] [formerly9f8cb727a5
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
Former-commit-id: 73930fb29d0c1e91204e76e6ebfdbe757414f319 [formerlya28d70b5c5
] Former-commit-id:33a67cdd82
438 lines
18 KiB
438 lines
18 KiB
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#include "dbcmn.h"
#include "dg.h"
void dgc_nfil ( const char *gdfile, const char *gdoutf, int *iret )
* dgc_nfil *
* *
* This subroutine opens grid files and initializes the grid *
* diagnostics package. *
* *
* dgc_nfil ( gdfile, dgoutf, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *gdfile const char Grid file name or template *
* *gdoutf const char Output grid file name *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* -30 = error opening file *
* -33 = too many files to open *
* -51 = path associated with *
* template does not exist *
* -62 = grid file open failed *
** *
* Log: *
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/03 *
* K. Brill/HPC 1/04 Init time list if same GDFILE input *
* R. Tian/SAIC 2/03 Removed gdfprv and gdoprv *
* K. Brill/HPC 2/04 Remove setting dgsubg = .true.; add *
* setting nucode = .true. *
* R. Tian/SAIC 3/04 Modified to use new GD file management *
* T. Lee/SAIC 9/04 Replaced FL_TMPL with CTB_DTGET *
* T. Lee/SAIC 10/04 Fixed return code *
* R. Tian/SAIC 10/04 Changed template tfirst/tlast compu *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 11/04 Added calls to ST_RNUL *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 12/04 Added ion flag to CTB_DTGET call seq. *
* T. Lee/SAIC 12/04 Added ensemble DE_ functions *
* R. Tian/SAIC 1/06 Recoded from Fortran *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 04/06 Added idtmch flag to CTB_DTGET CS *
* R. Tian/SAIC 07/06 Fixed some error processing *
* R. Tian/SAIC 01/07 Fixed bug when template w/o base time *
* S. Gilbert/NCEP 02/07 Increased size of filnms *
* T. Piper/SAIC 04/07 Modified for cfl_scnt CSC *
* M. Li/SAIC 10/07 Add check for files found after cfl_scnt*
* F. J. Yen/NCEP 4/08 Added bin mins & mstrct to CTG_DTGET CSC*
char tmpfil[MXFLSZ], filnam[MXFLSZ], cpath[MXFLSZ], tmplt[65],
dumdtm[DTTMSZ], rplc[DTTMSZ];
char **filnms, **carr=NULL;
float adum1, adum2;
long flen;
int nfile, ifn, mxgd, ngrd, ncarr, ic, is, iff, ir, iint, ion, ihb,
mnb, iha, mna, idtmch, mstrct, ii, im1, kk,
zero, ier, ierm;
int exist;
struct dirent **dnlist=NULL;
char diagMessage[720],**fhrs,*def = " ",ingdtm[41];
int nfarr;
*iret = 0;
zero = 0;
_nfile.nucode = G_TRUE;
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s%s", "gdfile= ", gdfile);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
* Close any previously opened file.
for ( ii = 1; ii <= NGDFLS; ii++ ) {
dg_clos ( &ii, &ier );
* Initialize the ensemble common block.
de_init ( &ier );
* Initialize /NFILE/ common block.
for ( ii = 0; ii < NGDFLS; ii++ ) {
_nfile.ntmplt[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.gflpth[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtfnm[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.aftrbr[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtgdt1[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.crtgdt2[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.outflg[ii] = G_FALSE;
_nfile.mbrnum[ii] = 0;
for ( ii = 0; ii < LLMXGT; ii++ ) {
_nfile.dtmlst1[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.dtmlst2[ii][0] = '\0';
_nfile.ntmlst = 0;
_nfile.itmlst = 0;
_nfile.irefnv = 0;
* Get the individual input file names.
filnms = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( NGDFLS, /*LLMXLN*/LLNNAV+1, sizeof(char), &ier );
if ( filnms == NULL ) {
*iret = -73;
cst_clst ( (char *)gdfile, '+', " ", NGDFLS, /*LLMXLN*/ LLNNAV, filnms, &nfile, &ier );
if ( nfile > NGDFLS || ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -33;
* Check for the output file to be included among the input files.
