771 lines
29 KiB
771 lines
29 KiB
# LocalEffect_Overides.py: GFE TextUtility that provides a different way to produce local effects
# in text products. This code will determine the most "positive" and most "negative" local
# effects from the "prevailing" condition across an area. Multiple local effects can be reported
# in the case of a tie.
# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
# ------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
# Mar 15, 2020 DCS21339 M. Belk Initial addition of NFTF LocalEffect_Overides module
# to baseline
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
This module provides a different way to produce local effects in text products. Rather than
reporting just the first local effect found, this code will determine the most "positive" and
most "negative" local effects from the "prevailing" condition across an area. Multiple local
effects can be reported in the case of a tie for the extreme values.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function
import numbers
# The minimum contents of this file are the above Definition = {} line
# plus following class definition and the __init__ method with only
# the "pass" line in it.
class LocalEffect_Overrides:
def __init__(self):
# It is helpful to put a debug statement at the beginning of each
# method to help with troubleshooting.
# def _method(self):
# self.debug_print("Debug: _method in LocalEffect_Overrides")
# Define methods to define local-effect edit areas
def _sampleEffectList(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _sampleEffectList.
Added to specify all possible local-effect edit areas via a list.
This list is passed to the sampler at the same time.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _sampleEffectList")
# return ["BOS_Metro", "BOS_NWdistSuburbs", "BOS_NorthShore",
# "PVD_Metro", "PVD_NWSuburbs", "Radiators"]
return []
def _localEffectDescriptionDict(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectDescriptionDict.
Added to specify names for all possible local-effect areas. Keys are
edit area names defined in the _sampleEffectList. Values are the
description which should appear in the forecast text.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectDescriptionDict")
# curDict = {
# "BOS_Metro": "in the Boston metro area",
# "BOS_NWdistSuburbs": "across the suburbs north and west of Boston",
# "BOS_NorthShore": "across the North Shore",
# "PVD_Metro": "in the Providence metro area",
# "PVD_NWSuburbs": "across northwest RI and far northeast CT",
# "Radiators": "in the normally colder locations",
# }
# Define names for each of these local effect areas
curDict = {}
# Return completed dictionary
return curDict
def _localEffectsFilterByBaseAreaDict(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectsFilterByBaseAreaDict.
Added to limit local-effects to be searched for a base edit area.
Keys are the base edit area identifiers with values being a list of
local-effect edit area names. Only the local-effect edit areas so
listed can be reported for that base edit area. If a specific list
is not defined for a base edit area, all possbile sampled local-
effects will be searched instead.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectsFilterByBaseAreaDict")
# # Blue Hill, MA
# curDict["BOS"] = ["BOS_Metro", "BOS_NWdistSuburbs", "BOS_NorthShore", "Radiators"]
# # Johnston, RI
# curDict["PVD"] = ["PVD_Metro", "PVD_NWSuburbs", "Radiators"]
# # Cape Cod
# curDict["MAZ022"] = ["Outer_Cape"]
# Now make lists of edit areas to use for each transmitter
curDict = {}
# Return completed dictionary
return curDict
def _localEffectsFilterByFieldDict(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectFilterByFieldDict.
Added to limit local-effects to be searched by forecast field.
Keys are edit area names and the value is a list of fields permitted
to use this edit area. By default, all edit areas can be used by all
forecast fields.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectsFilterByFieldDict")
# Radiators - only makes sense to use on radiational cooling nights
# curDict["Radiators"] = ["MinT"]
# Now make lists of edit areas to use for each forecast element
curDict = {}
# Return completed dictionary
return curDict
def _localEffectConflictDict(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectConflictDict.
