Ron Anderson 7fbefd0046 Omaha #4704 Fix more dtype issues
Change-Id: I841fab00a3f477e53b5f076139849d016155cb47

Former-commit-id: 37bd1954dda045853648500f9679b2b0a0f55f02
2015-08-24 08:34:52 -05:00

530 lines
22 KiB

# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
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# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
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# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
from Init import *
## Module that calculates surface weather elements from GFS75 model
## output.
class GFS75Forecaster(Forecaster):
def __init__(self):
Forecaster.__init__(self, "GFS75")
## These levels will be used to create vertical soundings. These are
## defined here since they are model dependent.
def levels(self):
return ["MB1000", "MB950", "MB900", "MB850",
"MB800", "MB750", "MB700",
"MB650", "MB600", "MB500", "MB450", "MB400", "MB350",
## Returns the maximum of the specified MaxT and the T grids
def calcMaxT(self, T, MaxT):
if MaxT is None:
return T
return maximum(MaxT, T)
## Returns the minimum of the specified MinT and T grids
def calcMinT(self, T, MinT):
if MinT is None:
return T
return minimum(MinT, T)
## Calculates the temperature at the elevation indicated in the topo
## grid. This tool simply interpolates the temperature value from
## model's isobaric temperature cube.
def calcT(self, t_FHAG2, stopo, topo):
# Temperature drops by .0074 C/meter per Hans' computations
elevationDiff = topo - stopo # in m.
tcorr = elevationDiff * 0.00714 #K
return self.KtoF(t_FHAG2 - tcorr)
## Calculates dew point from the specified pressure, temp and rh
## fields.
def calcTd(self, gh_c, t_c, rh_BL030, rh_MB850, rh_MB800, rh_MB750, rh_MB700, rh_MB650,
t_MB1000, t_MB900, t_MB850, t_MB800, t_MB750, t_MB700, t_MB650, topo):
tmb = self.newGrid(-1)
#calc sfc_temp at topo
for i in xrange(1, gh_c.shape[0]):
#interpolate temp in this layer
tval1 = self.linear(gh_c[i], gh_c[i - 1], t_c[i], t_c[i - 1], topo)
tmb = where(logical_and(equal(tmb, -1), greater(gh_c[i], topo)), tval1, tmb)
temp = self.KtoF(tmb)
rh = rh_BL030
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1327),less(topo, 1828)),rh_MB850, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1828),less(topo, 2438)),rh_MB800, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 2438),less(topo, 3048)),rh_MB750, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3048),less(topo, 3657)),rh_MB700, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3657),less(topo, 4267)),rh_MB650, rh)
rh_linear = self.linear(0, 4400, 1.0, 1.001, topo)
rh = rh * rh_linear
rh = clip(rh, 3.0, 100.0)
rh = rh + .01
Tc = .556 * (temp - 32.0)
ret = .9 * Tc
ret1 = 112 + ret
ret2 = ret1 * (rh ** .125) / 1.7783
Tdc = ret2 - 112 + .1 * Tc
Td = (1.8 * Tdc) + 32
return Td
## Calculates RH from the T and Td grids
def calcRH(self, rh_BL030, rh_MB850, rh_MB800, rh_MB750, rh_MB700, rh_MB650, topo):
rh = rh_BL030
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1327),less(topo, 1828)),rh_MB850, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1828),less(topo, 2438)),rh_MB800, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 2438),less(topo, 3048)),rh_MB750, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3048),less(topo, 3657)),rh_MB700, rh)
rh = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3657),less(topo, 4267)),rh_MB650, rh)
rh_linear = self.linear(0, 4400, 1.0, 1.001, topo)
rh = rh * rh_linear
rh = clip(rh, 3.0, 100.0)
return rh
## Returns the maximum of the specified MaxRH and the RH grids
def calcMaxRH(self, RH, MaxRH):
if MaxRH is None:
return RH
return maximum(MaxRH, RH)
## Returns the minimum of the specified MinRH and RH grids
def calcMinRH(self, RH, MinRH):
if MinRH is None:
return RH
return minimum(MinRH, RH)
## Calculates QPF from the total precip field out of the model
def calcQPF(self, tp_SFC):
qpf = tp_SFC / 25.4 # convert from millimeters to inches
return qpf
def calcSky(self, rh_c, topo):
rh_c = rh_c[:8, :, :]
rh_c[less_equal(rh_c, 25.0)] = 25.0
rh_c[less_equal(rh_c, 100.0)] = 100.0
rh900 = rh_c[2]
rh850 = rh_c[3]
rh800 = rh_c[4]
rh750 = rh_c[5]
rh700 = rh_c[6]
index900 = self.linear(25, 100, 0, 100, rh900)
index850 = self.linear(25, 100, 0, 100, rh850)
index800 = self.linear(25, 100, 0, 100, rh800)
index750 = self.linear(25, 100, 0, 125, rh750)
index700 = self.linear(25, 100, 0, 150, rh700)
skyindex = index900 + index850 + index800 + index750 + index700
skyindex = clip(skyindex, 0, 500)
sky = self.linear(0, 500, 0, 100, skyindex)
