Changes from January ncep_cave Former-commit-id: 6a878c3c5f400c53d39d7920c0619362aaafb946
515 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
515 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* Sounding Data Assimilation Routine */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* */
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
short read_sndg1 ( void )
/* READ_SNDG1 */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will read the input file and store */
/* the necessary sounding information in the array SNDG. */
/* NOTE: Array starts at ZERO for surface data. */
/* */
/* Input filename is read from configuration structure. */
/* */
/* Routines have also been included that will extend a */
/* complete sounding above 100mb, assuming an isothermal */
/* layer and using a hydrostatic routine for the heights. */
/* */
/* Return Codes: 0 = No Errors, array stored */
/* 1 = Input File Not Found */
/* 2 = Error Reading File */
FILE *fp;
short i, j, k;
char rlin[82], fs[25];
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( config.filename, "r" );
if (fp)
raob_type[0] = '\0'; raobtitle[0] = '\0';
/* ----- Read Title Line ----- *
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ) != 0)
if(strstr( rlin, "%TITLE%" ) != 0)
fgets( raobtitle, 80, fp );
} */
/* ----- Look for RAW data ----- */
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ) != 0)
if(strstr( rlin, "%TITLE%" ) != 0)
fgets( raobtitle, 80, fp );
strcpy ( sndgp->title, raobtitle);
if(strstr( rlin, "%SOURCE%" ) != 0)
fgets( raob_type, 80, fp);
if(strstr( rlin, "%RAW%" ) != 0)
i=0; j = 1;
strcpy( fs, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" );
while ((fgets(rlin,80,fp) != NULL)&&(j > 0))
j = sscanf( rlin, fs, &sndgp->sndg[i].pres, &sndgp->sndg[i].hght,
&sndgp->sndg[i].temp, &sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt, &sndgp->sndg[i].drct,
&sndgp->sndg[i].sped, &sndgp->sndg[i].omega);
if ( j < 1 ) continue;
/* fill in unread values, expect 7 if all were scanned */
switch ( k )
case 0:
sndgp->sndg[i].pres = -999.;
case 1:
sndgp->sndg[i].hght = -999.;
case 2:
sndgp->sndg[i].temp = -999.;
case 3:
sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt = -999.;
case 4:
sndgp->sndg[i].drct = -999.;
case 5:
sndgp->sndg[i].sped = -999.;
case 6:
sndgp->sndg[i].omega = -999.;
sndgp->numlev = i;
/* ----- Extend complete soundings above 100mb ----- */
save_origsndg ();
return 0;
return 1;
void xtnd_sndg ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will extend a sounding to 50mb, if the */
/* sounding made it at least to 150mb. */
/* */
/* An isothermal/hydrostatic layer is assumed above the */
/* last observed level. */
short above, below;
double nm1, nm2, nm4;
int nlev;
nlev = sndgp->numlev;
if (sndgp->sndg[nlev-1].pres <= 150 && sndgp->sndg[nlev-1].pres >= 100. )
sndgp->sndg[nlev].omega = -999;
sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres = 75;
sndgp->sndg[nlev].temp = i_temp(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].dwpt = i_dwpt(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].drct = i_wdir(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].sped = i_wspd(150);
above = nlev-1;
below = nlev-2;
nm1 = sndgp->sndg[above].hght - sndgp->sndg[below].hght;
nm2 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / sndgp->sndg[above].pres );
nm4 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres );
sndgp->sndg[nlev].hght = (float)(sndgp->sndg[below].hght + (( nm4 / nm2) * nm1));
printf(" 75, nm1 %f nm2 %f nm4 %f\n", nm1,nm2,nm4);
printf(" nlev height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[nlev].hght, sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres);
printf(" nlev-1 height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[above].hght, sndgp->sndg[above].pres);
printf(" nlev-2 height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[below].hght, sndgp->sndg[below].pres);
nlev += 1;
sndgp->sndg[nlev].omega = -999;
sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres = 50;
sndgp->sndg[nlev].temp = i_temp(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].dwpt = i_dwpt(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].drct = i_wdir(150);
sndgp->sndg[nlev].sped = i_wspd(150);
above = nlev-1;
below = nlev-2;
nm1 = sndgp->sndg[above].hght - sndgp->sndg[below].hght;
nm2 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / sndgp->sndg[above].pres );
nm4 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres );
sndgp->sndg[nlev].hght = (float)(sndgp->sndg[below].hght + (( nm4 / nm2) * nm1));
printf(" 50, nm1 %f nm2 %f nm4 %f\n", nm1,nm2,nm4);
printf(" nlev height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[nlev].hght, sndgp->sndg[nlev].pres);
printf(" nlev-1 height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[above].hght, sndgp->sndg[above].pres);
printf(" nlev-2 height %f pressure %f \n", sndgp->sndg[below].hght, sndgp->sndg[below].pres);
nlev += 1;
sndgp->numlev = nlev;
short read_config ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will read the SHARP.CFG file and store */
/* the values into the CONFIG struct. */
/* */
/* Return Codes: 0 = No Errors, values stored */
/* 1 = File 'SHARP.CFG' Not Found */
/* 2 = Error Reading File */
FILE *fp;
short i;
char ch1[82], ch2[42];
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( "sharp.cfg", "r" );
if (!fp) { return 1; }
/* ----- Read Title Lines ----- */
for( i=1; i<8; i++ )
{ fgets( ch1, 80, fp ); }
/* ----- Now read configuration data into structure ----- */
fgets( ch1, 40, fp ); fgets( ch2, 40, fp );
strncpy( config.filename, ch2, strlen(ch2) - 1);
printf( "Default Sounding Data File: %s\n", config.filename);
fgets( ch1, 40, fp ); fgets( ch2, 40, fp );
strncpy( config.prntype, ch2, strlen(ch2) - 1);
printf( "Default Printer Type: %s\n", config.prntype);
fgets( ch1, 40, fp ); fgets( ch2, 40, fp );
strncpy( config.lptname, ch2, strlen(ch2) - 1);
printf( "Default Printer Port: %s\n", config.lptname);
return 0;
void interp_sndg ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine take the current sounding array and */
/* interpolate it to 25mb increments. */
float sfclvl, pres, cint, p1;
int newnum;
/* short i, j; */
struct sndg_struct nsndg;
cint = 25;
/* ----- Copy surface conditions to new array ----- */
sfclvl = sndgp->sndg[sfc()].pres;
nsndg.sndg[0].omega = i_omeg( sfclvl );
nsndg.sndg[0].pres = sfclvl;
nsndg.sndg[0].hght = i_hght( sfclvl );
nsndg.sndg[0].temp = i_temp( sfclvl );
nsndg.sndg[0].dwpt = i_dwpt( sfclvl );
nsndg.sndg[0].drct = i_wdir( sfclvl );
nsndg.sndg[0].sped = i_wspd( sfclvl );
newnum = 1;
/* ----- Determine first interpolated level above surface ----- */
pres = (float)((short)((sfclvl / cint) + 0) * cint);
if( pres == sfclvl ) { pres -= cint; }
/* ----- Interpolate NSNDG array to prescribed increments ----- */
for( p1 = pres; p1 >= sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev-1].pres; p1 -= cint )
nsndg.sndg[newnum].omega = i_omeg( p1 );
nsndg.sndg[newnum].pres = p1;
nsndg.sndg[newnum].hght = i_hght( p1 );
nsndg.sndg[newnum].temp = i_temp( p1 );
nsndg.sndg[newnum].dwpt = i_dwpt( p1 );
nsndg.sndg[newnum].drct = i_wdir( p1 );
nsndg.sndg[newnum].sped = i_wspd( p1 );
printf( "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", p1, i_hght(p1),
i_temp(p1), i_dwpt(p1), i_wdir(p1), i_wspd(p1));
/* ----- Copy NSNDG to SNDG array ----- */
sndgp->numlev = newnum;
memcpy ( sndgp->sndg, nsndg.sndg, LLMXLV*sizeof(struct sndg_parms) ) ;
/*for( i=0; i <= newnum; i++ )
for( j=0; j<=6; j++)
sndg[i][j] = nsndg[i][j];
/* ----- NULL out two levels above highest observation ----- */
/*for( i=numlvl; i <= numlvl + 2; i++ )
for( j=0; j<=6; j++)
sndg[i][j] = -999;
void read_command ( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will read the SHARP command line and */
/* set the program variables as requested. */
if( argc > 0 && strlen(argv[1]) > (size_t)0)
strncpy( config.filename, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