Added to define local-effects which should not be permitted to be
reported simultaneously. For example, if reporting a local-effect at
elevations above 1000 ft, it would not make much sense to also report
a local-effect for elevations above 500 ft. Keys are local-effect
edit area names and the value is a list of local-effect edit area
names to be removed if also present.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectConflictDict")
# Topo local-effects
# curDict["Topo_1000_plus"] = ["Topo_500_plus"]
# Now make lists of edit areas to use for each forecast element
curDict = {}
# Return completed dictionary
return curDict
def _intersectEffectList(self):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _intersectEffectList.
Added to specify all local-effect edit areas which should be
intersected with the primary edit area, possibly reducing the spatial
coverage of the local-effect area. In general, this should
match the list used in the _sampleEffectList method.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _intersectEffectList")
# return ["BOS_Metro", "BOS_NWdistSuburbs", "BOS_NorthShore", "Radiators"]
return []
# Define method to define local-effect thresholds by field
def _localEffectThresholdDict(self, key=None):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectThresholdDict.
Added to define thresholds for local-effects by field name. This
threshold can be either a numeric value or a method name. If the
requested field key does not have a defined threshold, a value is
returned to make it nearly impossible to get a local-effect for
that field.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectThresholdDict")
curDict = {
"MaxT": 3.5,
"MinT": 3.5,
"SnowAmt": 2.0,
"StormTotalSnow": 2.0,
"PoP": 40.0,
"Sky": 25.0,
"Wind": 15.0,
"Wx": self._wxLocalEffects,
if key in curDict:
return curDict[key]
return 1000 # make it nearly impossible to succeed
# Define method to limit local-effects by primary sample area
def _getBaseAreaFilteredEffectList(self, tree):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getBaseAreaFilteredEffectList.
Added to limit local-effects which can be used with a specific base
edit area. If no list is defined for a particular base edit area,
then all local-effects sampled will be evaluated. The edit area name
of the primary edit area should be a key of the
_localEffectsByBaseAreaDict dictionary.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getBaseAreaFilteredEffectList")
# Force use of all sampled local-effect areas by default
baseArea = None
# Here is an example of specifying multiple base edit areas, taken
# from the WFO BOX ZFP SAF.
# # If this is the Blue Hill, MA transmitter
# if self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_BOS"]):
# baseArea = "BOS"
# # If this is the Johnston, RI transmitter
# elif self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_PVD"]):
# baseArea = "PVD"
# # If this is the Somers, CT transmitter
# elif self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_BDL"]):
# baseArea = "BDL"
# # If this is the Paxton, MA transmitter
# elif self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_ORH"]):
# baseArea = "ORH"
# # If this is the Peterborough, NH transmitter
# elif self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_PACK"]):
# baseArea = "PAC"
# # If this is the Camp Edwards, MA transmitter
# elif self.currentAreaContains(tree, ["SAFZFP_HYA"]):
# baseArea = "HYA"
# If we have a defined base edit area, and a defined local-effect list
# for it
if baseArea and baseArea in self._localEffectsFilterByBaseAreaDict():
# Limit the list of local-effects to examine
return self._localEffectsFilterByBaseAreaDict()[baseArea]
# Otherwise, use the entire sampled local-effect list
return self._sampleEffectList()
# Define method to limit local-effects by field
def _getFieldFilteredEffectList(self, effectList=[], fieldName=None):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getFieldFilteredEffectList.
Added to limit local-effects by forecast field. This method will
remove local-effect areas from further consideration if they are not
permitted for specific forecast fields. The details are handled in
the _localEffectsFilterByFieldDict method.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getFieldFilteredEffectList")
# Get ready to make a new list
newList = []
# Examine each local-effect edit area we have so far
for effect in effectList:
# Display some debug info if flag is set
self.debug_print("current local effect = '%s'" % (effect))
# If this edit area may be restricted
if effect in self._localEffectsFilterByFieldDict():
# Display some debug info if flag is set
"\tCan only be reported for -> %s"
% (repr(self._localEffectsFilterByFieldDict()[effect])),
# If this forecast element should not use this area
if fieldName not in self._localEffectsFilterByFieldDict()[effect]:
# Display a debug message if flag is set
self.debug_print("%s removed for -> %s" % (effect, fieldName), 1)
# Move on to next local effect area
# Add this local-effect are to the new list
# Return the filtered list
return newList
# Define method to retrieve local-effect statistics for any field
def _getFieldValue(self, tree, fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getFieldValue.