return sky
## Calculates Prob. of Precip. based on QPF and RH cube. Where there
## is QPF > 0 ramp the PoP from (0.01, 35%) to 100%. Then in areas
## of QPF < 0.2 raise the PoP if it's very humid.
def calcPoP(self, rh_c, pvv_MB700, topo):
# use only the first 11 levels (up to 500MB)
rh_c = rh_c[:8, :, :]
rh_c[less_equal(rh_c, 43.0)] = 43.0
rh_c[greater_equal(rh_c, 100.0)] = 100.0
rh900 = rh_c[2]
rh850 = rh_c[3]
rh800 = rh_c[4]
rh750 = rh_c[5]
rh700 = rh_c[6]
omega700 = pvv_MB700
popindex900 = self.linear(43, 100, 0, 60, rh900)
popindex850 = self.linear(43, 100, 0, 70, rh850)
popindex800 = self.linear(43, 100, 0, 80, rh800)
popindex750 = self.linear(43, 100, 0, 90, rh750)
popindex700 = self.linear(43, 100, 0, 100, rh700)
omegacorpos = self.linear(0, -2, 0, 50, omega700)
omegacorneg = self.linear(0, 1, 0, -50, omega700)
popindex = popindex900 + popindex850 + popindex800 + popindex750 + popindex700 + omegacorpos + omegacorneg
popindex = clip(popindex, 0, 500)
pop = self.linear(0, 500, 0, 100, popindex)
return pop
## Calculates the Freezing level based on height and temperature
## cubes. Finds the height at which freezing occurs.
def calcFzLevel(self, gh_c, t_c, topo):
fzl = self.newGrid(-1)
# for each level in the height cube, find the freezing level
for i in xrange(gh_c.shape[0]):
val = gh_c[i - 1] + (gh_c[i] - gh_c[i - 1]) / (t_c[i] - t_c[i - 1])\
* (273.15 - t_c[i - 1])
val = gh_c[i]
## save the height value in fzl
fzl = where(logical_and(equal(fzl, -1),
less_equal(t_c[i], 273.15)), val, fzl)
return fzl * 3.28 # convert to feet
## Calculates the Snow level based on wet-bulb zero height.
def calcSnowLevel(self, gh_c, t_c, rh_c):
# Only use the levels that are >= freezind (plus one level)
# This is a performance and memory optimization
clipindex = 2
for i in xrange(t_c.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
if maximum.reduce(maximum.reduce(t_c[i])) >= 273.15:
clipindex = i + 1
gh_c = gh_c[:clipindex, :, :]
t_c = t_c[:clipindex, :, :]
rh_c = rh_c[:clipindex, :, :]
snow = self.newGrid(-1)
# make pressure cube
pmb = ones_like(gh_c)
for i in xrange(gh_c.shape[0]):
pmb[i] = self.pres[i]
pmb = clip(pmb, 1, 1050)
# convert temps to C and limit to reasonable values
tc = t_c - 273.15
tc = clip(tc, -120, 60)
# limit RH to reasonable values
rh = clip(rh_c, 0.5, 99.5)
# calculate the wetbulb temperatures
# (this is expensive - even in numeric python - and somewhat
# wasteful, since you do not need to calculate the wetbulb
# temp for all levels when it may cross zero way down toward
# the bottom. Nevertheless - all the gridpoints will cross
# zero at different levels - so you cannot know ahead of time
# how high up to calculate them. In the end - this was the
# most expedient way to code it - and it works - so I stuck
# with it.
wetb = self.Wetbulb(tc, rh, pmb)
tc = rh = pmb = None
# find the zero level
for i in xrange(1, gh_c.shape[0]):
val = gh_c[i - 1] + (gh_c[i] - gh_c[i - 1]) / (wetb[i] - wetb[i - 1])\
* (-wetb[i - 1])
val = gh_c[i]
snow = where(logical_and(equal(snow, -1), less_equal(wetb[i], 0)),
val, snow)
# convert to feet
snow = snow * 3.28
return snow
## Calculates Snow amount based on the Temp, Freezing level, QPF,
## topo and Weather grid
def calcSnowAmt(self, T, FzLevel, QPF, topo, Wx):
# figure out the snow to liquid ratio
snowr = T * -0.5 + 22.5
snowr[less(T, 9)] = 20
snowr[greater_equal(T, 30)] = 0
# calc. snow amount based on the QPF and the ratio
snowamt = where(less_equal(FzLevel - 1000, topo * 3.28),
snowr * QPF, float32(0))
# Only make snow at points where the weather is snow
snowmask = logical_or(equal(Wx[0], 1), equal(Wx[0], 3))
snowmask = logical_or(snowmask, logical_or(equal(Wx[0], 7),
equal(Wx[0], 9)))
