] [formerly4bfbdad17d
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
] Former-commit-id:e5543a0e86
393 lines
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393 lines
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/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* Wind/Vector Manipulation Library */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* */
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
float ucomp ( float wdir, float wspd )
/* UCOMP */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates a u-component of the wind (kt), given */
/* a direction and speed. */
/* */
/* wdir - Wind Direction (deg) */
/* wspd - Wind Speed (kt) */
while( wdir > 360) { wdir = wdir - 360; }
wdir = wdir * PI / 180;
return wspd * sin(wdir);
float vcomp ( float wdir, float wspd )
/* VCOMP */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates a v-component of the wind (kt), given */
/* a direction and speed. */
/* */
/* wdir - Wind Direction (deg) */
/* wspd - Wind Speed (kt) */
while( wdir > 360) { wdir = wdir - 360; }
wdir = wdir * PI/180.0;
return wspd * cos(wdir);
float angle ( float u, float v )
/* ANGLE */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates an angle (deg) of the wind (u,v). */
/* */
/* u - U-Component (kt) */
/* v - V-Component (kt) */
double sc, t1;
sc = PI/180;
if ((u == 0) && (v == 0)) return 0;
if ((u == 0) && (v > 0)) return 360;
if ((u == 0) && (v < 0)) return 180;
t1 = atan(v / u) / sc;
if (u >= 0)
{return (float)(90 - t1);}
{return (float)(270 - t1);}
void mean_wind ( float pbot, float ptop, float *mnu, float *mnv,
float *wdir, float *wspd )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates a pressure-weighted mean wind thru the */
/* layer (pbot-ptop). Default layer is LFC-EL. */
/* */
/* pbot - Bottom level of layer (mb) */
/* ptop - Top level of layer (mb) */
/* mnu - U-Component of mean wind (kt) */
/* mnv - V-Component of mean wind (kt) */
float pinc, usum, vsum, wgt, w1, i;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, lower, upper;
int num;
struct _parcel pcl;
*wspd = -999; *wdir = -999; *mnu = -999; *mnv = -999;
if( sndgp == NULL ) return;
/* ----- Check for Default Values ----- */
if((pbot == -1) || (ptop == -1))
sfctemp = sndgp->lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = sndgp->lplvals.dwpt;
sfcpres = sndgp->lplvals.pres;
parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
lower = pcl.lfcpres;
upper = pcl.elpres;
if(!qc(lower)) { lower = 850; }
if(!qc(upper)) { upper = 200; }
if( pbot == -1 ) { pbot = lower; }
if( ptop == -1 ) { ptop = upper; }
pinc = (pbot - ptop) / 20;
if (pinc < 1)
usum = (i_wndu( pbot ) * pbot) + (i_wndu( ptop ) * ptop);
vsum = (i_wndv( pbot ) * pbot) + (i_wndv( ptop ) * ptop);
wgt = pbot + ptop;
num = 1;
num = 0;
wgt = 0;
usum = 0;
vsum = 0;
for(i = pbot; i >= ptop; i = i - pinc)
if((qc(i_wndu( i )))&&(qc(i_wndv( i ))))
w1 = i;
usum = usum + (i_wndu( i ) * w1);
vsum = vsum + (i_wndv( i ) * w1);
wgt = wgt + w1;
if(num < 1)
*mnu = -999.; *mnv = -999.; *wdir = -999.; *wspd = -999.;
*mnu = (usum / wgt);
*mnv = (vsum / wgt);
*wdir = angle( *mnu, *mnv);
*wspd = (float)(sqrt((*mnu * *mnu) + (*mnv * *mnv)));
void sr_wind ( float pbot, float ptop, float stdir, float stspd,
float *mnu, float *mnv, float *wdir, float *wspd )
/* SR_WIND */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates a pressure-weighted SR mean wind thru the */
/* layer (pbot-ptop). Default layer is LFC-EL. */
/* */
/* pbot - Bottom level of layer (mb) */
/* ptop - Top level of layer (mb) */
/* stdir - Storm motion dirction (deg) */
/* stspd - Storm motion speed (kt) */
/* mnu - U-Component of mean wind (kt) */
/* mnv - V-Component of mean wind (kt) */
float pinc, usum, vsum, wgt, w1, num, i, stu, stv;
if( sndgp == NULL ) return;
/* ----- Calculate Storm motion vectors ----- */
stu = ucomp( stdir, stspd);
stv = vcomp( stdir, stspd);
*mnu = -999; *mnv = -999; *wdir = -999; *wspd = -999;
/* ----- Check for Default Values ----- */
if(pbot == -1) { pbot = sndgp->sndg[sfc()].pres; }
if(ptop == -1) { ptop = i_pres(msl(3000)); }
pinc = (pbot - ptop) / 20;
if (pinc < 1)
usum = ((i_wndu( pbot ) - stu) * pbot) + ((i_wndu( ptop ) - stu) * ptop);
vsum = ((i_wndv( pbot ) - stv) * pbot) + ((i_wndv( ptop ) - stv) * ptop);
