] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
262 lines
10 KiB
262 lines
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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Code mostly separated from legacy
import time
import copy
import VTECTableUtil, VTECTableSqueeze, VTECPartners
import LogStream, ActiveTableVtec, ActiveTableRecord
from java.util import ArrayList
class ActiveTable(VTECTableUtil.VTECTableUtil):
def __init__(self):
self._time = time.time()
def updateActiveTable(self, activeTable, newRecords, offsetSecs=0):
#merges the previous active table and new records into a new table.
# (updated active table, purged records, changesforNotify, changeFlag)
updatedTable = []
changes = []
changedFlag = False
#delete "obsolete" records from the old table.
vts = VTECTableSqueeze.VTECTableSqueeze(self._time+offsetSecs)
activeTable, tossRecords = vts.squeeze(activeTable)
for r in tossRecords:
r['state'] = "Purged"
del vts
if len(tossRecords):
changedFlag = True
#expand out any 000 UGC codes, such as FLC000, to indicate all
newRecExpanded = []
compare1 = ['phen', 'sig', 'officeid', 'etn', 'pil']
for newR in newRecords:
if newR['id'][3:6] == "000":
for oldR in activeTable:
if self.hazardCompare(oldR, newR, compare1) and \
oldR['id'][0:2] == newR['id'][0:2] and \
(oldR['act'] not in ['EXP', 'CAN', 'UPG'] or \
oldR['act'] == 'EXP' and oldR['endTime'] > newR['issueTime']):
newE = copy.deepcopy(newR)
newE['id'] = oldR['id']
newRecords = newRecExpanded
# match new records with old records, with issue time is different
# years and event times overlap. Want to reassign ongoing events
# from last year's issueTime to be 12/31/2359z, rather than the
# real issuetime (which is this year's).
compare = ['phen', 'sig', 'officeid', 'pil', 'etn']
for newR in newRecords:
cyear = time.gmtime(newR['issueTime'])[0] #current year issuance time
lastYearIssueTime = time.mktime((cyear-1, 12, 31, 23, 59,
0, -1, -1, -1))
for oldR in activeTable:
if self.hazardCompare(oldR, newR, compare):
oldYear = time.gmtime(oldR['issueTime'])[0]
newYear = time.gmtime(newR['issueTime'])[0]
if oldYear < newYear:
if (newR['act'] == "EXP" and newR['endTime'] == oldR['endTime']) or \
self.__overlaps((oldR['startTime'],oldR['endTime']), (newR['startTime'],newR['endTime'])):
LogStream.logVerbose("Reset issuance time to last year:",
"\nNewRec: ", self.printEntry(newR),
"OldRec: ", self.printEntry(oldR))
newR['issueTime'] = lastYearIssueTime
# split records out by issuance year for processing
newRecDict = {} #key is issuance year
oldRecDict = {}
years = []
for newR in newRecords:
issueYear = time.gmtime(newR['issueTime'])[0]
records = newRecDict.get(issueYear, [])
newRecDict[issueYear] = records
if issueYear not in years:
for oldR in activeTable:
issueYear = time.gmtime(oldR['issueTime'])[0]
records = oldRecDict.get(issueYear, [])
oldRecDict[issueYear] = records
if issueYear not in years:
# process each year
compare = ['id', 'phen', 'sig', 'officeid', 'pil']
for year in years:
newRecords = newRecDict.get(year,[])
oldRecords = oldRecDict.get(year,[])
# now process the old and new records
for oldR in oldRecords:
keepflag = 1
for newR in newRecords:
if newR['act'] == "ROU":
if self.hazardCompare(oldR, newR, compare):
#we don't keep older records with same etns
if newR['etn'] == oldR['etn']:
keepflag = 0 #don't bother keeping this record
#higher etns
elif newR['etn'] > oldR['etn']:
#only keep older etns if end time hasn't passed
#or old record is UFN and CAN:
ufn = oldR.get('ufn', 0)
if self._time > oldR['endTime'] or \
(oldR['act'] == "CAN" and ufn) or \
oldR['act'] in ['EXP','UPG','CAN']:
keepflag = 0
#lower etns, ignore (keep processing)
if keepflag == 0:
oldR['state'] = "Replaced"
changedFlag = True
#always add in the new records (except for ROU)
compare = ['id', 'phen', 'sig', 'officeid', 'pil', 'etn']
for year in newRecDict.keys():
newRecords = newRecDict[year]
for newR in newRecords:
if newR['act'] != "ROU":
#for COR, we need to find the original action, and
#substitute it.
if newR['act'] == "COR":
for rec in updatedTable:
if self.hazardCompare(rec, newR, compare):
"COR record matched with:",
"\nNewRec: ", self.printEntry(newR),
"OldRec: ", self.printEntry(rec),
"\nReassign action to: ", rec['act'])
newR['act'] = rec['act']
#due to above code, this should never execute
if newR['act'] == "COR":
LogStream.logProblem("COR match not found for:\n",
self.printEntry(newR), "\nRecord discarded.")
if newR['act'] != "COR":
changedFlag = True
#determine changes for notifications
rec = (newR['officeid'], newR['pil'], newR['phensig'])
if rec not in changes:
#filter out any captured text and overviewText if not in the categories
cats = self._getTextCaptureCategories()
if cats is not None:
for rec in updatedTable:
if rec['pil'] not in cats:
if rec.has_key('segText'):
del rec['segText']
if rec.has_key('overviewText'):
del rec['overviewText']
return updatedTable, tossRecords, changes, changedFlag
# time overlaps, if tr1 overlaps tr2 (adjacent is not an overlap)
def __overlaps(self, tr1, tr2):
if self.__containsT(tr2, tr1[0]) or self.__containsT(tr1, tr2[0]):
return 1
return 0
def __containsT(self, tr, t):
return (t >= tr[0] and t < tr[1])
def _getTextCaptureCategories(self):
#gets the list of product categories that need their text captured.
#if the list is empty, then all products are captured into the
#active table and None is returned.
cats = getattr(VTECPartners, "VTEC_CAPTURE_TEXT_CATEGORIES", [])
if len(cats) == 0:
return None
LogStream.logDebug("Text Capture Categories: ", cats)
return cats
def activeTableMerge(self, activeTable, newRecords, offsetSecs=0):
#add in the Previous state
for r in activeTable:
r['state'] = "Previous"
updatedTable, purgedRecords, changes, changedFlag = self.updateActiveTable(activeTable, newRecords, offsetSecs)
#strip out the "state" field
outTable = []
for r in updatedTable:
if r['state'] not in ["Replaced", "Purged"]:
del r['state']
return outTable, purgedRecords, changes, changedFlag
def mergeFromJava(activeTable, newRecords, offsetSecs=0):
pyActive = []
szActive = activeTable.size()
for i in range(szActive):
pyNew = []
szNew = newRecords.size()
for i in range(szNew):
active = ActiveTable()
updatedTable, purgedTable, changes, changedFlag = active.activeTableMerge(pyActive, pyNew, offsetSecs)
updatedList = ArrayList()
for x in updatedTable:
purgedList = ArrayList()
for x in purgedTable:
changeList = ArrayList()
if (changedFlag):
from com.raytheon.uf.common.activetable import VTECChange
for c in changes:
from com.raytheon.uf.common.activetable import MergeResult
result = MergeResult(updatedList, purgedList, changeList)
return result