snowamt[logical_not(snowmask)] = 0
return snowamt
## Calculate the Haines index based on the temp and RH cubes
## Define self.whichHainesIndex to be "HIGH", "MEDIUM", or "LOW".
## Default is "HIGH".
def calcHaines(self, t_c, rh_c):
return self.hainesIndex(self.whichHainesIndex, t_c, rh_c)
## Calculates the mixing height for the given sfc temperature,
## temperature cube, height cube and topo
def calcMixHgt(self, T, topo, t_c, gh_c):
mask = greater_equal(gh_c, topo) # points where height > topo
pt = []
for i in xrange(len(self.pres)): # for each pres. level
p = self.newGrid(self.pres[i]) # get the pres. value in mb
tmp = self.ptemp(t_c[i], p) # calculate the pot. temp
pt = pt + [tmp] # add to the list
pt = array(pt)
# set up masks
pt[logical_not(mask)] = 0
avg = add.accumulate(pt, 0)
count = add.accumulate(mask, 0)
mh = self.newGrid(-1)
# for each pres. level, calculate a running avg. of pot temp.
# As soon as the next point deviates from the running avg by
# more than 3 deg. C, interpolate to get the mixing height.
for i in xrange(1, avg.shape[0]):
runavg = avg[i] / (count[i] + .0001) # calc. running avg
diffpt = pt[i] - runavg # calc. difference
# calc. the interpolated mixing height
tmh = self.linear(pt[i], pt[i - 1], gh_c[i], gh_c[i - 1], runavg)
# assign new values if the difference is greater than 3
mh = where(logical_and(logical_and(mask[i], equal(mh, -1)),
greater(diffpt, 3)), tmh, mh)
return (mh - topo) * 3.28 # convert to feet
## Converts the lowest available wind level from m/s to knots
def calcWind(self, wind_FHAG10, wind_MB850, wind_MB800, wind_MB750, wind_MB700, wind_MB650, topo):
mag = wind_FHAG10[0] * 1.94 # get the wind speed and convert
dir = wind_FHAG10[1] # get the wind direction
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1327), less(topo, 1828)), wind_MB850[0] * 1.94, mag)
dir = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1327), less(topo, 1828)), wind_MB850[1], dir)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1828), less(topo, 2438)), wind_MB800[0] * 1.94, mag)
dir = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1828), less(topo, 2438)), wind_MB800[1], dir)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 2438), less(topo, 3048)), wind_MB750[0] * 1.94, mag)
dir = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 2438), less(topo, 3048)), wind_MB750[1], dir)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3048), less(topo, 3657)), wind_MB700[0] * 1.94, mag)
dir = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3048), less(topo, 3657)), wind_MB700[1], dir)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3657), less(topo, 4267)), wind_MB650[0] * 1.94, mag)
dir = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 3657), less(topo, 4267)), wind_MB650[1], dir)
mag_cor_up = self.linear(1327, 4267, 1, 1.3, topo)
mag_cor_lo = self.linear(1327, 50, 1, 0.7, topo)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 1327),less(topo, 4267)), mag*mag_cor_up, mag)
mag = where(logical_and(greater_equal(topo, 50),less(topo, 1327)), mag*mag_cor_lo, mag)
dir = clip(dir, 0, 359.5)
return (mag, dir)
## Calculates the wind at 3000 feet AGL.
def calcFreeWind(self, gh_c, wind_c, topo):
wm = wind_c[0]
wd = wind_c[1]
# Make a grid that's topo + 3000 feet (914 meters)
fatopo = topo + 914.4
# find the points that are above the 3000 foot level
mask = greater_equal(gh_c, fatopo)
# initialize the grids into which the value are stored
famag = self.newGrid(-1)
fadir = self.newGrid(-1)
# start at the bottom and store the first point we find that's
# above the topo + 3000 feet level.
for i in xrange(wind_c[0].shape[0]):
famag = where(logical_and(equal(famag, -1), mask[i]), wm[i], famag)
fadir = where(logical_and(equal(fadir, -1), mask[i]), wd[i], fadir)
fadir = clip(fadir, 0, 360) # clip the value to 0, 360
famag = famag * 1.94 # convert to knots
return (famag, fadir) # return the tuple of grids
## Calculates the average wind vector in the mixed layer as defined
## by the mixing height. This function creates a mask that identifies
## all grid points between the ground and the mixing height and calculates
## a vector average of the wind field in that layer.
def calcTransWind(self, MixHgt, wind_c, gh_c, topo):
nmh = MixHgt * 0.3048 # convert MixHt from feet -> meters
u, v = self._getUV(wind_c[0], wind_c[1]) # get the wind grids
# set a mask at points between the topo and topo + MixHt
mask = logical_and(greater_equal(gh_c, topo),
less_equal(gh_c, nmh + topo))
# set the points outside the layer to zero
u[logical_not(mask)] = 0
v[logical_not(mask)] = 0
mask = add.reduce(mask).astype(float32) # add up the number of set points vert.
