684 lines
31 KiB
684 lines
31 KiB
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
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# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
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# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
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# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
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# any purpose.
# Hazard_HLS_TestScript
# Author:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
useTest = """
def _useTestTCP(self):
return True
##return False
def _inlandAreas(self):
return [
"FLZ052", "FLZ056", "FLZ057", "FLZ061", "FLZ043"
def _coastalAreas(self):
return [
"FLZ139", "FLZ142", "FLZ148", "FLZ149", "FLZ050", "FLZ151", "FLZ155", "FLZ160",
"FLZ162", "FLZ165"
def _marineAreas(self):
return [
"GMZ830", "GMZ850", "GMZ853", "GMZ856", "GMZ870", "GMZ873", "GMZ876"
def _cwa(self):
return "TBW"
def _cwa_descriptor(self):
def _maor_descriptor(self):
def _cwa_maor_descriptor(self):
def _localReferencePoints(self):
# Give the name and lat/lon for each local reference point
return [
("Tampa Bay, FL", (28.01, -82.48)),
("Cape Coral, FL", (26.63, -82.00)),
("Lakeland, FL", (28.04, -81.95)),
("Sarasota, FL", (27.37, -82.55)),
def _localReferencePoints_defaults(self):
# Give a list of the local reference point names to be
# turned on by default
return ["Tampa Bay, FL", "Sarasota, FL"]
## We are setting up the segments which would result from combinations.
## Note that GMZ876 is not include in the combos, so ends up in a segment
## by itself.
## Segments [['FLZ151', 'FLZ052', 'GMZ830'],
## ['GMZ850', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ139', 'FLZ043'],
## ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'],
## ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'],
## ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'],
## ['FLZ165', 'GMZ876']]
## Combos [
## (['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'], 'Region01'),
## (['GMZ850'], 'Region02'),
## (['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'], 'Region03'),
## (['FLZ052'], 'Region04'), (['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'], 'Region05'),
## (['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'], 'Region06'),
## (['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ155', 'FLZ057', 'FLZ056'], 'Region07'),
## (['FLZ165'], 'Region08')]
## New segments [['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'],
## ['GMZ850'],
## ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'],
## ['FLZ052'], ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'],
## ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'],
## ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'],
## ['FLZ165'],
## ['GMZ876']]
segmentSetUp = [
(1, "HU_W", ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043']),
(2, "HU_W", ['GMZ850']),
(3, "HU_A", ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050']),
(4, "HU_A_TR_W", ['FLZ052']),
(5, "HU_A_TR_W", ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830']),
(6, "TR_W", ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853']),
(7, "TR_A", ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057']),
(8, "HU_S", ['FLZ165']),
(9, "HU_S", ['GMZ876']),
def makeTestCases():
# 9 segments with these hazards and areas
segments = [hazard for segNum, hazard, areas in segmentSetUp]
contexts = ["NonEvent","PreEvent","Abbreviated","Watch","Warning","Conditions",
uncertainty = ['Low', 'Average', 'High']
sitDict = {
"HU_W": ['Abbreviated', 'Warning', 'Conditions', 'ExtraTropical'],
"TR_W": ['Abbreviated', 'Warning', 'Conditions', 'ExtraTropical'],
"HU_A": ['Abbreviated', 'Watch'],
"TR_A": ['Abbreviated', 'Watch'],
"HU_A_TR_W": ['Abbreviated', 'Watch', 'Warning', 'Conditions', 'ExtraTropical'],
"HU_S": ['NonEvent', 'PreEvent', 'PostEvent'],
scenDict = {
"NonEvent": ["NonEvent"],
"PreEvent": ["Advancing", "Peripheral", "InSitu"],
"Abbreviated": ["FirstIssuance"],
"Watch": ["Advancing", "Peripheral", "InSitu"],
"Warning": ["Advancing", "Peripheral", "InSitu"],
"Conditions": ["Imminent", "Ongoing", "Diminishing"],
"PostEvent": ["Immediate", "LongTerm"],
"ExtraTropical": ["InSitu", "Completed"],
segCaseDict = {}
maxCases = 0
for i in range(len(segments)):
hazard = segments[i]
segCases = []
for sit in sitDict[hazard]:
scenarios = scenDict[sit]
for scen in scenDict[sit]:
segCases.append((sit, scen))
segCaseDict[i] = segCases
if len(segCases) > maxCases:
maxCases = len(segCases)
#print "segCases\n", segCaseDict
#print "maxCases", maxCases
## # A test case is :
## # EventContext, Uncertainty, segmentInfo, checkStrs
## # segmentInfo is (segNum, situation, scenario) --
## we will assume all sections included
## # Generate a list of tests that cycles through all the situations and scenarios
## # for each segment
testCases = []
