] [formerly4bfbdad17d
] [formerly8485b90ff8
[formerly bf53d06834caa780226121334ac1bcf0534c3f16]]] Former-commit-id:8485b90ff8
] Former-commit-id:e5543a0e86
1335 lines
42 KiB
1335 lines
42 KiB
/* SHARP-95 */
/* Advanced Interactive Sounding Analysis Program */
/* */
/* Sounding Data Decoding Routines */
/* */
/* John A. Hart */
/* National Severe Storms Forecast Center */
/* Kansas City, Missouri */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* List of Routines in this module: */
/* */
/* LVL_MAN */
/* LVL_SIG */
/* LVL_WND */
/* I_H */
/* I_P */
/* UASORT */
/* */
#include "gui.h"
#include "sharp95.h"
float get_stn_info (long id);
short numttxx, lvltop, verbose = 1;
char ttxx[LLMXLV][6];
float sfcelev=300;
long wmo_id=72349;
char station_name[33]="";
short wmo_hour, wmo_day;
short decode_sounding ( char *filename )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* This routine will decode a standard WMO formatted */
/* upper air sounding and create an array for use in the */
/* SHARP95 program. */
/* */
/* Return Codes: 0 = No Errors, sounding decoded */
/* 1 = Input File Not Found */
/* 2 = Error Reading File */
FILE *fin;
short ok;
printf( "Decoding Input File: %s\n", filename );
sndgp->numlev = 0;
/* ----- Make sure File Exists ----- */
if( (fin = fopen( filename, "rt" )) == NULL ) { return( 1 ); }
fclose( fin );
/* ----- TTAA ----- */
printf( "Reading/Decoding TTAA (Mandatory Level) Data\n" );
ok = read_ttaa(filename);
if(ok) { return 1; } /* ----- Exit if not found -----*/
ok = decode_ttaa();
if(ok) { return 1; } /* ----- Exit if not readable -----*/
/* ----- TTBB ----- */
printf( "Reading/Decoding TTBB (Significant Level) Data\n" );
ok = read_ttbb(filename);
printf("\nflag 3 %d \n", ok);
if(ok) { return 1; } /* ----- Exit if not found -----*/
ok = decode_ttbb();
printf("\nflag 4 %d \n", ok);
if(ok) { return 1; } /* ----- Exit if not readable -----*/
/* ----- PPBB ----- */
printf( "Reading/Decoding PPBB (Wind Level) Data\n" );
ok = read_ppbb(filename);
printf("\nflag 1 %d \n", ok);
/* if(ok) { return 1; } */ /* ----- Exit if not found -----*/
ok = decode_ppbb();
printf("\nflag 2 %d \n", ok);
/* if(ok) { return 1; } */ /* ----- Exit if not readable -----*/
/* ----- Sort in ascending order ----- */
printf( "Weeding/Sorting Data Array Into Ascending Order\n" );
/* ----- Write output to file ----- */
printf( "Writing File DECDDROB to Disk\n" );
/* ----- Extract RAOB Title from FileName ----- */
get_title( filename );
strcpy ( sndgp->title, raobtitle);
return 0;
short read_ttaa ( char *filename )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Reads TTAA data and parses it into ttaa array. */
FILE *fp;
char rlin[82],*spos;
short ok, aok, i;
numttxx = 0;
aok = 0;
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (fp)
/* ----- Find TTAA Bulletin ----- */
i = 0;
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ))
/* ----- Look for ending of msg ----- */
if(strlen( rlin ) < (size_t)5 ) {aok = 0;}
/* ----- Look for beginning of msg ----- */
spos = strstr( rlin, "TTAA " );
if ( ( spos != NULL ) && ( strlen(spos) ) ) { aok += 1; }
/*if(strlen(strstr( rlin, "TTAA " ))) { aok += 1; }*/
/* ----- Process msg ----- */
if( aok == 1 )
printf( " %s", rlin);
ok = sscanf( rlin, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
ttxx[i], ttxx[i+1], ttxx[i+2], ttxx[i+3], ttxx[i+4],
ttxx[i+5], ttxx[i+6], ttxx[i+7], ttxx[i+8], ttxx[i+9]);
i += ok;
numttxx = i;
if(numttxx == 0 ) { return 1; }
return 0;
short read_ttbb ( char *filename )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Reads TTBB data and parses it into ttbb array. */
FILE *fp;
char rlin[82];
short ok, aok, i;
numttxx = 0;
aok = 0;
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (fp)
/* ----- Find TTBB Bulletin ----- */
i = 0;
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ))
