2017-03-14 15:05:59 -05:00

150 lines
5.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- ================================================================================ -->
<!-- Deploy script for the GFESuite Command Line Interface Tools. -->
<!-- Usage: -->
<!-- ant -f deploy.xml -Dinstall.dir={path to install} [-Dinstaller=true] -->
<!-- [] -->
<!-- ================================================================================ -->
<project default="deploy.all" basedir="." >
<property environment="user"/>
<!-- Set the database host name for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="localhost" />
<condition property="" value="$requestServerAddress" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- set the Python home location for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="${user.HOME}/awips" />
<condition property="py.home" value="$pythonHome" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<condition property="deploy.client" value="yes">
<istrue value="${}"/>
<condition property="deploy.hti" value="yes">
<isfalse value="${}"/>
<condition property="deploy.nwps" value="yes">
<isfalse value="${}"/>
<condition property="deploy.svcBackup" value="yes">
<isfalse value="${}"/>
<istrue value="${installer}"/>
<property name="gfe.suite.home" value="${install.dir}" />
<property name="gfe.suite.bin" value="${install.dir}/bin" />
<property name="gfe.suite.hti" value="${install.dir}/hti" />
<property name="gfe.suite.nwps" value="${install.dir}/nwps" />
<!-- Create the copy filter -->
<!-- filter set -->
<filterset id="installer.filter.set">
<filter token="EDEX_ADDR" value="${}"/>
<filter token="PY_HOME" value="${py.home}" />
<target name="deploy.all" description="Deploys GFESuite CLI tools to a specific directory">
<!-- copy the CLI tools to the deploy directory -->
<echo message="Updating ${gfe.suite.bin} with latest GFESuite tools" />
<echo message="deploy.client=${deploy.client}" />
<mkdir dir="${gfe.suite.bin}"/>
<antcall target="-deploy.cli.common"/>
<antcall target="-deploy.hti"/>
<antcall target="-deploy.nwps"/>
<antcall target="-deploy.svcBackup"/>
<!-- <antcall target="-deploy.cli.client"/> -->
<antcall target="-set.permissions"/>
<target name="-deploy.cli.common"
description="Deploys common GFESuite CLI tools to a specific directory">
<!-- copy the CLI tools to the deploy directory -->
<echo message="Copying in common tools" />
<copy todir="${gfe.suite.bin}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/cli"/>
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set"/>
<!-- GFESuite/* will now be common between server and client. -->
<copy todir="${gfe.suite.bin}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/../com.raytheon.viz.gfe/GFESuite" />
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set"/>
<target name="-deploy.hti" if="deploy.hti"
description="Deploys HTI software to a specific directory">
<!-- copy the CLI tools to the deploy directory -->
<mkdir dir="${gfe.suite.hti}"/>
<echo message="Copying in HTI files" />
<copy todir="${gfe.suite.hti}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/hti"/>
<target name="-deploy.nwps" if="deploy.nwps"
description="Deploys NWPS software to a specific directory">
<!-- copy the CLI tools to the deploy directory -->
<mkdir dir="${gfe.suite.nwps}"/>
<echo message="Copying in NWPS files" />
<copy todir="${gfe.suite.nwps}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/nwps"/>
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set"/>
<target name="-deploy.svcBackup" if="deploy.svcBackup"
description="Deploys service backup scripts to a specific directory">
<echo message="Copying in service backup scripts" />
<copy todir="${gfe.suite.home}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/../"/>
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set"/>
<!-- Create the exportgrids directory. -->
<mkdir dir="${gfe.suite.home}/exportgrids" />
<echo message="Setting permissions in ${gfe.suite.home}/ServiceBackup/scripts to 'ugo+rx'" />
<chmod dir="${gfe.suite.home}/ServiceBackup/scripts" perm="ugo+rx"
includes="**/**" />
<target name="-set.permissions"
description="sets the permissions on the scripts - local install only">
<echo message="Setting permissions in ${gfe.suite.bin} to 'ugo+rx'" />
<chmod perm="ugo+rx" >
<fileset dir="${gfe.suite.bin}">
<include name="*"/>
<include name="*.py"/>
<include name="*.sh"/>
<exclude name=""/>