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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# Methods for producing time descriptors.
# Author: hansen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Feb 28, 2018 7116 randerso Fixed casing in getWeekday_descriptor when
# combined time period includes a holiday.
# This is a base file that is not intended to be overridden.
import types
import time
import TimeRangeUtils
import Interfaces
import Holidays
import AbsTime
import TimeRange
class TimeDescriptor(TimeRangeUtils.TimeRangeUtils, Interfaces.Interfaces):
def __init__(self):
## def getHolidayLabel(self, tr):
## return "holiday"
def getCurrentTime(self, argDict=None, format="%I%M %p %Z %a %b %d %Y",
shiftToLocal=1, upperCase=0, stripLeading=1):
# Return a text string of the current time in the given format
if argDict is not None and "creationTime" in argDict:
ctime = argDict['creationTime']
ctime = time.time()
if shiftToLocal == 1:
curTime = time.localtime(ctime)
curTime = time.gmtime(ctime)
localTime = time.localtime(ctime)
zoneName = time.strftime("%Z", localTime)
timeStr = time.strftime(format, curTime)
if shiftToLocal == 0:
timeStr = timeStr.replace(zoneName, "GMT")
if stripLeading == 1 and (timeStr[0] == "0" or timeStr[0] == " "):
timeStr = timeStr[1:]
if argDict is None:
language = "english"
language = argDict["language"]
timeStr = self.translateExpr(timeStr, language)
if upperCase == 1:
timeStr = timeStr.upper()
timeStr = timeStr.replace(" ", " ")
return timeStr
def getIssueTime(self, argDict, upperCase=0):
# Return the issue time formatted and translated
# issueRange is set up as the first time range of the
# product.
timeRange = argDict["issueRange"]
timeStr = timeRange.startTime().string()
timeStr = self.translateExpr(timeStr, argDict["language"])
if upperCase == 1:
timeStr = timeStr.upper()
return timeStr
def getWeekday(self, timeRange, holidays=0, shiftToLocal=0,
labelType="Worded", today=0, tomorrow=0, holidayModule="Holidays",
nextDay24HourLabel=0, splitDay24HourLabel=0):
# Check for long time ranges
if timeRange.duration() > 24 * 3600:
# If splitDay24HourLabel is not set, we need to make the
# timeRanges 24 hours long so that getWeekday_descriptor
# will honor the splitDay24HourLabel setting and leave
# weekdays as simply the weekday name e.g.
# Saturday instead of Saturday and Saturday night
if splitDay24HourLabel:
# Make 12-hour start and end timeRanges
durHours1 = 12
durHours2 = 0
# Make 24-hour start and end timeRanges
durHours1 = 24
durHours2 = 12
startTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(timeRange.startTime(),
timeRange.startTime() + (durHours1 * 3600))
endTR = TimeRange.TimeRange(timeRange.endTime() - (12 * 3600),
timeRange.endTime() + (durHours2 * 3600))
startDay = self.getWeekday_descriptor(startTR, holidays, shiftToLocal,
"Combo", today, tomorrow, holidayModule, nextDay24HourLabel)
endDay = self.getWeekday_descriptor(endTR, holidays, shiftToLocal,
"Capital", today, tomorrow, holidayModule, nextDay24HourLabel)
s = startDay + " through " + endDay
return s.upper()
else: # do the normal thing
return self.getWeekday_descriptor(timeRange, holidays, shiftToLocal,
labelType, today, tomorrow, holidayModule,
nextDay24HourLabel, splitDay24HourLabel)
