] [formerly9f19e3f712
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:8e80217e59
173 lines
5.8 KiB
173 lines
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* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, An Unpublished Work
* If the end user is not the U.S. Government or any agency thereof, use
* or disclosure of data contained in this source code file is subject to
* the proprietary restrictions set forth in the Master Rights File.
* If the end user is the U.S. Government or any agency thereof, this source
* code is provided to the U.S. Government with Government Purpose Rights.
* Use or disclosure of data contained in this source code file is subject to
* the "Government Purpose Rights" restriction in the Master Rights File.
* Use or disclosure of data contained in this source code file is subject to
* the export restrictions set forth in the Master Rights File.
* Point data request capability header file to retrieve point data
* from EDEX Thrift service.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 11/30/10 4463 bfarmer Initial Creation
* </pre>
* @author brockwoo
* @version 1
typedef void CGridDataRequest;
typedef void CGribThriftContainer;
typedef void CGribThriftRecord;
#define STRING 1
#define INT 2
#define LONG 3
#define FLOAT 4
#define MISSING 5
#define INTMISSING -9999999
#define LONGMISSING -9999999
#define FLOATMISSING -9999999.0f
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "Notification_types.h"
#include "NotificationProtocol.h"
#include "transport/THttpClient.h"
#include "GridDataRequestMessage_types.h"
#include "GribThriftContainer_types.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
using apache::thrift::transport::THttpClient;
using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using namespace std;
class GridDataRequest {
com_raytheon_uf_common_dataplugin_grib_request_GridDataRequestMessage gdrm;
string hostname;
int port;
com_raytheon_uf_common_dataplugin_grib_GribThriftContainer retval;
GridDataRequest(const string& host, int port = 9581);
void setForecastTime(int fct);
void setLevelOne(double lo);
void setLevelTwo(double lt);
void setLevelType(string lType);
void setModelName(string mName);
void setParameterAbbreviation(string pAbbr);
void setPert(int pert);
void setStartTime(int sTime);
void setVersion(int version);
int getforecastTime();
double getLevelOne();
double getLevelTwo();
string getLevelType();
string getModelName();
string getParameterAbbreviation();
int getPert();
int getStartTime();
int getVersion();
com_raytheon_uf_common_dataplugin_grib_GribThriftContainer * getReturns();
// Request Data
int requestData();
int testFromFile();
extern "C" {
// The following function calls are to be used on the C side
* Creates an instance of the grid data request object and passes that pointer
* back to the C application. This pointer will be required in any
* subsequent function calls. host is the
* name of the machine running edex, port should be the port of the thrift service
* on EDEX (typically 9581). Will delete an existing pointer in order to make
* the new object.
extern CGridDataRequest * get_gdr_instance(char * host, int port);
* Must be called to delete the instance of the grid data request object.
extern void delete_gdr_instance(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern void gdr_set_forecasttime(CGridDataRequest * gdr, int fct);
extern void gdr_set_levelone(CGridDataRequest * gdr, double lo);
extern void gdr_set_leveltwo(CGridDataRequest * gdr, double lt);
extern void gdr_set_leveltype(CGridDataRequest * gdr, char* lType);
extern void gdr_set_modelname(CGridDataRequest * gdr, char* mName);
extern void gdr_set_parameterabbreviation(CGridDataRequest * gdr, char* pAbbr);
extern void gdr_set_pert(CGridDataRequest * gdr, int pert);
extern void gdr_set_starttime(CGridDataRequest * gdr, int sTime);
extern void gdr_set_version(CGridDataRequest * gdr, int version);
extern int gdr_get_forecasttime(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern double gdr_get_levelone(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern double gdr_get_leveltwo(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern const char* gdr_get_leveltype(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern const char* gdr_get_modelname(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern const char* gdr_get_parameterabbreviation(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern int gdr_get_pert(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern int gdr_get_starttime(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern int gdr_get_version(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
// Request Data
extern int gdr_request_data(CGridDataRequest * gdr);
extern CGribThriftContainer * gdr_get_results(CGridDataRequest * cgdr);
extern int gtc_get_num_records(CGribThriftContainer * cgtc);
extern CGribThriftRecord * gtc_get_record_at_index(CGribThriftContainer * cgtc, int index);
extern int gtr_is_hybrid_grid(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern int gtr_is_local_section(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern int gtr_is_thinned_grid(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern int gtr_get_localsectiondata_max(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern int gtr_get_localsectiondata_at_index(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr, int index);
extern int gtr_get_thinnedgriddata_max(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern int gtr_get_thinnedgriddata_at_index(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr, int index);
extern int gtr_get_data_max(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern float gtr_get_data_at_index(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr, int index);
extern int gtr_get_hybridgriddata_max(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr);
extern float gtr_get_hybridgriddata_at_index(CGribThriftRecord * cgtr, int index);
#ifdef __cplusplus