Roger Ferrel 7427aeaf29 Issue #181
Changes from January ncep_cave

Former-commit-id: 6a878c3c5f400c53d39d7920c0619362aaafb946
2012-01-26 09:26:07 -06:00

242 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file

/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* DOS Video Graphics Routines (Part #2) */
/* These are the routines that set up the VIDEO environment */
/* in DOS and provide a workplace for SHARP. */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* List of Routines in this module: */
/* */
/* SET_FONT */
/* */
#define VIDEO
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
short switch_modes ( short mode )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Changes screen output from Skew-T to Hodograph and back. */
/* ----- Erase Current Graphic Workplace ----- */
setcolor(0, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle( 0, 1, 1, (short)(skv.brx+19), (short)(skv.bry+19) );
/* ----- Redraw Graphic ----- */
if( mode == 2 )
pagenum = 1;
show_page( pagenum );
mode = 1;
pagenum = 2;
show_page( pagenum );
mode = 2;
/* ----- Display New Button ----- */
XFlush ( XtDisplay(draw_reg) );
return mode;
void redraw_graph ( short mode )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Redraws current graph (Skew-T or Hodograph). */
/* ----- Erase Current Graphic Workplace ----- */
setcolor(0, draw_reg, gc);
rectangle( 1, 1, 1, (short)(skv.brx+19), (short)(skv.bry+19) );
/* ----- Redraw Graphic ----- */
if( mode == 1 )
void disp_param ( char *value, short rcol, short rlin )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Right justifies value at location rrow, rlin. */
outgtext ( value, (int)(rcol - getgtextextent(value)), (int)rlin );
short grab_level ( float pres )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Returns the array index of the closest data level that */
/* contains temperature data. */
short i, ii;
float dx, mindx;
mindx = 9999.0F;
for(i=0; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
dx = (float)fabs((double)(pres - sndgp->sndg[i].pres));
/* printf( "p=%f dx=%f mindx=%f\n", sndgp->sndg[i].pres, dx, mindx); */
if((dx < mindx) && qc(sndgp->sndg[i].temp))
mindx = dx;
ii = i;
return ii;
static XFontStruct *fs = NULL;
int cursor_xwdth, cursor_xhght;
void skewt_cursor_data ( short x, short y )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes cursor data at top of skewt screen. */
float pres, temp, hght;
char st[20];
int skv_brx=0, skv_tly=-20;
set_font_cursor ( 2, cursor_out, gc_cursor, &fs );
setcliprgn ( 1, 1, cursor_xwdth, cursor_xhght, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
/* ----- Write data to screen ----- */
pres = pix_to_pres( y );
temp = pix_to_temp( x, y);
hght = i_hght( pres );
setcolor( 31, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
sprintf( st, "%5.0fmb", pres );
outcursor( st, skv_brx + 185, skv_tly + 25 );
setcolor( 6, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
sprintf( st, "%5.0fm", hght);
outcursor( st, skv_brx + 300, skv_tly + 25 );
sprintf( st, "%5.0fft", mtof(hght));
outcursor( st, skv_brx+300, skv_tly+40 );
setcolor( 2, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
sprintf( st, "%6.1fC", temp);
outcursor( st, skv_brx+75, skv_tly+25 );
sprintf( st, "%6.1fF", ctof(temp));
outcursor( st, skv_brx+75, skv_tly+40 );
setcolor( 3, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
sprintf( st, "%5.1fg/kg", mixratio( pres, temp ));
outcursor( st, skv_brx+180, skv_tly+57 );
setcolor( 5, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
/* changed from 216 courier to 113 symbol*/
set_font_cursor(5, cursor_out, gc_cursor, &fs);
sprintf( st, "%c=%5.1fK", 113,
theta( pres, temp, 1000.0F ) + 273.15F );
/*outtext( st, skv_brx+50, skv_tly+57 );*/
outcursor( st, skv_brx+85, skv_tly+57 );
sprintf( st, "%c=%5.1fK", 113,
thetaw( pres, temp, temp) + 273.15F );
/*outtext( st, skv_brx+300, skv_tly+57 );*/
outcursor( st, skv_brx+310, skv_tly+57 );
set_font_cursor(2, cursor_out, gc_cursor, &fs);
XFlush ( XtDisplay(cursor_out) );
void hodo_cursor_data ( short x, short y )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes cursor data at top of hodograph screen. */
float wdir, wspd, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4;
char st[20];
int skv_brx=0, skv_tly=-20;
set_font_cursor(2, cursor_out, gc_cursor, &fs);
setcliprgn ( 1, 1, cursor_xwdth, cursor_xhght, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
setcolor( 31, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
pix_to_hodo( x, y, &wdir, &wspd );
sprintf( st, "%3.0f%c%3.0fkt", wdir, 176, wspd );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+165, skv_tly+25 );
ix1 = helicity( 0.0F, 3000.0F, wdir, wspd, &ix2, &ix3);
sprintf( st, "%4.0f m%cs%c", ix1, 178, 178 );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+165, skv_tly+37 );
setcolor( 5, cursor_out, gc_cursor );
outcursor( "0-2km", skv_brx+50, skv_tly+45 );
sr_wind( -1.0F, -1.0F, wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+50, skv_tly+60);
outcursor( "2-5km", skv_brx+115, skv_tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(2000.0F)), i_pres(msl(5000.0F)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+115, skv_tly+60);
outcursor( "5-9km", skv_brx+250, skv_tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(5000.0F)), i_pres(msl(9000.0F)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+250, skv_tly+60 );
outcursor( "9-12km", skv_brx+315, skv_tly+45 );
sr_wind( i_pres(msl(9000.0F)), i_pres(msl(12000.0F)), wdir, wspd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
sprintf( st, "%3.0f", ix4 );
outcursor( st, skv_brx+315, skv_tly+60 );