Change-Id: Ie79883c1d901f24042234fe5e79b5ae903e5792b Former-commit-id:ae3b62ca12
] [formerly0031d21292
[formerly b0466e68bea4102f397db214bb58b66c10a338ed]] Former-commit-id:0031d21292
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* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.uf.common.time;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.Embedded;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Index;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.ISerializableObject;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.annotations.DynamicSerialize;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.annotations.DynamicSerializeElement;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.util.CalendarConverter;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.util.TimeUtil;
* Represents the time associated with a data item
* Partial Port of AWIPS I D2D DataTime class
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jim Ramer Original Code
* Jun 18, 2007 chammack Partial port to Java
* </pre>
* A DataTime has methods that allow the user to obtain the valid time,
* reference time, forecast time, or the valid period. Constructors are
* available that allow one to create a DataTime from all of these, or with as
* little as the reference time.
* The units of forecast time are seconds, and the internal representations of
* the reference time and valid period are such that they have in effect the
* units of seconds...the punchline being that no time requiring a precision of
* less than a second can be correctly represented.
* Some definitions:
* Observation Time: The time an observation is taken.
* Valid Time: Most essential time characteristic of any data. That point in
* time when a given piece of data correctly represents or is expected to
* represent some atmospheric state. This term has usually been applied to model
* data. Applied liberally, this definition means that for observational data,
* the valid time is the same as the observation time.
* Initial Time: This term applies to data with a forecast component... most
* often model data. This is the time most representative of the data that went
* into initializing the model. It is also called the analysis time or model run
* time.
* Reference Time: This term serves as a unifying concept between data that has
* an forecast component and data that does not. For data that has a forecast
* component, the reference time is the same as the initial time. For data that
* has no forecast component, the reference time is the same as the observation
* time.
* Forecast Time: This is the length of time between the reference time and the
* valid time.
* Valid Period: Often, a piece of data describes some atmospheric state not at
* a single point in time, but over some period. Rainfall, for example, is not
* usually reported as an instantaneous rate, but rather an accumulation over
* some amount of time. The valid period is the range of valid times over which
* such an accumulation is done.
* @author chammack
* @version 1.0
public class DataTime implements Comparable<DataTime>, Serializable,
ISerializableObject, Cloneable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** Defines possible time sort keys */
public static enum SortKey {
/** The major sort key */
protected SortKey majorKey = SortKey.VALID_TIME;
/** The minor sort key */
protected SortKey minorKey = SortKey.FORECAST_TIME;
/** The reference time */
@Column(name = "refTime")
@Index(name = "refTimeIndex")
protected Date refTime;
/** The forecast time (in seconds from reference time) */
@Column(name = "forecastTime")
@Index(name = "fcstTimeIndex")
protected int fcstTime = 0;
/** The period over which the data is valid */
protected TimeRange validPeriod;
/** Is data to be sorted using match mode */
protected boolean matchMode;
protected boolean visible = true;
/** Data flags */
public enum FLAG {
/** Data format flag */
private static SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat(
"EEE HH:mm'Z' dd-MMM-yy");
/** The set of flags set on the time */
@Type(type = "com.raytheon.edex.db.mapping.DataTimeFlagType")
protected EnumSet<FLAG> utilityFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(FLAG.class);
/** The legend for the string */
private String legend;
protected Double levelValue = -1.0;
private static Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile(TimeUtil.DATE_STRING);
private static Pattern periodPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[("
+ TimeUtil.DATE_STRING + ")--(" + TimeUtil.DATE_STRING + ")\\]");
private static Pattern fcstPattern = Pattern
public DataTime(Date date) {
this.refTime = date;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(refTime, refTime);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(FLAG.class);
public DataTime(Date refTime, int fcstTime) {
this.refTime = refTime;
this.fcstTime = fcstTime;
long validTimeMillis = refTime.getTime() + ((long) fcstTime) * 1000;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(validTimeMillis, validTimeMillis);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.FCST_USED);
public DataTime(String value) {
Matcher m = datePattern.matcher(value);
CalendarConverter conv = new CalendarConverter();
