] [formerlya02aeb236c
] [formerly06a8b51d6d
[formerly 64fa9254b946eae7e61bbc3f513b7c3696c4f54f]]] Former-commit-id:06a8b51d6d
] Former-commit-id:377dcd10b9
247 lines
7.4 KiB
247 lines
7.4 KiB
/* Structure definitions for the Tulsa Plot operation of the
Will also include mods in the future. (9 July 91) */
/* AV 4/21/04 added varables to create resize_x_axis_max */
#ifndef ifp_struct_h
#define ifp_struct_h
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef ts_info_pm_h
#define ts_info_pm_h
typedef struct {
int ts_type, delta_t;
char ts_id[9], data_type[5];
#define MAX_TS 20
#define MAX_TSMOD_OPER 20
typedef struct
int rc_num, loc_q, loc_stg, RC;
float flood_stg, warning_stg;
float flood_flow, warning_flow;
float *rating_curve_q, *rating_curve_stg;
float stg_mult_conver_factor;
float stg_add_constant;
float q_mult_conver_factor;
float q_add_constant;
float min_q, max_q, min_stg, max_stg;
float q_axis_max, stg_axis_max;
int origin_x, origin_y, end_x, end_y;
Widget form;
Widget rc_mouse;
Pixmap pix[5];
GC gc[5];
Widget drawing_area_widget[5];
Widget rc_id_widget;
char rc_id[9];
int form_width, form_height;
Dimension drawing_area_4_width, drawing_area_4_height;
GC crosshairs_gc;
XPoint previous_mouse_position;
float max_record_q, max_record_stg;
char rc_station_name[21];
Widget rc_vert_scrollbar_widget;
Widget rc_horiz_scrollbar_widget;
Widget rc_vert_scale_widget;
Widget rc_horiz_scale_widget;
int height_scale;
int width_scale;
float min_stage_disp;
float max_stage_disp;
float min_q_disp;
float max_q_disp;
int rc_v_slider_size, rc_h_slider_size;
int interpol_method;
int axis_type;
float rc_q_increment;
float rc_stg_increment;
caddr_t *ptr5;
caddr_t *ptr6;
} rc_struct;
typedef struct {
Widget toplevel;
Widget tultable, drawa;
Widget mainbb, v_scrollbar, h_scrollbar;
Widget bb_label_gadget;
int used_bb_names, total_bb_names;
Widget *bb_name_frames, *bb_name_labels;
int used_bb_dates, total_bb_dates;
Widget *bb_date_frames, *bb_date_labels;
int used_bb_data, total_bb_data;
Widget *bb_data;
char **ts_menu_names, **day_hour;
int **changed;
float **data_array;
int first_row_visible, first_col_visible;
int visible_columns, visible_rows;
int maximum_columns, maximum_rows;
Position popup_shell_x, popup_shell_y;
Dimension child_max_width, child_max_height;
short child_shadowThickness;
Pixel bb_foreground;
int num_ts_menus;
int menu_index;
int table_created;
int end[MAX_TS];
int delta_t[MAX_TS];
TS_INFO *ts_info;
int *list_ts_index;
caddr_t *ptr4;
caddr_t *ptr5;
caddr_t *ptr6;
} tables_cb_struct;
typedef struct {
Widget main_plot_shell;
Pixmap pix[8];
GC gc[8];
Widget drawing_area_widget[8];
Widget px_label_da_widget;
Pixmap px_label_pix;
GC px_label_gc;
Widget ro_label_da_widget;
Pixmap ro_label_pix;
GC ro_label_gc;
Widget discharge_label_da_widget;
Pixmap discharge_label_pix;
GC discharge_label_gc;
Widget stage_label_da_widget;
Pixmap stage_label_pix;
GC stage_label_gc;
Widget horiz_scrollbar_widget;
Widget vertical_scrollbar_widget;
Widget horiz_scale_widget;
Widget vertical_scale_widget;
Widget legend_rc, *legend;
Widget mouse_rc;
Widget mouse_date, mouse_discharge, mouse_stage;
Widget undo_widget;
Widget month_year_widget;
Widget seg_name_widget;
int max_points;
int width_scale, height_scale;
int num_ts;
int total_run_hours;
int *num_pts;
int *num_plotted_ts;
float *x, **y;
float *obs;
float *min_x, *max_x, *min_y, *max_y;
float *discharge_axis_max, *stage_axis_max;
float **ts_array, **orig_ts_array;
float **px, **ro;
float px_max, px_min, ro_max, ro_min;
int num_rr_oper, num_rr_pts;
int *plot_mask, *obs_mask;
int end_obs,end_obs_px_ro;
int end[MAX_TS];
char **day_hrs;
char **ts_name;
char **ts_color;
char **ts_symbol;
char **px_id, **ro_id;
GC line_gc[MAX_TS];
GC rb_gc;
GC rb_gc_px;
GC rb_gc_ro;
int ipt, start_end_sw;
int *plot_index;
int origin_x, origin_y, end_x, end_y;
int ts_index, ts_change_flag;
XPoint lpt, cpt, rpt;
int lastx;
int v_slider_size, h_slider_size;
float min_discharge_disp, max_discharge_disp;
float min_stage_disp, max_stage_disp;
float min_time_disp, max_time_disp;
rc_struct *rc_data;
float px_ro_y_axis_max;
XPoint previous_mouse_position;
Dimension hydrograph_width, hydrograph_height;
Dimension px_height, ro_height;
Widget px_ro_units_widget;
char disch_label_data_type[4];
Widget hide_ts_widget;
char tracker_label[5];
Widget change_vert_axis_max_widget;
float default_discharge_axis_max;
Widget crosshairs_event_widget;
int px_origin_y;
int ro_origin_y;
float discharge_increment;
int h_q_plot_indicator;
int plot_delta_t;
caddr_t *ptr3;
} plot_cb_struct;
typedef struct
char *seg_name;
tables_cb_struct *tables;
plot_cb_struct *plot;
} combined_struct;
typedef struct
Widget main_plot_shell;
Widget form;
Widget mp_mouse;
Pixmap pix[5];
GC gc[5];
Widget drawing_area_widget[5];
Widget legend_rc, *legend;
Widget undo_widget;
Widget done_widget;
Widget seg_name_widget;
Widget month_year_widget;
Widget plot_button_control;
float **ts_array, **orig_ts_array;
float min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
float y_axis_max;
int origin_x, origin_y, end_x, end_y;
int num_ts_sel;
int num_pts, end_obs;
int mod_type_sw;
char **day_hr;
char **ts_color;
char *op_name[MAX_TSMOD_OPER];
int form_width, form_height;
int unit_sw;
XPoint lpt, cpt, rpt;
int lastx;
int ipt, start_end_sw;
GC rb_gc;
int ts_index;
int bar_width;
int ts_change_flag;
int px_type_flag;
char *seg_name;
char *myt;
int delta_t;
int start_run, end_run, valid_run;
XPoint previous_mouse_position;
Dimension drawing_area_2_width, drawing_area_2_height;
char mp_tracker_label[4];
float default_y_axis_max;
Widget change_y_axis_max_widget;
float mp_y_increment;
int num_ts_plotted;
Widget mp_main_drawing_area;
int Orgnum_pts, Orgend_obs;
float Orgmax_x;
int horizontal_scale_value;
Widget change_horizontal_scale_widget;/*AV 4/21/04 */
caddr_t *ptr3;
caddr_t *ptr4;
caddr_t *ptr5;
caddr_t *ptr6;
} mods_plot_struct;