wgt = pbot + ptop;
num = 0;
wgt = 0;
usum = 0;
vsum = 0;
for(i = pbot; i >= ptop; i = i - pinc)
if((qc(i_wndu( i )))&&(qc(i_wndv( i ))))
w1 = i;
usum = usum + ((i_wndu( i ) - stu) * w1);
vsum = vsum + ((i_wndv( i ) - stv) * w1);
wgt = wgt + w1;
*mnu = (usum / wgt);
*mnv = (vsum / wgt);
*wdir = angle( *mnu, *mnv);
*wspd = (float)(sqrt((*mnu * *mnu) + (*mnv * *mnv)));
void wind_shear ( float pbot, float ptop, float *shu, float *shv,
float *sdir, float *smag )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the shear between the wind at (pbot) and */
/* (ptop). Default lower wind is a 1km mean wind, while */
/* the default upper layer is 3km. */
/* */
/* pbot - Bottom level of layer (mb) */
/* ptop - Top level of layer (mb) */
/* mnu - U-Component of shear (m/s) */
/* mnv - V-Component of shear (m/s) */
/* sdir - Direction of shear vector (degrees) */
/* smag - Magnitude of shear vector (m/s) */
float ubot, vbot, ix3, ix4;
/* ----- Check for Default Values ----- */
if( pbot == -1 )
pbot = sndgp->sndg[sfc()].pres;
mean_wind( sndgp->sndg[sfc()].pres, i_pres(msl(1000)), &ubot, &vbot, &ix3, &ix4);
ubot = i_wndu( pbot );
vbot = i_wndv( pbot );
if( ptop == -1 ) { ptop = i_pres(agl(3000)); }
/* ----- Make sure winds were observed through layer ----- */
if (qc(i_wndu( ptop )) && qc(i_wndu( pbot )))
/* ----- Calculate Vector Difference ----- */
*shu = i_wndu( ptop ) - ubot;
*shv = i_wndv( ptop ) - vbot;
*sdir = angle( *shu, *shv);
*smag = (float)(sqrt((*shu * *shu) + (*shv * *shv)));
*shu = -999;
*shv = -999;
*sdir = -999;
*smag = -999;
float helicity ( float lower, float upper, float sdir, float sspd,
float *phel, float *nhel )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Calculates the storm-relative helicity (m2/s2) of a */
/* layer from LOWER(m, agl) to UPPER(m, agl). Uses the */
/* storm motion vector (sdir, sspd). */
/* */
/* lower - Bottom level of layer (m, AGL)[-1=LPL]*/
/* upper - Top level of layer (m, AGL) [-1=LFC]*/
/* sdir - Storm motion direction (degrees) */
/* sspd - Storm motion speed (kt) */
/* phel - Positive helicity in layer (m2/s2) */
/* nhel - Negative helicity in layer (m2/s2) */
/* RETURN VALUE - Total helicity (m2/s2) */
float cx, cy, sru1, srv1, sru2, srv2, lyrh;
short i, lptr, uptr, ok;
float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres;
struct _parcel pcl;
/* ----- Check for Default Values ----- */
if((upper == -1) || (lower == -1))
sfctemp = sndgp->lplvals.temp;
sfcdwpt = sndgp->lplvals.dwpt;
sfcpres = sndgp->lplvals.pres;
parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl);
if(upper == -1) { upper = agl(i_hght(esfc(50)) + 3000); }
if(lower == -1) { lower = agl(i_hght(esfc(50))); }
if(!qc(upper)) { upper = 3000; }
/* ----- See if this is a valid layer ----- */
ok = 1;
if(!qc(i_wndu( i_pres(msl(lower))))) { ok = 0; }
if(!qc(i_wndu( i_pres(msl(upper))))) { ok = 0; }
if(!qc(sdir)) { ok = 0; }
if(!qc(sspd)) { ok = 0; }
/* ----- Make sure winds were observed through layer ----- */
/* ----- Calculate Storm Motion x,y (kt) ----- */
cx = ucomp(sdir, sspd);
cy = vcomp(sdir, sspd);
/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
i = 0;
while( agl(sndgp->sndg[i].hght) < lower) { i++; }
lptr = i;
if( agl(sndgp->sndg[i].hght) == lower ) { lptr++; }
/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
i = sndgp->numlev - 1;
while( agl(sndgp->sndg[i].hght) > upper)
{ i--; }
uptr = i;
if( agl(sndgp->sndg[i].hght) == upper ) { uptr--; }
/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
sru1 = (i_wndu(i_pres(msl(lower))) - cx) * .51479F;
srv1 = (i_wndv(i_pres(msl(lower))) - cy) * .51479F;
*phel = 0;
*nhel = 0;
for( i = lptr; i <= uptr; i++)
if( qc(sndgp->sndg[i].sped) )
sru2 = (ucomp(sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped) - cx) * .51479F;
srv2 = (vcomp(sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped) - cy) * .51479F;
lyrh = (sru2 * srv1) - (sru1 * srv2);
if(lyrh > 0)
{ *phel += lyrh; }
{ *nhel += lyrh; }
sru1 = sru2;
srv1 = srv2;
/* ----- Finish with interpolated top layer ----- */
sru2 = (i_wndu(i_pres(msl(upper))) - cx) * .51479F;
srv2 = (i_wndv(i_pres(msl(upper))) - cy) * .51479F;
lyrh = (sru2 * srv1) - (sru1 * srv2);
if(lyrh > 0)
{ *phel += lyrh; }
{ *nhel += lyrh; }
return *phel + *nhel;
*phel = -999;
*nhel = -999;
return -999;