/* ----- Look for beginning of msg ----- */
if(strstr( rlin, "TTBB " ) != 0 ) {aok += 1;}
/* ----- Look for ending of msg ----- */
if(strlen( rlin ) < (size_t)5 ) {aok = 0;}
/* ----- Process msg ----- */
if( aok == 1 )
printf( " %s", rlin);
ok = sscanf( rlin, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
ttxx[i], ttxx[i+1], ttxx[i+2], ttxx[i+3], ttxx[i+4],
ttxx[i+5], ttxx[i+6], ttxx[i+7], ttxx[i+8], ttxx[i+9]);
i += ok;
numttxx = i;
if(numttxx == 0 ) { return 1; }
return 0;
short read_ppbb ( char *filename )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Reads PPBB data and parses it into ttbb array. */
FILE *fp;
char rlin[82];
short ok, aok, i;
numttxx = 0;
/* ----- Open File if it exists ----- */
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (fp)
/* ----- Find PPBB Bulletin ----- */
i = 0;
while(fgets( rlin, 80, fp ))
/* ----- Look for beginning of msg ----- */
if(strstr( rlin, "PPBB " ) != 0 ) {aok += 1;}
/* ----- Look for ending of msg ----- */
if(strlen( rlin ) < (size_t)5 ) {aok = 0;}
/* ----- Process msg ----- */
if( aok == 1 )
printf( " %s", rlin);
ok = sscanf( rlin, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
ttxx[i], ttxx[i+1], ttxx[i+2], ttxx[i+3], ttxx[i+4],
ttxx[i+5], ttxx[i+6], ttxx[i+7], ttxx[i+8], ttxx[i+9]);
i += ok;
printf("\n -> %s %s %s %s \n", ttxx[0], ttxx[1], ttxx[2], ttxx[3] );
numttxx = i;
if(numttxx == 0 ) { return 1; }
return 0;
short decode_ttaa ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Decodes TTAA file and places it into tadat array. */
char wmo[6], datim[6], dum[6];
short i, p_wmo, p_datim, p_first, incx;
float lvl, hght, temp, dwpt, wdir, wspd;
/* ----- Standard Pointers for TTAA message----- */
p_wmo = 0;
p_datim = 2;
p_first = 4;
/* ----- Read WMO ID Number ----- */
strcpy( wmo, ttxx[p_wmo]);
wmo_id = atol(wmo);
/* ----- Read Date/Time/Top Group ----- */
strcpy( datim, ttxx[p_datim]);
strncpy( dum, datim, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
wmo_day = atoi( dum ) - 50;
strncpy( dum, datim+2, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
wmo_hour = atoi( dum );
strcpy( dum, datim+4);
lvltop = atoi( dum ) * 100;
{ printf( "Stn=%ld Day=%d Hour=%d Top=%d\n", wmo_id, wmo_day, wmo_hour, lvltop); }
/* ----- Loop through data levels and decode ----- */
for(i=p_first; i<=numttxx; i+=incx)
/* ----- Check for EOM group ----- */
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "51515")) { break; }
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "31313")) { break; }
/* ----- Convert units and apply rules ----- */
incx = 0;
lvl_man( i, &incx, &lvl, &hght, &temp, &dwpt, &wdir, &wspd);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = lvl;
if(hght == -999)
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = i_h( lvl );
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = hght;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp = temp;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt = dwpt;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct = wdir;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped = wspd;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].omega = (-999.0);
printf( "%3d ", sndgp->numlev);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped);
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->numlev + 1;
return 0;
short decode_ttbb ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Decodes TTBB file and places it into sndg array. */
char wmo[6], datim[6], dum[6];
short i, p_wmo, p_datim, p_first, day, hour, inc;
float lvl, hght, temp, dwpt, wdir, wspd;
/* ----- Standard Pointers for TTAA message----- */
p_wmo = 0;
p_datim = 2;
p_first = 4;
/* ----- Read WMO ID Number ----- */
strcpy( wmo, ttxx[p_wmo]);
/* ----- Read Date/Time/Top Group ----- */
strcpy( datim, ttxx[p_datim]);
