mjames-upc d16675ba1b h5py 2.6.0
Former-commit-id: 24ea0412b5
2016-03-18 19:48:47 -06:00

241 lines
7.9 KiB

Generate the lowest-level Cython bindings to HDF5.
In order to translate HDF5 errors to exceptions, the raw HDF5 API is
wrapped with Cython "error wrappers". These are cdef functions with
the same names and signatures as their HDF5 equivalents, but implemented
in the h5py.defs extension module.
The h5py.defs files (defs.pyx and defs.pxd), along with the "real" HDF5
function definitions (_hdf5.pxd), are auto-generated by this script from
api_functions.txt. This file also contains annotations which indicate
whether a function requires a certain minimum version of HDF5, an
MPI-aware build of h5py, or special error handling.
This script is called automatically by the h5py build system when the
output files are missing, or api_functions.txt has been updated.
See the Line class in this module for documentation of the format for
h5py/_hdf5.pxd: Cython "extern" definitions for HDF5 functions
h5py/defs.pxd: Cython definitions for error wrappers
h5py/defs.pyx: Cython implementations of error wrappers
import re
import os.path as op
class Line(object):
Represents one line from the api_functions.txt file.
Exists to provide the following attributes:
mpi: Bool indicating if MPI required
error: Bool indicating if special error handling required
version: None or a minimum-version tuple
code: String with function return type
fname: String with function name
sig: String with raw function signature
args: String with sequence of arguments to call function
Example: MPI ERROR 1.8.12 int foo(char* a, size_t b)
.mpi: True
.error: True
.version: (1, 8, 12)
.code: "int"
.fname: "foo"
.sig: "char* a, size_t b"
.args: "a, b"
PATTERN = re.compile("""(?P<mpi>(MPI)[ ]+)?
(?P<error>(ERROR)[ ]+)?
([ ]+)?
(?P<code>(unsigned[ ]+)?[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\**)[ ]+
(?P<fname>[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)[ ]*
\((?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9_,* ]*)\)
""", re.VERBOSE)
SIG_PATTERN = re.compile("""
(?:unsigned[ ]+)?
[ ]+[ *]*
""", re.VERBOSE)
def __init__(self, text):
""" Break the line into pieces and populate object attributes.
text: A valid function line, with leading/trailing whitespace stripped.
m = self.PATTERN.match(text)
if m is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid line encountered: {0}".format(text))
parts = m.groupdict()
self.mpi = parts['mpi'] is not None
self.error = parts['error'] is not None
self.version = parts['version']
if self.version is not None:
self.version = tuple(int(x) for x in self.version.split('.'))
self.code = parts['code']
self.fname = parts['fname']
self.sig = parts['sig']
sig_const_stripped = self.sig.replace('const', '')
self.args = self.SIG_PATTERN.findall(sig_const_stripped)
if self.args is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid function signature: {0}".format(self.sig))
self.args = ", ".join(self.args)
raw_preamble = """\
include "config.pxi"
from api_types_hdf5 cimport *
from api_types_ext cimport *
def_preamble = """\
include "config.pxi"
from api_types_hdf5 cimport *
from api_types_ext cimport *
imp_preamble = """\
include "config.pxi"
from api_types_ext cimport *
from api_types_hdf5 cimport *
cimport _hdf5
from _errors cimport set_exception
class LineProcessor(object):
def run(self):
# Function definitions file
self.functions = open(op.join('h5py', 'api_functions.txt'), 'r')
# Create output files
self.raw_defs = open(op.join('h5py', '_hdf5.pxd'), 'w')
self.cython_defs = open(op.join('h5py', 'defs.pxd'), 'w')
self.cython_imp = open(op.join('h5py', 'defs.pyx'), 'w')
for text in self.functions:
# Directive specifying a header file
if not text.startswith(' ') and not text.startswith('#') and \
len(text.strip()) > 0:
inc = text.split(':')[0]
self.raw_defs.write('cdef extern from "%s.h":\n' % inc)
text = text.strip()
# Whitespace or comment line
if len(text) == 0 or text[0] == '#':
# Valid function line
self.line = Line(text)
def add_cython_if(self, block):
""" Wrap a block of code in the required "IF" checks """
def wrapif(condition, code):
code = code.replace('\n', '\n ', code.count('\n')-1) # Yes, -1.
code = "IF {0}:\n {1}".format(condition, code)
return code
if self.line.mpi:
block = wrapif('MPI', block)
if self.line.version is not None:
block = wrapif('HDF5_VERSION >= {0.version}'.format(self.line), block)
return block
def write_raw_sig(self):
""" Write out "cdef extern"-style definition for an HDF5 function """
raw_sig = "{0.code} {0.fname}({0.sig}) except *\n".format(self.line)
raw_sig = self.add_cython_if(raw_sig)
raw_sig = "\n".join((" "+x if x.strip() else x) for x in raw_sig.split("\n"))
def write_cython_sig(self):
""" Write out Cython signature for wrapper function """
cython_sig = "cdef {0.code} {0.fname}({0.sig}) except *\n".format(self.line)
cython_sig = self.add_cython_if(cython_sig)
def write_cython_imp(self):
""" Write out Cython wrapper implementation """
# Figure out what test and return value to use with error reporting
if '*' in self.line.code or self.line.code in ('H5T_conv_t',):
condition = "==NULL"
retval = "NULL"
elif self.line.code in ('int', 'herr_t', 'htri_t', 'hid_t','hssize_t','ssize_t') \
or re.match(r'H5[A-Z]+_[a-zA-Z_]+_t', self.line.code):
condition = "<0"
retval = "-1"
elif self.line.code in ('unsigned int','haddr_t','hsize_t','size_t'):
condition = "==0"
retval = 0
raise ValueError("Return code <<%s>> unknown" % self.line.code)
# Have to use except * because Cython can't handle special types here
imp = """\
cdef {0.code} {0.fname}({0.sig}) except *:
cdef {0.code} r
_hdf5.H5Eset_auto(NULL, NULL)
r = _hdf5.{0.fname}({0.args})
if r{condition}:
if set_exception():
return <{0.code}>{retval}
elif {0.error}:
raise RuntimeError("Unspecified error in {0.fname} (return value {condition})")
return r
imp = imp.format(self.line, condition=condition, retval=retval)
imp = self.add_cython_if(imp)
def run():
lp = LineProcessor()
if __name__ == '__main__':