] [formerly4bfbdad17d
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
] Former-commit-id:e5543a0e86
274 lines
7.3 KiB
274 lines
7.3 KiB
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
void cfl_mdat ( char *filnam, char *templt, char *defdat,
char *dattim, int *iret )
* cfl_mdat *
* *
* This function constructs a GEMPAK date/time string using the *
* template and a file name. *
* *
* Valid substrings for the template include: *
* *
* YYYY Year with the century *
* YY Year without the century *
* MMM Month 3 letter abbreviation *
* MM Month number *
* DD Day *
* HH Hour *
* NN Minute *
* FFF 3-character forecast hour *
* FF 2-character forecast hour *
* *
* cfl_mdat ( filnam, templt, defdat, dattim, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *filnam char File name *
* *templt char File name template *
* *defdat char Default GEMPAK date/time string *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *dattim char GEMPAK date/time string *
* *iret int Return code *
* = 0, normal *
* = -12, cannot decode *
** *
* G. Krueger/EAI 8/96 *
* T. Lee/GSC 5/99 Initialized month/date to 0101 *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 9/99 Changed call to accept default date/time*
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 Added error checking for translation *
* and added forecast hour checking *
* R. Tian/SAIC 07/06 First replace *'s in template with the *
* corresponding strings from the file *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 8/06 Counted correctly for adding fcst time *
int intg, istar, len, ier;
char tstr[8], tplate[MXFLSZ];
char *pslash, *pcolon, *pname, *pstar;
char *pmonth, *pyy, *pmm, *pdd, *phh, *pmn, *pff, *pfff, *pplate;
char monames[48] =
char temptplate[MXFLSZ], tempfname[MXFLSZ];
*iret = 0;
* Initialize return value.
strcpy ( dattim, defdat );
strcpy (temptplate, templt);
strcpy (tempfname, filnam);
// printf( "cfl_mdate tempfname= %s\n", tempfname );
// printf( "cfl_mdate temptplate= %s\n",temptplate);
* Find the file name contained in the path.
pslash = strrchr ( filnam, '/' );
pcolon = strrchr ( filnam, ':' );
if ( pslash != NULL && pslash > pcolon ) {
pname = pslash + 1;
} else if ( pcolon != NULL ) {
pname = pcolon + 1;
} else {
pname = filnam;
// printf( "cfl_mdate pname= %s\n", pname );
// printf( "cfl_mdate templt= %s\n",templt );
* A2DB change
pplate = strstr(filnam, templt);
// printf( "cfl_mdate pplate= %s\n",pplate );
if ( pplate != NULL ) {
pname = strtok(filnam, "-");
pname = strtok( NULL, "-" );
sprintf (templt, "%s", "YYYYMMDD_HHMMfFFF");
// printf( "cfl_mdate new pname= %s\n", pname );
// printf( "cfl_mdate new templt= %s\n",templt );
* Replace any '*' in the template with actual characters from
* the input file name.
pstar = strchr ( templt, '*' );
if ( pstar ) {
istar = (int)( pstar - templt );
if ( *(pstar+1) == '\0' ) {
strncpy ( tplate, templt, istar );
strcpy ( &tplate[istar], &pname[istar] );
} else {
len = strlen(pname) - strlen(templt) + 1;
strncpy ( tplate, templt, istar );
strncpy ( &tplate[istar], &pname[istar], len );
strcpy ( &tplate[istar+len], &templt[istar+1] );
} else {
strcpy ( tplate, templt );
* Extract the 2 digits of a YY year from the file name.
pyy = strstr ( tplate, "YY" );
if ( pyy != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pyy - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the last 2 digits of a YYYY year from the file name.
pyy = strstr ( tplate, "YYYY" );
if ( pyy != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pyy + 2 - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the 2 digits of an MM month from the file name.
pmm = strstr ( tplate, "MM" );
if ( pmm != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pmm - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim + 2, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the month value from a 3 character MMM month from the
* file name.
pmm = strstr ( tplate, "MMM" );
if ( pmm != NULL ) {
cst_ncpy ( tstr, pname + (pmm - tplate), 3, &ier );
cst_lcuc ( tstr, tstr, &ier );
pmonth = strstr ( monames, tstr );
if ( pmonth == (char *)NULL ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
sprintf ( tstr, "%2.2d", (int) ( pmonth - monames ) / 4 + 1 );
memcpy ( dattim + 2, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the 2 digits of a DD day from the file name.
pdd = strstr ( tplate, "DD" );
if ( pdd != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pdd - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim + 4, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the 2 digits of an HH hour from the file name.
phh = strstr ( tplate, "HH" );
if ( phh != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (phh - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim + 7, tstr, 2 );
* Extract the 2 digits of an NN minute from the file name.
pmn = strstr ( tplate, "NN" );
if ( pmn != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pmn - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
memcpy ( dattim + 9, tstr, 2 );
if ( strlen( dattim ) > (size_t)11 ) {
* Extract the 3 digits of an FFF forecast hour from the file name.
pfff = strstr ( tplate, "FFF" );
if ( pfff != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pfff - tplate), 3 );
tstr[3] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
dattim[11] = 'F';
memcpy ( dattim + 12, tstr, 3 );
else {
* Extract the 2 digits of an FF forecast hour from the file name.
pff = strstr ( tplate, "FF" );
if ( pff != NULL ) {
memcpy ( tstr, pname + (pff - tplate), 2 );
tstr[2] = CHNULL;
cst_numb ( tstr, &intg, &ier );
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*iret = -12;
else {
dattim[11] = 'F';
dattim[12] = '0';
memcpy ( dattim + 13, tstr, 2 );
if ( pplate != NULL ) {
strcpy (templt, temptplate);
strcpy (filnam, tempfname);
// printf( "cfl_mdate templt= %s\n",templt);
// printf( "cfl_mdate filnam= %s\n",filnam);