2022-05-05 12:34:50 -05:00

293 lines
22 KiB

This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority
version of the file will completely replace a lower priority version
of the file.
<!-- Burn Scar Flash Flood Warning configuration for County-based products-->
<!-- This template can be used for any pre-defined polygon that a site needs
to issue a FFW for outside of a dam break. -->
<!-- Created by Phil Kurimski 02-07-2013 for OB13.2.1-5
Phil Kurimski 09-19-2013 added geospatialConfig.xml
Mike Dangelo 10-20-2015 standard CTAs
Phil Kurimski 03-21-2018 Fixed FFW Emergency CTA Parse String DR 20671
ANY pointSource/areaSource/pathcastConfig OVERRIDES TO THAT FILE CAN BE
<include file="geospatialConfig_COUNTY.xml"/>
<!-- Include Various geospatial XML files to create their objects. These are *NOT*
turned on unless the corresponding .vm file is turned on in a given template's .vm file
<include file="mileMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure mileMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<include file="pointMarkers.xml"/>
<!-- To enable, make sure pointMarkers.vm is added/uncommented in a WarnGen template's .vm file -->
<!-- Config distance/speed units -->
<!-- OPTIONAL: Maps to load on template selection. Refer to 'Maps' menu in CAVE.
The various menu items are also the different maps
that can be loaded with each template. -->
<!-- <map>FFMP Small Stream Basin Links</map> -->
<map>County Names</map>
<map>County Warning Areas</map>
<map>FFMP Small Stream Basin Links</map>
<map>Major Rivers</map>
<!-- Followups: VTEC actions of allowable followups when this template is selected
Each followup will become available when the appropriate time range permits.
<!-- Product ID: nnn id of the product -->
<!-- Phensigs: The list of phenomena and significance combinations that this template applies to -->
<!-- Enables/disables user from selecting the Restart button the GUI -->
<!-- Enable/disables the system to lock text based on various patterns -->
<!-- Enables/disables the 'Dam Break Threat Area' button -->
<!-- Included watches: If a tornado watch or severe thunderstorm watch is to be
included with the warning product include TO.A and/or SV.A,
respectively. Please refer to 'includedWatchAreaBuffer' in <areaConfig/>.
<!-- durations: the list of possible durations of the warning -->
<pointSource variable="riverdrainages">
<mapping key="cwa">
<constraint constraintValue="%$warngenCWAFilter%" constraintType="LIKE" />
<bulletActionGroup action="NEW" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="icrs" bulletText="Also snowmelt" parseString=".RS."/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** SOURCE (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="source" bulletDefault="true" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerGauge" bulletText="Doppler radar and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR AND AUTOMATED RAIN GAUGES"/>
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Local law enforcement reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<!-- The following bullets will add satellite and gauges as a source. If you would like to use this
in your template uncomment the next few lines. -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="satellite" bulletText="satellite estimates" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE ESTIMATES"/>
<bullet bulletName="satelliteGauge" bulletText="satellite estimates and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE AND "/> -->
<bullet bulletText="*********** (OPTIONAL) DEBRIS FLOW INFO **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnScar" bulletText="Burn scar area with debris flow" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="BURN SCAR"/>
<bullet bulletName="mudSlide" bulletText="Mud Slides" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="MUD SLIDE"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** RAIN SO FAR (OPTIONAL) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain1" bulletText="One inch so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="ONE INCH"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain2" bulletText="Two inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="TWO INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain3" bulletText="Three inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="THREE INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainEdit" bulletText="User defined amount" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** ADDITIONAL INFO ***********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletDefault="true" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast"/>
<bullet bulletName="addRainfall" bulletText="Additional rainfall of XX inches expected" parseString="ADDITIONAL RAINFALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="particularStream" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES" loadMap="River Drainage Basins"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) ****" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- end all call to action bullets with "CTA" ex: "obviousNameCTA" -->
<bullet bulletName="burnAreasCTA" bulletText="Burn Areas" bulletDefault="true" parseString="RECENTLY BURNED AREAS"/>
<bullet bulletName="TADD_CTA" bulletText="Turn around, don't drown" parseString="&quot;TURN AROUND&quot;,&quot;DON'T DROWN&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="actQuicklyCTA" bulletText="Act Quickly" parseString="ACT QUICKLY TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE"/>
<bullet bulletName="childSafetyCTA" bulletText="Child Safety" parseString="KEEP CHILDREN AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding" parseString="AT NIGHT WHEN IT IS HARDER TO RECOGNIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="urbanCTA" bulletText="Urban areas" parseString="&quot;URBAN AREAS&quot;,&quot;HIGHWAYS&quot;,&quot;UNDERPASSES&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralCTA" bulletText="Rural areas" parseString="&quot;COUNTRY ROADS&quot;,&quot;FARMLAND&quot;,&quot;LOW LYING SPOTS&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="stayAwayCTA" bulletText="Stay away" parseString="STAY AWAY OR BE SWEPT AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="lowSpotsCTA" bulletText="Low spots in hilly terrain" parseString="IN HILLY TERRAIN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LOW WATER CROSSINGS"/>
