Steve Harris a28d70b5c5 12.4.1-10 baseline
Former-commit-id: 9f8cb727a5 [formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]
Former-commit-id: 8485b90ff8
2012-05-01 18:06:13 -05:00

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<title>ASCII Grid Format and ifpAG Program</title>
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<h1 class="1Heading">
ifpAG User's Guide</h1>
<div class="1Heading">January 4, 2012<br>
<a name="TableofContents"></a>Table of Contents</h2>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#Overview">Overview</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#TerminologyandConceptsofGFESuiteGriddedData">Terminology and
Concepts of GFESuite Gridded Data</a></h4>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#ServerConfiguration">ServerConfiguration</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#DataTypes">Data Types</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#WeatherElementIdentifier">Weather
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#TimeRangeValidtimeofgrid">Time
(Valid time of grid)</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#GeographicalLocationInformation">Geographical
Location Information</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#TimeIndependentParm">Time Independent
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#DataPrecision">Data Precision</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#ParameterUnits">Parameter Units</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#TimeConstraints">Time Constraints</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#DataFormat">Data Format</a></div>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#RunningtheifpAGProgram">Running the ifpAG Program</a></h4>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#Output">Output Mode</a></div>
<div class="1Heading"><a href="#Input">Input Mode</a></div>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#SpecialUseofifpAGtoexchangegridsbetweendifferentversio">Special
Use of ifpAG to exchange grids between different resolutions of GFESuite</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#ExampleData">Example Data</a></h4>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
<div class="1Heading">The ifpAG (ASCII grid) program is part of the
of product generation software.
<div class="1Heading">The current EDEX (common data server)
uses a Java interface to store and retrieve grids in the database. While
this works well for the Graphical Forecast Editor and initialization
it makes it difficult for field sites to store and retrieve data into the
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
The ASCII grid format, along with its associated program, allows the
user to store and retrieve grids that are specified in a special ASCII
format. This format is chosen to make it easy for users who program in
basic, Fortran, or C to read and write this format.</div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
Another use of the ifpAG program is to <a
grids between different resolutions of GFESuite</a>.&nbsp; The format
the output of ifpAG has been preserved between software builds.&nbsp;
program will automatically translate grid resolutions and domains when
storing and retrieving data.&nbsp; For example, you can use the ifpAG
to take 5 kilometer resolution grids from GFESuite and populate another
GFESuite running at 2.5 kilometer resolution.&nbsp; Of course, data
will be lost. Obviously there are some cases where
cannot be transferred, such as the input and output domains don't
at all or the projection is different (e.g., Grid211).</div>
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<a name="TerminologyandConceptsofGFESuiteGriddedData"></a>Terminology
Concepts of GFESuite Gridded Data</h2>
<div class="1Heading">In order for you to understand how to interpret
output, or format the input, to ifpAG, you need to understand these
GFESuite concepts.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="ServerConfiguration"></a>Server Configuration</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The GFE configuration file (<a
and <a href="localConfig.html">localConfig</a>) define all parameters,
types of databases, and their attributes. The configuration file is
by the site. See the <a href="serverConfiguration.html">server
manual</a> for further information.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="DataTypes"></a>Data Types</h3>
<div class="1Heading">GFE supports four different data types:
SCALAR, VECTOR, WEATHER, and DISCRETE. SCALAR is used for parameters
values can be represented by a single value. VECTOR is used for
who values are represented by a vector (magnitude and direction).
is a special format for describing the precipitation and obstructions
vision.&nbsp; DISCRETE is for categorical weather elements, such as
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="WeatherElementIdentifier"></a>Weather Element Identifier</h3>
<div class="1Heading">A parameter identifier is used to uniquely
an element in the database. A parameter identifier consists of two
parts: parameter name, and database identifier. A complete
identifier (in ASCII) may appear like the following in the ASCII grid
<div class="1Heading"><tt>Wind</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>BOU</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>&lt;notype&gt;</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>MRF</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>19980506_1200</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
The first line indicates the parameter name, the second the site
the third is the optional type of the database, the fourth is the model
name, and the last line is the model run time in the form of <tt>yyyymmdd_hhmm</tt>.
The example above indicates that the parameter is Wind. It is from (or
derived from) 1the May 6, 1998 1200z eta model. The optional type is
in the above case.</div>
<div class="1Heading">
There may be some databases which always exist, i.e., are not model
time based. Typically the forecast database is handled this way.
An example identifier for the forecast database is shown below:</div><br>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>T</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>BOU</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>&lt;notype&gt;</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>Fcst</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>00000000_0000</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading">
The date-time group of all zeros indicate that the database is
and therefore does not have a model run time associated with it.
