] [formerlyb91b7f0fae
] [formerly57578da521
[formerly 4a7e3fabdef8d948216483965c1f62e5216bf362]]] Former-commit-id:57578da521
] Former-commit-id:493f335c0b
1627 lines
56 KiB
1627 lines
56 KiB
/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* DOS Video Graphics Routines (Part #2) */
/* These are the routines that set up the VIDEO environment */
/* in DOS and provide a workplace for SHARP. */
/* */
/* John A. Hart and Richard L. Thompson */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* List of Routines in this module: */
/* */
/* SET_FONT */
/* */
/* SCP (Supercell Composite Parameter */
/* ESP (Enhanced Stretching Potential - Jon Davies) */
/* WW_TYPE */
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "xwcmn.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
short switch_modes(short mode)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Changes screen output from Skew-T to Hodograph and back. */
/* ----- Erase Current Graphic Workplace ----- */
rectangle(0, 1, 1, skv.brx + 10, skv.bry + 10);
/* ----- Redraw Graphic ----- */
if (mode == DRAW_HODO) {
if (display_mode_left == DISPLAY_WINTER_LEFT || display_mode_right == DISPLAY_WINTER_RIGHT)
pagenum = 5;
pagenum = 1;
drawing_mode = DRAW_SKEWT;
} else {
pagenum = 2;
drawing_mode = DRAW_HODO;
return drawing_mode;
void redraw_graph(short mode)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Redraws current graph (Skew-T or Hodograph). */
float pres;
int current_parcel;
/* ----- Erase Current Graphic Workplace ----- */
/* rectangle(1, 1, 1, hov.brx + 10, hov.bry + 10); */
/* RLT attempt to fix parcel plot 2/16/05 */
rectangle(1, hov.tlx, hov.tly, hov.tlx + 250, skv.tly + 350);
/* ----- Redraw Graphic ----- */
trace_parcel(lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt);
void disp_param(char *value, short rcol, short rlin)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Right justifies value at location rrow, rlin. */
outgtext(value, (rcol - getgtextextent(value)), rlin);
grab_level should return an error as needed
short grab_level(float pres)
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Returns the array index of the closest data level that */
/* contains temperature data. */
short i, ii;
float dx, mindx;
short pIndex, tIndex;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1)
return 0;
mindx = 9999;
for(i=0; i<numlvl; i++) {
dx = (float)fabs(pres - sndg[i][pIndex]);
if((dx < mindx) && qc(sndg[i][tIndex])) {
mindx = dx;
ii = i;
return ii;
#ifndef _WIN32
void skewt_cursor_data( short x, short y )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes cursor data at top of skewt screen. */
float pres, temp, hght, ix1;
short ii, x1, y1;
char st[20];
short pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex, dIndex, sIndex;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
sIndex = getParmIndex("SPED");
dIndex = getParmIndex("DRCT");
setlinestyle(1, 1);
/* ----- Write data to screen ----- */
pres = pix_to_pres(y);
temp = pix_to_temp(x, y);
hght = i_hght(pres, I_PRES);
/* Put values on the skewt for this level */
sprintf( st, "%4.0f/%.0f kt", i_wdir(pres, I_PRES), i_wspd(pres, I_PRES)); /* wind */
outtext( st, skv.brx-35, y );
sprintf( st, "%4.0fmb", pres); /* pres */
outtext( st, skv.tlx+2, y );
sprintf( st, "%5.0fft / %.0fm agl", mtof(agl(i_hght(pres, I_PRES))), agl(i_hght(pres, I_PRES))); /* hgt, agl */
outtext( st, skv.tlx+45, y );
sprintf( st, "%4.1f/%4.1fC", i_temp(pres, I_PRES), i_dwpt(pres, I_PRES)); /* t/td */
outtext( st, skv.brx-110, y );
/* sprintf( st, "RH = %s", qc2( relh(pres, &ix1), "%", 0 ));
outgtext( st, skv.tlx+150, y);
if (i_temp(pres, I_PRES) > -9998.0 & i_dwpt(pres, I_PRES) > -9998.0){
sprintf( st, "%2.0f%%", relh(pres, &ix1));
outtext( st, skv.tlx+150, y);
/*sprintf( st, "RH = %s", qc2( relh(pres, &ix1), "%", 0 ));
outgtext( st, skv.tlx+150, y);*/
/* Plot a point on the hodograph for this level */
hodo_to_pix(i_wdir(pres, I_PRES), i_wspd(pres, I_PRES), &x1, &y1);
sprintf( st, "x -- %.0fm %4.0f/%.0f kt", agl(i_hght(pres, I_PRES)), i_wdir(pres, I_PRES), i_wspd(pres, I_PRES));
outtext( st, x1, y1-3 );
setcolor( 31 );
sprintf( st, "%5.0fmb ", pres );
outtext( st, skv.brx-240, skv.tly+25 );
setcolor( 6 );
sprintf( st, " %5.0fm ", hght);