def getWeekday_descriptor(self, timeRange, holidays=0, shiftToLocal=0,
labelType="Worded", today=0, tomorrow=0,
holidayModule="Holidays", nextDay24HourLabel=0,
# Return a weekday text string
# Arguments:
# timeRange
# holidays : if 1, the holiday file will be consulted
# shiftToLocal : if 1, will shift the given time range to local time
# labelType : See Labels dictionary below for types
# today : if 1, Today, Tonight,
# will be returned instead of corresponding weekday name
# tomorrow: if 1, Tomorrow, Tomorrow Night
# will be returned instead of corresponding weekday name
# holidayModule: file containing holiday dates
# nextDay24HourLabel: if 1, a 24-hour time period starting
# after 1600, will be labeled as the next day.
# This is to accommodate 24 extended periods that go from
# 6pm-6pm.
# splitDay24HourLabel: if 0, a 24-hour period will be labeled with
# simply the weekday name (e.g. Saturday)
# instead of including the day and night periods
# (e.g. Saturday and Saturday night)
# If the time range is for today AND is less than 12 hours,
# we must accurately describe the period.
# At some point, this may need to be coordinated with TextRules
# timePeriod descriptors.
currentLocalTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
if shiftToLocal == 1:
timeRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(timeRange.startTime() + shift,
timeRange.endTime() + shift)
labels = self.Labels()[labelType]
pre = labels["PrePunctuation"]
post = labels["PostPunctuation"]
todayFlag = == timeRange.startTime().day
if self._productIssuance == "Next Day":
todayFlag = + 1 == timeRange.startTime().day
startHour = timeRange.startTime().hour
dayNight = self.getPeriod(timeRange)
durationHours = timeRange.duration() // 3600
if nextDay24HourLabel:
nextDay24Hour = durationHours >= 24 and timeRange.startTime().hour > 16
nextDay24Hour = 0
splitDay24Hour = splitDay24HourLabel and durationHours == 24
# Do not say "Night" if:
# startHour is between midnight self.DAY (e.g. 6 am)
nightTimeFlag = durationHours <= 12 and dayNight == self.NIGHTTIME() \
and startHour > self.DAY()
# Check for holiday
if not splitDay24Hour and not todayFlag and holidays == 1 and \
(dayNight == self.DAYTIME() or dayNight == self.DAYNIGHT()):
if nextDay24Hour == 1:
label = Holidays.getHolidayLabel(timeRange.endTime())
label = Holidays.getHolidayLabel(timeRange.startTime())
if label != "":
if labelType == "CapitalWithPeriod":
label = label.upper()
return pre + label + post
# Check for today or tonight
if today == 1:
if todayFlag:
if dayNight == self.DAYNIGHT():
# Key off of end time
keyRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(
timeRange.endTime() - 3600, timeRange.endTime())
dayNight = self.getPeriod(keyRange)
#if durationHours == 1:
# label = labels["Now"]
if durationHours < 12 and durationHours > 1:
if dayNight == self.DAYTIME():
label = labels["Rest of Today"]
label = labels["Rest of Tonight"]
elif dayNight == self.NIGHTTIME():
label = labels["Tonight"]
label = labels["Today"]
return pre + label + post
# Check for tomorrow or tomorrow night
if tomorrow == 1:
startTime = timeRange.startTime() - 24 * 3600
if ==
if durationHours == 1:
label = timeRange.startTime().string() + ": "
elif nightTimeFlag:
label = labels["Tomorrow"] + " " + labels["Night"]
label = labels["Tomorrow"]
if self._productIssuance == "Next Day":
label = "Tonight"
return pre + label + post
# Week day
weekdayName = labels["Weekday"][timeRange.startTime().weekday()]
if durationHours == 1:
label = self.timeDisplay(timeRange, "Zulu", "", "", "%I %p")
if label[0] == "0":
label = label[1:]
label = label + " " + weekdayName
# Check for Night and Evening
elif nightTimeFlag:
if durationHours <= 6:
label = weekdayName + " " + labels["Evening"]
label = weekdayName + " " + labels["Night"]
elif nextDay24Hour == 1:
# If we have a 24 hour time period starting late in the day,
# use the next day as the label.
label = labels["Weekday"][timeRange.endTime().weekday()]
elif splitDay24Hour:
# See if we are starting with a night or day period
weekNight = weekdayName + " " + labels["Night"]
upper = weekdayName[-1].isupper()
connector = " and "
if startHour < self.NIGHT():
# Monday and Monday Night OR
# Labor Day and Monday Night
weekDayHoliday = self.getHolidayLabel(timeRange.startTime(), holidays)
if weekDayHoliday != "":
weekdayName = weekDayHoliday
label = weekdayName + connector + weekNight
# Sunday Night and Monday OR
# Sunday Night and Labor Day
nextWeekdayName = self.getHolidayLabel(timeRange.endTime(), holidays)
if nextWeekdayName == "":
nextWeekdayName = labels["Weekday"][timeRange.endTime().weekday()]
label = weekNight + connector + nextWeekdayName
if upper:
label = label.upper()
label = weekdayName
# Check for Evening
return pre + label + post
def getHolidayLabel(self, absTime, holidays):
if holidays:
return Holidays.getHolidayLabel(absTime)
return ""
def getPeriodLabel(self, range, currentLocalTime, shift, labelType,
# Do a worded label, e.g. Now, Today, Tonight, Tuesday... etc.
# Compare range (in GMT time) to current local time
label = self.getWeekday(range, holidays, 1, labelType)
return label
def getLocalWeekday(self, timeRange):
return self.getWeekday(timeRange, holidays=1, shiftToLocal=1,
labelType="SimpleWorded", today=1, tomorrow=0)
def getLocalWeekdayName(self, timeRange):
return self.getWeekday(timeRange, holidays=1, shiftToLocal=1,
def Labels(self):
return {
"SimpleWorded": {
"PrePunctuation": "",
"PostPunctuation": "",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sunday",
0 : "Monday",
1 : "Tuesday",
2 : "Wednesday",
3 : "Thursday",
4 : "Friday",
5 : "Saturday"
"Now": "now",
"Tonight": "tonight",
"Rest of Today":"the rest of today",
"Rest of Tonight": "the rest of tonight",
"Night": "night",
"Evening": "evening",
"Afternoon": "this afternoon",
"Worded": {
"PrePunctuation": "",
"PostPunctuation": ": ",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sunday",
0 : "Monday",
1 : "Tuesday",
2 : "Wednesday",
3 : "Thursday",
4 : "Friday",
5 : "Saturday"
"Now": "Now",
"Tonight": "Tonight",
"Rest of Today":"Rest of Today",
"Rest of Tonight": "Rest of Tonight",
"Night": "Night",
"Evening": "Evening",
"Afternoon": "This Afternoon",
"Capital": {
"PrePunctuation": "",
"PostPunctuation": "...",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sunday",
0 : "Monday",
1 : "Tuesday",
2 : "Wednesday",
3 : "Thursday",
4 : "Friday",
5 : "Saturday"
"Now": "Now",
"Tonight": "Tonight",
"Rest of Today":"Rest of Today",
"Rest of Tonight": "Rest of Tonight",
"Night": "Night",
"Evening": "Evening",
"Afternoon": "This Afternoon",
"CapitalWithPeriod": {
"PrePunctuation": ".",
"PostPunctuation": "...",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "SUNDAY",
0 : "MONDAY",
1 : "TUESDAY",
4 : "FRIDAY",
"Now": "NOW",
"Tonight": "TONIGHT",
"Rest of Today":"REST OF TODAY",
"Rest of Tonight": "REST OF TONIGHT",
"Night": "NIGHT",
"Evening": "EVENING",
"Afternoon": "THIS AFTERNOON",
"Abbreviated": {
"PrePunctuation": "",
"PostPunctuation": "",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sun",
0 : "Mon",
1 : "Tue",
2 : "Wed",
3 : "Thu",
4 : "Fri",
5 : "Sat"
"Now": "now",
"Tonight": "tonight",
"Rest of Today":"rest of today",
"Rest of Tonight": "rest of tonight",
"Night": "night",
"Evening": "evening",
"Afternoon": "this afternoon",
"CapsAbbreviated": {
"PrePunctuation": "",
"PostPunctuation": "",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sun",
0 : "Mon",
1 : "Tue",
2 : "Wed",
3 : "Thu",
4 : "Fri",
5 : "Sat"
"Now": "Now",
"Tonight": "Tonight",
"Rest of Today":"Rest of today",
"Rest of Tonight": "Rest of tonight",