config.filename[strlen(argv[1])] = 0;
short get_sndg ( void )
/* GET_SNDG */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will read the input file and determine */
/* which type of file to read. The following sounding */
/* file types are available to be read. */
/* */
/* 1) SHARP v2.0 File Format */
/* 2) SHARP v1.5 File Format */
/* */
/* Return Codes: 0 = No Errors, array stored */
/* 1 = Unknown Sounding File Format */
/* 2 = Error Reading File */
FILE *fp;
short ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4, ok5, ok6, ok7;
char rlin[82];
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( config.filename, "r" );
if (fp)
ok1 = 0;
ok2 = 0;
ok3 = 0;
ok4 = 0;
ok5 = 0;
ok6 = 0;
ok7 = 0;
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ) != 0)
/* ----- Search for SHARP v2.0 File Format ----- */
if( strstr( rlin, "%TITLE%" )) { ok1 = 1; }
if( strstr( rlin, "%RAW%" )) { ok2 = 1; }
/* ----- Search for SHARP v1.0 File Format ----- */
if( strstr( rlin, "WETBULB" )) { ok3 = 1; }
if( strstr( rlin, "RAW" )) { ok4 = 1; }
if( strstr( rlin, "SMOOTHED" )) { ok5 = 1; }
/* ----- Search for RAW WMO coded Format ----- */
if( strstr( rlin, "TTAA " )) { ok6 = 1; }
if( strstr( rlin, "TTBB " )) { ok7 = 1; }
{ return 2; }
if(ok1 && ok2) { return read_sndg1(); }
if(ok3 && ok4 && ok5) { return read_sndg2( "RAW" ); }
if(ok3 && ok5) { return read_sndg2( "SMOOTHED" ); }
if(ok6 && ok7) { return decode_sounding( config.filename ); }
printf( "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4, ok5, ok6, ok7);
printf( "Unknown sounding file format. Read aborted.\n" );
return 1;
short read_sndg2 ( char *searchtag )
/* READ_SNDG2 */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will read the SHARP v1.5 input file and */
/* store the necessary sounding information in the array */
/* SNDG. */
/* */
/* NOTE: Array starts at ZERO for surface data. */
/* */
/* Input filename is read from configuration structure. */
/* */
/* Routines have also been included that will extend a */
/* complete sounding above 100mb, assuming an isothermal */
/* layer and using a hydrostatic routine for the heights. */
/* */
/* Return Codes: 0 = No Errors, array stored */
/* 1 = Input File Not Found */
/* 2 = Error Reading File */
FILE *fp;
short i;
float x1, x2;
char rlin[82], fs[25];
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( config.filename, "r" );
if (fp)
/* ----- Read Title Line ----- */
fgets( raobtitle, 40, fp );
strcpy ( sndgp->title, raobtitle);
/* ----- Look for RAW data ----- */
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ) != NULL)
if(strstr( rlin, searchtag ) != 0)
strcpy( fs, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" );
while (fscanf( fp, fs, &sndgp->sndg[i].pres, &sndgp->sndg[i].hght,
&sndgp->sndg[i].temp, &sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt, &x1, &x2,
&sndgp->sndg[i].drct, &sndgp->sndg[i].sped ) != 0)
sndgp->sndg[i].omega = -999.;
sndgp->numlev = i;
/* ----- Look for STORM MOTION data ----- */
if(strstr( rlin, "STORM" ) != 0)
fscanf( fp, "%f, %f", &sndgp->st_dir, &sndgp->st_spd);
printf( "Storm Motion = %3.0f/%3.0f\n", sndgp->st_dir, sndgp->st_spd);
/* ----- Extend complete soundings above 100mb ----- */
save_origsndg ();
return 0;
return 1;
void security ( char *envp[] )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine checks for clearance by programmer. */
short i, cleared;
/* ----- Search for necessary parameter in DOS ----- */
i = 1 ;
cleared = 0;
while( envp[i] != NULL )
if( strstr( envp[i], "SHARPV2" ) != 0 ) { cleared = 1; }
if ( cleared != 0 ) { return; }
void save_origsndg (void)
memcpy ( sndgp->orig, sndgp->sndg, LLMXLV*sizeof(struct sndg_parms) );
sndgp->origlev = sndgp->numlev;
void restore_origsndg (void)
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->origlev;
memcpy ( sndgp->sndg, sndgp->orig, LLMXLV*sizeof(struct sndg_parms) );
void copy_sndg ( void )
sndgp->ovrlev = sndgp->numlev;
memcpy ( sndgp->ovrl, sndgp->sndg, LLMXLV*sizeof(struct sndg_parms) );