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# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
# support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
# any purpose.
# Show_ISC_Grid - Version 3.04 (Tim Barker - SOO Boise, ID)
# Creates a discrepancy grid with the gridpoints inside your CWA set to
# the difference between it and its neighbor. When their are two
# neighbors (i.e., when your border has a corner) it sets the difference
# to the one with the largest magnitude. For vector elements only the
# magnitude differences are shown - not the direction differences.
# Positive discrepancies mean your gridpoint is above the neighbor,
# negative discrepancies mean your gridpoint is below the neighbor
# Configuration of maskNonViolators allows the grid to only display
# values in gridpoints that violate the NDFD criteria for that pair.
# Author: hansen
# 2006-01-23 - Barker - Version 3.04. Added thresholds for more parameters
# 2006-01-19 - Barker - Version 3.03. Fixed another problm in ISC_Utility
# for non-square GFE domains.
# 2006-01-17 - Barker - Version 3.02. Fixed problem in ISC_Utility for
# non-square GFE domains.
# 2006-01-13 - Barker - Version 3.01. Changed for new NDFD algorithm.
# Thresholds now vary at each gridpoint - overall average
# difference along border must be less than average threshold
# along that border (a much better algorithm!). All
# calculations done in ISC Utility routine.
# 2005-03-30 Barker - added code to remove values where they are smaller
# than the threshold.
# 2004-11-17 Mathewson - baselined by FSL
# 2004-10-31 - Version 2.4. Remove by-length calculations. Fix error in
# sky threshold. Fix Status Bar messages for IFPS 16. Fix
# accumulative elements.
# 2004-10-12 - Version 2.3. Remove restriction that ISC grids must be
# displayed (not needed in IFPS 15 or 16). Cuts down on number
# of cached grids it stores and increases time between
# recomputes of cached grids
# 2004-09-30 - Version 2.2. Changes to ISC_Utility_Local for handling
# specified edit areas (which can include marine) rather than
# edit areas based only on CWA name. Thresholds changed
# extensively to add thresholds based on grid values. Code
# to eliminate border pairs with large elevation differences
# changed to more reasonable code, since NDFD fixed their code.
# 2004-09-05 - Version 2.1. Changes to ISC_Utility_Local for handling
# areas where no neighbor exists.
# 2004-09-05 - Version 2.01 - clip the values so that it is guaranteed to
# fit within the discrepancy grid limits. This shouldn't
# be necessary but did it to be sure.
# 2004-08-15 - Version 2.0 - Just gives the grid of the max difference
# for any point inside the CWA that has neighbors outside the
# CWA.
# 2004-06-20 - Version 1.1 - Modified to use modified ISC_Utility_Local
# routines to give discrepancies identical (close) to NDFD.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version
# of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E C T I O N
maskNonViolators = 0 # 0 to show all differences, 1 to show only 'violators'
# Rest of Configuration in ISC_Utility
# E N D C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E C T I O N
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ToolType = "numeric"
WeatherElementEdited = "None"
ScreenList = ["SCALAR", "VECTOR"]
import numpy
import ISC_Utility_Local, GridInfo
import SmartScript
GridType = ISC_Utility_Local.ISC_Utility.GridType
class Tool (SmartScript.SmartScript):
def __init__(self, dbss):
self._dbss = dbss
SmartScript.SmartScript.__init__(self, dbss)
def preProcessTool(self, WEname):
self._utility = ISC_Utility_Local.ISC_Utility_Local(self._dbss, None)
def execute(self, WEname, variableElement_GridInfo, GridTimeRange):
"Make a grid of ISC discrepancies"
variableElement_GridInfo = GridInfo.GridInfo(gridParmInfo=variableElement_GridInfo)
wxtype = variableElement_GridInfo.type()
# Get grid with the maximum discrepancy with neighboring points
diffGrid = self._utility._getDiffGrid(WEname, GridTimeRange,
vectordir=0, maskNonViolators=maskNonViolators)
if diffGrid is None:
self.statusBarMsg("No ISC data for %s" % WEname, "A")
# Find max absolute discrepancy on grid
minVal = numpy.minimum.reduce(numpy.minimum.reduce(diffGrid))
maxVal = numpy.maximum.reduce(numpy.maximum.reduce(diffGrid))
maxVal = max(abs(minVal), abs(maxVal))
minVal = - maxVal
if maxVal - minVal == 0:
minVal -= 1
maxVal += 1
minVal = float(minVal)
maxVal = float(maxVal)
# get the parms max/min allowable values
parmRange = variableElement_GridInfo.maxLimit() - \
# clip the values
diffGrid = numpy.clip(diffGrid, - parmRange, parmRange)
# create the discrepancy grid
newname = WEname
if GridType.VECTOR.equals(wxtype):
newname = WEname + "Spd"
self.createGrid("ISCDisc", newname, "SCALAR", diffGrid,
GridTimeRange, descriptiveName=WEname + "Disc",
rateParm=0, precision=variableElement_GridInfo.precision(),
minAllowedValue= - parmRange,
# Set up the active grid with Discrepancy color table
self.setActiveElement("ISCDisc", newname, "SFC", GridTimeRange,
minMax=(- maxVal, maxVal))
# If a vector - then create another grid with the vector difference
if GridType.SCALAR.equals(wxtype):
# Get grid with the maximum discrepancy with neighboring points
diffGrid = self._utility._getDiffGrid(WEname, GridTimeRange,
vectordir=1, maskNonViolators=maskNonViolators)
# Find max absolute discrepancy on grid
minVal = numpy.minimum.reduce(numpy.minimum.reduce(diffGrid))
maxVal = numpy.maximum.reduce(numpy.maximum.reduce(diffGrid))
maxVal = max(abs(minVal), abs(maxVal))
minVal = - maxVal
if ((maxVal - minVal) == 0):
minVal -= 1
maxVal += 1
minVal = float(minVal)
maxVal = float(maxVal)
# get the parms max/min allowable values
parmRange = variableElement_GridInfo.maxLimit() - \
# clip the values
diffGrid = numpy.clip(diffGrid, - 180.0, 180.0)
# create the discrepancy grid
newname = WEname + "Direc"
self.createGrid("ISCDisc", newname, "SCALAR", diffGrid,
GridTimeRange, descriptiveName=WEname + "Disc",
rateParm=0, precision=variableElement_GridInfo.precision(),
minAllowedValue= - 180.0,
# Set up the active grid with Discrepancy color table
self.setActiveElement("ISCDisc", newname, "SFC", GridTimeRange,
minMax=(- maxVal, maxVal))