A full list of parameters, site identifiers, and
model names supported by GFE is available in the server
files. Refer to the <a href="serverConfiguration.html">server
manual </a>for details. This server configuration files may be
by each site.
<p>Note that the parameter name may contain a level.&nbsp; Many of the
parameters are surface-based, but for those that are not, the parameter
definition is in the form of name_level, such as Wind_MB500 for the
500MB Wind.</p>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="TimeRangeValidtimeofgrid"></a>Time Range (Valid time of grid)</h3>
<div class="1Heading">Time is defined as a TimeRange which consists of
a starting and ending time. A TimeRange contains all times from and
including the starting time up to but not including the
time. For example, a TimeRange of 1:00pm to 2:00pm contains all times
from 1:00pm including 1:00pm up to but not including
<div class="1Heading">
All data stored in the database uses this time definition. The duration
of data is calculated by taking subtracting the starting time
from the ending time. Note that a duration of zero
means a snapshot in time. Durations of zero are illegal for the
database since a forecast field must have a valid time range.</div>
<div class="1Heading">
The format of the time is in yyyymmdd_hhmm. For example,</div><br>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>19980518_1300</tt></div><br>
<div class="1Heading">indicates May 18, 1998 at 1300z.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading"><a name="GeographicalLocationInformation"></a>Geographical
Location Information</h3>
<div class="1Heading">Associated with each grid is geographical
which is used to position the grid on the earth's surface.The placement
of the grid in the world coordinate system is based on
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; projection identifier</li>
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; grid domain</li>
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; grid size</li>
<div class="1Heading">All of these items are defined in the individual
database configuration files. An example of these values are shown
for the Boulder WFO area:</div>
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; projection identifier =
Grid211 (AWIPS Conus)</li>
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; grid domain - origin is
(37.0, 27.0), extent is
<li class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; grid size - 73 x 73</li>
<div class="1Heading">This is interpreted as a 73 x 73 point grid whose
lowest-left grid point is at the world coordinate (37, 27) on the AWIPS
world coordinate projection and whose uppermost-right
point is at the world coordinate (37+9, 27+9) as shown in the diagram below:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><img src="images/ifpAG-4.gif" nosave=""
height="332" width="484"></div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="TimeIndependentParm"></a>Time Independent Parm</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The time independent parm flag (0 for false,
for true) indicates that this parameter has no valid time associated
it, therefore only one grid, which is valid forever may be stored into
the database. In almost all cases, 0 for not time independent parm will
be set.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="DataPrecision"></a>Data Precision</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The number of significant decimal points for the
data. A value of 0 indicates that integer values are all that is
(even if there is more precision indicated by the data). A value of 1
that the precision is 10 -1 or 0.1.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="ParameterUnits"></a>Parameter Units</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The parameter units field indicates the units
by the data.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="DescriptiveName"></a>Descriptive Name</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The descriptive name field provides a more
description of the parameter.</div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="TimeConstraints"></a>Time Constraints</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The time constraints consist of three elements:
time, duration, and repeat interval. These values indicate the time
that the parameter must obey. All grids for the parameter must be
on the specified time constraints. The starting time indicates the time
of the first possible grid after 0000z. The duration indicates the
of the grid. The repeat interval defines how often the grid can repeat.
All of the units are in seconds. For example, the illustration below shows the
grid boundaries for a time constraint of starting time of 0, duration
6 hours, and repeat interval of 6 hours:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><img src="images/ifpAG-5.gif" nosave=""
height="118" width="487"></div>
<div class="1Heading">In the above example, grids can be a minimum of 6
hours long, but could be 12 or 18 or even 24 hours in length just as
as the starting and ending time of the grid falls on one of the defined
above. A time constraint can be defined to have gaps in
the data. For example, a 24-hour summary of daytime maximum temperature
may have a constraint of starting time 900z, duration of 18 hours, and
a repeat interval of 24 hours:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><img src="images/ifpAG-6.gif" nosave=""
height="118" width="487"></div>
<div class="1Heading">Most parameters are defined in the database with
a one hour constraint (start time = 0000z, repeat = 1 hour, duration =
1h). Therefore the highest temporal resolution of the grids is one hour:</div>
<p class="1Heading"><img src="images/ifpAG-7.gif" nosave="" height="118"
<p class="1Heading">A special case exists which defines no constraints.
This is the situation with a start time, repeat, and duration values
all set to 0. The temporal resolution of the grids can be one second.
