, nK, pK, fK,
aK, zK, yK</p>
<p>Prefixed units for J:</p>
<p>YJ, ZJ, EJ, PJ, TJ, GJ, MJ, kJ, hJ, daJ, dJ, cJ, mJ, muJ, nJ, pJ, fJ,
aJ, zJ, yJ</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Sv:</p>
<p>YSv, ZSv, ESv, PSv, TSv, GSv, MSv, kSv, hSv, daSv, dSv, cSv, mSv,
muSv, nSv, pSv, fSv, aSv, zSv, ySv</p>
<p>Prefixed units for N:</p>
<p>YN, ZN, EN, PN, TN, GN, MN, kN, hN, daN, dN, cN, mN, muN, nN, pN, fN,
aN, zN, yN</p>
<p>Prefixed units for S:</p>
<p>YS, ZS, ES, PS, TS, GS, MS, kS, hS, daS, dS, cS, mS, muS, nS, pS, fS,
aS, zS, yS</p>
<p>Prefixed units for T:</p>
<p>YT, ZT, ET, PT, TT, GT, MT, kT, hT, daT, dT, cT, mT, muT, nT, pT, fT,
aT, zT, yT</p>
<p>Prefixed units for W:</p>
<p>YW, ZW, EW, PW, TW, GW, MW, kW, hW, daW, dW, cW, mW, muW, nW, pW, fW,
aW, zW, yW</p>
<p>Prefixed units for V:</p>
<p>YV, ZV, EV, PV, TV, GV, MV, kV, hV, daV, dV, cV, mV, muV, nV, pV, fV,
aV, zV, yV</p>
<p>Prefixed units for g:</p>
<p>Yg, Zg, Eg, Pg, Tg, Gg, Mg, kg, hg, dag, dg, cg, mg, mug, ng, pg, fg,
ag, zg, yg</p>
<p>Prefixed units for sr:</p>
<p>Ysr, Zsr, Esr, Psr, Tsr, Gsr, Msr, ksr, hsr, dasr, dsr, csr, msr,
musr, nsr, psr, fsr, asr, zsr, ysr</p>
<p>Prefixed units for m:</p>
<p>Ym, Zm, Em, Pm, Tm, Gm, Mm, km, hm, dam, dm, cm, mm, mum, nm, pm, fm,
am, zm, ym</p>
<p>Prefixed units for Gy:</p>
<p>YGy, ZGy, EGy, PGy, TGy, GGy, MGy, kGy, hGy, daGy, dGy, cGy, mGy,
muGy, nGy, pGy, fGy, aGy, zGy, yGy</p>
<p>Prefixed units for s:</p>
<p>Ys, Zs, Es, Ps, Ts, Gs, Ms, ks, hs, das, ds, cs, ms, mus, ns, ps, fs,
as, zs, ys</p>
<p>Fundamental constants: c speed of light
299792458.*m/s mu0 permeability of vacuum 4.e-7*pi*N/A**2 eps0
permittivity of vacuum 1/mu0/c**2 Grav gravitational constant
6.67259e-11*m**3/kg/s**2 hplanck Planck constant
6.6260755e-34*J*s hbar Planck constant / 2pi hplanck/(2*pi) e
elementary charge 1.60217733e-19*C me electron mass
9.1093897e-31*kg mp proton mass 1.6726231e-27*kg
Nav Avogadro number 6.0221367e23/mol k Boltzmann
constant 1.380658e-23*J/K</p>
<p>Time units: min minute 60*s h hour
60*min d day 24*h wk week
7*d yr year 365.25*d</p>
<p>Length units: inch inch 2.54*cm ft
foot 12*inch yd yard
3*ft mi (British) mile 5280.*ft nmi Nautical
mile 1852.*m Ang Angstrom 1.e-10*m
lyr light year c*yr Bohr Bohr radius
<p>Area units: ha hectare 10000*m**2 acres
acre mi**2/640 b barn
<p>Volume units: l liter dm**3 dl
deci liter 0.1*l cl centi liter
0.01*l ml milli liter 0.001*l tsp teaspoon
4.92892159375*ml tbsp tablespoon 3*tsp floz
fluid ounce 2*tbsp cup cup
8*floz pt pint 16*floz qt quart
2*pt galUS US gallon 4*qt galUK British gallon
<p>Mass units: amu atomic mass units 1.6605402e-27*kg oz
ounce 28.349523125*g lb pound
16*oz ton ton 2000*lb</p>
<p>Force units: dyn dyne (cgs unit) 1.e-5*N</p>
<p>Energy units: erg erg (cgs unit) 1.e-7*J eV
electron volt e*V Hartree Wavenumbers/inverse cm
me*e**4/16/pi**2/eps0**2/hbar**2 Ken Kelvin as energy unit k*K
cal thermochemical calorie 4.184*J kcal thermochemical
kilocalorie 1000*cal cali international calorie 4.1868*J kcali
international kilocalorie 1000*cali Btu British thermal unit
<p>Prefixed units for eV:</p>
<p>YeV, ZeV, EeV, PeV, TeV, GeV, MeV, keV, heV, daeV, deV, ceV, meV,
mueV, neV, peV, feV, aeV, zeV, yeV</p>
<p>Power units: hp horsepower 745.7*W</p>
<p>Pressure units: bar bar (cgs unit) 1.e5*Pa atm
standard atmosphere 101325.*Pa torr torr = mm of mercury
atm/760 psi pounds per square inch 6894.75729317*Pa</p>
<p>Angle units: deg degrees pi*rad/180</p>
<p>Temperature units: degR degrees Rankine (5./9.)*K degC
degrees Celcius <PhysicalUnit degC> degF degree
Fahrenheit <PhysicalUnit degF></p>
<!-- ==================== CLASSES ==================== -->
<a name="section-Classes"></a>
<table class="summary" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<tr bgcolor="#70b0f0" class="table-header">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="table-header">
<span class="table-header">Classes</span></td>
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<a href="Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities.PhysicalQuantity-class.html" class="summary-name">PhysicalQuantity</a><br />