<bullet bulletName="arroyosCTA" bulletText="Arroyos" parseString="ARROYOS"/>
<bullet bulletName="camperSafetyCTA" bulletText="Camper/Hiker Safety" parseString="CAMPERS AND HIKERS"/>
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to law enforcement" parseString="REPORT FLOODING TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwMeansCTA" bulletText="Flash Flood Warning means" parseString="A FLASH FLOOD WARNING MEANS"/>
<bullet bulletText="************************************************************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* The next section is for sites to load pre-configured *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* polygons for burn scars and other scenarios needing *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* a flash flood warning. *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** BURN SCAR AREA (Choose BurnArea and Scenario) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific burn scars in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each burn scar in the
template or listing the burn scars in a separate file and using the include command
This can also be done for other flash flood areas that need a pre-defined polygon -->
<include file="burnScarInfoBullet.xml"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="EXT" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="icrs" bulletText="Also snowmelt" parseString=".RS."/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** SOURCE (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="source" bulletDefault="true" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerGauge" bulletText="Doppler radar and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR AND AUTOMATED RAIN GAUGES"/>
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Local law enforcement reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<!-- The following bullets will add satellite and gauges as a source. If you would like to use this
in your template uncomment the next few lines. -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="satellite" bulletText="satellite estimates" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE ESTIMATES"/>
<bullet bulletName="satelliteGauge" bulletText="satellite estimates and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE AND "/> -->
<bullet bulletText="*********** (OPTIONAL) DEBRIS FLOW INFO **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnScar" bulletText="Burn scar area with debris flow" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="BURN SCAR"/>
<bullet bulletName="mudSlide" bulletText="Mud Slides" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="MUD SLIDE"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** RAIN SO FAR (OPTIONAL) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain1" bulletText="One inch so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="ONE INCH"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain2" bulletText="Two inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="TWO INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain3" bulletText="Three inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="THREE INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainEdit" bulletText="User defined amount" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** ADDITIONAL INFO ***********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="&quot;LOCATIONS&quot;,&quot;INCLUDE...&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletName="addRainfall" bulletText="Additional rainfall of XX inches expected" parseString="ADDITIONAL RAINFALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="particularStream" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES" loadMap="River Drainage Basins"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) ****" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- end all call to action bullets with "CTA" ex: "obviousNameCTA" -->
<bullet bulletName="burnAreasCTA" bulletText="Burn Areas" bulletDefault="true" parseString="RECENTLY BURNED AREAS"/>
<bullet bulletName="TADD_CTA" bulletText="Turn around, don't drown" parseString="&quot;TURN AROUND&quot;,&quot;DON'T DROWN&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="actQuicklyCTA" bulletText="Act Quickly" parseString="ACT QUICKLY TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE"/>
<bullet bulletName="childSafetyCTA" bulletText="Child Safety" parseString="KEEP CHILDREN AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding" parseString="AT NIGHT WHEN IT IS HARDER TO RECOGNIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="urbanCTA" bulletText="Urban areas" parseString="&quot;URBAN AREAS&quot;,&quot;HIGHWAYS&quot;,&quot;UNDERPASSES&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralCTA" bulletText="Rural areas" parseString="&quot;COUNTRY ROADS&quot;,&quot;FARMLAND&quot;,&quot;LOW LYING SPOTS&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="stayAwayCTA" bulletText="Stay away" parseString="STAY AWAY OR BE SWEPT AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="lowSpotsCTA" bulletText="Low spots in hilly terrain" parseString="IN HILLY TERRAIN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LOW WATER CROSSINGS"/>
<bullet bulletName="arroyosCTA" bulletText="Arroyos" parseString="ARROYOS"/>
<bullet bulletName="camperSafetyCTA" bulletText="Camper/Hiker Safety" parseString="CAMPERS AND HIKERS"/>
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to law enforcement" parseString="REPORT FLOODING TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwMeansCTA" bulletText="Flash Flood Warning means" parseString="A FLASH FLOOD WARNING MEANS"/>
<bullet bulletText="************************************************************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* The next section is for sites to load pre-configured *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* polygons for burn scars and other scenarios needing *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* a flash flood warning. *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** BURN SCAR AREA (Choose 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific burn scars in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each burn scar in the
template or listing the burn scars in a separate file and using the include command
This can also be done for other flash flood areas that need a pre-defined polygon -->