<h3 class="1Heading"><a name="DataFormat"></a>Data Format</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The format of the data depends upon whether the
<h4 class="1Heading">
Scalar Data Format</h4>
<div class="1Heading">There are nx*ny lines of data in the file, with
line representing one data gridpoint. The values are floating-point.</div>
<h4 class="1Heading">
Vector Data Format</h4>
<div class="1Heading">There are nx*ny lines of data in the file, with
line representing one data gridpoint. There are two floating-point
on each line. The first is the magnitude and the second the direction.</div>
<h4 class="1Heading">
Weather Data Format</h4>
<div class="1Heading">There are nx*ny lines of data in the file, with
line representing one data gridpoint. There is a string of characters
each line. The characters define the type of weather and/or
to vision that are present for that gridpoint. The entire set of
on a single line is called a weather key. A weather key is comprised of
weather sub keys.</div>
<div class="1Heading">
A weather subkey consists of four parts and one additional optional
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; weather type (e.g., rain)</div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; coverage or probability (e.g.,
scattered or slight chance)</div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; intensity (e.g., light)</div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; visibility (e.g., 25 m)</div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; attributes (e.g., "in
<div class="1Heading">
The general format of a single weather sub key is:
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
The coverage is a special coverage string of characters that denote
the precipitation or obstruction to vision coverage. The type is the
type or obstruction as a string of characters. The intensity field is a
string of characters that denote an intensity. The visibility string
the character. The list of optional attributes are comma deliminated.</div>
<div class="1Heading">
Multiple weather sub keys are separated by the caret (^) character
like this:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>coverage1:type1:intensity1:visibility1:attribute1,attribute2^coverage2:type2:intensity2:visibility2:attribute3</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
There is no (practical) limit to the number of types of weather.
weather types at a single grid point require a weather key that
multiple groupings. A typical weather key is shown below:</div>
<p class="1Heading"><tt>ISO:T:+:1/4sm:HvyRain^ISO:A:&lt;NoInten&gt;:&lt;NoVis&gt;:SmA</tt>
<p class="1Heading">which is decoded as isolated intense thunder with
sm visibility, isolated small hail.
<p class="1Heading">No precipitation or obstructions is indicated by:
<p class="1Heading"><tt>&lt;NoCov&gt;:&lt;NoType&gt;:&lt;NoInten&gt;:&lt;NoVis&gt;:</tt>
<p class="1Heading">The <a href="serverConfiguration.html">server
files</a> define the allowable values of the weather key.&nbsp; Refer
the <a href="serverConfig.html#WeatherConfigurationSection">weather
section</a> of the serverConfig documentation for further details.
<h4 class="1Heading">Discrete Data Format</h4>
<div class="1Heading">There are nx*ny lines of data in the file, with
line representing one data gridpoint. There is a string of characters
each line. The characters define the discrete key(s) that are present
that gridpoint. The entire set of characters on a single line is called
a discrete key. A discrete key may be&nbsp; comprised of discrete sub
Subkeys are separated by the '^' character.</div>
<div class="1Heading">A typical discrete key is shown below:</div>
<p class="1Heading"><tt>WintStmWRN^HiWndWRN</tt>
<p class="1Heading">which is decoded as Winter Storm Warning and High
<p class="1Heading">No discrete key is typically denoted by:
<p class="1Heading"><tt>&lt;None&gt;</tt>
<p class="1Heading">The <a href="serverConfiguration.html">server
files</a> define the allowable values of the weather key.&nbsp; Refer
the <a href="serverConfig.html#WeatherElementConfigurationSection">weather
element configuration section</a> of the serverConfig documentation for
further details.
<h4 class="1Heading">Organizational Order of the Grid</h4>
<div class="1Heading">Grids are organized from lower-left across and
by row, with the very last point being the upper right gridpoint as
<div class="1Heading"><img src="images/ifpAG-8.gif" nosave=""
height="412" width="473"></div>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="RunningtheifpAGProgram"></a>Running the ifpAG Program</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The program is capable of both storing and
grids from EDEX.
