] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
196 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
196 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Author: dtomalak
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ToolType = "numeric"
WeatherElementEdited = "MixHgt"
from numpy import *
HideTool = 0
# You can screen the elements for which your tool will appear by using
# a ScreenList. For example:
#ScreenList = ["T","Td"]
# If desired, Set up variables to be solicited from the user:
# VariableList = [
# ("Variable name1" , defaultValue1, "numeric"),
# ("Variable name2" , "default value2", "alphaNumeric"),
# ("Variable name3" , ["default value1", "default value2"], "check",
# ["value1", "value2", "value3"]),
# ("Variable name4" , "default value4", "radio",
# ["value1", "value2", "value3"]),
# ("Variable name5" , defaultValue, "scale",
# [minValue, maxValue], resolution),
# ("Variable name6" , "", "model"),
# ("Variable name7" , "", "D2D_model"),
# ("Label contents" , "", "label"),
# ("", dialogHeight, "scrollbar"),
# ]
# Set up Class
import SmartScript
import string, time
# For available commands, see SmartScript
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def execute(self, GridTimeRange, T, Topo):
"Calculates mixing height by looking for lapse rate changes above the surface"
fwModel = self.getObject("FireModel", "ModelType")
if fwModel == "GFS40":
modelSource = "_D2D_GFS40"
elif fwModel == "NAM40":
modelSource = "_D2D_NAM40"
modelSource = "_D2D_NAM12"
# This determines the correct full model run to use.
## hour = int(time.strftime('%H', time.gmtime()))
## if hour > 15 or hour < 4:
## run = '_1200'
## else:
## run = '_0000'
## month = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.gmtime())
## day = time.strftime('%d', time.gmtime())
## monthrun = month + run
site = self.getSiteID()
## model = site + modelSource + monthrun
model = site + modelSource
sfc_model = model
if fwModel == "NAM40":
sfc_model = site + "_D2D_NAM12"
## sfc_model = site + "_GRID_D2D_NAM12" + monthrun
print "Using " + model + " for Mixing Height Calculation"
print "MixHgt time range is: \n" + `GridTimeRange`
# Set the levels of the eta sounding to use.
self.__D2Dmodel = model
soundingLevels = ["MB975", "MB950", "MB925", "MB900", "MB875","MB850",
"MB650","MB600", "MB550","MB500"]
# Get the surface pressure and temperature from the eta model.
self.__D2Dmodel = sfc_model
sfc_pressure = self.getGrids(sfc_model, 'p', 'SFC', GridTimeRange)
sfc_pressure = sfc_pressure / 100.0
sfc_model_temp = self.getGrids(sfc_model, 't', 'FHAG2', GridTimeRange)
self.__D2Dmodel = model
# For working with sounding, convert topo field to meters and sfc temp to kelvin
# There is a two degree offset to allow mixing when the model sounding is not truly
# dry adiabatic in the low levels.
sfcTempK = self.convertFtoK(T) + 0.00
topoMeters = Topo/3.281
# Compute the difference between the model surface temp and the forecast surface temp.
thetaOffset = where(less(sfcTempK, sfc_model_temp), (sfc_model_temp - sfcTempK), 0.00)
# Create Surface Theta
sfcTheta = sfcTempK * pow((1000 / sfc_pressure), 0.286)
# Create the Height and Temperature Cubes
sounding = self.makeNumericSounding(self.__D2Dmodel, 't', soundingLevels, GridTimeRange, noDataError=0)
if sounding is None:
ghCube, tCube = sounding
# Initialize Mixing Hgt Grid
MixHgt = zeros(T.shape)
# Initialize the mixDepth variable.
mixDepth = zeros(T.shape)
# Initialize the bottom of the sounding. 1.0 is a seed value to avoid divide by zero.
lastTheta = sfcTheta
lastghCube = topoMeters + 1.0
# Climb through sounding, checking to see if the surface theta is less than the upper theta
for level in xrange(ghCube.shape[0]):
# Get pressure at the current level.
pressure = string.atof(soundingLevels[level][2:])
# Compute the potential temperature of the environment at the current level.
potTemp = (tCube[level] - thetaOffset)* pow((1000 / pressure), 0.286)
# The mixing height is ready to set when the environmental potential temperature
# is greater than the parcel potential temperature, and the height at the current
# level is above the surface.
readyToSet = logical_and(less_equal(topoMeters, ghCube[level]), logical_and(equal(MixHgt,0), greater(potTemp, sfcTheta)))
# This part allows the mixing height to be between the sounding could
# have crossed before the current height. This will bring it back to an offset of
# that level.
# To turn off adjustment, comment out the next line, and uncomment the other.
# Adjusted:
trueMixHgt = lastghCube + (((sfcTheta - lastTheta)/(potTemp - lastTheta))*(ghCube[level] - lastghCube))
# Unadjusted:
#trueMixHgt = (ghCube[level] - topoMeters)
# Apply a check that the adjusted mixing height can never be greater than the
# unadjusted mixing height.
trueMixHgtCheck = (ghCube[level] - topoMeters)
trueMixHgt = where(greater(trueMixHgt, trueMixHgtCheck), trueMixHgtCheck, trueMixHgt)
# If the surface temp is greater than the eta...mix to the height where the surface
# theta is equal to the environment
mixDepth = where(greater_equal(sfcTempK, sfc_model_temp), trueMixHgt, mixDepth)
# If the surface temp is colder than the eta, use the eta surface temp to establish the unadjusted height,
# then reduce it by a percentage of the surface temp/mix height temp difference.
mixDepth = where(logical_and(less(sfcTempK, sfc_model_temp), greater_equal(sfcTempK, tCube[level])), ((sfcTempK - tCube[level])/(sfc_model_temp - tCube[level]) * trueMixHgt), mixDepth)
# If the surface is even colder than the mixing height not allow mixing.
mixDepth[less(sfcTempK,tCube[level])] = 1.0
# Set the mixing height for valid points
MixHgt = where(readyToSet, mixDepth, MixHgt)
# Set parameters for next iteration of loop
lastTheta = potTemp
lastghCube = (ghCube[level] - topoMeters)
# Final adjustments
# Change mixing height from meters to feet
MixHgt = MixHgt * 3.281
# Set a minimum value of 250 feet to account for plume mixing
MixHgt[less(MixHgt, 250.0)] = 250.0
# return the mixing height
return MixHgt