strncpy( dum, datim, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
day = atoi( dum ) - 50;
strncpy( dum, datim+2, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
hour = atoi( dum );
if(verbose) { printf( "Stn=%s Day=%d Hour=%d\n", wmo, day, hour); }
if((day != wmo_day) || (hour != wmo_hour)) return 1;
/* ----- Loop through data levels and decode ----- */
for(i=p_first; i<=numttxx; i+=inc)
/* ----- Check for EOM group ----- */
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "51515")) { break; }
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "31313")) { break; }
/* ----- Convert units and apply rules ----- */
lvl_sig( i, &lvl, &hght, &temp, &dwpt, &wdir, &wspd);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = lvl;
if(hght == -999)
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = i_h( lvl );
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = hght;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp = temp;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt = dwpt;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct = wdir;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped = wspd;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].omega = (-999.0);
printf( "%3d ", sndgp->numlev);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped);
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->numlev + 1;
/* ----- Increment groups ----- */
inc = 2;
return 0;
short decode_ppbb ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Decodes PPBB file and places it into sndg array. */
char wmo[6], datim[6], dum[6];
short i, p_wmo, p_datim, p_first, day, hour, inc;
long mod, h1, h2, h3;
float lvl, hght, temp, dwpt, wdir, wspd;
/* ----- Standard Pointers for PPBB message----- */
p_wmo = 2;
p_datim = 1;
p_first = 3;
/* ----- Read WMO ID Number ----- */
strcpy( wmo, ttxx[p_wmo]);
/* ----- Read Date/Time/Top Group ----- */
strcpy( datim, ttxx[p_datim]);
strncpy( dum, datim, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
day = atoi( dum ) - 50;
strncpy( dum, datim+2, 2);
dum[2] = 0;
hour = atoi( dum );
if(verbose) { printf( "Stn=%s Day=%d Hour=%d\n", wmo, day, hour); }
if((day != wmo_day) || (hour != wmo_hour)) return 1;
/* ----- Loop through data levels and decode ----- */
for(i=p_first; i<=numttxx; i+=inc)
/* ----- Check for EOM group ----- */
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "51515")) { break; }
if (strstr(ttxx[i], "31313")) { break; }
/* ----- Read indicator group to get heights ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i],1 );
dum[1] = 0;
if(!strstr(dum, "9")) { break; }
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i]+1, 1); (dum)[1] = 0; mod = atol(dum) * 10000l;
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i]+2, 1); (dum)[1] = 0;
if( strstr(dum,"/") ) { h1=-1; } else { h1 = (atol(dum) * 1000) + mod; }
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i]+3, 1); (dum)[1] = 0;
if( strstr(dum,"/") ) { h2=-1; } else { h2 = (atol(dum) * 1000) + mod; }
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i]+4, 1); (dum)[1] = 0;
if( strstr(dum,"/") ) { h3=-1; } else { h3 = (atol(dum) * 1000) + mod; }
inc = 1;
if(h1 != -1)
/* ----- Convert units and apply rules ----- */
lvl_wnd( i + 1, &lvl, &hght, &temp, &dwpt, &wdir, &wspd);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = lvl;
if(h1==0) { sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = sfcelev; } else { sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = (float)(h1 / 3.281); }
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp = temp;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt = dwpt;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct = wdir;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped = wspd;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].omega = (-999.0);