outtext( st, skv.brx-180, skv.tly+25 );
sprintf( st, " %5.0fft ", mtof(hght));
outtext( st, skv.brx-180, skv.tly+40 );
setcolor( 2 );
sprintf( st, "%6.1fC ", temp);
outtext( st, skv.brx-240, skv.tly+40 );
sprintf( st, "%6.1fF ", ctof(temp));
outtext( st, skv.brx-240, skv.tly+57 );
setcolor( 3 );
sprintf( st, "%5.1fg/kg ", mixratio(pres, temp));
outtext( st, skv.brx-180, skv.tly+57 );
setcolor( 5 );
sprintf( st, " %c=%5.1fK ", 216, theta(pres, temp, 1000.0) + 273.15 );
outtext( st, skv.brx-120, skv.tly+25 );
sprintf( st, "%cw=%5.1fK ", 216, thetaw(pres, temp, temp) + 273.15 );
outtext( st, skv.brx-120, skv.tly+40 );
sprintf( st, "%ce=%5.1fK ", 216, thetae(pres, temp, temp) + 273.15 );
outtext( st, skv.brx-120, skv.tly+57 );
ii = get_level_pointer(pres);
if (sndg && pIndex != -1) {
sprintf(st, "%5.0fmb %5.0fm %4.1f/%4.1fC %4.0f/%.0f kt", sndg[ii][pIndex],
sndg[ii][zIndex], sndg[ii][tIndex], sndg[ii][tdIndex], sndg[ii][dIndex], sndg[ii][sIndex] );
outtext(st, skv.brx-250, skv.tly+74 );
void hodo_cursor_data( short x, short y )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes cursor data at top of hodograph screen. */
float wdir, wspd, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
char st[20];
setcolor( 31 );
pix_to_hodo( x, y, &wdir, &wspd );
sprintf( st, "%3.0f%c%3.0fkt", wdir, 176, wspd );
outtext( st, hov.brx-50, hov.tly+10 );
ix1 = helicity( 0, agl(3000), wdir, wspd, &ix2, &ix3);
sprintf( st, "%4.0f m%cs%c", ix1, 178, 178 );
outtext( st, skv.brx+165, skv.tly+37 );
setcolor( 5 );
outtext( "0-2km", skv.brx+50, skv.tly+45 );
sr_wind( -1, -1, wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outtext( st, skv.brx+50, skv.tly+60);
outtext( "2-5km", skv.brx+115, skv.tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(2000)), i_pres(msl(5000)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outtext( st, skv.brx+115, skv.tly+60);
outtext( "5-9km", skv.brx+250, skv.tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(5000)), i_pres(msl(9000)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outtext( st, skv.brx+250, skv.tly+60 );
outtext( "9-12km", skv.brx+315, skv.tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(9000)), i_pres(msl(12000)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outtext( st, skv.brx+315, skv.tly+60 );
should return an error condition if needed
short get_level_pointer(float pres)
/* */
/* */
/* Returns pointer for level closest to pres(mb). */
short i, ptr, pIndex;
float pdif, mindif;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1)
return 0;
mindif = 999;
ptr = 0;
for (i=0;i<numlvl;i++) {
pdif = abs(sndg[i][pIndex] - pres);
if (pdif < mindif) {
mindif = pdif;
ptr = i;
return ptr;
Rich Thompson - 10/2/05 */
void bunkers_storm_motion(float *u, float *v, float *dir, float *spd)
/* Rich Thompson and John Hart SPC OUN */
/* */
/* Calculates the motion of a right-moving supercell using */
/* a method developed by Bunkers et. al. (2000), */
/* modified to account for storm depth */
/* */
/* *u, *v - Storm motion vector (kt) */
float u_mw, v_mw, u_sv, v_sv, ix1, ix2;
/* Deviation Value (emperically derived as 8 m/s) */
float d = 7.5 / 0.51479;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float base, el, depth, p_bot, p_top, oldlplpres, pres, mucp;*/
float base, el, depth, oldlplpres, pres, mucp;
struct _parcel pcl;
short pIndex, oldlplchoice;
*u = RMISSD;
*v = RMISSD;
*dir = RMISSD;
*spd = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1)
/*printf("\n beginning storm dir = %0f\n", *dir);
printf("\n beggining storm spd = %0f\n", *spd);*/
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
/* printf("bunkers_storm_motion 1 calling define_parcel flag=3-pres=400...oldlplchoice=%d------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice);*/
define_parcel(3, 400);
mucp = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
if (mucp >= 100 && el > 0)
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100,-250, &p_bot, &p_top);
printf("\nBunkers R inflow base = %0.1f", agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)));
printf("\nBunkers R inflow top = %0.1f\n", agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
if (base >= 750){
depth = (el - base);