Physical quantity with units
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<a href="Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities.PhysicalUnit-class.html" class="summary-name">PhysicalUnit</a><br />
Physical unit
<!-- ==================== FUNCTIONS ==================== -->
<a name="section-Functions"></a>
<table class="summary" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<tr bgcolor="#70b0f0" class="table-header">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="table-header">
<span class="table-header">Functions</span></td>
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><span class="summary-sig"><a name="description"></a><span class="summary-sig-name">description</span>()</span><br />
Return a string describing all available units.</td>
<td align="right" valign="top">
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"><code>bool</code></span>
</td><td class="summary">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><span class="summary-sig"><a href="Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities-module.html#isPhysicalQuantity" class="summary-sig-name">isPhysicalQuantity</a>(<span class="summary-sig-arg">x</span>)</span><br />
<code>True</code> if x is a <a
<td align="right" valign="top">
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"><code>bool</code></span>
</td><td class="summary">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><span class="summary-sig"><a href="Scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities-module.html#isPhysicalUnit" class="summary-sig-name">isPhysicalUnit</a>(<span class="summary-sig-arg">x</span>)</span><br />
<code>True</code> if x is a <a
<td align="right" valign="top">
<!-- ==================== VARIABLES ==================== -->
<a name="section-Variables"></a>
<table class="summary" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<tr bgcolor="#70b0f0" class="table-header">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="table-header">
<span class="table-header">Variables</span></td>
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<a name="prefix"></a><span class="summary-name">prefix</span> = <code title="'y'"><code class="variable-quote">'</code><code class="variable-string">y</code><code class="variable-quote">'</code></code>
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<a name="unit"></a><span class="summary-name">unit</span> = <code title="'s'"><code class="variable-quote">'</code><code class="variable-string">s</code><code class="variable-quote">'</code></code>
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="summary">
<span class="summary-type"> </span>
</td><td class="summary">
<a name="value"></a><span class="summary-name">value</span> = <code title="1e-24">1e-24</code>
<!-- ==================== FUNCTION DETAILS ==================== -->
<a name="section-FunctionDetails"></a>
<table class="details" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<tr bgcolor="#70b0f0" class="table-header">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="table-header">
<span class="table-header">Function Details</span></td>
<a name="isPhysicalQuantity"></a>
<table class="details" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr valign="top"><td>
<h3 class="epydoc"><span class="sig"><span class="sig-name">isPhysicalQuantity</span>(<span class="sig-arg">x</span>)</span>
</td><td align="right" valign="top"
<dl class="fields">
<dd><ul class="nomargin-top">
<li><strong class="pname"><code>x</code></strong> (any) - an object</li>
<dt>Returns: <code>bool</code></dt>
<dd><code>True</code> if x is a <a
<a name="isPhysicalUnit"></a>
<table class="details" border="1" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr valign="top"><td>
<h3 class="epydoc"><span class="sig"><span class="sig-name">isPhysicalUnit</span>(<span class="sig-arg">x</span>)</span>
</td><td align="right" valign="top"
<dl class="fields">
<dd><ul class="nomargin-top">
<li><strong class="pname"><code>x</code></strong> (any) - an object</li>
<dt>Returns: <code>bool</code></dt>
<dd><code>True</code> if x is a <a
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