if (lvl == -999)
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = i_p( sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght );
printf( "%3d ", sndgp->numlev);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped);
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->numlev + 1;
if(h2 != -1)
/* ----- Convert units and apply rules ----- */
lvl_wnd( i + 2, &lvl, &hght, &temp, &dwpt, &wdir, &wspd);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = lvl;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = (float)(h2 / 3.281);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp = temp;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt = dwpt;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct = wdir;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped = wspd;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].omega = (-999.0);
if(lvl == -999) { sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = i_p( sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght ); }
printf( "%3d ", sndgp->numlev);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped);
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->numlev + 1;
if(h3 != -1)
/* ----- Convert units and apply rules ----- */
lvl_wnd( i + 3, &lvl, &hght, &temp, &dwpt, &wdir, &wspd);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = lvl;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght = (float)(h3 / 3.281);
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp = temp;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt = dwpt;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct = wdir;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped = wspd;
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].omega = (-999.0);
if(lvl == -999) { sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres = i_p( sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght ); }
printf( "%3d ", sndgp->numlev);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].pres, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].hght,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].temp, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].drct, sndgp->sndg[sndgp->numlev].sped);
sndgp->numlev = sndgp->numlev + 1;
return 0;
void lvl_man ( short i, short *incx, float *lvl, float *hght,
float *temp, float *dwpt, float *wdir, float *wspd )
/* LVL_MAN */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Returns level values from base file data. */
float depp;
char dum[10];
short h1, l1, misg, p1, p2, trop;
/* ----- Level (mb) ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i], 2); (dum)[2]=0;
if(strstr( dum, "/" ))
{ l1 = -999; }
{ l1 = atoi( dum ); }
/* ----- Height (m) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i]+2);
if(strstr( dum, "/" ))
{ h1 = -999; }
{ h1 = atoi( dum ); }
if(h1 == -999) { misg=1; }
p1 = 1;
p2 = 2;
case 0:
*lvl = 1000;
*hght = h1;
case 99:
if(h1 < 300) { h1 += 1000; }
*lvl = h1;
*hght = sfcelev;
case 92:
*lvl = 925;
*hght = h1;
case 85:
*lvl = 850;
*hght = h1 + 1000;
case 70:
*lvl = 700;
if( h1 < 500 ) { h1 += 3000; } else { h1 += 2000; }
*hght = h1;
case 50:
*lvl = 500;
*hght = h1 * 10;
case 40:
*lvl = 400;
*hght = h1 * 10;
case 30:
*lvl = 300;
*hght = h1 * 10;
if(*hght < 3000) { *hght += 10000; }
case 25:
*lvl = 250;
*hght = (h1 * 10) + 10000;
case 20:
*lvl = 200;
*hght = (h1 * 10) + 10000;
case 15:
*lvl = 150;
*hght = (h1 * 10) + 10000;
case 10:
*lvl = 100;
*hght = (h1 * 10) + 10000;
case 88:
*lvl = h1;
*hght = -999;
trop = 1;
case 77:
*lvl = h1;
*hght = -999;
p1 = -1;
p2 = 1;
*incx = 1;
*lvl = -999;
*hght = -999;
*temp = -999;
*dwpt = -999;
*wdir = -999;
*wspd = -999;
*incx = 1;
if (misg) { *hght = -999; }
if(p1 > 0)
*incx = *incx + 1;
/* ----- Temperature (c) ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i+p1], 3); (dum)[3]=0;