mmask = mask + 0.0001
# calculate the average value in the mixed layerlayer
u = where(mask, add.reduce(u) / mmask, float32(0))
v = where(mask, add.reduce(v) / mmask, float32(0))
# convert u, v to mag, dir
tmag, tdir = self._getMD(u, v)
tmag *= 1.94 # convert to knots
tmag.clip(0, 125, tmag) # clip speed to 125 knots
return (tmag, tdir)
def calcWx(self, t_MB850, t_MB700, t_MB500, rh_MB850, rh_MB700, cape_SFC, PoP):
# first calculate K-index to establish heavy rain threat
t850 = t_MB850 - 273.2
t700 = t_MB700 - 273.2
t500 = t_MB500 - 273.2
rh850 = rh_MB850
rh700 = rh_MB700
ratio1 = ((log10(rh850 / 100.0) / 7.5) + (t850 / (t850 + 237.3)))
td850 = ((237.3 * ratio1) / (1.0 - ratio1))
ratio2 = ((log10(rh700 / 100.0) / 7.5) + (t700 / (t700 + 237.3)))
td700 = ((237.3 * ratio2) / (1.0 - ratio2))
kindex = ((t850 - t500) + td850 - (t700 - td700))
# now on to the weather
key = ['<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:',
wx = self.empty(int8)
wx[less_equal(PoP, 14.4)] = 0
hvymask = greater_equal(kindex, 35)
wx[logical_and(hvymask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 14.4), less(PoP, 24.4)))] = 5
wx[logical_and(hvymask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 24.4), less(PoP, 54.4)))] = 6
wx[logical_and(hvymask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 54.4), less(PoP, 74.4)))] = 7
wx[logical_and(hvymask, greater(PoP, 74.4))] = 8
lgtmask = less(kindex, 35)
wx[logical_and(lgtmask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 14.4), less(PoP, 24.4)))] = 1
wx[logical_and(lgtmask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 24.4), less(PoP, 54.4)))] = 2
wx[logical_and(lgtmask, logical_and(greater(PoP, 54.4), less(PoP, 74.4)))] = 3
wx[logical_and(lgtmask, greater(PoP, 74.4))] = 4
# Thunder
for i in xrange(len(key)):
tcov = string.split(key[i], ":")[0]
if tcov == "<NoCov>":
tcov = "Iso"
key.append(key[i] + "^" + tcov + ":T:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:")
wx[logical_and(greater(PoP, 14.4), greater_equal(cape_SFC, 1000))] += 9
return(wx, key)
## Calculates chance of wetting rain based on QPF.
def calcCWR(self, QPF):
m1 = less(QPF, 0.01) # all the places that are dry
m2 = greater_equal(QPF, 0.3) # all the places that are wet
# all the places that are 0.01 to 0.10
m3 = logical_and(greater_equal(QPF, 0.01), less_equal(QPF, 0.1))
# all the places that are 0.1 to 0.3
m4 = logical_and(greater(QPF, 0.1), less(QPF, 0.3))
# assign 0 to the dry grid point, 100 to the wet grid points,
# and a ramping function to all point in between
cwr = where(m1, float32(0), where(m2, float32(100),
where(m3, 444.4 * (QPF - 0.01) + 10,
where(m4, 250 * (QPF - 0.1) + 50,
return cwr
## Calculates Lightning Activity Level based on total precip., lifted index
## and 3-D relative humidity.
def calcLAL(self, tp_SFC, sli_SFC, rh_c, rh_BL030):
bli = sli_SFC # surface lifted index
ttp = self.newGrid(0.00001) # nearly zero grid
lal = self.newGrid(1) # initialize the return grid to 1
# Add one to lal if QPF > 0.5
lal[logical_and(greater(ttp, 0), greater(tp_SFC / ttp, 0.5))] += 1
# make an average rh field
midrh = add.reduce(rh_c[6:9], 0) / 3
# Add one to lal if mid-level rh high and low level rh low
lal[logical_and(greater(midrh, 70), less(rh_BL030, 30))] += 1
# Add on to lal if lifted index is <-3 and another if <-5
lal[less(bli, -3)] += 1
lal[less(bli, -5)] += 1
return lal
def main():