mean_wind_npw( p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*u = u_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*v = v_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dir = angle(*u, *v);
*spd = speed(*u, *v);
/* printf("\n end elayer storm dir = %0f\n", *dir);
printf("\n end elayer storm spd = %0f\n", *spd);
/* if(p_bot < 0) {
base = agl(i_hght(pcl.lplpres, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
mean_wind_npw( pcl.lplpres, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
wind_shear( pcl.lplpres, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*u = u_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*v = v_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dir = angle(*u, *v);
*spd = speed(*u, *v);
if (mucp < 100 || base < 750 || el < 0) {
/* default to standard 0-6 km layer if cape > 100 but EL height is missing */
/* Sfc-6km mean wind */
mean_wind_npw(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000.0)), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
/* Sfc-6km Shear Vector */
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000.0)), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*u = u_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*v = v_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dir = angle(*u, *v);
*spd = speed(*u, *v);
if(oldlplchoice < 1 || oldlplchoice>6)
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("bunkers_storm_motion 2 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
/*printf("\n ending storm dir = %0f\n", *dir);
printf("\n ending storm spd = %0f\n", *spd);*/
void bunkers_left_motion(float *ul, float *vl, float *dirl, float *spdl)
/* Rich Thompson and John Hart SPC OUN */
/* */
/* Calculates the motion of a right-moving supercell using */
/* a method developed by Bunkers et. al. (2000), */
/* modified to account for storm depth */
/* */
/* *u, *v - Storm motion vector (kt) */
float u_mw, v_mw, u_sv, v_sv, ix1, ix2;
/* Deviation Value (emperically derived as 8 m/s) */
float d = 7.5 / 0.51479;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float base, el, depth, p_bot, p_top, oldlplpres, pres, mucp; */
float base, el, depth, oldlplpres, pres, mucp;
struct _parcel pcl;
short pIndex, oldlplchoice;
*ul = RMISSD;
*vl = RMISSD;
*dirl = RMISSD;
*spdl = RMISSD;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
if (!sndg || pIndex == -1)
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
define_parcel(3, 400);
mucp = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
if (pcl.bplus >= 100 && el > 0)
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100,-250, &p_bot, &p_top);
/* printf("\nBunkers L inflow base = %0.1f", agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)));
printf("\nBunkers L inflow top = %0.1f\n", agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
if (base >= 750){
depth = (el - base);
mean_wind_npw( p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*ul = u_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*vl = v_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dirl = angle(*ul, *vl);
*spdl = speed(*ul, *vl);
/* if(p_bot < 0) {
base = agl(i_hght(pcl.lplpres, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
mean_wind_npw( pcl.lplpres, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
wind_shear( pcl.lplpres, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*u = u_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*v = v_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dir = angle(*u, *v);
*spd = speed(*u, *v);
if (mucp < 100 || base < 750 || el < 0) {
/* default to standard 0-6 km layer if cape > 100 but EL height is missing */
/* Sfc-6km mean wind */
mean_wind_npw(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000.0)), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix1, &ix2);
/* Sfc-6km Shear Vector */
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000.0)), &u_sv, &v_sv, &ix1, &ix2);
if (qc(u_sv) && qc(v_sv)) {
*ul = u_mw - ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * v_sv);
*vl = v_mw + ((d / pow((u_sv * u_sv) + (v_sv * v_sv), 0.5)) * u_sv);
*dirl = angle(*ul, *vl);
*spdl = speed(*ul, *vl);
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("5 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
/* printf("\n ending storm dir = %0f\n", *dir);
