389 lines
16 KiB
389 lines
16 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is a utility provided to convert old style .svg syntax to something that the new plot rendering
# code expects.
# The code basically scans the .svg file and removes certain attributes and moves them to a plotparamters_$plugin file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys, shutil, os, time
from os import path
from datetime import datetime
svgNS = "{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}"
markerPluginElement = {'displayName':'Marker', 'param':'Marker', 'displayType': 'MARKER', "svgClass":"marker", 'sampleValue':' '}
markerSVGElement = {'id':'marker', 'plotParam':'Marker', 'class': 'marker', 'x':'-20px', 'y':'-20px'}
styleElement = {'type':'text/css'}
markerFont = " @font-face { font-family: \"MarkerSymbolFont\";\n" + " src: url(MarkerSymbols.svg#MarkerSymbols); }\n"
valid_modes = ["TEXT", "BARB", "TABLE", "RANGE", "ARROW", "ARROWUV", "MARKER"]
class _CommentedTreeBuilder ( ET.XMLTreeBuilder ):
def __init__ ( self, html = 0, target = None ):
ET.XMLTreeBuilder.__init__( self, html, target )
self._parser.CommentHandler = self.handle_comment
def handle_comment ( self, data ):
self._target.start( ET.Comment, {} )
self._target.data( data )
self._target.end( ET.Comment )
# process the CDATA section. The xmltree doesn't handle CDATA correctly.
# It removes them during the parsing process. So we replace them with a <CDATA> tag and reverse it when
# we are done
def processCDATA(fName, postProcess=False):
with open(fName) as f:
file_string = f.read()
if postProcess is False:
file_string = file_string.replace("<![CDATA[", "<CDATA>")
file_string = file_string.replace("]]>", "</CDATA>")
file_string = file_string.replace("<CDATA>", "<![CDATA[")
file_string = file_string.replace("</CDATA>", "]]>")
file_string = file_string.replace("#NEWCDATA#", getDefaultCDATAText() )
with open(fName, 'w') as f:
def getLicenseText():
licenseText = '''
This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority
version of the file will completely replace a lower priority version
of the file.
return licenseText
def getDefaultCDATAText():
cText = '''
@font-face { font-family: "WindSymbolFont";
src: url(WindSymbols.svg#WindSymbols); }
@font-face { font-family: "StandardFont";
src: url(Standard.svg#Standard); }
@font-face { font-family: "SpecialSymbolFont";
src: url(SpecialSymbols.svg#SpecialSymbols); }
@font-face { font-family: "MarkerSymbolFont";
src: url(MarkerSymbols.svg#MarkerSymbols); }
return cText
def getSampleValue(plot):
val = plot.text
commaCnt = plot.attrib["plotParam"].count(",")
if commaCnt > 0:
val = '0'
for i in range(1, commaCnt+1):
val = val + "," + str(i)
return val
# creates plotParameters_'+pluginName file
def createPlotParamPluginXML(plotParamDefsArray, pluginFileName, pluginName):
# Add the default market element
root = ET.Element('plotParameterDefinitions')
plugin = ET.SubElement(root, 'plugin')
# We need to set a "displayName" in the xml file which is a derived
# from the parameter name
for element in plotParamDefsArray:
line = ET.SubElement(root, 'plotParameterDefinition', element)
if element['displayType'] == 'BARB' and "," in element['param']:
paramFields = element['param'].split(',')
paramDisplayFields = element['displayName'].split(',')
#create the Wind Dir
windDirPluginElement = { 'displayType': 'ARROWUV', 'sampleValue':'16,17'}
windDirPluginElement["displayName"] = paramDisplayFields[1]
windDirPluginElement["param"] = paramFields[0]+','+paramFields[1]
if "unit" in element:
windDirPluginElement["unit"] = element["unit"]
line = ET.SubElement(root, 'plotParameterDefinition', windDirPluginElement)