caseIndex = 0
for i in range(maxCases):
# Make a test case
EventContext = getValue(contexts, i)
Uncertainty = getValue(uncertainty, i)
segs = []
for segNum in range(len(segments)):
segCaseList = segCaseDict[segNum]
segCase = getValue(segCaseList, i)
sit, scen = segCase
segs.append((segNum+1, sit, scen))
#checkStrs = checkStrings[i+1] # Need to fix this later
checkStrs = ["National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL"]
testCase = (EventContext, Uncertainty, segs, checkStrs)
return testCases
def printTestCases(testCases):
print("Test cases: Event Context, Uncertainty, Segments")
ind = 1
for testCase in testCases:
ec, un, segs, checkStrs= testCase
print(repr(ind), ec, un, "Segments:")
for seg in segs:
print(' ', seg, segmentSetUp[segs.index(seg)])
ind+= 1
return testCases
def getValue(list, index):
# If index too big, cycle around
index = index%len(list)
return list[index]
def makeScript(testCase, testNum, createData=None):
# Use template script to make a script for this test case
# Test case is (EventContext, Uncertainty, segments)
name = "HLS_"+ repr(testNum)
ec, un, segs, checkStrs = testCase
if testNum > 2: selectedSections=True
else: selectedSections = False
varDict, commentary = cmdLineVars(ec, un, segs, includeCommentary=True,
varDict = str(varDict)
if createData is None:
createData = createDataGrids()
script = {
"commentary": commentary,
"productType" : "Hazard_HLS",
"gridsStartTime": None,
"createGrids": createHazardGrids() + createData,
"cmdLineVars" : varDict,
"fileChanges": [("Hazard_HLS_<site>_Overrides", "TextUtility", "add", useTest, "undo")],
"checkStrings" : checkStrs,
return script
def makeScripts(testNum=None, createData=None):
testCases = makeTestCases()
scripts = []
if createData is None:
createData = createDataGrids()
if testNum is None:
testNum = 0
for testCase in testCases:
scripts.append(makeScript(testCase, testNum, createData=createData))
return scripts
def cmdLineVars(EventContext='NonEvent', Uncertainty='N/A', segmentList=None,
StormInfo='TCPAT5', includeCommentary=False, selectedSections=False):
sections = [
('PrecautionaryPreparednessActions', None, 0, None),
('Probability', None, 0, None),
('Wind', '', 0, None),
('StormSurgeTide', '', 0, None),
('InlandFlooding', '', 0, None),
('Tornadoes', '', 0, None)
selectedSections = [
('PrecautionaryPreparednessActions', None, 0, None),
('Probability', None, 0, None),
('Wind', '', 0, None),
#('StormSurgeTide', '', 0, None),
#('InlandFlooding', '', 0, None),
#('Tornadoes', '', 0, None)
extraInfo = {'usePrev_HU_S_Headline': None, 'userHeadline_HU_S': None}
if segmentList is None:
segmentList = [
(1, 'Warning', 'Advancing'),
(2, 'Conditions', 'Imminent'),
(3, 'Watch', 'Peripheral'),
(4, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu'),
(5, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance'),
(6, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance'),
(7, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance'),
(8, 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent'),
(9, 'PreEvent', 'InSitu'),
segTemplate = [(segNum, areas) for segNum, hazard, areas in segmentSetUp]
commentary = EventContext +" " + Uncertainty + "\n"
if selectedSections:
sections = selectedSections
segs = []
for i in range(len(segTemplate)):
segNum, areas = segTemplate[i]
segNum, sit, scen = segmentList[i]
sitStr = sit.ljust(15)
scenStr = scen.ljust(15)
commentary+= " " +repr(segNum)+" "+sitStr+" "+scenStr+" "+repr(segmentSetUp[segNum-1]) + "\n"
segs.append((segNum, areas, sit, scen, sections, extraInfo))
varDict = {
('StormInfo_entry:', 'StormInfo_entry'): '',
('OverviewEditMode:', 'OverviewEditMode'): 'CreateFromGUI',
('MainHeadline_entry:', 'MainHeadline_entry'): '',
('NextUpdate:', 'NextUpdate'): 'Shortly',
('EventContext:', 'EventContext'): EventContext,
('StormInfo:', 'StormInfo'): StormInfo,
('Uncertainty:', 'Uncertainty'): Uncertainty,
('Issued By', 'issuedBy'): None,
('MainHeadline:', 'MainHeadline'): 'Enter',
('LocalReferencePoints:', 'LocalReferencePoints'): [('Tampa Bay, FL', (28.01, -82.48)), ('Sarasota, FL', (27.37, -82.55))],
('segments:', 'segments'): segs,
('NextUpdate_entry:', 'NextUpdate_entry'): ''
if includeCommentary:
return varDict, commentary
return varDict
def createHazardGrids():
return [
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"<None>", "all"),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W",["FLZ139","FLZ142","FLZ043","GMZ850"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.A",["FLZ148", "FLZ149", "FLZ050"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W^HU.A",["FLZ151", "FLZ052", "GMZ830"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W^FF.A",["FLZ061","FLZ160","GMZ853"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.A", ["FLZ162","FLZ057","GMZ856"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.S^CF.W", ["GMZ876","FLZ165"]),