printf("\n ending storm spd = %0f\n", *spd);
void effective_inflow_layer(float ecape, float ecinh, float *bot, float *top)
/* Effective Inflow Layer */
/* John Hart & Rich Thompson SPC Norman OK */
/* */
/* Calculates the effective layer top and bottom (mb). */
/* Based on research by Thompson et. al. 2004 */
/* */
short i, j, tIndex, tdIndex, pIndex, oldlplchoice, ok;
float ix1, mucape, mucin, pres, mucp, mucn;
Parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
define_parcel(3, 300);
mucp = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mucn = pcl.bminus;
define_parcel(3, 400);
parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mucape = pcl.bplus;
mucin = pcl.bminus;
/* scenario where shallow buoyancy present for lesser theta parcel near ground */
if (mucp > mucape){
mucape = mucp;
mucin = mucn;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
//printf("6 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
*bot = RMISSD;
*top = RMISSD;
if (!sndg) { return; }
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
if (pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1) { return; }
if (mucape >= 100 && mucin >= -250)
// printf( "Determining Effective Surface\n");
// ----- Begin at surface and search upward for "Effective Surface" -----
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex], &pcl);
if((pcl.bplus >= ecape) && (pcl.bminus >= ecinh))
*bot = sndg[i][pIndex];
// printf( "EFFSFC = %f\n", *bot);
if (*bot == RMISSD) return;
// printf( "Determining Effective Top\n");
// ----- Keep searching upward for the "Effective Top" -----
if (sndg[i][pIndex] <= *bot)
if ((sndg[i][tIndex] != RMISSD) && (sndg[i][tdIndex] != RMISSD)) {
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex], &pcl);
//printf("%.2f %.2f %.2f - %.2f %.2f\n", sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex], pcl.bplus, pcl.bminus);
if((pcl.bplus <= ecape) || (pcl.bminus <= ecinh))
//check for missing T/Td data with significant wind levels in obs soundings
ok = 0;
while (!ok && i-j >=0 && i-j <= numlvl-1) {
if ((sndg[i-j][tIndex] != RMISSD) && (sndg[i-j][tdIndex] != RMISSD)) { ok=1; } else { j++; }
if(i-j >=0 && i-j <= numlvl-1)
*top = sndg[i-j][pIndex];
//printf("inflow top = %f\n", *top);
// printf( "EIL - %f\n", *bot);
float scp(float stdir, float stspd)
/* */
/* Computes the Supercell Composite Parameter */
/* (uses effective layer) - RLT 1/17/05 */
/* */
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, lpl, el, depth, eshear, esrh, pbot, ptop, fudge, cape, scp_new;
float eshear40, eshear50, eshear60, oldlplpres, pres, base;*/
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, lpl, el, depth, eshear, esrh, fudge, cape, scp_new;
float oldlplpres, pres, base;
int idxp;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
//fprintf(stderr,"scp called wdir=%f, wspd=%f\n", stdir, stspd);
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
cape = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);
base = agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES));
printf("\nSCP inflow base = %0.1f", agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)));
printf("\nSCP inflow top = %0.1f\n", agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.4))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear40 = ix4;*/
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.6))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear60 = ix4;
if ((eshear40 >= eshear50) && (eshear40 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear40;
else if ((eshear50 >= eshear40) && (eshear50 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear50;
else if ((eshear60 >= eshear40) && (eshear60 >= eshear50)) eshear=eshear60;*/
if ((cape >= 100) && (el < 0)) {
wind_shear( i_pres(msl(0)), i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(ptop, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
if (!qc(cape)) return -9999;
if (eshear < 20 ) eshear = 0;
if (eshear > 40 ) eshear = 1;
eshear = (eshear / 40 );
if (esrh < -998) esrh = 0;
scp_new = (eshear * (esrh/50) * (cape/1000));
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
//printf("7 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return scp_new;
float sigtorn_fixed(float stdir, float stspd)