<p><font color="#3366ff"><b>Note:</b> when running ifpAG in the normal
the -h and the -r switches are preset to the values defined by your
and thus the -h and -r switches are not needed. If you are
to a different EDEX than configured, then you will need the -h and
-r switches.</font></p>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a name="Output"></a>Output Mode</h4>
<div class="1Heading">The command line syntax is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>ifpAG -o outputFile -h hostname -r
-d databaseID [-p parmID] [-s startTime] [-e endTime] [-u username] [-c
<div class="1Heading">A sample command line is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>ifpAG -o testIt -h dx3-oax -r
-d TEST_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 -p Temp -s 19980604_1200 -e
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;</div>
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td><b>Option Syntax</b></td>
<td><b>Optional or Mandatory</b></td>
<td>-o filename</td>
<td>Specifies the name of the output file. If "-" is used,
will go to standard out.</td>
<td>-h hostname</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the host, upon which EDEX is running</td>
<td>-r port</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the port, upon which EDEX is running</td>
<td>-d databaseid</td>
<td>Source, a.k.a. database identifier, from which to get the
There may be several databaseIDs (several -d's) specified.&nbsp; The
format of the database identifier is:
An example is DEN_GRID__eta_19980604_1200.</td>
<td>-p weatherElementName</td>
<td>If no -p switches are present, then all weather elements in
the specified
databases will be processed.&nbsp; There may be several -p switches
if desired.&nbsp; The weather element name can include a level, if
such as T_3K. By default if the level is not specified, it is
to be SFC.</td>
<td>-u username</td>
<td>The user running the program.</td>
<td>-s startTime</td>
<div class="1Heading">Specifies the start time for the range of
grids to
extract. If no time is specified, then assume "from the beginning of
Format is yyyyMMDD_HHMM or 19980604_1200.</div>
<td>-e endTime</td>
<div class="1Heading">Specifies the ending time for the range of
to extract. If no time is specified, then assume "to the end of
Format is yyyyMMDD_HHMM or 19980604_1200.</div>
<td>-c domainConfiguration</td>
<td>By default, the grids are output in the same projection,
domain, and
grid resolution as they are stored in GFE. You can
the domain configuration by specifying an encoded string in
The format is "xgridSize ygridSize projectionId xorigin yorigin xextent
yextent". An example is "35 35 Grid211 28.0 14.0 9.0 9.0".</td>
<font color="#3366ff"><b>Note:</b> that when running ifpAG within the
GFESuite environment, the -h and -r switches are automatically filled
in for the configured EDEX and port. </font>
<h4 class="1Heading"><a name="Input"></a>Input Mode</h4>
<div class="1Heading">The command line syntax is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>ifpAG -i inputFile -h hostname -r
rpcPortNumber [-u username]</tt></div>
<div class="1Heading">A sample command line is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>ifpAG -i testIt -h dx3-oax -r 9581 -u jsmith</tt></div><br>
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td><b>Option Syntax</b></td>
<td><b>Optional or Mandatory</b></td>
<td>-i filename</td>
<td>Specifies the name of the input file. If "-" is used, input will
come from standard in.</td>
<td>-h hostname</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the host, upon which EDEX is running</td>
<td>-r port</td>
<td>Mandatory (See Note)</td>
<td>Specifies the port, upon which EDEX is running</td>
<td>-u username</td>
<td>Specifies the user running the program</td>
<font color="#3366ff"><b>Note:</b> that when running ifpAG within the
GFESuite environment, the -h and -r switches are automatically filled
for the configured EDEX and port.</font>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="SpecialUseofifpAGtoexchangegridsbetweendifferentversio"></a>Special
Use of ifpAG to exchange grids between different resolutions of GFESuite</h3>
<div class="1Heading">ifpAG can be used to communicate with different
servers of GFESuite that are running different resolutions. To transfer
all data in the Fcst database from
one server to the other server, you will use a command line similar to
that below:</div>
<p class="1Heading"><tt>ifpAG -o - -h dx3-oax -r 9581 -d
| ifpAG -i - -h dx3-oax -r 9581</tt>
<p class="1Heading"></p>
<hr width="100%">
<h3 class="1Heading"><a name="ExampleData"></a>Example Data</h3>
<div class="1Heading">The following shows example data files and how it