def createDataGrids(maxWind=60, maxGust=75, prob34=20, prob64=10,
timeMax_pws34int=(30,36), timeMax_pws64int=(42,48)):
return [
("Fcst", "prob34", "SCALAR", 0, 120, prob34, "all"),
("Fcst", "prob64", "SCALAR", 0, 120, prob64, "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", -6, 0, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 0, 6, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 6, 12, (20, "W"), "all"),
# Trop begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 12, 18, (35, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 18, 24, (40, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 24, 30, (50, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 30, 36, (maxWind-10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 36, 42, (maxWind, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 42, 48, (maxWind, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 48, 54, (50, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 54, 60, (35, "W"), "all"),
# Trop end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 60, 66, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 66, 120, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "WindGust", "SCALAR", -6, 120, maxGust, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 0, 6, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 6, 12, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 12, 18, 20, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 18, 24, 30, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 24, 30, 40, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 30, 36, 80, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 36, 42, 80, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 42, 48, 60, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 48, 54, 40, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 54, 60, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 60, 66, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SCALAR", 66, 120, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 0, 6, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 6, 12, 20, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 12, 18, 20, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 18, 24, 30, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 24, 30, 40, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 30, 36, 60, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 36, 42, 60, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 42, 48, 80, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 48, 54, 40, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 54, 60, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 60, 66, 10, "all"),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SCALAR", 66, 120, 10, "all"),
## Tests 1-12 have data values:
## maxWind==60, maxGust=75, prob34=50, prob64=20,
## Tests 12-24 (repeat 1-12 segments) have data values:
## maxWind=75, maxGust=90, prob34=20, prob64=10,
## Test cases: Event Context, Uncertainty, Segments
## 1 NonEvent Low Segments:
## (1, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 2 PreEvent Average Segments:
## (1, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'Advancing') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'Advancing') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 3 Abbreviated High Segments:
## (1, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'Peripheral') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'Peripheral') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 4 Watch Low Segments:
## (1, 'Warning', 'InSitu') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Warning', 'InSitu') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Warning', 'InSitu') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'InSitu') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'InSitu') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 5 Warning Average Segments:
## (1, 'Conditions', 'Imminent') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Conditions', 'Imminent') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Conditions', 'Imminent') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PostEvent', 'Immediate') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PostEvent', 'Immediate') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 6 Conditions High Segments:
## (1, 'Conditions', 'Ongoing') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Conditions', 'Ongoing') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Conditions', 'Ongoing') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PostEvent', 'LongTerm') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PostEvent', 'LongTerm') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 7 PostEvent Low Segments:
## (1, 'Conditions', 