Ron Anderson 3a03348288 Omaha #4751 Remove use of self._empty and self._minus from baseline smartInits/smartTools/procedures
Change-Id: I3656148f97b438b40fcd94fbd3fa1daa6b69e55e

Former-commit-id: e3ac78fd1d9bcfc97cba82450c4e2a29998a8ac7
2015-08-18 17:25:08 -05:00

184 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file

from Init import *
class HRRRForecaster(Forecaster):
def __init__(self):
Forecaster.__init__(self, "HRRR","HRRR")
# def calcClgHgt(self, cc_CCL):
# ceil = cc_CCL * .03280839
# ceil[less_equal(ceil, 0.0)] = 250.0
# return ceil
def calcVis(self, vis_SFC):
return (vis_SFC * 3.2808) / 5279.85564
def calcT(self, t_FHAG2):
return self.KtoF(t_FHAG2)
def calcTd(self, dpt_FHAG2):
return self.KtoF(dpt_FHAG2)
## Returns the maximum of the specified MaxT and the T grids
## def calcMaxT(self, T, MaxT):
## if MaxT is None:
## return T
## return maximum(MaxT, T)
## Returns the minimum of the specified MinT and T grids
## def calcMinT(self, T, MinT):
## if MinT is None:
## return T
## return minimum(MinT, T)
def calcRH(self, T, Td):
Tc = .556 * (T - 32.0)
Tdc = .556 * (Td - 32.0)
Vt = 6.11 * pow(10, (Tc * 7.5 / (Tc + 237.3)))
Vd = 6.11 * pow(10, (Tdc * 7.5 / (Tdc + 237.3)))
RH = (Vd / Vt) * 100.0
# return the new value
return RH
def dewFromTandRH(self,T,RH):
return td
# Calculates QPF from the total precip field out of the model
def calcQPF(self, tp_SFC):
return tp_SFC / 25.4 # convert from millimeters to inches
def calcQPF6(self, QPF, QPF6):
if QPF6 is None:
return QPF6
def calcQPF12(self, QPF6, QPF12):
if QPF12 is None:
return QPF12
## Converts the lowest available wind level from m/s to knots
def calcWind(self, wind_FHAG10):
return (wind_FHAG10[0] * 1.94,clip(wind_FHAG10[1], 0, 359.5))
# Return the max of the max wind or wind gust
def calcWindGust(self, wgs_FHAG10, wgs1hr_FHAG10):
return (maximum(wgs_FHAG10,wgs1hr_FHAG10) * 1.94)
# SnowAmt - simple snow ratio based on surface temperature - multiplied
# times the model QPF amount
def calcSnowAmt(self,T,QPF):
snowr[m1] = 20
snowr[m2] = 0
return snowamt
## Use cloud base and cloud top to get sky cover
# def calcSky(self, gh_CBL, gh_CTL):
# depth=gh_CTL-gh_CBL
# c100=greater_equal(depth, 1000)
# partialcloudy=depth/10
# sky=0
# sky=where(depth, c100, sky)
## sky=where(depth, partialcloudy, sky)
# return sky
def calcSky(self,tcc_EA):
return tcc_EA
# PoP - based strongly on QPF (since when model has one inch of precip the
# chance of getting 0.01 is pretty high). However, there is a big
# difference between a place that model has 0.00 precip and is very
# close to precipitating - and those where model has 0.00 and is a
# thousand miles from the nearest cloud. Thus, uses the average
# Uses hyperbolic tangent of QPF, so that it rises quickly as model
# QPF increases - but tapers out to nearly 100% as QPF gets high.
# Adjustable parameters:
# topQPF is QPF amount that would give 75% PoP if nothing else
# considered at half this amount, PoP is 45%, at double this
# amount PoP is 96%. Default set at 0.40.
# def calcPoP(self, QPF12):
# topQPF=0.40 # QPF value where raw PoP would be 75%
# factor=tanh(QPF12*(1.0/topQPF))
# factor2=tanh(QPF12*(2.0/topQPF))
# pop=(factor*100.0)+(factor2*100.0)
# pop=clip(pop,0,100)
# return pop
## Use sky, reflecivity, qpf, vis, categoricals to get weather
def calcWx(self, T, QPF, Vsby, crain_SFC, csnow_SFC, cicep_SFC, bli_BL0180, cfrzr_SFC, refc_EA):
# Now apply a different algorithm for each type
key = ['<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:',
"Wide:S:-:<NoVis>:", "Wide:R:-:<NoVis>:",
'Wide:ZR:-:<NoVis>:', 'Wide:IP:-:<NoVis>:',
"Sct:SW:-:<NoVis>:", "Sct:RW:-:<NoVis>:",
"Chc:ZR:-:<NoVis>:", 'Chc:IP:-:<NoVis>:',
wx = self.empty(int8)
wx[logical_and(greater(QPF, 0.02), greater(T, 35))] = 2
wx[equal(crain_SFC, 1)] = 2
wx[equal(cfrzr_SFC, 1)] = 4
wx[equal(cicep_SFC, 1)] = 5
wx[equal(csnow_SFC, 1)] = 1
# Make showers (scattered/Chc)
convecMask = less(refc_EA, 35)
wx[logical_and(not_equal(wx, 0), convecMask)] += 6
# Thunder
for i in xrange(len(key)):
tcov = string.split(key[i], ":")[0]
if tcov == "Chc" or tcov == "<NoCov>":
tcov = "Sct"
key.append(key[i] + "^" + tcov
+ ":T:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:")
wx[logical_and(greater_equal(bli_BL0180, -3), greater_equal(refc_EA, 35))] += 13
# No wx where no qpf
wx[less(QPF, 0.01)] = 0
return(wx, key)
def main():