if (m.find()) {
refTime = ((Calendar) conv.convert(Calendar.class,
validPeriod = new TimeRange(refTime, refTime);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(FLAG.class);
m = fcstPattern.matcher(value);
if (m.find()) {
if (":")) {
String[] fcstTimeTokens =":");
fcstTime = Integer.parseInt(fcstTimeTokens[0]) * 3600
+ Integer.parseInt(fcstTimeTokens[1]) * 60;
} else {
fcstTime = Integer.parseInt( * 3600;
if (refTime != null) {
long validTimeMillis = refTime.getTime() + ((long) fcstTime)
* 1000;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(validTimeMillis, validTimeMillis);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.FCST_USED);
m = periodPattern.matcher(value);
if (m.find()) {
Calendar cal1 = (Calendar) conv.convert(Calendar.class,;
Calendar cal2 = (Calendar) conv.convert(Calendar.class,;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(cal1, cal2);
if (!cal1.equals(cal2)) {
* Constructor for case of data without a forecast component. Associated
* with a single point in time
* @param refTime
* the reference time
public DataTime(Calendar refTime) {
this.refTime = refTime.getTime();
// fcstTime = 0;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(refTime, refTime);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(FLAG.class);
* Constructor for case of data without a forecast component and the valid
* period has no necessary connection to the reference time
* @param refTime
* the reference time
* @param validPeriod
* the valid period
public DataTime(Calendar refTime, TimeRange validPeriod) {
this.refTime = refTime.getTime();
// fcstTime = 0;
this.validPeriod = validPeriod;
if (!validPeriod.getStart().equals(validPeriod.getEnd())) {
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.PERIOD_USED);
* Constructor for case of data without a forecast component and the valid
* period has no necessary connection to the reference time
* @param refTime
* the reference time
* @param validPeriod
* the valid period
public DataTime(long refTime, TimeRange validPeriod) {
this.refTime = new Date(refTime);
// fcstTime = 0;
this.validPeriod = validPeriod;
if (!validPeriod.getStart().equals(validPeriod.getEnd())) {
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.PERIOD_USED);
* Constructor for the case of data with a forecast component associated
* with a single point in time.
* @param refTime
* the reference time
* @param fcstTime
* the forecast time
public DataTime(Calendar refTime, int fcstTime) {
this.refTime = refTime.getTime();
this.fcstTime = fcstTime;
long validTimeMillis = refTime.getTimeInMillis() + ((long) fcstTime)
* 1000;
validPeriod = new TimeRange(validTimeMillis, validTimeMillis);
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.FCST_USED);
* Constructor for the case of data with a forecast component and valid
* period that has no necessary connection to valid time
* @param refTime
* the reference time
* @param fcstTime
* the forecast time
* @param validPeriod
* the valid period
public DataTime(Calendar refTime, int fcstTime, TimeRange validPeriod) {
this.refTime = refTime.getTime();
this.fcstTime = fcstTime;
this.validPeriod = validPeriod;
utilityFlags = EnumSet.of(FLAG.FCST_USED);
if (!validPeriod.getStart().equals(validPeriod.getEnd())) {
* Default Constructor
public DataTime() {
* @return the refTime
public Date getRefTime() {
return this.refTime;
* @return the refTime
public Calendar getRefTimeAsCalendar() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
return cal;
* @return the fcstTime
public int getFcstTime() {
return fcstTime;
* @return the validPeriod
public TimeRange getValidPeriod() {
return validPeriod;
* @return the valid time
public Calendar getValidTime() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
cal.setTimeInMillis(refTime.getTime() + (1000 * ((long) fcstTime)));
return cal;
* @return a time matching forecast time in seconds
public long getMatchFcst() {
return 60 * (fcstTime / 60);
* @return a time matching ref time
public long getMatchRef() {
return refTime.getTime();
* @return get the matching valid time
public long getMatchValid() {
return refTime.getTime() + 60 * ((((long) fcstTime) * 1000) / 60);
public Double getLevelValue() {
return levelValue;
public void setLevelValue(Double levelValue) {
this.levelValue = levelValue == null ? -1.0 : levelValue;
public boolean isSpatial() {
return this.levelValue >= 0.0;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return equals(obj, false);
public boolean equals(Object obj, boolean ignoreSpatial) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof DataTime))
return false;
DataTime rhs = (DataTime) obj;
if (((DataTime) obj).getRefTime() == null) {
return fcstTime == rhs.fcstTime;
Date rt1 = new Date(refTime.getTime());
Date rt2 = new Date(rhs.refTime.getTime());
if (ignoreSpatial) {
return (rt1.equals(rt2) && fcstTime == rhs.fcstTime && validPeriod
} else {
return (rt1.equals(rt2) && fcstTime == rhs.fcstTime
&& validPeriod.equals(rhs.validPeriod) && levelValue
* This routine determines which characteristics of a DataTime object,
* reference time, valid time, or forecast time, affect how relational
* operators >, <, >=, and <= behave. Default is to sort primarily on the
* valid time and secondarily on the reference time.