if ( strlen ( gdoutf ) > 0 ) {
exist = G_FALSE;
for ( ii = 1; ii <= nfile; ii++ ) {
im1 = ii - 1;
if ( strcmp ( gdoutf, filnms[im1] ) == 0 ) {
_nfile.outflg[im1] = G_TRUE;
_nfile.irefnv = im1;
exist = G_TRUE;
if ( exist == G_FALSE ) {
nfile += 1;
if ( nfile > NGDFLS ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -33;
strcpy ( filnms[nfile-1], gdoutf );
_nfile.outflg[nfile-1] = G_TRUE;
_nfile.irefnv = nfile - 1;
* Loop over all of the entries
for ( ii = 1; ii <= nfile; ii++ ) {
im1 = ii - 1;
// printf ("DGC_NFIL ii=%d filnms = %s\n", ii, filnms[im1]);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "start the loop over entries");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d %s %s", "calling de_mbr1 with ii=", ii, "filnms[im1]= ", filnms[im1]);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
de_mbr1 ( &ii, filnms[im1], tmpfil, &ier );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after de_mbr1 tmpfil = %s ier = %d\n", tmpfil, &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d %s %s", "after de_mbr1 ier=", ier, "tmpfil= ", tmpfil);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
cfl_inqr ( tmpfil, NULL, &flen, filnam, &ier );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after cfl_inqr filnam = %s ier = %d\n", filnam, &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d %s %s", "after cfl_inqr ier=", ier, "filnam= ", filnam);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier == 0) {
* This entry is an actual file.
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "this entry is a file");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
strcpy ( _nfile.crtfnm[im1], filnam );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL calling gd_open\n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "calling gd_open");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
gd_open ( filnam, &_nfile.outflg[im1], &zero, &zero, &ifn, &adum1,
&adum2, &mxgd, &ier, strlen(filnam) );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after gd_open ier=%d\n", &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after gd_open ier=", ier);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -62;
// printf ("DGC_NFIL calling cgd_ngrd\n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "calling cgd_ngrd");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, _dgfile.tfirst[im1], _dgfile.tlast[im1],
&ier );
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after cgd_ngrd ier=", ier);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -30;
_dgfile.tmpflg[im1] = G_FALSE;
_dgfile.templt[im1][0] = '\0';
} else {
* This entry is a template.
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "this entry is a TEMPLATE");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
carr = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 2, MXFLSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
if ( carr == NULL ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -73;
cst_clst ( tmpfil, '|', " ", 2, MXFLSZ, carr, &ncarr, &ier );
strcpy ( tmpfil, carr[0] );
if ( ncarr == 2 ) {
strcpy ( _nfile.aftrbr[im1], carr[1] );
cmm_free2d( (void **)carr, &ier );
exist = G_TRUE;
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "before ctb_dtget tmpfil=", tmpfil);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
ctb_dtget ( tmpfil, cpath, tmplt, &ic, &is, &iff, &ir, &iint,
&ion, &ihb, &mnb, &iha, &mna, &mstrct, &idtmch, &ier );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after ctb_dtget cpath = %s\n", cpath);
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after ctb_dtget tmplt= %s\n", tmplt);
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after ctb_dtget ier = %d\n", &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s %s %s %s %d", "after ctb_dtget cpath=", cpath, " tmplt=", tmplt, " ier=", ier);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) exist = G_FALSE;
if ( ( strstr ( cpath, "A2DB" ) ) == NULL) {
cfl_inqr ( cpath, NULL, &flen, filnam, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) exist = G_FALSE;
else {
* change for the ensemble stuff
strcpy ( filnam,cpath);
if ( exist == G_FALSE ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -51;
* First, check if templt contains base time pattern. If not,
* it is a file name.
if ( ! ( strstr ( tmplt, "YY" ) && strstr ( tmplt, "DD" ) ) ) {
// printf ("DGC_NFIL it is a FILENAME\n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "it is a FILENAME");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
strcpy ( _nfile.crtfnm[im1], cpath );
strcat ( _nfile.crtfnm[im1], "/" );
strcat ( _nfile.crtfnm[im1], tmplt );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL calling gd_open \n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "calling gd_open");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
gd_open ( _nfile.crtfnm[im1], &_nfile.outflg[im1], &zero,
&zero, &ifn, &adum1, &adum2, &mxgd, &ier,
strlen(_nfile.crtfnm[im1]) );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after gd_open ier=%d\n", &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after gd_open ier=", ier);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -62;
// printf ("DGC_NFIL calling cgd_ngrd\n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "calling cgd_ngrd");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, _dgfile.tfirst[im1], _dgfile.tlast[im1],
&ier );
// printf ("DGC_NFIL after cgd_ngrd ier=%d\n", &ier);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after cgd_ngrd ier=", ier);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -30;
_dgfile.tmpflg[im1] = G_FALSE;
_dgfile.templt[im1][0] = '\0';
} else {
// printf ("DGC_NFIL it is a TEMPLATE\n");
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s", "it is a TEMPLATE");
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
strcpy ( _nfile.ntmplt[im1], tmplt );
strcpy ( _nfile.gflpth[im1], filnam );
strcpy ( _dgfile.templt[im1], tmplt );
_dgfile.tmpflg[im1] = G_TRUE;
* Get the first and the last time for the given cycle if
* user specifies a cycle in the GDFILE input, or for the
* last cycle in the dataset if user does not specify a
* cycle in the GDFILE input.