/* */
/* WAF 2003 Significant Tornado Parameter (fixed layer) */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* Adapted to sbCAPE and fixed layer shear terms */
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, srh1, shr6, sbcp, lclh, pres, stpf;
short pIndex, oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
/* sbCAPE and LCL */
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
sbcp = pcl.bplus;
lclh = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
/* 0-6 km bulk shear and 0-1 km SRH */
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &shr6);
srh1 = helicity(0, 1000, st_dir, st_spd, &ix2, &ix3);
if (sbcp < 0) sbcp = 0;
if (srh1 < 0) srh1 = 0;
if (lclh > 2000) lclh = 0;
if (lclh <= 1000) lclh = 1;
lclh = ((2000-lclh)/1000);
if (shr6< 25 ) shr6 = 0;
if (shr6 >= 60) shr6 = 1.5;
shr6 = (shr6 / 40);
stpf = (shr6) * (srh1/150) * (sbcp/1500) * (lclh);
if (stpf < 0) stpf = 0;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
//printf("8 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return stpf;
float sigtorn(float stdir, float stspd)
/* */
/* Significant Tornado Parameter (effective layer) */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* */
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, lclh, stp, cape3km, lpl, el, depth, pbot, ptop;
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, lclh, stp, cape3km, lpl, el, depth;
float eshear40, eshear50, eshear60, pres, oldlplpres, base, cape;
int idxp;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
cape = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);
base = agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.4))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear40 = ix4;*/
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.6))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear60 = ix4;
if ((eshear40 >= eshear50) && (eshear40 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear40;
else if ((eshear50 >= eshear40) && (eshear50 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear50;
else if ((eshear60 >= eshear40) && (eshear60 >= eshear50)) eshear=eshear60;*/
if ((cape >= 100) && (el < 0)) {
wind_shear( i_pres(msl(0)), i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(ptop, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mlcape = pcl.bplus;
cape3km = pcl.cape3km;
if (!qc(mlcape)) return -9999;
lclh = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
if (lclh > 2000) lclh = 0;
if (lclh <= 1000) lclh = 1;
lclh = ((2000-lclh)/1000);
if (eshear < 25 ) eshear = 0;
if (eshear >= 60) eshear = 1.5;
eshear = (eshear/40);
if (esrh < -9998) esrh = 0;
/* stp = (shr6/40) * (eh1km/100) * (cape/1000) * (cinh/125) * (lclh/1750); */
stp = (eshear) * (esrh/150) * (mlcape/1500) * (lclh);
if ( agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)) > 0.0) stp = 0;
if (stp < 0) stp = 0;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("9 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return stp;
float sigtorn_test(float stdir, float stspd)
/* */
/* Significant Tornado Parameter (effective layer) */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* */
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, lclh, stp, lpl, el, depth, pbot, ptop;*/
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, lclh, stp, lpl, el, depth;
float eshear40, eshear50, eshear60, pres, oldlplpres, base, cape, cape6km;
int idxp;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
cape = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);
base = agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
if ((cape >= 100) && (el < 0)) {
wind_shear( i_pres(msl(0)), i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(ptop, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
esrh = helicity(base, agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
cape6km = pcl.cape6km;
if (!qc(mlcape)) return -9999;
lclh = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
if (lclh > 2000) lclh = 0;
if (lclh <= 1000) lclh = 1;
lclh = ((2000-lclh)/1000);
if (eshear < 25 ) eshear = 0;
if (eshear >= 60) eshear = 1.5;
eshear = (eshear/40);
if (esrh < -9998) esrh = 0;
stp = (eshear) * (esrh/150) * (cape6km/500) * (lclh);
if ( agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)) > 0.0) stp = 0;