* @param majorKey
* the major sort key
* @param minorKey
* the minor sort key
* @param matchMode
* the match mode flag
public void setSortKeys(SortKey majorKey, SortKey minorKey,
boolean matchMode) {
this.majorKey = majorKey;
this.minorKey = minorKey;
this.matchMode = matchMode;
* Returns true if the left hand side is greater than the right hand side
* @param rhs
* the right hand side
* @return true if left hand side is greater than
public boolean greaterThan(DataTime rhs) {
if (rhs.getRefTime() == null) {
return (fcstTime > rhs.getFcstTime());
} else {
if (matchMode) {
switch (majorKey) {
if (getMatchRef() > rhs.getMatchRef())
return true;
if (getMatchRef() < rhs.getMatchRef())
return false;
if (getRefTime().getTime() == 0)
return false;
if (getMatchFcst() > rhs.getMatchFcst())
return true;
if (getMatchFcst() < rhs.getMatchFcst())
return false;
if (getMatchValid() > rhs.getMatchValid())
return true;
if (getMatchValid() < rhs.getMatchValid())
return false;
switch (minorKey) {
if (getMatchRef() > rhs.getMatchRef())
return true;
if (getMatchRef() < rhs.getMatchRef())
return false;
if (getMatchFcst() > rhs.getMatchFcst())
return true;
if (getMatchFcst() < rhs.getMatchFcst())
return false;
if (getMatchFcst() > rhs.getMatchFcst())
return true;
if (getMatchFcst() < rhs.getMatchFcst())
return false;
if (getLevelValue() > rhs.getLevelValue()) {
return true;
} else {
switch (majorKey) {
if (refTime.getTime() > rhs.refTime.getTime())
return true;
if (refTime.getTime() < rhs.refTime.getTime())
return false;
if (fcstTime > rhs.fcstTime)
return true;
if (fcstTime < rhs.fcstTime)
return false;
if (refTime.getTime() + (((long) fcstTime) * 1000) > rhs.refTime
.getTime() + (((long) rhs.fcstTime) * 1000))
return true;
if (refTime.getTime() + (((long) fcstTime) * 1000) < rhs.refTime
.getTime() + (((long) rhs.fcstTime) * 1000))
return false;
if (refTime.getTime() > rhs.getRefTime().getTime())
return true;
if (refTime.getTime() < rhs.getRefTime().getTime())
return false;
switch (minorKey) {
if (refTime.getTime() > rhs.refTime.getTime())
return true;
if (fcstTime > rhs.fcstTime)
return true;
if (refTime.getTime() + (((long) fcstTime) * 1000) > rhs.refTime
.getTime() + (((long) rhs.fcstTime) * 1000))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the datatime string in D2D legend format
* @return the legend time string
public String getLegendString() {
if (legend != null)
return legend;
if (refTime.getTime() <= 1)
return ("");
StringBuffer legendBuffer = new StringBuffer();
// Get the valid time we will use
Date validTime;
if ((utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.NO_VALID_PERIOD)))
validTime = validPeriod.getEnd();
else {
validTime = new Date(refTime.getTime() + (((long) fcstTime) * 1000));
// Encode the perturbation index in the time.