'Diminishing') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Conditions', 'Diminishing') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Warning', 'InSitu') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Warning', 'InSitu') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Conditions', 'Diminishing') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 8 ExtraTropical Average Segments:
## (1, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Conditions', 'Imminent') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Conditions', 'Imminent') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'Advancing') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'Advancing') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 9 NonEvent High Segments:
## (1, 'ExtraTropical', 'Completed') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'ExtraTropical', 'Completed') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Conditions', 'Ongoing') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Conditions', 'Ongoing') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'ExtraTropical', 'Completed') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'Peripheral') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'Peripheral') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 10 PreEvent Low Segments:
## (1, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'Conditions', 'Diminishing') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'Conditions', 'Diminishing') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Advancing') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PreEvent', 'InSitu') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PreEvent', 'InSitu') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 11 Abbreviated Average Segments:
## (1, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Warning', 'Advancing') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'Peripheral') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PostEvent', 'Immediate') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PostEvent', 'Immediate') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
## 12 Watch High Segments:
## (1, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
## (2, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
## (3, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
## (4, 'ExtraTropical', 'Completed') (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
## (5, 'ExtraTropical', 'Completed') (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
## (6, 'Warning', 'Peripheral') (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
## (7, 'Watch', 'InSitu') (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
## (8, 'PostEvent', 'LongTerm') (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
## (9, 'PostEvent', 'LongTerm') (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
scripts = [
"productType" : "Hazard_HLS",
"commentary": """Segmentation testing of HLS product.
NonEvent N/A
1 'Warning', 'Advancing' (1, 'HU_W', ['FLZ139', 'FLZ142', 'FLZ043'])
2 'Conditions', 'Imminent' (2, 'HU_W', ['GMZ850'])
3 'Watch', 'Peripheral' (3, 'HU_A', ['FLZ148', 'FLZ149', 'FLZ050'])
4 'ExtraTropical', 'InSitu' (4, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ052'])
5 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance' (5, 'HU_A_TR_W', ['FLZ151', 'GMZ830'])
6 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance' (6, 'TR_W', ['FLZ160', 'FLZ061', 'GMZ853'])
7 'Abbreviated', 'FirstIssuance' (7, 'TR_A', ['FLZ162', 'GMZ856', 'FLZ057'])
8 'NonEvent', 'NonEvent' (8, 'HU_S', ['FLZ165'])
9 'PreEvent', 'InSitu' (9, 'HU_S', ['GMZ876'])
"gridsStartTime": None,
"createGrids": createHazardGrids() + createDataGrids(),
"cmdLineVars" :str(cmdLineVars()),
"fileChanges": [("Hazard_HLS_<site>_Overrides", "TextUtility", "add", useTest, "undo")],
"checkStrings" : [
"National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL",
"productType" : "Hazard_HLS",
"commentary": """Segmentation testing of HLS product. -- ETN codes""",
"gridsStartTime": None,
"createGrids": createDataGrids() + [
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"<None>", "all"),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W:1001",["FLZ139"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.W",["FLZ043"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W",["GMZ830"]),
"cmdLineVars" :str(cmdLineVars()),
"fileChanges": [("Hazard_HLS_<site>_Overrides", "TextUtility", "add", useTest, "undo")],
"checkStrings" : [
"National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL",
"productType" : "Hazard_HLS",
"commentary": """Looks at Overview Watches/Warnings and Wind Timing reporting""",
"gridsStartTime": None,
"createGrids": createDataGrids() + [
