] [formerly580e2938d7
] [formerlyc83e5ff474
[formerly 2a9569942c48542cf708b6c0b9189146fd954c11]]] Former-commit-id:c83e5ff474
] Former-commit-id:21d2361f00
335 lines
10 KiB
335 lines
10 KiB
@echo OFF
rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
rem All rights reserved.
rem This file is part of HDF-JAVA. The full HDF-JAVA copyright notice, including
rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF-JAVA document set and
rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
rem If you do not have
rem access to either file, you may request a copy from
rem File Name: javacheck.bat
rem This batch file is used to check the java hdf libraries
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %~dp0
set nerrors=0
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
goto main
rem Print a help message
echo.Checks HDF JAR
echo.Usage: %~nx0 [OPTION]
echo. TESTDIR Directory of hdf-java source.
echo. /? Help Information
exit /b 0
rem Parse through the parameters sent to file, and set appropriate variables
for %%a in (%*) do (
if "%%a"=="/?" (
rem Set errorlevel 1 and send to help
call :help
exit /b 1
) else if "%%a"=="" (
rem Set errorlevel 2 to send to help if we receive a bad parameter
echo.Must supply a directory name
call :help
exit /b 2
) else (
set TESTDIR=%%a
exit /b 0
rem Setup our environment
echo.Setting environment
if !%JAVAHOME%!"\bin\javac.exe"=="\bin\javac.exe" (
echo.%JAVAHOME%\bin\javac.exe not found,
echo.please check your java home directory.
goto error
set java_compile=%JAVAHOME%\bin\javac.exe
if !%JAVAHOME%!"\bin\java.exe"=="\bin\java.exe" (
echo.%JAVAHOME%\bin\java.exe not found,
echo.please check your java home directory.
goto error
set java_run=%JAVAHOME%\bin\java.exe
if not exist "%TESTDIR%\win32lib" (
mkdir %TESTDIR%\win32lib
if "%TESTLIBDIR%"=="" (
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
exit /b
call :safe_copy %TESTDIR%\native\*.lib %TESTLIBDIR%
call :safe_copy %TESTDIR%\native\*.dll %TESTLIBDIR%
set classpath=%TESTDIR%;%TESTLIBDIR%\jhdf5.jar;%TESTLIBDIR%\jhdfobj.jar;%TESTLIBDIR%\jhdf5obj.jar
exit /b 0
rem Build the HDF Java Tests.
echo. Build HDF Java Tests
rem Build sources
echo.Building Java Sources...
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath%;%TESTDIR%\lib\junit.jar %TESTDIR%\test\object\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath%;%TESTDIR%\lib\junit.jar %TESTDIR%\test\unittests\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
echo.Building Java Sources Succesful
exit /b 0
rem Check the HDF Java Library.
echo. Check HDF Java Library
rem Check Library
echo.Checking Java Object Library...
%java_run% -Xmx1024M -Djava.library.path=%TESTLIBDIR% -cp %TESTDIR%\classes;%classpath% test.object.TestH5Object
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
echo.Checking Java Object Library Unit Tests...
%java_run% -Xmx1024M -Djava.library.path=%TESTLIBDIR% -cp %TESTDIR%\classes;%classpath%;%TESTDIR%\lib\junit.jar test.unittests.AllH5ObjectTests
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
echo.Checking Java Object Library Successful
exit /b 0
rem Build the HDF Java Examples.
echo. Build HDF Java Examples
rem Build Examples
echo.Building Java Examples...
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath% %TESTDIR%\examples\intro\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath% %TESTDIR%\examples\groups\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath% %TESTDIR%\examples\datasets\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
%java_compile% -source 5 -d %TESTDIR%\classes\ -cp %classpath% %TESTDIR%\examples\datatypes\*.java
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b
echo.Building Java Examples Successful
exit /b 0
rem Check the HDF Java Examples.
echo. Check HDF Java Examples
rem Check Examples
echo.Checking Java intro Examples...
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateDataset
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateAttribute
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateFile
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateGroup
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateGroupAbsoluteRelative
call :runexample intro.H5_CreateGroupDataset
call :runexample intro.H5_ReadWrite
echo.Checking Java groups Examples...
call :runexample groups.H5Ex_G_Create
call :safe_copy examples\groups\h5ex_g_iterate.h5 examples
if "%nerrors%"=="0" (
call :runexample groups.H5Ex_G_Iterate
) else (
echo.**FAILED** groups.H5Ex_G_Iterate not tested
echo.Checking Java datsets Examples...
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Alloc
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Checksum
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Chunk
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Compact
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_External
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_FillValue
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Gzip
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Hyperslab
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_ReadWrite
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Shuffle
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_Szip
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_UnlimitedAdd
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_UnlimitedGzip
call :runexample datasets.H5Ex_D_UnlimitedMod
echo.Checking Java datatypes Examples...
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Array
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_ArrayAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Bit
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_BitAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Commit
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Compound
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_CompoundAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Float
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_FloatAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Integer
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_IntegerAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_ObjectReference
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_ObjectReferenceAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_Opaque
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_OpaqueAttribute
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_String
call :runexample datatypes.H5Ex_T_StringAttribute
if !nerrors! neq 0 exit /b !nerrors!
echo.Checking Java Examples Successful
exit /b 0
pushd examples
%java_run% -Xmx1024M -Djava.library.path=%TESTLIBDIR% -cp %TESTDIR%\classes;%classpath% %1 > %1.out
fc %1.out testfiles\%1.txt
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1
echo.**FAILED** %1
) else (
echo. PASSED %1
exit /b 0
rem This function actally copies the file over, first making sure it exists. If not, we increment nerrors
rem Expected parameters:
rem %1 - name of file to copy
rem %2 - destination to copy to
if exist %1 (
copy /y %1 %2 > nul
) else (
set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1
exit /b
rem Only delete a file if it actually exists. Return the status of delete if it was called
rem Expected paramters:
rem %1 - name of file to delete
if exist %1 (
del /S /F /Q %1 > nul
exit /b
rem Handle errors
rem For now, our error handling consists of setting nerrors and quitting
echo.HDF check failed.
set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1
goto end
rem We'll never really get here, but we keep this line for consistency.
exit /b
rem This is where the magic happens
call :parse_params %*
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
if %errorlevel% equ 1 (
rem This isn't an error case-- this means /? was specified. Simply
rem quit.
goto end
) else (
rem Error case.
echo.Error parsing parameters!
goto error
call :setup
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo.Error setting up build environment.
goto error
call :buildtest
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo.Error building HDF Java Tests!
goto error
call :checktest
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo.Error checking HDF Java Library!
goto error
call :buildexample
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo.Error building HDF Java Examples!
goto error
call :checkexample
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo.Error checking HDF Java Examples!
goto error
if "%nerrors%"=="0" (
echo. All HDF Library check successfully!
rem Fall through to end
endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%