"Night": "Night",
"Evening": "Evening",
"Afternoon": "This afternoon",
"Combo": {
"PrePunctuation": ".",
"PostPunctuation": "",
"Weekday" : {
6 : "Sunday",
0 : "Monday",
1 : "Tuesday",
2 : "Wednesday",
3 : "Thursday",
4 : "Friday",
5 : "Saturday"
"Now": "Now",
"Tonight": "Tonight",
"Rest of Today":"Rest of Today",
"Rest of Tonight": "Rest of Tonight",
"Night": "Night",
"Evening": "Evening",
"Afternoon": "This Afternoon",
def timePeriod_descriptor_list(self, tree, node):
# Contains definition for localtime start/end times and phrase
# Tuples, 0=startHrLT, 1=endHrLT, 2=phrase
day = self.DAY()
return [
(day, (day + 3) % 24, "early in the morning"), # 6a-9a
(day, (day + 6) % 24, "in the morning"), # 6a-noon
(day, (day + 9) % 24, "until late afternoon"), # 6a-3p
(day, (day + 12) % 24, ""), # 6a-6p
(day, (day + 15) % 24, "until early evening"), # 6a-9p
(day, (day + 18) % 24, "through the evening"), # 6a-midnite
((day + 2) % 24, (day + 3) % 24, "early in the morning"), # 8a-9a
((day + 3) % 24, (day + 6) % 24, "late in the morning"), # 9a-noon
((day + 3) % 24, (day + 9) % 24, "in the late morning and early afternoon"), # 9a-3p
((day + 3) % 24, (day + 12) % 24, "in the late morning and afternoon"), # 9a-6p
((day + 3) % 24, (day + 15) % 24, "until early evening"), # 9a-9p
((day + 3) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "through the evening"), # 9a-midnite
((day + 5) % 24, (day + 6) % 24, "late in the morning"), # 11a-noon
((day + 6) % 24, (day + 9) % 24, "early in the afternoon"), # noon-3p
((day + 6) % 24, (day + 12) % 24, "in the afternoon"), # noon-6p
((day + 6) % 24, (day + 15) % 24, "in the afternoon and evening"),# noon-9p
((day + 6) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "in the afternoon and evening"),# noon-midnite
((day + 8) % 24, (day + 9) % 24, "early in the afternoon"), # 2pm-3pm
((day + 9) % 24, (day + 12) % 24, self.lateDay_descriptor), # 3p-6p
((day + 9) % 24, (day + 15) % 24, "early in the evening"), # 3p-9p
((day + 9) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "in the evening"), # 3p-midnite
((day + 9) % 24, (day + 21) % 24, "until early morning"), # 3p-3a
((day + 9) % 24, day, ""), # 3p-6a
((day + 11) % 24, (day + 12) % 24, self.lateDay_descriptor), # 5p-6p
((day + 12) % 24, (day + 15) % 24, "early in the evening"), # 6p-9p
((day + 12) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "in the evening"), # 6p-midnite
((day + 12) % 24, (day + 21) % 24, "until early morning"), # 6p-3a
((day + 12) % 24, day, ""), # 6p-6a
((day + 14) % 24, (day + 15) % 24, "early in the evening"), # 8p-9p
((day + 15) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "late in the evening"), # 9p-midnite
((day + 15) % 24, (day + 21) % 24, "in the late evening and early morning"),# 9p-3a
((day + 15) % 24, day, "in the late evening and overnight"), # 9p-6a
((day + 17) % 24, (day + 18) % 24, "late in the evening"), # 11p-midnight
((day + 18) % 24, (day + 21) % 24, "after midnight"), # midnite-3a
((day + 18) % 24, day, "after midnight"), # midnite-6a
((day + 18) % 24, (day + 6) % 24, ""), # midnite-noon
((day + 20) % 24, (day + 21) % 24, "after midnight"), # 2a-3a
((day + 21) % 24, day, self.lateNight_descriptor), # 3a-6a
((day + 21) % 24, (day + 3) % 24, "early in the morning"), # 3a-9a
((day + 21) % 24, (day + 6) % 24, "early in the morning"), # 3a-noon
((day + 21) % 24, (day + 9) % 24, "until afternoon"), # 3a-3p
((day + 21) % 24, (day + 12) % 24, ""), # 3a-6p
((day + 23) % 24, (day) % 24, self.lateNight_descriptor), # 5a-6a
def lateDay_descriptor(self, tree, node, timeRange):
return "late in the afternoon"
def lateNight_descriptor(self, tree, node, timeRange):
return "early in the morning"
def include_timePeriod_descriptor_flag(
self, tree, node, statsByRange, index, element):