if ( _nfile.aftrbr[im1][0] != '\0' ) {
cti_stan ( _nfile.aftrbr[im1], "YYMMDD/HHNN", dumdtm,
&ier );
if ( strstr ( tmplt, "YYYY" ) ) {
strcpy ( rplc, "YY" );
strncat ( rplc, dumdtm, 6 );
rplc[8] = '\0';
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYYYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, dumdtm, 6, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, &dumdtm[7], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "HH", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
dg_cget ( "INGDTM", ingdtm, &ier );
else {
if ( fhrsClbkPtr != NULL ) {
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "Forecast Hour fhrsStrBack=", fhrsStrBack);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
fhrs = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 2, MXFLSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
cst_clst ( fhrsStrBack, '/', def, 2, MXFLSZ, fhrs, &nfarr, &ier );
if ( strstr ( tmplt, "YYYY" ) ) {
strcpy ( rplc, "YY" );
strncat ( rplc, fhrs[0], 6 );
rplc[8] = '\0';
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYYYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
} else {
cst_ncpy ( rplc, fhrs[0], 6, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, fhrs[1], 2, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "HH", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cst_clst ( fhrsStrBack, 'f', def, 2, MXFLSZ, fhrs, &nfarr, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( rplc, fhrs[1], 3, &ier );
cst_rpst ( tmplt, "FFF", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
cmm_free2d((void **)fhrs,&ier);
* Search the last file that matches the partially filled
* template, and open it to get the last time.
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling cfl_scnt with _nfile.gflpth[im1]=", _nfile.gflpth[im1]);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling cfl_scnt with tmplt=", tmplt);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
cfl_scnt ( _nfile.gflpth[im1], tmplt, -1, &dnlist, &ncarr,
&ier );
//sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "after cfl_scnt dnlist[0]->d_name=", dnlist[0]->d_name);
//db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after cfl_scnt ncarr=", ncarr);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
tmpfil[0] = '\0';
if (ncarr > 0 ) strcpy ( tmpfil, dnlist[0]->d_name );
for (kk=0;kk<ncarr;kk++){
if ( dnlist != NULL ) free(dnlist);
strcpy ( filnam, _nfile.gflpth[im1] );
strcat ( filnam, "/" );
strcat ( filnam, tmpfil );
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling gd_open with filnam=", filnam);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
gd_open ( filnam, &_nfile.outflg[im1], &zero, &zero, &ifn,
&adum1, &adum2, &mxgd, &ier, strlen(filnam) );
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after gd_open ier=", ier );
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -62;
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, dumdtm, _dgfile.tlast[im1], &ier );
* Search the first file that has the same cycle with
* the last file that matches the partially filled template,
* and open it to get the first time.
/* startp = strstr ( _nfile.ntmplt[im1], "YYYY" );
if ( ! startp ) startp = strstr ( _nfile.ntmplt[im1], "YY" );
endp = strstr ( _nfile.ntmplt[im1], "HH" );
if ( ! endp ) endp = strstr ( _nfile.ntmplt[im1], "DD" );
istart = (int)( startp - _nfile.ntmplt[im1] );
iend = (int)( endp - _nfile.ntmplt[im1] ) + 2;
for ( jj = 0; jj < istart; jj++ ) {
tmplt[jj] = _nfile.ntmplt[im1][jj];
for ( jj = istart; jj < iend; jj++ ) {
tmplt[jj] = tmpfil[jj];
for ( jj = iend; jj < (int)strlen(_nfile.ntmplt[im1]); jj++ ) {
tmplt[jj] = _nfile.ntmplt[im1][jj];
tmplt[strlen(_nfile.ntmplt[im1])] = '\0';
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling cfl_scnt with _nfile.gflpth[im1]=", _nfile.gflpth[im1]);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling cfl_scnt with tmplt=", tmplt);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
cfl_scnt ( _nfile.gflpth[im1], tmplt, 1, &dnlist, &ncarr,
&ier );
//sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "after cfl_scnt dnlist[0]->d_name=", dnlist[0]->d_name);
//db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after cfl_scnt ncarr=", ncarr);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
tmpfil[0] = '\0';
if (ncarr > 0 ) strcpy ( tmpfil, dnlist[0]->d_name );
for (kk=0;kk<ncarr;kk++){
if ( dnlist != NULL ) free(dnlist);
strcpy ( filnam, _nfile.gflpth[im1] );
strcat ( filnam, "/" );
strcat ( filnam, tmpfil );
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %s", "calling gd_open with filnam=", filnam);
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
gd_open ( filnam, &_nfile.outflg[im1], &zero, &zero, &ifn,
&adum1, &adum2, &mxgd, &ier, strlen(filnam) );
sprintf (diagMessage, "%s %d", "after gd_open ier=", ier );
db_msgcave ("dgc_nfil", "debug", diagMessage, &ierm);
if ( ier != 0 ) {
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );
*iret = -62;
cgd_ngrd ( ifn, &ngrd, _dgfile.tfirst[im1], dumdtm, &ier );
_dgfile.idflnm[im1] = ii;
cmm_free2d( (void **)filnms, &ier );