if (stp < 0) stp = 0;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("10 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return stp;
float sigtorn_cin(float stdir, float stspd)
/* */
/* Significant Tornado Parameter (effective layer with CIN) */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* */
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, mlcinh, lclh, stp_cin, lpl, el, depth, pbot, ptop; */
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, eshear, esrh, mlcape, mlcinh, lclh, stp_cin, lpl, el, depth;
float eshear40, eshear50, eshear60, oldlplpres, pres, base, cape;
int idxp;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
cape = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
el = agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES));
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);
base = agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES));
base = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
depth = (el - base);
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.4))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear40 = ix4;*/
wind_shear(p_bot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.5))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/*wind_shear(pbot, i_pres(msl(base + (depth * 0.6))), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear60 = ix4;
if ((eshear40 >= eshear50) && (eshear40 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear40;
else if ((eshear50 >= eshear40) && (eshear50 >= eshear60)) eshear=eshear50;
else if ((eshear60 >= eshear40) && (eshear60 >= eshear50)) eshear=eshear60;*/
if ((cape >= 100) && (el < 0)) {
wind_shear( i_pres(msl(0)), i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
eshear = ix4;
/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* esrh = helicity( base, agl(i_hght(ptop, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
esrh = helicity( base, agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES)), stdir, stspd, &ix2, &ix3);
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mlcape = pcl.bplus;
mlcinh = pcl.bminus;
if (!qc(mlcape)) return -9999;
if (mlcinh >= -50 ) mlcinh=1;
if (mlcinh < -200 ) mlcinh=0;
mlcinh = ((200 + mlcinh)/150);
lclh = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
if (lclh > 2000) lclh = 0;
if (lclh <= 1000) lclh = 1;
lclh = ((2000-lclh)/1000);
if (eshear < 25 ) eshear = 0;
if (eshear >= 60) eshear = 1.5;
eshear = (eshear/40);
if (esrh < -9998) esrh = 0;
/* stp = (shr6/40) * (eh1km/100) * (cape/1000) * (cinh/125) * (lclh/1750); */
stp_cin = (eshear) * (esrh/150) * (mlcape/1500) * (lclh) * (mlcinh);
if ( agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES)) > 0.0) stp_cin = 0;
if (stp_cin < 0) stp_cin = 0;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
//printf("11 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return stp_cin;
float CB_sigtor(void)
/* Craven&Brooks SigTorn */
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, shr6, shr1, cape, lclh, cbt, dcapeval, oldlplpres, pres;
short idxp, oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
struct _lplvalues lpl2;
/* How likely are significant tornadoes? */
/* CBT = (6ksh * 1ksh * mlcp) / (mllcl hgt * dcape) */
/* units are m/s2 */
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
/* oldlplpres = lplvals.pres;
idxp = getParmIndex("PRES");
lpl2 = lplvals;
/* lift a mixed parcel */
define_parcel(4, 100);
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
lplvals = lpl2;
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][idxp], i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
shr6 = ix4 *.514;
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][idxp], i_pres(msl(1000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
shr1 = ix4 *.514;
cape = pcl.bplus;
dcapeval = dcape(&ix1, &ix2);
lclh = agl( i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES) );
if (!qc(cape)) return -9999;
cbt = (cape * shr6 * shr1) / (dcapeval * lclh);
if (cbt > 5) cbt = -999;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("12 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return cbt;
/* NP */
/* Enhanced Stretching Potential (J. Davies) */
float esp(void)