*temp = (float)(atoi(dum)) / 10;
if(atoi(dum) % 2) { *temp *= -1; }
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *temp = -999; }
/* ----- Dew Point (c) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i+p1]+3);
depp = (float)atoi(dum);
if(depp <= 55) { depp *= .1; } else { depp -= 50; }
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *dwpt = -999; } else { *dwpt = *temp - depp; }
*temp = -999;
*dwpt = -999;
if(((short)*lvl >= lvltop) || (p2 == 1) || (trop == 1))
*incx = *incx + 1;
/* ----- Wind Direction (deg) ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i+p2], 3); (dum)[3]=0;
*wdir = (float)atoi(dum);
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *wdir = -999; }
/* ----- Wind Speed (kt) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i+p2]+3);
*wspd = (float)atoi(dum) + (((short)*wdir % 5) * 100);
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *wspd = -999; }
*wdir = -999;
*wspd = -999;
if((*lvl == 999) && (*hght == -999))
*incx = 1;
*lvl = -999;
*hght = -999;
*temp = -999;
*dwpt = -999;
*wdir = -999;
*wspd = -999;
void lvl_sig ( short i, float *lvl, float *hght, float *temp,
float *dwpt, float *wdir, float *wspd )
/* LVL_SIG */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Returns level values from TTBB file data. */
float depp;
char dum[10];
/* ----- Level (mb) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i]+2);
*lvl = atoi( dum );
/* ----- Height (m) ----- */
*hght = -999;
/* ----- Temperature (c) ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i+1], 3); (dum)[3]=0;
*temp = (float)(atoi(dum)) / 10;
if(atoi(dum) % 2) { *temp *= -1; }
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *temp = -999; }
/* ----- Dew Point (c) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i+1]+3);
depp = (float)atoi(dum);
if(depp <= 55) { depp *= .1; } else { depp -= 50; }
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *dwpt = -999; } else { *dwpt = *temp - depp; }
/* ----- Wind Direction (deg) ----- */
*wdir = -999;
/* ----- Wind Speed (kt) ----- */
*wspd = -999;
void lvl_wnd ( short i, float *lvl, float *hght, float *temp,
float *dwpt, float *wdir, float *wspd )
/* LVL_WND */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Returns level values from PPBB file data. */
char dum[10];
/* ----- Level (mb) ----- */
*lvl = -999;
/* ----- Height (m) ----- */
*hght = -999;
/* ----- Temperature (c) ----- */
*temp = -999;
/* ----- Dew Point (c) ----- */
*dwpt = -999;
/* ----- Wind Direction (deg) ----- */
strncpy( dum, ttxx[i], 3); (dum)[3]=0;
*wdir = (float)atoi(dum);
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *wdir = -999; }
/* ----- Wind Speed (kt) ----- */
strcpy( dum, ttxx[i]+3);
*wspd = (float)atoi(dum) + (((short)*wdir % 5) * 100);
if (strstr(dum, "/")) { *wspd = -999; }
float i_h ( float pres )
/* I_H */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Interpolates the given data to calculate a height */
/* at pressure level (pres). */
/* */
/* pres - Level(mb) to compute a Height */
short below, above, i, ok, close;
double nm1, nm2, nm4;
/* ----- Find Height Immediately Above level ----- */
close = 999;
for (i = 1; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres <= pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres != -999) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres != -999))
if((short)(pres - sndgp->sndg[i].pres) < close )
close = (short)(pres - sndgp->sndg[i].pres);
above = i; ok=1;
if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;
/* ----- Find Height Immediately Below level ----- */
close = 999;
for (i = sndgp->numlev - 1; i > -1; i--)
if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres >= pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres != -999.0F))
if((short)(sndgp->sndg[i].pres - pres) < close )