## Create the BARB and Gust only if there are 3 fields to begin with
# Example: plotParam="windSpeed,windDir,windGust"
# If there are only 2, create only the wind dir component. (that is the only additional parameter that can be "derived"
# from 2).
# Example: plotParam="wSp,WD"
if(len(paramFields) == 3):
windBarbPluginElement = { 'displayType': 'BARB', 'sampleValue':'16,17'}
windBarbPluginElement["displayName"] = paramDisplayFields[0]+','+paramDisplayFields[1]
windBarbPluginElement["param"] = paramFields[0]+','+paramFields[1]
if "unit" in element:
windBarbPluginElement["unit"] = element["unit"]
line = ET.SubElement(root, 'plotParameterDefinition', windBarbPluginElement)
windGustPluginElement = { 'displayType': 'TEXT', 'sampleValue':'8'}
windGustPluginElement["displayName"] = paramDisplayFields[2]
windGustPluginElement["param"] = paramFields[2]
if "unit" in element:
windGustPluginElement["unit"] = element["unit"]
line = ET.SubElement(root, 'plotParameterDefinition', windGustPluginElement)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(pluginFileName, encoding='UTF-8', method='xml')
# updates plotParameters_'+pluginName file
def updatePlotParamPluginXML(plotParamDefsArray, pluginFileName):
ctb = _CommentedTreeBuilder()
tree = ET.parse(pluginFileName, ctb)
root = tree.getroot()
existingDefs = root.findall('plotParameterDefinition')
# We need to be careful that the display names are unique.
# If there are multiple, starting the second one, they will be named $name-1, $name-2 etc
existingDisplayNames = []
for plotDef in existingDefs:
for element in plotParamDefsArray:
orgDisplayName = element['displayName']
displayName = element['displayName']
i = 1
while displayName in existingDisplayNames:
displayName = orgDisplayName + '-' + str(i)
i += 1
element['displayName'] = displayName
line = ET.SubElement(root, 'plotParameterDefinition', element)
line.tail = NEW_LINE
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(pluginFileName, encoding='UTF-8', method='xml')
###################### print usage
def print_usage():
print ("Usage: python convertSVG.py plugin svgFile")
sys.exit (1)
###################### main body
def main():
global logger
if len (sys.argv) != 3 :
if(sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '-help'):
pluginName = sys.argv[1]
svgFileName = sys.argv[2]
if path.exists(svgFileName):
# check that the plugin directory exists here
src = path.realpath(svgFileName)
svgDir = path.dirname(path.realpath(src))
pluginNameStripped = pluginName
if "/" in pluginName:
pluginNameStripped = pluginNameStripped.partition("/")[2]
if not path.isdir(path.join(svgDir, pluginNameStripped)):
print "Unable to find plugin directory:" + path.join(svgDir, pluginNameStripped)
sys.exit (1)
dst = src + "-" + datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')
shutil.copy(src, dst)
pluginFileName = path.join(path.join(svgDir, pluginNameStripped), "plotParameters_"+pluginNameStripped+".xml")
print ("Unable to open svg file: " + svgFileName)
sys.exit (1)
ET.register_namespace("", 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg')
ET.register_namespace("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink")
# new_root is used to hold the licensing and override text. In the original .svg file, this info sits outside
# of any root tag and hence not parsed. The meaningful xml contents of the .svg file are then attached to the new root
new_root = ET.Element(None)
# Add css processing instructions
pi = ET.PI("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/css' href='newplots.css'")
pi.tail = NEW_LINE
# Add licensing text and other comments
licenseText = ET.Comment(getLicenseText())
licenseText.tail = NEW_LINE
new_root.insert(0, licenseText)
# Preprocess the file to handle CDATA sections
ctb = _CommentedTreeBuilder()
tree = ET.parse(svgFileName, ctb)
root = tree.getroot()
root.set("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")
root.set("xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink")
root.set("plugin", pluginName)
#These are the parameters that we expect to find in the .svg file
plotParams = ('plotMode', 'plotParam', 'plotFormat', 'plotUnit', 'plotSymbol', 'plotTrim', 'plotFunctionTable', 'plotLookupTable', 'plotIndex', 'class')
#The names in .svg and plotParameters_{$plugin} file doesn't match.