/* Enhanced Stretching Potential (Jon Davies) */
/* (uses 0-3 km mlcape and lapse rate) */
/* */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
float ix1, ix2, cape3km, lllr, esp_1, pres;
int pIndex, zIndex;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+3000));
if (ix2 < 7.0) ix2 = 7.0;
define_parcel(4, 100);
ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
cape3km = pcl.cape3km;
esp_1 = ((ix2 - 7.0)/1.0) * (cape3km/50);
if (pcl.bplus < 250.0) esp_1 = 0.0;
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("13 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return esp_1;
float damaging_wind(void)
/* Damaging wind potential */
/* (uses mlcape, 0-3 km lr, and 850-600 mb mean wind speed) */
/* */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
float mlcp, mlcn, wndg, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, u_mw, v_mw, oldlplpres, pres;
int pIndex, zIndex;
short oldlplchoice;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+3000));
if (ix2 < 7) ix2 = 0.0;
define_parcel(4, mml_layer);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mlcp = pcl.bplus;
if (pcl.bminus > -10.0) mlcn = 1;
if (pcl.bminus < -50.0) mlcn = 0;
mlcn = ((50 + pcl.bminus) / 40);
mean_wind_npw(i_pres(msl(1000.0)), i_pres(msl(3500.0)), &u_mw, &v_mw, &ix3, &ix4);
wndg = ((ix1/2000) * (ix2 / 9) * (ix4 / 30) * (mlcn));
/* set parcel back to user selection */
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
// printf("14 calling define_parcel flag=%d-pres=%f------------------------->\n", oldlplchoice, pres);
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return wndg;
/* NP */
/* 22 july 05 edit
short ww_type(void)
/* Watch type guidance */
/* A decision tree to help with ww issuance */
/* */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
/* 22 july 07 edit
float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, lr75, shr6, t500, fzlh, mumixr, lowrh, midrh, low_mid_rh;
float mucn, mlcn, mlcp, sbcp, lr1, shr6_dir, sr46_dir, sr46_spd, shr6_sr46_diff, mmp;
float sig_tor, sig_tor_winter, sighail, wind_dmg, rm_scp, cbsig;
float oldlplpres, pres, pbot, ptop;
short oldlplchoice, ww_choice;
short pIndex, tIndex, zIndex, tdIndex;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
sbcp = pcl.bplus;
sig_tor_winter = sigtorn_fixed(st_dir, st_spd);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mlcn = pcl.bminus;
mlcp = pcl.bplus;
sig_tor = sigtorn_cin(st_dir, st_spd);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
mucn = pcl.bminus;
lr75 = lapse_rate(&ix1, 700, 500);
wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
shr6 = ix4;
shr6_dir = ix3;
mumixr = mixratio(lplvals.pres, lplvals.dwpt);
t500 = i_temp(500, I_PRES);
fzlh = mtof(agl(i_hght(temp_lvl(0, &ix1), I_PRES)));
sighail = sig_hail(pcl.bplus, mumixr, lr75, t500, kt_to_mps(shr6), fzlh, pcl.bminus, 0, 0, 25, mlcp);
rm_scp = scp(st_dir, st_spd);
wind_dmg = damaging_wind();
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(4000)), i_pres(msl(6000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sr46_dir = ix3;
sr46_spd = ix4;
shr6_sr46_diff = (shr6_dir - sr46_dir);
lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+1000));
lr1 = ix2;
mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-350);
midrh = ix1;
mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150);
lowrh = ix1;
low_mid_rh = ((lowrh + midrh)/2);
mmp = coniglio1();
cbsig = (mlcp * kt_to_mps(shr6));
printf("\n sig_tor = %.1f\n", sig_tor);
printf("\n sr_shr_diff = %.1f\n", shr6_sr46_diff);
printf("\n sr_spd = %.1f\n", sr46_spd);
printf("\n low_mid_rh = %.1f\n", low_mid_rh);
printf("\n sig_hail = %.1f\n", sighail);
printf("\n rm_scp = %.1f\n", rm_scp);
printf("\n mmp = %.1f\n", mmp);
printf("\n cbsig = %.1f\n", cbsig);
printf("\n lr1 = %.1f\n", lr1);
/* if ((( sig_tor >= 3.0) && (shr6_sr46_diff <= 45.0)) && (((sr46_spd >= 15.0) && (low_mid_rh < 80.0)) ||
((sr46_spd <= 15.0) && (low_mid_rh >= 80.0)))) {
ww_choice = 1;
printf("\nww type = PDS TOR\n");
/* 22 july 07 edit
if ((sig_tor >= 3.0) && (sr46_spd >= 12.0) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES)) < 1)) {
ww_choice = 1;
printf("\nww type = PDS TOR\n");
if ((sig_tor_winter >= 8.0) && (sr46_spd >= 12.0) && (agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES)) < 1)) {