close = (short)(sndgp->sndg[i].pres - pres);
below = i; ok=1;
if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;
/* ----- If both levels are the same, return them ---- */
if( sndgp->sndg[above].pres == sndgp->sndg[below].pres)
return sndgp->sndg[above].hght;
/* ----- Now we need to interpolate to get the height ----- */
nm1 = sndgp->sndg[above].hght - sndgp->sndg[below].hght;
nm2 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / sndgp->sndg[above].pres );
nm4 = log( sndgp->sndg[below].pres / pres );
return (float)(sndgp->sndg[below].hght + (( nm4 / nm2) * nm1));
float i_p ( float hght )
/* I_P */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Interpolates the given data to calculate a pressure(mb) */
/* at height (hght). */
/* */
/* hght - Height(m) of level */
short below, above, i, ok, close;
double nm1, nm2, nm3;
printf("interp i_p %f\n",hght);
below = 0;
above = 0;
/* ----- Find Pressure Immediately Above level ----- */
ok = 0;
close = 9999;
for (i = 0; i < sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((sndgp->sndg[i].hght >= hght) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres != -999.0F))
if((short)(sndgp->sndg[i].hght - hght) < close )
close = (short)(sndgp->sndg[i].hght - hght);
above = i; ok=1;
if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;
/* ----- Find Pressure Below level ----- */
ok = 0;
close = 9999;
for (i = sndgp->numlev - 1; i > -1; i--)
if((sndgp->sndg[i].hght <= hght) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres != -999.0F))
if((short)(hght - sndgp->sndg[i].hght) < close )
close = (short)(hght - sndgp->sndg[i].hght);
below = i; ok=1;
if( ok == 0 ) return -999.0F;
/* ----- If both levels are the same, return them ---- */
if( sndgp->sndg[above].hght == sndgp->sndg[below].hght)
return sndgp->sndg[above].pres;
/* ----- Now we need to interpolate to get the Pressure ----- */
nm1 = hght - sndgp->sndg[below].hght;
nm2 = sndgp->sndg[above].hght - sndgp->sndg[below].hght;
nm3 = log( sndgp->sndg[above].pres / sndgp->sndg[below].pres );
return (float)(sndgp->sndg[below].pres * exp(( nm1 / nm2) * nm3));
void uasort ( void )
/* UASORT */
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Sort sndg array into ascending order. */
short nl1=0, i, j, m_ptr;
float sndg1[LLMXLV][7], max;
/* keep surface level in position 0 */
sndg1[0][0] = (-999.0F);
sndg1[0][1] = sndgp->sndg[0].pres;
sndg1[0][2] = sndgp->sndg[0].hght;
sndg1[0][3] = find_temp( sndgp->sndg[0].pres );
sndg1[0][4] = find_dwpt( sndgp->sndg[0].pres );
sndg1[0][5] = find_wdir( sndgp->sndg[0].pres );
sndg1[0][6] = find_wspd( sndgp->sndg[0].pres );
if(verbose) printf( "SFC %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n", sndgp->sndg[0].pres,
sndgp->sndg[0].hght, sndgp->sndg[0].temp);
remove_lvl( sndgp->sndg[0].pres );
sndgp->sndg[0].pres = -1;
for(j=1; j<sndgp->numlev; j++)
if(verbose) { printf( "%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n", sndgp->sndg[j].pres, sndgp->sndg[j].hght, sndgp->sndg[j].temp); }
/* ----- Loop through every observation in sndg array ----- */
max = -1;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((sndgp->sndg[i].pres > max) && (sndgp->sndg[i].pres > 0 ))
max = sndgp->sndg[i].pres;
m_ptr = i;
if(max == -1) { break; }
sndg1[nl1][0] = (-999.0);
sndg1[nl1][1] = sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres;
sndg1[nl1][2] = sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].hght;
sndg1[nl1][3] = find_temp( sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres );
sndg1[nl1][4] = find_dwpt( sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres );
sndg1[nl1][5] = find_wdir( sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres );
sndg1[nl1][6] = find_wspd( sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres );
remove_lvl( sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres );
sndgp->sndg[m_ptr].pres = -1;
sndgp->numlev = nl1;
swap_arrays( sndg1 );
for( j=0; j<sndgp->numlev; j++)
printf( "%3d ", j);
printf( "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n",
sndgp->sndg[j].pres, sndgp->sndg[j].hght,
sndgp->sndg[j].temp, sndgp->sndg[j].dwpt,
sndgp->sndg[j].drct, sndgp->sndg[j].sped);
float find_temp ( float lvl )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Given a lvl (mb), returns any observed temperature (c). */
short i;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((lvl == sndgp->sndg[i].pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].temp != -999))
{ return sndgp->sndg[i].temp;}
return -999;
float find_dwpt ( float lvl )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Given a lvl (mb), returns any observed dew point (c). */
short i;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((lvl == sndgp->sndg[i].pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt != -999))
{ return sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt;}
return -999;
float find_wdir ( float lvl )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Given a lvl (mb), returns any observed wind dir (deg) */
short i;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((lvl == sndgp->sndg[i].pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].drct != -999))
{ return sndgp->sndg[i].drct;}
return -999;
float find_wspd ( float lvl )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Given a lvl (mb), returns any observed wind spd (kt). */
short i;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((lvl == sndgp->sndg[i].pres) && (sndgp->sndg[i].sped != -999))
{ return sndgp->sndg[i].sped;}
return -999;
void remove_lvl ( float lvl )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Deletes all levels from sndg array of pressure (lvl, mb) */
short i;
for(i=1; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
if((lvl == sndgp->sndg[i].pres))
{ sndgp->sndg[i].pres = -1;}
void swap_arrays ( float nsndg[LLMXLV][7] )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Swaps contents of passed array into sndg. */
short ii;
for(ii=0; ii<sndgp->numlev; ii++)
sndgp->sndg[ii].pres = nsndg[ii][1];
sndgp->sndg[ii].hght = nsndg[ii][2];
sndgp->sndg[ii].temp = nsndg[ii][3];
sndgp->sndg[ii].dwpt = nsndg[ii][4];
sndgp->sndg[ii].drct = nsndg[ii][5];
sndgp->sndg[ii].sped = nsndg[ii][6];
sndgp->sndg[ii].omega = nsndg[ii][0];
void write_file ( void )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Writes contents of sndg array into SHARP95 file. */
short i;
/* short j; */
FILE *fout;
if ( ( sndgp == NULL ) || ( sndgp->numlev < 1 ) ) return;
fout = fopen( "DECDDROB", "wt" );
if (fout==NULL)
printf("Unable to write output file!\n" );
fprintf(fout, "%%TITLE%%\n%s\n", raobtitle );
fprintf(fout, "%%SOURCE%%\n%s\n\n", raob_type );
fprintf( fout, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fputs( "%RAW%\n", fout );
for(i=0; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
fprintf( fout, "%8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f, %11.6f\n",
sndgp->sndg[i].pres, sndgp->sndg[i].hght, sndgp->sndg[i].temp,
sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt, sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped,
/*for(j=1; j<=6; j++)
fprintf( fout, "%8.2f, ", sndgp->sndg[i][j]);
fprintf( fout, "%11.6f\n",sndgp->sndg[i].omega);*/
fputs( "%END%\n", fout );
fclose( fout );
printf( "Running KF routine\n" );
printf( "Writing KF file\n" );
fout = fopen("DEC2", "wt" );
if (fout==NULL)
printf( "Unable to write output file!\n" );
for(i=0; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
for(j=1; j<=4; j++) fprintf( fout, "%8.2f, ", kain[i][j]);
fprintf( fout, "%8.2f\n", kain[i].drct);
void kainfritsch ( float *kain[LLMXLV][6] )
/* Run the Kain-Fritsch convective scheme with NSHARP data */