# For "range" phrases, tells whether or not to include the time_descriptor
# i.e "North winds 10-15 knots becoming 20-30 knots in the afternoon."
# "index" tells which sub-phrase of the phrase we're qualifying, and the default
# is to qualify every other sub-phrase.
# Default only applies to Wind and reports "every other" sub-phrase
if element != "Wind":
return 1
flag = 0
odd = len(statsByRange) % 2
# If there is an odd number of sub-phrases,
# report on 1st sub-phrase and then every other one
if odd == 1:
if index % 2 == 0:
flag = 1
# If there is an even number of sub-phrases,
# report on 2nd sub-phrase and then every other one
elif index % 2 == 1:
flag = 1
return flag
# Time period Table Access
def timePeriod_descriptor(self, tree, node, timeRange):
# Returns a descriptor phrase for the time range.
# Assumes the timeRange is in GMT and converts it to Local time.
# more than 12 hours, return empty string
if timeRange.duration() > 12 * 3600:
return ""
if timeRange == node.getTimeRange():
return ""
# determine the local time
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
periodStart = timeRange.startTime() + shift
periodEnd = timeRange.endTime() + shift
startHour = periodStart.hour
endHour = periodEnd.hour
# get the table
table = self.timePeriod_descriptor_list(tree, node)
# look for the best match entry, start with the startTime match
bestIndexes = []
bestTime = 9999
for i in range(len(table)):
diff = self.hourDiff(startHour, table[i][0])
if diff < bestTime:
bestTime = diff
for i in range(len(table)):
diff = self.hourDiff(startHour, table[i][0])
if diff == bestTime:
# if nothing found, return "" string
if len(bestIndexes) == 0:
return ""
# now find the best match for the ending time, from the ones earlier
bestTime = 9999
returnValue = ''
for i in range(len(bestIndexes)):
diff = self.hourDiff(endHour, bestIndexes[i][1])
if diff < bestTime:
returnValue = bestIndexes[i][2]
bestTime = diff
if type(returnValue) is types.MethodType:
return returnValue(tree, node, timeRange)
return returnValue
def hourDiff(self, h1, h2):
# returns the number of hours difference
h = abs(h1 - h2)
if h > 12:
h = 24 - h
return h
def dayDict(self):
return {0:"SUN", 1:"MON", 2:"TUE", 3:"WED", 4:"THU", 5:"FRI", 6:"SAT"}
def monthDict(self):
return {1:"JAN", 2:"FEB", 3:"MAR", 4:"APR", 5:"MAY", 6:"JUN",
7:"JUL", 8:"AUG", 9:"SEP", 10:"OCT", 11:"NOV", 12:"DEC"}
def monthDict1(self):
return {1:"Jan", 2:"Feb", 3:"Mar", 4:"Apr", 5:"May", 6:"Jun", 7:"Jul",
8:"Aug", 9:"Sep", 10:"Oct", 11:"Nov", 12:"Dec"}
# Methods for formatting TimeRange labels
def timeRangeLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return the label for the given time range
start = timeRange.startTime()
end = timeRange.endTime()
return start.string() + " - " + end.string()
def hourAmPm(self, hour):
# Given a military time hour, return
# Non-military time plus AM or PM
if hour == 0:
hour = 12
ampm = " AM"
elif hour == 12:
ampm = " PM"
elif hour < 12:
ampm = " AM"
hour = hour - 12
ampm = " PM"
return hour, ampm
def periodLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return the label for the given time range
start = timeRange.startTime()
hourStr = repr(start.hour) + "Z/" + repr(
return hourStr
def localTimeRangeLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return the label for the given time range
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
localStart = timeRange.startTime() + shift
localEnd = timeRange.endTime() + shift
localRange = TimeRange.TimeRange(localStart, localEnd)