ww_choice = 1;
printf("\nww type = PDS TOR\n");
/* if (( sig_tor >= 1.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && (shr6_sr46_diff <= 60.0) &&
(((sr46_spd >= 12.0) && (low_mid_rh < 80.0)) || ((sr46_spd <= 12.0) && (low_mid_rh >= 80.0)))) {
ww_choice = 2;
printf("\nww type = TOR\n");
if (( sig_tor >= 1.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (((sr46_spd >= 12.0) && (low_mid_rh < 80.0)) ||
((sr46_spd <= 12.0) && (low_mid_rh >= 80.0)))) {
ww_choice = 2;
printf("\nww type = TOR\n");
/* 22 July 07 edit
if (( sig_tor_winter >= 2.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && (sr46_spd >= 10.0) && (agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES)) < 1)) {
ww_choice = 2;
printf("\nww type = TOR\n");
if (( sig_tor >= 1.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && (sr46_spd >= 10.0) && (agl(i_hght(pbot, I_PRES)) < 1)) {
ww_choice = 2;
printf("\nww type = TOR\n");
if (( sig_tor_winter >= 2.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && ((sr46_spd < 10.0) || (lr1 < 5.0))) {
ww_choice = 3;
printf("\nww type = SVR");
if (( sig_tor >= 1.0) && (rm_scp >= 4.0) && ((sr46_spd < 10.0) || (lr1 < 5.0))) {
ww_choice = 3;
printf("\nww type = SVR\n");
if (((rm_scp >= 2.0) && (sighail >= 0.5)) && (mucn >= -25.0)) {
ww_choice = 3;
printf("\nww type = SVR\n");
if ((cbsig >= 40000) && (mmp >= 0.5) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
ww_choice = 3;
printf("\nww type = SVR\n");
if ((mucn >= -25.0) && ((wind_dmg >= 1.0) || (sighail >= 1.0))) {
ww_choice = 3;
printf("\nww type = mrgl SVR\n");
ww_choice = 0;
if (ww_choice == 0) {
printf("\nww type = none\n\n");
/* define_parcel(oldlplchoice, oldlplpres);
printf("\n ww type (1,2=TOR, 3=SVR, 4=mrgl SVR = %c\n", ww_choice);
/* set parcel back to user selection */
/* 27 july 07 edit
if (oldlplchoice == 1)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
pres = 0;
else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
pres = mu_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
pres = mml_layer;
else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
pres = user_level;
else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
pres = mu_layer;
define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);
return ww_choice;
/*float convective_intiation(void)
/* Convective Initiation */
/* */
/* Calculates parcel residence time within 10 km of a boundary */
/* and number of minutes needed for a parcel to reach its LFC. */
/* Prompts user for motion of boundary perpendicular to the */
/* boundary orientation, and assumes 1 m/s updraft */
/* */
/* Rich Thompson SPC OUN */
float oldlplpres, lfc, ascent1, ascent5, p1, p2, u_mw, v_mw, ix1, ix2;
float minutes_lift_1, minutes_lift_5, min_lift;
short oldlplchoice, pIndex, zIndex;
struct _parcel pcl;
oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;
oldlplpres = lplvals.pres;
pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
/* calculate lfc height and minutes of lift needed to reach lfc at 1 m/s */
/* define_parcel(4,100);
ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
lfc = agl(i_hght(pcl.lfcpres, I_PRES));
if( lfc < 0){ return min_lift = -9999;}
ascent1 = 60.0;
ascent5 = 300.0;
minutes_lift_1 = lfc / ascent1;
minutes_lift_5 = lfc / ascent5;
/* input motion of boundary (normal to boundary orientation) */
/* boundary motion speed assigned to bndry_spd, boundary motion direction assigned to bndry_dir */
/* calculate parcel distance from boundary - assume ascent within 10 km zone */
/* calculate trajectory allowing parcel to ascend in one minute time steps */
/* convective initiation assumed when min_lift < minutes_lift (parcel reaches lfc before detraining) */
/* iterative loop to calculate parcel residence time in zone of ascent */
/* compare ascent along boundary to ml lfc for sounding */
/* for (i = 0; i < minutes_lift_1; i = i + 1) {
/* vector difference between mean wind and boundary motion */
/* avg of top and bottom of trajectory layer */
p1 = sndg[sfc][pIndex];
z1 = sndg[sfc][zIndex];
p2 = i_pres((z1 + ascent1), I_PRES);
sr_wind( p1, p2, bndry_dir, bndry_spd, &u, &v, &ix1, &ix2);
/* calculate distance parcel has moved from boundary */
/* parcel setback */
/* define_parcel(oldlplchoice, oldlplpres);