Added to retrieve the field value for the specified area name. This
method assumes the statistics in the ER ZFP and CWF are being used.
If this is not the case, this method may need to be modified.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _getFieldValue")
# Do not report valid data by default
stats = None
value = None
# If this is a MaxT or MinT local-effect
if fieldName in ["MaxT", "MinT"]:
# Get stats for comparison
stats = tree.stats.get(fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel)
# Otherwise, if this is snow accumulation local-effect
elif fieldName in ["SnowAmt", "StormTotalSnow"]:
# Get stats for comparison
stats = tree.stats.get(fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel)
# print("&" * 80)
# print(fieldName, type(stats), stats)
# If the stats are in a tuple, compute the average accumulation
if stats and isinstance(stats[0][0], tuple):
(minSnow, maxSnow) = stats[0][0]
stats = (minSnow + maxSnow) / 2.0
# Otherwise if this a Wind, Sky or Wx local-effect
elif fieldName in ["Wind", "Sky", "Wx"]:
# Get stats for comparison
stats = tree.stats.get(fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel, mergeMethod="Average")
# Otherwise if this a PoP local-effect
elif fieldName in ["PoP"]:
# Get stats for comparison
stats = tree.stats.get(
fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel, statLabel="stdDevMaxAvg", mergeMethod="Max"
# If this is a wave height local-effect
elif fieldName in ["WaveHeight"]:
# Get stats for comparison
stats = tree.stats.get(
fieldName, timeRange, areaLabel, statLabel="stdDevMinMax", mergeMethod="Max"
# if self._debug:
# print(" %s stats = " % (fieldName), stats)
# If base stats are missing, no point in continuing
if not stats:
return None
# Only keep the wind speed of the wind stats
if fieldName == "Wind":
print(fieldName, type(stats), stats)
value = float(stats[0])
# Set aside the average value of the Sky, max value of PoP or
# WaveHeight, or the average snow accumulation
elif fieldName in ["Sky", "PoP", "WaveHeight", "SnowAmt", "StormTotalSnow"]:
# print("*" * 80)
# print(fieldName, type(stats), stats)
if not stats or stats in ["null"]:
value = 0.0
value = float(stats)
# Set aside the Wx subkeys only, we don"t need the rankings
elif fieldName in ["Wx"]:
value = self.getSubkeys(stats)
# Otherwise, get the value for this element
(value, tr) = stats[0]
value = float(value)
# if self._debug:
# print(" %s value = " % (fieldName), value)
# Return the base stats we found
return value
# Define method to find most significant local-effcts regardless of field
def _findMostSignificantLE(self, tree, node, curArea, leList):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _findMostSignificantLE.