is interpreted. More than one GRID may be contained in a single file.</div>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td>Identifies the following structure as an ASCIIGRID</td>
<td>Weather Element Name</td>
<td>Database site identifier</td>
<td>Database optional type</td>
<td>Database model name</td>
<td>Database time (denotes no model time associated with it when
all zeros,
normally yyyymmdd_hhmm)</td>
<td>Projection Identifier</td>
<td>73 73 25 13 9 9</td>
<td>Domain information. XGridSize, YGridSize, Minimum X world
domain, Minimum Y world coordinate domain, X domain extent, y domain
<td>Surface Temp</td>
<td>Descriptive Name</td>
<td>-50 130 0 0</td>
<td>Minimum possible value, maximum possible value, data
precision, time
independent parameter</td>
<td>0 3600 3600</td>
<td>Time constraints (startTime, duration, repeat interval).</td>
<td>19980518_1200 19980518_1500</td>
<td>Valid time range for grid (start time, ending time) in format
of yyyymmdd_hhmm</td>
<td>First grid point&nbsp; - Grid(0,0)</td>
<td>Next grid point - Grid(1,0)</td>
<td>continues for a total of nx*ny grid points</td>
<td>Grid (upper right corner)</td>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td>Identifies the following structure as an ASCIIGRID</td>
<td>Weather Element Name</td>
<td>Database site identifier</td>
<td>Database optional type</td>
<td>Database model name</td>
<td>Database time (denotes no model time associated with it when
all zeros,
normally yyyymmdd_hhmm)</td>
<td>Projection Identifier</td>
<td>73 73 25 13 9 9</td>
<td>Domain information. XGridSize, YGridSize, Minimum X world
domain, Minimum Y world coordinate domain, X domain extent, y domain
<td>Surface Wind</td>
<td>Descriptive Name</td>
<td>0 125 0 0</td>
<td>Minimum possible value, maximum possible value, data
precision, time
independent parameter</td>
<td>0 3600 3600</td>
<td>Time constraints (startTime, duration, repeat interval).</td>
<td>19980518_1200 19980518_1500</td>
<td>Valid time range for grid (start time, ending time) in format
of yyyymmdd_hhmm</td>
<td>5 90</td>
<td>First grid point&nbsp; - Grid(0,0) with magnitude first,
followed by
<td>6 92</td>
<td>Next grid point - Grid(1,0)</td>
<td>11 88</td>
<td>9 85</td>
<td>continues for a total of nx*ny grid points</td>
<td>15 270</td>
<td>Grid (upper right corner)</td>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td>Identifies the following structure as an ASCIIGRID</td>
<td>Weather Element Name</td>
<td>Database site identifier</td>
<td>Database optional type</td>
<td>Database model name</td>
<td>Database time (denotes no model time associated with it when
all zeros,
normally yyyymmdd_hhmm)</td>
<td>Projection Identifier</td>
<td>73 73 25 13 9 9</td>
<td>Domain information. XGridSize, YGridSize, Minimum X world
domain, Minimum Y world coordinate domain, X domain extent, y domain
<td>Weather and Obstructions</td>
<td>Descriptive Name</td>
<td>0 1 0 0</td>
<td>Minimum possible value, maximum possible value, data
precision, time
independent parameter</td>
<td>0 3600 3600</td>
<td>Time constraints (startTime, duration, repeat interval).</td>
<td>19980518_1200 19980518_1500</td>
<td>Valid time range for grid (start time, ending time) in format
of yyyymmdd_hhmm</td>
<td>First grid point&nbsp; - Grid(0,0) - coded weather key</td>
<div class="1Heading">Ocnl:R:--:&lt;NoVis&gt;:</div>
<td>Next grid point - Grid(1,0)</td>
<div class="1Heading">Ocnl:R:--:&lt;NoVis&gt;:</div>
<div class="1Heading">Iso:T:++1/4sm:HvyRain</div>
<td>continues for a total of nx*ny grid points</td>
<td>Grid (upper right corner)</td>
<h4 class="1Heading">
Discrete Data Format</h4>
<div class="1Heading">&nbsp;
<table border="1" width="100%" nosave="">
<td>Identifies the following structure as an ASCIIGRID</td>
<td>Weather Element Name</td>
<td>Database site identifier</td>
<td>Database optional type</td>
<td>Database model name</td>
<td>Database time (denotes no model time associated with it when
all zeros,
normally yyyymmdd_hhmm)</td>
<td>Projection Identifier</td>
<td>73 73 25 13 9 9</td>
<td>Domain information. XGridSize, YGridSize, Minimum X world
domain, Minimum Y world coordinate domain, X domain extent, y domain
<td>W/W/A Highlights</td>
<td>Descriptive Name</td>
<td>0 1 0 0</td>
<td>Minimum possible value, maximum possible value,&nbsp; data
time independent parameter</td>
<td>0 3600 3600</td>
<td>Time constraints (startTime, duration, repeat interval).</td>
<td>19980518_1200 19980518_1500</td>
<td>Valid time range for grid (start time, ending time) in format
of yyyymmdd_hhmm</td>
<td>First grid point&nbsp; - Grid(0,0) - coded weather key</td>
<div class="1Heading">&lt;None&gt;</div>
<td>Next grid point - Grid(1,0)</td>
<div class="1Heading">WntrStmWRN</div>
<div class="1Heading">WntrStmWRN^HiWndWRN</div>
<td>continues for a total of nx*ny grid points</td>
<td>Grid (upper right corner)</td>