long p = fcstTime % 60;
if (p > 0) {
legendBuffer.append("Perturbation " + p + " ");
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
NumberFormat nf2 = (NumberFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance().clone();
// code initial time like a green time and the forecast time in hours if
// forecast time is non-zero.
if (fcstTime > 0 || utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.FCST_USED)) {
long fcstTimeInSec = fcstTime;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
String day = nf.format(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
String hour = nf.format(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
String minute = nf.format(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
String forcastTime = nf2.format(fcstTimeInSec / 3600);
String forcastTimeUnit = "HR";
if (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0) {
minute = "";
if (fcstTimeInSec > 864000 && fcstTimeInSec % 86400 == 0) {
forcastTime = nf2.format(fcstTimeInSec / 86400);
forcastTimeUnit = "DAYS";
legendBuffer.append(String.format("%s.%s%s %3s%s ", day, hour,
minute, forcastTime, forcastTimeUnit));
// Add a notation of the length of the valid period if non-zero.
else if (validPeriod.getDuration() > 0
&& (!utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.NO_VALID_PERIOD))) {
// validPeriod duration is in millis, convert to minutes
int m = (int) validPeriod.getDuration() / 1000 / 60;
// Convert minutes to hours
int h = m / 60;
// Get minutes remaining after hours
m = m % 60;
if (m == 0)
legendBuffer.append(h + "hrs ");
legendBuffer.append(h + ":" + m + " ");
if (validPeriod.getStart().equals(validTime))
legendBuffer.append("Begn ");
else if (validPeriod.getEnd().equals(validTime))
legendBuffer.append("Endg ");
legendBuffer.append("Incl ");
this.legend = legendBuffer.toString();
return this.legend;
* Return true if the date is null
* @return true if the date is null
public boolean isNull() {
if (this.refTime.getTime() == 0)
return true;
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(DataTime o) {
if (this.equals(o))
return 0;
if (this.greaterThan(o))
return 1;
return -1;
public void setRefTime(Date refTime) {
this.refTime = refTime;
public void setFcstTime(int fcstTime) {
this.fcstTime = fcstTime;
public void setValidPeriod(TimeRange validPeriod) {
this.validPeriod = validPeriod;
public EnumSet<FLAG> getUtilityFlags() {
return utilityFlags;
public void setUtilityFlags(EnumSet<FLAG> utilityFlags) {
if (utilityFlags != null) {
this.utilityFlags = utilityFlags;
} else {
this.utilityFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(FLAG.class);
* States if the DataTime is visible
* @return
public boolean isVisible() {
return visible;
* Set whether the dataTime is visible or not, if not visible, data at this
* datatime should not be displayed
* @param visible
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
this.visible = visible;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (refTime != null) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
buffer.append(TimeUtil.formatCalendar(cal).replaceAll("_", " "));
if (utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.FCST_USED)) {
int hrs = fcstTime / 3600;
int mins = (fcstTime - hrs * 3600) / 60;
if (fcstTime % 3600 == 0) {
buffer.append(" (").append(hrs).append(")");
} else {
buffer.append(" (").append(hrs).append(":").append(mins)
if (utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.PERIOD_USED)) {
.replaceAll("_", " "));
"_", " "));
return buffer.toString();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
HashCodeBuilder hashBuilder = new HashCodeBuilder();
if (validPeriod != null && validPeriod.isValid()) {
return hashBuilder.toHashCode();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public DataTime clone() {
boolean hasForecast = utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.FCST_USED)
|| fcstTime > 0;
boolean hasTimePeriod = utilityFlags.contains(FLAG.PERIOD_USED);
DataTime rval = null;
if (hasForecast && hasTimePeriod) {
rval = new DataTime(this.getRefTimeAsCalendar(),
this.getFcstTime(), this.getValidPeriod().clone());
} else {
if (hasForecast) {
rval = new DataTime(this.getRefTimeAsCalendar(),
} else if (hasTimePeriod) {
rval = new DataTime(this.getRefTimeAsCalendar(), this
} else {
rval = new DataTime(this.getRefTimeAsCalendar());
rval.levelValue = levelValue;
return rval;
} |