Added to search the specified local-effect areas, and report only
those areas with the most significant deviations from the primary
edit area. Unlike the baseline which returns the first valid local-
effect found, it is possible to get more than one area returned if
there are equal deviations of the same sign, or significant
deviations of opposite signs.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _findMostSignificantLE", 1)
# Define some variables to hold most extreme values
mostPosExtremeList = []
mostPosExtreme = None
mostNegExtremeList = []
mostNegExtreme = None
# Define a list to hold the final local-effect list
finalList = []
# Get name of current element and time range of this node
elementName = node.get("elementName")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
# Get threshold for this element name
threshold = self._localEffectThresholdDict(elementName)
# If this a "Sky" node - set the threshold for the skyPopWx_phrase
if elementName == "Sky":
self._skyLocalEffectThreshold = threshold
# If this a "PoP" node - get the threshold for reportable PoPs
if elementName == "PoP":
popThresh = self.pop_lower_threshold(tree, node)
# print("\n\n" + "_" * 80)
# print(timeRange, elementName)
# Get the base value for this element
baseValue = self._getFieldValue(tree, elementName, timeRange, node.getAreaLabel())
# Display the base value for all comparisons
self.debug_print("%s baseValue = '%s'" % (node.getAreaLabel(), baseValue), 1)
# If we don't have a base value for comparison
if not baseValue:
# Don't report any local effects
return []
# Display current local effect list - if debug flag is set
self.debug_print("#" * 80, 1)
self.debug_print("%s" % (repr(leList)), 1)
# For each local effect in the list
for leName in leList:
# print("*" * 80)
# print("'%s' & '%s'" % (node.getAreaLabel(), leName))
# Get the sample area name of this local-effect
if leName in self._intersectEffectList():
leSampleName = self.getIntersectName(node.getAreaLabel(), leName)
# Otherwise, this must be an additional area
leSampleName = leName
# Try to get the stats using an intersect name
leValue = self._getFieldValue(tree, elementName, timeRange, leSampleName)
# If the local effect value is missing
if not leValue:
# No point in considering this area further
# If this element is not Wx
if elementName not in ["Wx"]:
# print("leValue", type(leValue), leValue)
# print("baseValue", type(baseValue), baseValue)
# Compute differences between this local area and the main (numbers only
if isinstance(leValue, numbers.Number) and isinstance(baseValue, numbers.Number):
diff = leValue - baseValue
# Otherwise, assume no difference
diff = 0.0
absDiff = abs(diff)
# Display local-effect difference - if debug flag is set
self.debug_print("%s\tdiff = %s" % (leSampleName, diff), 1)
# If we met or exceed the local-effect threshold, or this is
# a PoP node and local-effect PoP is reportable but the base
# PoP is not reportable, or this is a snow accumulation local-
# effect with amounts and the base has no accumulation.
if (
absDiff >= threshold
or (elementName == "PoP" and (leValue >= popThresh and baseValue < popThresh))
or (
elementName in ["SnowAmt", "StormTotalSnow"]
and (leValue > 0.0 and baseValue == 0)
# If the difference is positive
if diff > 0:
# If we don't have a positive extreme yet, or current
# extreme is even bigger
if not mostPosExtreme or diff > mostPosExtreme:
# Reset the value and list using current extreme
mostPosExtreme = diff
mostPosExtremeList = [leName]
# If this difference is the same as the current largest
elif diff == mostPosExtreme:
# Add it
# if difference is negative
elif diff < 0:
# If we don't have a negative extreme yet, or current
# extreme is even bigger
if not mostNegExtreme or diff < mostNegExtreme:
# Reset the value and list using current extreme
mostNegExtreme = diff
mostNegExtremeList = [leName]
# If this difference is the same as the current largest
elif diff == mostPosExtreme:
# Add it
# Otherwise, handle Wx local-effects
# Only include those areas which do not exactly match the
# "base" Wx for starters
if leValue != baseValue:
# Add the current area to the list
# Assemble the local effect lists for a final QC
effectList = mostPosExtremeList + mostNegExtremeList
# Display the final local effect list - if debug flag is set
self.debug_print("\n%s effectList = %s\n" % (elementName, effectList), 1)
# For each local effect we found
for effectName in effectList:
# If this edit area has a defined name
if effectName in self._localEffectDescriptionDict():
# See if we should intersect this area or not
if effectName in self._intersectEffectList():
intersect = 1
intersect = 0
# Define current local effect where it intersects current area
leArea = self.LocalEffectArea(
# Add this local effect to the list
# Determine where to include the current transmitter area in the
# local-effects list
finalList = self._localEffectOrder(
elementName, curArea, baseValue, mostPosExtreme, mostNegExtreme, finalList
# Return the local-effects we found
return finalList
# Define method to sort local-effects for reporting
def _localEffectOrder(
self, fieldName, curArea, baseValue, mostPosExtreme, mostNegExtreme, finalList
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectOrder.