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"<None>", "all"),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W",["FLZ139"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.W",["FLZ043"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W",["GMZ830"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TI.W",["FLZ052"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W^HU.A",["FLZ148"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.A",["FLZ050"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TI.W^HI.A",["FLZ056"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.A",["FLZ061"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.A^FF.A",["GMZ870"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TI.A^CF.W",["FLZ057"]),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", -6, 0, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 0, 6, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 6, 12, (20, "W"), "all"),
# Trop begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 12, 18, (35, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 18, 24, (40, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 24, 30, (50, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 30, 36, (70, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 36, 42, (75, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 42, 48, (70, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 48, 54, (50, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 54, 60, (35, "W"), "all"),
# Trop end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 60, 66, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 66, 120, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "WindGust", "SCALAR", -6, 120, 90, "all"),
"cmdLineVars" :str(cmdLineVars()),
"fileChanges": [("Hazard_HLS_<site>_Overrides", "TextUtility", "add", useTest, "undo")],
"checkStrings" : [
"National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL",
"productType" : "Hazard_HLS",
"commentary": """Looks at Overview Watches/Warnings and Wind Timing reporting""",
"gridsStartTime": None,
"createGrids": createDataGrids() + [
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"<None>", "all"),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W",["GMZ873"]),# New
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.W",["FLZ139"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.W",["FLZ057"]), # New -- TI.A UPG
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.W",["FLZ043"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W",["GMZ830"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TI.W",["FLZ052"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.W^HU.A",["FLZ148"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HU.A",["FLZ050"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TI.W^HI.A",["FLZ056"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"HI.A",["FLZ061"]),
("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0,24,"TR.A",["GMZ870"]),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", -6, 0, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 0, 6, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 6, 12, (20, "W"), "all"),
# Trop begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 12, 18, (35, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 18, 24, (40, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 24, 30, (50, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane begin
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 30, 36, (70, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 36, 42, (75, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 42, 48, (70, "W"), "all"),
# Hurricane end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 48, 54, (50, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 54, 60, (35, "W"), "all"),
# Trop end
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 60, 66, (10, "W"), "all"),
("Fcst", "Wind", "VECTOR", 66, 120, (10, "W"), "all"),
"cmdLineVars" :str(cmdLineVars()),
"fileChanges": [("Hazard_HLS_<site>_Overrides", "TextUtility", "add", useTest, "undo")],
"checkStrings" : [
"National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL",
# Now add the generated scripts
firstScripts = makeScripts()
secondScripts = makeScripts(
createDataGrids(maxWind=75, maxGust=90, prob34=50, prob64=20))
scripts = scripts + firstScripts + secondScripts
import TestScript
def testScript(self, dataMgr):
defaults = {
"cmdLineVars" :"{('Source', 'source'): 'Colorado Emergency Management Agency Denver Colorado', ('Issued By', 'issuedBy'): None, ('EAS Level', 'eas'): 'NONE'}",
"publishGrids" : 1,
"vtecMode" : "O",
"clearHazardsTable": 1,
"gridsStartTime": "202001201_0000",
"orderStrings": 1,
"deleteGrids" : [
("Fcst", "Hazards", "SFC", -48, 240),
("Fcst", "pws34int", "SFC", -48, 240),
("Fcst", "pws64int", "SFC", -48, 240),
("Fcst", "prob34", "SFC", -48, 240),
("Fcst", "prob64", "SFC", -48, 240),
return TestScript.generalTestScript(self, dataMgr, scripts, defaults)