# Determine name of time zone (e.g. MST, MDT...)
localTime = time.localtime(time.time())
zoneName = time.strftime("%Z", localTime)
# Create label
localStr = self.timeRangeLabel(localRange)
localStr = localStr.replace("GMT", zoneName)
return localStr
def localOneHourTRLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return label in form: Month Day, Year hour - hour
# E.g. Sept 30, 2000 1 AM - 2 AM
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
start = timeRange.startTime() + shift
localTime = time.localtime(time.time())
zoneName = time.strftime("%Z", localTime)
monthDict = self.monthDict()
s = monthDict[start.month] + " " + repr( + ", " + repr(start.year)
hour1, ampm1 = self.hourAmPm(start.hour)
hour2, ampm2 = self.hourAmPm(start.hour + 1)
return s + " " + repr(hour1) + ampm1 + " " + zoneName + " - " + \
repr(hour2) + ampm2 + " " + zoneName
def localTRLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return label in form
# E.g. Sept 30, 1 AM MST TO Oct 1, 2 AM MST
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
start = timeRange.startTime() + shift
end = timeRange.endTime() + shift
localTime = time.localtime(time.time())
zoneName = time.strftime("%Z", localTime)
hour1, ampm1 = self.hourAmPm(start.hour)
hour2, ampm2 = self.hourAmPm(end.hour)
monthDict1 = self.monthDict1()
str1 = repr(hour1) + ampm1 + " " + zoneName + " " + monthDict1[start.month] + " " + repr(
str2 = repr(hour2) + ampm2 + " " + zoneName + " " + monthDict1[end.month] + " " + repr(
return str1 + " TO " + str2
def localPeriodLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return the label for the given time range
# Adjust time from GMT to local
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
start = timeRange.startTime() + shift
# Determine name of time zone (e.g. MST, MDT...)
localTime = time.localtime(time.time())
zoneName = time.strftime("%Z", localTime)
# Create label
hourStr = repr(start.hour) + " " + zoneName + "/" + repr(
return hourStr
def localTimeLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return a label of length 6 the form: hour AM/PM
# E.g. 5 PM
return self.localHourLabel(timeRange.startTime(), 6)
def localRangeLabel(self, timeRange):
# Return label of range: 5AM-6PM
label1 = self.localHourLabel(timeRange.startTime(), 4)
label2 = self.localHourLabel(timeRange.endTime(), 4)
s = label1 + "-" + label2
return s.replace(" ", "")
def localHourLabel(self, absTime, length=6):
# Convert from gmt to local time
localTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
start = absTime + shift
hour = start.hour
hour, ampm = self.hourAmPm(hour)
label = repr(hour) + ampm
return label.rjust(length)
def strToGMT(self, timeStr):
# Convert a time str in the form of local time
# hours and minutes to a GMT AbsTime for the current day.
# The time string must be 6 or 7 characters long
# E.g. "1030 AM"
# "800 PM"
# Get the hour and minutes
length = len(timeStr)
amPm = timeStr[length - 2:length]
minutes = timeStr[length - 5:length - 3]
minutes = int(minutes)
if length > 6:
hour = timeStr[0:2]
hour = timeStr[0]
hour = int(hour)
if hour == 12:
if amPm == "AM":
hour = 0
if amPm == "PM":
hour = hour + 12
# Make a local AbsTime
curLocalTime, shift = self.determineTimeShift()
newTime = AbsTime.absTimeYMD(curLocalTime.year, curLocalTime.month,, hour, minutes)
# Convert to GMT
return newTime - shift