<include file="burnScarInfoBullet.xml"/>
<bulletActionGroup action="COR" phen="FF" sig="W">
<bullet bulletName="ffwEmergency" bulletText="**SELECT FOR FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY**" parseString="FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY"/>
<bullet bulletName="icrs" bulletText="Also snowmelt" parseString=".RS."/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** SOURCE (CHOOSE 1) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="doppler" bulletText="Doppler radar indicated" bulletGroup="source" bulletDefault="true" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED"/>
<bullet bulletName="dopplerGauge" bulletText="Doppler radar and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="DOPPLER RADAR AND AUTOMATED RAIN GAUGES"/>
<bullet bulletName="trainedSpotters" bulletText="Trained spotters reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="TRAINED WEATHER SPOTTERS REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="public" bulletText="Public reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="THE PUBLIC REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="lawEnforcement" bulletText="Local law enforcement reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTED"/>
<bullet bulletName="emergencyManagement" bulletText="Emergency management reported" bulletGroup="source" parseString="EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORTED"/>
<!-- The following bullets will add satellite and gauges as a source. If you would like to use this
in your template uncomment the next few lines. -->
<!-- <bullet bulletName="satellite" bulletText="satellite estimates" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE ESTIMATES"/>
<bullet bulletName="satelliteGauge" bulletText="satellite estimates and automated gauges" bulletGroup="source" parseString="SATELLITE AND "/> -->
<bullet bulletText="*********** (OPTIONAL) DEBRIS FLOW INFO **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="burnScar" bulletText="Burn scar area with debris flow" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="BURN SCAR"/>
<bullet bulletName="mudSlide" bulletText="Mud Slides" bulletGroup="addevent" parseString="MUD SLIDE"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** RAIN SO FAR (OPTIONAL) **********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain1" bulletText="One inch so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="ONE INCH"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain2" bulletText="Two inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="TWO INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rain3" bulletText="Three inches so far" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="THREE INCHES"/>
<bullet bulletName="rainEdit" bulletText="User defined amount" bulletGroup="rainAmt" parseString="INCHES OF RAIN HAVE FALLEN"/>
<bullet bulletText="*********** ADDITIONAL INFO ***********" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="&quot;LOCATIONS&quot;,&quot;INCLUDE...&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="listofcities" bulletText="Select for a list of cities" bulletGroup="pcast" parseString="WILL REMAIN OVER" showString="WILL REMAIN OVER"/>
<bullet bulletName="addRainfall" bulletText="Additional rainfall of XX inches expected" parseString="ADDITIONAL RAINFALL"/>
<bullet bulletName="particularStream" bulletText="Flooding is occurring in a particular stream/river" parseString="FLOOD WATERS ARE MOVING DOWN"/>
<bullet bulletName="drainages" bulletText="Automated list of drainages" parseString="THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STREAMS AND DRAINAGES" loadMap="River Drainage Basins"/>
<bullet bulletText="**** CALL TO ACTIONS (CHOOSE 1 OR MORE) ****" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- end all call to action bullets with "CTA" ex: "obviousNameCTA" -->
<bullet bulletName="burnAreasCTA" bulletText="Burn Areas" bulletDefault="true" parseString="RECENTLY BURNED AREAS"/>
<bullet bulletName="TADD_CTA" bulletText="Turn around, don't drown" parseString="&quot;TURN AROUND&quot;,&quot;DON'T DROWN&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="actQuicklyCTA" bulletText="Act Quickly" parseString="ACT QUICKLY TO PROTECT YOUR LIFE"/>
<bullet bulletName="childSafetyCTA" bulletText="Child Safety" parseString="KEEP CHILDREN AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="nighttimeCTA" bulletText="Nighttime flooding" parseString="AT NIGHT WHEN IT IS HARDER TO RECOGNIZE"/>
<bullet bulletName="urbanCTA" bulletText="Urban areas" parseString="&quot;URBAN AREAS&quot;,&quot;HIGHWAYS&quot;,&quot;UNDERPASSES&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="ruralCTA" bulletText="Rural areas" parseString="&quot;COUNTRY ROADS&quot;,&quot;FARMLAND&quot;,&quot;LOW LYING SPOTS&quot;"/>
<bullet bulletName="stayAwayCTA" bulletText="Stay away" parseString="STAY AWAY OR BE SWEPT AWAY"/>
<bullet bulletName="lowSpotsCTA" bulletText="Low spots in hilly terrain" parseString="IN HILLY TERRAIN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF LOW WATER CROSSINGS"/>
<bullet bulletName="arroyosCTA" bulletText="Arroyos" parseString="ARROYOS"/>
<bullet bulletName="camperSafetyCTA" bulletText="Camper/Hiker Safety" parseString="CAMPERS AND HIKERS"/>
<bullet bulletName="reportFloodingCTA" bulletText="Report flooding to law enforcement" parseString="REPORT FLOODING TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT"/>
<bullet bulletName="ffwMeansCTA" bulletText="Flash Flood Warning means" parseString="A FLASH FLOOD WARNING MEANS"/>
<bullet bulletText="************************************************************" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* The next section is for sites to load pre-configured *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* polygons for burn scars and other scenarios needing *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="* a flash flood warning. *" bulletType="title"/>
<bullet bulletText="****** BURN SCAR AREA (Choose 1) ******" bulletType="title"/>
<!-- The following are examples on how to include site specific burn scars in your template
You can choose to do this by editing the template and listing each burn scar in the
template or listing the burn scars in a separate file and using the include command
This can also be done for other flash flood areas that need a pre-defined polygon -->
<include file="burnScarInfoBullet.xml"/>