#We need a small mapping dictionary
mappedParamNames = {'plotMode':'displayType',
'plotLookupTable' : 'lookupTable',
'plotIndex': 'index',
hasStyle = False
for child in root:
# The heavy lifting is under the "symbol" element
for symbol in child.findall(svgNS + 'symbol'):
plotParamDefsArray = []
# Scan and find all symbol/text and symbol/g
plotFields = symbol.findall(svgNS + 'text')
plotFields.extend(symbol.findall(svgNS + 'g'))
for plotField in plotFields:
plotParam = plotField.attrib["plotParam"]
plotParamDef = {'param':plotParam}
# We need to keep only "plotParam" (and special cases plotMode=SAMPLE and plotMode=NONE) field in the SVG.
# All others are removed and moved to plotParameters_{$plugin} file
# Also note that the "unit", if any, is added to the plotParam and plotparam
# becomes "plotParam + ($unit)" in the modified .svg file.
# Some modes are treated with care!
for param in plotParams:
if param in plotField.attrib and param != 'plotParam':
deleteParam = True
if param == 'plotMode':
mode = plotField.attrib[param]
if mode.lower() == 'sample':
plotField.attrib['plotMode'] = 'SAMPLE'
plotParamDef['displayType'] = 'TEXT'
deleteParam = False
elif mode.lower() == 'null':
plotField.attrib['plotMode'] = 'NONE'
plotParamDef['displayType'] = 'TEXT'
deleteParam = False
elif mode.lower() == 'recursive_translation':
plotParamDef['displayType'] = 'TABLE'
plotParamDef['recursiveLookup'] = 'true'
elif mode.upper() in valid_modes:
plotParamDef['displayType'] = mode.upper()
plotParamDef['displayType'] = 'TEXT'
plotParamDef[mappedParamNames[param]] = plotField.attrib[param]
if deleteParam:
del plotField.attrib[param]
# if you have index or units, change the poltParam name in the .svg (which maps to the displayname in .xml
# it is possible for multiple indices pointing to the same base parameter
elif param == 'plotParam':
if 'plotIndex' in plotField.attrib:
plotField.attrib[param] = plotField.attrib[param] + '-' + plotField.attrib['plotIndex']
if 'plotUnit' in plotField.attrib:
plotField.attrib[param] = plotField.attrib[param] + ' (' + plotField.attrib['plotUnit'] + ')'
plotParamDef['displayName'] = plotField.attrib[param]
plotParamDef['sampleValue'] = getSampleValue(plotField)
# Add the default Marker element
line = ET.SubElement(symbol, 'text', markerSVGElement)
line.text=' '
# Now, add the markerFont in the style section
for script in child.findall(svgNS + 'style'):
hasStyle = True
# Scan and find all script/cdata
for cdata in script.findall(svgNS + 'CDATA'):
if "MarkerSymbols" not in cdata.text:
cdata.text = cdata.text + markerFont
# there is no style element in the original. Add a default
if not hasStyle:
for defs in root.findall(svgNS + 'defs'):
style = ET.SubElement(defs, 'style', styleElement)
style.text = '#NEWCDATA#'
newTree = ET.ElementTree(new_root)
newTree.write(svgFileName, encoding='UTF-8', method='xml')
#Now change the CDATA xml tags to <![CDATA[
processCDATA(svgFileName, postProcess=True)
# Now create/update the plotparameters_{$plugin} file (Eg: plotParameters_obs.xml)"
if path.exists(pluginFileName):
updatePlotParamPluginXML(plotParamDefsArray, pluginFileName)
createPlotParamPluginXML(plotParamDefsArray, pluginFileName, pluginName)
if __name__ == "__main__":