short i;
/* ----- Reconfigure sounding array ----- */
for(i=0; i<sndgp->numlev; i++)
*kain[i][0] = sndgp->sndg[i].pres;
*kain[i][1] = sndgp->sndg[i].temp;
*kain[i][2] = mixratio(sndgp->sndg[i].pres, sndgp->sndg[i].dwpt);
*kain[i][3] = kt_to_mps(ucomp(sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped));
*kain[i][4] = kt_to_mps(vcomp(sndgp->sndg[i].drct, sndgp->sndg[i].sped));
*kain[i][5] = sndgp->sndg[i].omega;
void open_stationtable ( int *ilun, int *ier );
void open_stationtable ( int *ilun, int *ier )
static char stntbl[]="snworld.tbl", defdir[]="stns";
fl_tbop ( stntbl, defdir, ilun, ier, strlen(stntbl), strlen(defdir));
float get_stn_info ( long id )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Read LOCATION.DAT file and returns station elevation. */
char stid[8], stnnam[32], tbchars[20];
int i, istnm, ispri, ilun, ier;
char stat[3], coun[3];
float slat, slon, selv;
sfcelev = 300.0; /* default 300m elevation */
/* ----- Open LOCATION.DAT File ----- */
open_stationtable ( &ilun, &ier );
while ( ier == 0 )
tb_rstn ( &ilun, stid, stnnam, &istnm, stat, coun,
&slat, &slon, &selv, &ispri, tbchars, &ier,
sizeof(stid), sizeof(stnnam), sizeof(stat),
sizeof(coun), sizeof(tbchars) ) ;
if ( ( ier == 0 ) && ( istnm == id ) )
fl_clos ( &ilun, &ier);
memcpy ( station_name, stnnam, 32 );
station_name[32] = '\0';
i = 31;
while ( ( i > 0 ) && ( station_name[i] == ' ') )
station_name[i] = '\0';
sfcelev = selv;
return ( selv );
if ( ilun != 0 ) fl_clos ( &ilun, &ier);
printf( "\aSTATION: %ld not found in station table...assuming 300m Elevation\n", id);
return ( sfcelev );
void get_title ( char *finam )
/* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */
/* */
/* Determine RAOB information from file name. */
char *f ;
/* char mo[12], st[10], stn[25]; */
/* short dy, yr, hr, i; */
/* ----- Initialize variables ----- */
/* mo[0]=0; */
/* ----- Extract file name from total path ----- */
f = strrchr( finam, '/' );
{ f = finam; }
{ f = f+1; }
printf( "Extracting Sounding Identity from %s\n", f);
/*strncpy( mo, f , 2 ); mo[2]=0;
strncpy( st, f+2, 2 ); st[2]=0; dy = atoi(st);
strncpy( st, f+4, 2 ); st[2]=0; yr = atoi(st);
strncpy( st, f+6, 2 ); st[2]=0; hr = atoi(st);
strncpy( stn,f+9, 3 ); stn[3]=0;
-* ----- Convert to Upper Case ----- *-
for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mo[i] = (char)toupper(mo[i]); }
for(i=0;i<3;i++) { stn[i] = (char)toupper(stn[i]); }
-* ----- Change Month Abbreviation ----- *-
if(strstr(mo, "JA")) { strcpy(mo, "JAN" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "FE")) { strcpy(mo, "FEB" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "MA")) { strcpy(mo, "MAR" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "MR")) { strcpy(mo, "MAR" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "AP")) { strcpy(mo, "APR" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "MY")) { strcpy(mo, "MAY" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "JU")) { strcpy(mo, "JUN" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "JN")) { strcpy(mo, "JUN" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "JY")) { strcpy(mo, "JUL" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "JL")) { strcpy(mo, "JUL" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "AG")) { strcpy(mo, "AUG" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "AU")) { strcpy(mo, "AUG" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "SE")) { strcpy(mo, "SEP" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "OC")) { strcpy(mo, "OCT" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "NO")) { strcpy(mo, "NOV" ); }
if(strstr(mo, "DE")) { strcpy(mo, "DEC" ); }
sprintf( raobtitle, "%.2d %s %.2d %.2d UTC %s", dy, mo, yr, hr, station_name);*/
sprintf( raobtitle, "%.2d %.2d UTC %s", wmo_day, wmo_hour, station_name);