Added to sort local-effects with respect to base edit area and
forecast field within a given phrase.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _localEffectOrder")
# If this is a PoP node
if fieldName == "PoP":
# Place the highest PoP local-effect area first
if mostPosExtreme and mostPosExtreme > baseValue:
return finalList + [curArea]
elif mostNegExtreme and mostNegExtreme < baseValue:
return [curArea] + finalList
# If we made it this far, place the base edit area first
return [curArea] + finalList
# Define method to remove potential local-effects conflicts
def _removeLEConflicts(self, leList):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _removeLEConflicts.
Added to remove potential local-effect conflicts.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _removeLEConflicts")
# Get the dictionary of potential local-effect conflicts
curDict = self._localEffectConflictDict()
# See if there are any local effects we need to check for conflicts
checkList = [i for i in leList if i in curDict]
# If there are no items to check - keep all the local-effects we have
if not checkList:
return leList
# Remove any conflicting local effects
for effect in checkList:
filterList = [i for i in leList if i not in curDict[effect]]
# print("remove leList = ", leList)
# Return the filtered local-effect list
return filterList
# Define method to manage reporting of local-effcts regardless of field
def _reportLocalEffects(self, tree, node):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _reportLocalEffects.
Generic method used to report local-effects. Local-effects can be
limited by a base edit area as well as by forecast field.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _reportLocalEffects")
# Define the primary sampling edit area
curArea = self.LocalEffectArea("__Current__", "", intersectFlag=0)
# Get name of current element and time range of this node
elementName = node.get("elementName")
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
# Get the local-effect threshold for this element
threshold = self._localEffectThresholdDict(elementName)
# print("%s threshold = %s" % (elementName, threshold))
# Limit possible local-effects by transmitter
effectAreaList = self._getBaseAreaFilteredEffectList(tree)
# print('-'*80)
# print("BaseArea")
# print(effectAreaList)
# Limit possible local-effects by element
effectAreaList = self._getFieldFilteredEffectList(effectAreaList, elementName)
# print('-'*80)
# print("Element")
# print(effectAreaList)
# Find the local effects with the most extreme deviation on either
# side of the "dominant" forecast
effectAreaList = self._findMostSignificantLE(tree, node, curArea, effectAreaList)
# Ensure there are no local-effect conflicts which may make for a
# confusing forecast
effectAreaList = self._removeLEConflicts(effectAreaList)
# If the final local effect list is empty
if not effectAreaList:
# Do not report any local-effects
return []
# If we made is this far, return the local-effects we found
return [self.LocalEffect(effectAreaList, threshold, ", except ")]
# Define method additions intended to simplify implementing local-effects
def _wxLocalEffects(self, tree, node, localEffect, leArea1Label, leArea2Label):
"""LocalEffect_Overrides addition of _wxLocalEffects.
Added to determine if there are any weather local-effects using the
stand-alone weather_phrase.
self.debug_print("\tLocalEffect_Overrides addition of _wxLocalEffects")
# Get the time range of this node
timeRange = node.getTimeRange()
# Get the Wx data for each local-effect area being compared
wxStats1 = tree.stats.get("Wx", timeRange, leArea1Label, mergeMethod="Average")
wxStats2 = tree.stats.get("Wx", timeRange, leArea2Label, mergeMethod="Average")
# See if these Wx data are similar enough to be combined
wxDiff = self.checkWeatherSimilarity(
tree, node, wxStats1, wxStats2, al1=leArea1Label, al2=leArea2Label
# Display some debug information - if the debug flag is set
self.debug_print("wxDiff = %d" % (wxDiff), 1)
# If these Wx data are similar enough
if not wxDiff:
return 1 # Indicate these areas should be combined
return 0 # Indicate these areas should NOT be combined